Section 65.19. Stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Executive Director, with the approval of the Commission, may designate waters as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing. The designation of waters as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing shall be effective upon publication of a notice of designation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

    (b) It is unlawful to fish in waters designated as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing except in compliance with the following seasons and size and creel limits. It is not a violation of this section if a trout is immediately returned unharmed to the waters from which it is taken.

    ALL SPECIES OF TROUT AND SALMON (except landlocked Atlantic salmon) Regular Season: 8 a.m. first Saturday after April 11 (or the first Saturday after March 28 for waters designated as part of the regional opening day of trout season) to midnight Labor Day 7 inches 5 (combined species)
    Extended Season: 12:01 a.m. day after Labor Day to midnight last day of February of the following year. 7 inches 3 (combined species)
    12:01 first day of March to first Saturday after April 11 (or the first Saturday after March 28 for waters designated as part of the regional opening day of trout season) NO HARVEST —Catch and immediate release only

    (c) It is unlawful to fish in rivers and streams designated as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing without a current trout/salmon permit. A trout/salmon permit is not required to fish in lakes and ponds that have been designated as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing unless the person takes, kills or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout or salmon on or in these waters.

The provisions of this § 65.19 adopted October 31, 2008, effective January 1, 2009, 38 Pa.B. 5962; amended September 25, 2015, effective January 1, 2016, 45 Pa.B. 5788. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (376461) to (376462).



The provisions of this § 65.19 issued and amended under the Fish and Boat Code, 30 Pa.C.S. § 2102.