Section 93.9t. Drainage List T  

Latest version.
  • Ohio River Basin in Pennsylvania
    Kiskiminetas River

    StreamZoneCountyWater Uses
    To Specific
    1—Ohio River
    2—Allegheny River
    3—Kiskiminetas River
    4—Conemaugh River
    5—Stony CreekBasin, Source to Beaverdam CreekSomersetCWFNone
    6—Beaverdam CreekBasinSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    5—Stony CreekMain Stem, Beaverdam Creek to Quemahoning CreekSomersetTSFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Stony CreekBasins, Beaverdam Creek to Quemahoning CreekSomersetCWFNone
    6—Oven RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    6—Fallen Timber RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    6—Quemahoning CreekMain StemSomersetCWFNone
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to Quemahoning CreekBasinsSomersetCWFNone
    7—North Branch Quemahoning CreekMain StemSomersetCWFNone
    8—Unnamed Tributaries to North Branch Quemahoning CreekBasinsSomersetCWFNone
    8—Horner RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    8—Beams RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    8—Spruce RunBasinSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    8—Beaverdam RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    7—Beaverdam CreekBasinSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    7—Roaring RunBasin, Source to Boswell Municipal Authority DamSomersetEVNone
    7—Roaring RunBasin, Boswell Municipal Authority Dam to MouthSomersetCWFNone
    7—Twomile RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    7—Higgins Run Basin Source to RM 1.37 Somerset CWF None
    7—Higgins Run Main Stem, RM 1.37 to Mouth Somerset HQ-CWF None
    8—Unnamed Tributaries to Higgins Run Basins, RM 1.37 to Mouth Somerset CWF None
    5—Stony CreekMain Stem, Quemahoning Creek to Confluence with Little Conemaugh RiverCambriaWWFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Stony CreekBasins, Quemahoning Creek to Confluence with Little Conemaugh RiverSomerset-CambriaCWFNone
    6—Shade CreekMain StemSomersetCWFNone
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to Shade CreekBasinsSomersetCWFNone
    7—Dark Shade Creek Basin, Source to Laurel Run Somerset CWF None
    8—Laurel Run Basin, Source to Beaverdam Run Somerset CWF None
    9—Beaverdam Run Basin, Source to RM 1.93 Somerset HQ-CWF None
    9—Beaverdam Run Basin, RM 1.93 to Mouth Somerset CWF None
    8—Laurel Run Basin, Beaverdam Run to Mouth Somerset CWF None
    7—Dark Shade Creek Basin, Laurel Run to Mouth Somerset CWF None
    7—Clear Shade CreekBasin, Source to Windber ReservoirSomersetEVNone
    7—Clear Shade CreekMain Stem, Windber Reservoir to MouthSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    8—Unnamed Tributaries Clear Shade CreekBasins, Windber Reservoir to MouthSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    8—Piney RunBasin, Source to T 816SomersetEVNone
    8—Piney RunBasin, T 816 to MouthSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    7—Hinson RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    7—Roaring ForkBasinSomersetCWFNone
    7—Spruce RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    6—Paint CreekMain Stem, Source to Little Paint CreekCambria-SomersetCWFNone
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to Paint CreekBasins, Source to Little Paint CreekCambria-SomersetCWFNone
    7—Babcock CreekBasinSomersetCWFNone
    7—Seese RunBasinSomersetCWFNone
    7—Little Paint CreekBasinCambriaCWFNone
    6—Paint CreekMain Stem, Little Paint Creek to MouthCambria-SomersetTSFNone
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to Paint CreekBasins, Little Paint Creek to MouthCambria-SomersetCWFNone
    6—Bens Creek
    7—South Fork Bens CreekBasin, Source to Conemaugh Twp. Water Authority ReservoirSomersetEVNone
    7—South Fork Bens CreekBasin, Conemaugh Twp. Water Authority Reservoir to Confluence with North ForkSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    7—North Fork Bens CreekBasin, Source to Johnstown ReservoirSomersetEVNone
    7—North Fork Bens CreekMain Stem, Johnstown ReservoirSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    8—Unnamed Tributaries to North Fork Bens CreekBasins, Johnstown ReservoirSomersetEVNone
    8—Allwine CreekBasinSomersetEVNone
    8—Riffle RunBasinSomersetEVNone
    7—North Fork Bens CreekBasin, Johnstown Reservoir Dam to Confluence with South ForkSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    6—Bens Creek Main Stem, Confluence of South and North Forks to Mouth Cambria CWF None
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to Bens CreekBasins, Confluence of South and North Forks to MouthSomersetCWFNone
    7—Dalton RunBasinSomersetHQ-CWFNone
    7—Mill Creek Basin, Source to SR 0271 Bridge Cambria EV None
    7—Mill Creek Basin, SR 0271 Bridge to Mouth Somerset HQ-CWF None
    6—Sams RunBasinCambriaWWFNone
    6—Solomon RunBasinCambriaWWFNone
    6—Cherry RunBasinCambriaWWFNone
    5—Little Conemaugh RiverMain Stem, Source to North Branch Little Conemaugh RiverCambriaCWFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Little Conemaugh RiverBasins, Source to North Branch Little Conemaugh RiverCambriaCWFNone
    6—Bear Rock RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    6—Bens Creek Basin, Source to Unnamed Tributary (UNT) 46100 at River Mile 1.20 Cambria EV None
    7—Unnamed Tributary (46100)
    to Bens Creek
    Basin Cambria CWF None
    6—Bens Creek Basin, UNT 46100 to UNT 46099 at River Mile 0.74 Cambria EV None
    7—Unnamed Tributary (46099) to Bens Creek Basin Cambria CWF None
    6—Bens Creek Basin, UNT 46099 to Mouth Cambria CWF None
    6—Noels CreekBasinCambriaHQ-CWFNone
    6—Spring RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    6—Trout RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    6—North Branch Little Conemaugh RiverBasinCambriaCWFNone
    5—Little Conemaugh RiverMain Stem, North Branch Little Conemaugh River to Confluence with Stony CreekCambriaWWFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Little Conemaugh RiverBasins, North Branch Little Conemaugh River to Confluence with Stony CreekCambriaCWFNone
    6—Laurel RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    6—South Fork Little Conemaugh River Basin, Source to Beaverdale Reservoir Dam Cambria EV None
    6—South Fork Little Conemaugh River Main Stem, Beaverdale Reservoir Dam to UNT 45928 Cambria EV None
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to South Fork Little Conemaugh River Basins, Beaverdale Reservoir Dam to UNT 45928 Cambria HQ-CWF None
    7—Bottle Run Basin Cambria HQ-CWF None
    7—Unnamed Tributary (45928) to South Fork Little Conemaugh River Basin Cambria HQ-CWF None
    6—South Fork Little Conemaugh River Basin, UNT 45928 to SR 0869 Bridge Cambria HQ-CWF None
    6—South Fork Little Conemaugh River Basin, SR 0869 Bridge to Beaverdam Run Cambria CWF None
    7—Beaverdam RunBasinCambriaHQ-CWFNone
    6—South Fork Little ConemaughBasin, Beaverdam Run to MouthCambriaCWFNone
    6—Bear RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    6—Saltlick RunBasinCambriaHQ-CWFNone
    6—Clapboard RunBasinCambriaWWFNone
    6—Peggys RunBasinCambriaWWFNone
    4—Conemaugh RiverMain Stem, Confluence of Little Conemaugh River and Stoney Creek to Confluence with Loyalhanna CreekWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Unnamed Tributaries to Conemaugh RiverBasins, Confluence of Little Conemaugh River and Stoney Creek to Confluence with Loyalhanna CreekCambria-Indiana- Westmoreland CWFNone
    5—Hinckston RunBasin, Source to Hinckston ReservoirCambriaCWFNone
    5—Hinckston RunBasin, Hinckston Reservoir to MouthCambriaWWFNone
    5—Elk RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    5—St. Clair RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    5—Laurel RunBasinCambriaHQ-CWFNone
    5—Clark RunBasinIndianaHQ-CWFNone
    5—Findley RunBasinIndianaHQ-CWFNone
    5—Big Spring RunBasin, Source to Sugar RunWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Big Spring RunBasin, Sugar Run to MouthWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Baldwin CreekBasin, Source to New Florence DamWestmoreland EVNone
    5—Baldwin CreekMain Stem, New Florence Dam to MouthWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Baldwin CreekBasins, New Florence Dam to MouthWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    6—Powdermill RunBasinWestmoreland EVNone
    6—Poplar RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    5—Shannon RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    5—Richards RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    5—Tubmill CreekBasin, Source to Tubmill Reservoir DamWestmoreland EVNone
    5—Tubmill CreekBasin, Tubmill Reservoir Dam to MouthWestmoreland TSFNone
    5—Roaring RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    5—Toms RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    5—McGee RunBasin Source to Farthest Upstream Crossing of Derry Borough BorderWestmorelandCWFNone
    5—McGee RunMain Stem, Farthest Upstream Crossing of Derry Borough Border to MouthWestmoreland TSFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to McGee RunBasins, Farthest Upstream Crossing of Derry Borough Border to MouthWestmorelandCWFNone
    6—Trout RunBasin, Source to inlet of Blairsville ReservoirWestmoreland EVNone
    6—Trout RunBasin, inlet Blairsville Reservoir to MouthWestmorelandCWFNone
    6—Shirey RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    6—Harbridge RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Stony RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Blacklick Creek
    6—North Branch Blacklick CreekBasin, Source to Confluence with South BranchIndianaCWFNone
    6—South Branch Blacklick CreekMain Stem, Source to Confluence with North BranchIndianaCWFNone
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to South Branch Blacklick CreekBasins, Source to Confluence with North BranchCambriaCWFNone
    7—Williams RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    7—Stewart RunBasinCambriaHQ-CWFNone
    7—Coalpit RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    7—Bracken RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    7—Shuman RunBasinCambriaCWFNone
    5—Blacklick CreekMain Stem, Confluence of North and South Branches to MouthIndianaTSFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Blacklick CreekBasins, Confluence of North and South Branches to MouthIndianaCWFNone
    6—Rummel RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Ramsey RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Clarke RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Mardis Run (North)BasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Mardis Run (South)BasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Brush CreekBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Ramsey RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Aulds RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Laurel RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Two Lick Creek
    7—South Branch Two Lick CreekBasin, Source to Confluence with North BranchIndianaHQ-CWFNone
    7—North Branch Two Lick CreekBasin, Source to Confluence with South BranchIndianaCWFNone
    6—Two Lick CreekMain Stem, Confluence of North and South Branches to MouthIndianaTSFNone
    7—Unnamed Tributaries to Two Lick CreekBasins, Confluence of North and South Branches to MouthIndianaCWFNone
    7—Browns RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Buck RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Dixon RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Penn RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Allen RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Ramsey RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Stoney RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Yellow CreekMain Stem, Source to Yellow Creek State Park DamIndianaCWFNone
    8—Unnamed Tributaries to Yellow CreekBasins, Source to Yellow Creek State Park DamIndianaCWFNone
    8—Leonard RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    8—Laurel RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    8—Rose RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    8—Laurel RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    8—Little Yellow CreekBasinIndianaHQ-CWFNone
    7—Yellow CreekMain Stem, Yellow Creek State Park Dam to MouthIndianaTSFNone
    8—Unnamed Tributaries to Yellow CreekMain Stem, Yellow Creek State Park Dam to MouthIndianaCWFNone
    8—Ferrier RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Tearing RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    7—Cherry RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Weirs RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Muddy RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Greys RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    6—Stewart RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    5—Aultmans RunBasinIndianaTSFNone
    5—Roaring RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    5—Spruce RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    5—Boatyard RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Elders RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    4—Loyalhanna CreekBasin, Source to Laughlintown RunWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    5—Laughlintown RunBasin, Source to Furnace RunWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    6—Furnace RunBasinWestmoreland EVNone
    5—Laughlintown RunBasin, Furnace Run to MouthWestmorelandHQ-CWFNone
    4—Loyalhanna CreekMain Stem, Laughlintown Run to Fourmile RunWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Unnamed Tributaries to Loyalhanna CreekBasins, Laughlintown Run to Fourmile RunWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Zimmerman RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Mill Creek
    6—Middle Fork Mill CreekBasin, Source to Confluence with North and South ForksWestmoreland EVNone
    6—North Fork Mill CreekBasin, Source to Confluence with Middle and South ForksWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    6—South Fork Mill CreekBasin, Source to Confluence with Middle and North ForksWestmoreland EVNone
    5—Mill CreekMain Stem, Confluence of North, Middle, and South Forks to MouthWestmoreland CWFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Mill CreekBasins, Confluence of North, Middle, and South Forks to MouthWestmoreland CWFNone
    6—Macks RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    6—Hannas RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Coalpit RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    5—Fourmile RunBasinWestmoreland TSFNone
    4—Loyalhanna CreekMain Stem, Fourmile Run to Miller RunWestmoreland TSFNone
    5—Unnamed Tributaries to Loyalhanna CreekBasins, Fourmile Run to Miller RunWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Miller RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    4—Loyalhanna CreekMain Stem, Miller Run to Confluence with Conemaugh RiverWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Unnamed Tributaries to Loyalhanna CreekBasins, Miller Run to Confluence with Conemaugh RiverWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Ninemile RunMain StemWestmoreland WWFNone
    6—Unnamed Tributaries to Ninemile RunBasinsWestmoreland WWFNone
    6—Indian Camp RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    6—Sawmill RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Monastery RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Unity RunBasinWestmoreland CWFNone
    5—Saxman RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Union RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Keystone Lake Tributary (McCune Run)Basin, Source to Keystone Lake DamWestmoreland TSFNone
    5—Keystone Lake Tributary (McCune Run)Basin, Keystone Lake Dam to MouthWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Crabtree CreekBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Whitethorn CreekBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    5—Serviceberry RunBasinWestmoreland HQ-WWFNone
    5—Getty RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    3—Kiskiminetas RiverMain Stem, Confluence of Conemaugh River and Loyalhanna Creek to MouthArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Unnamed Tributaries to Kiskiminetas RiverBasins, Confluence of Conemaugh River and Loyalhanna Creek to MouthWestmoreland- Indiana-ArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Blacklegs CreekBasinIndianaCWFNone
    4—Sulphur RunBasinIndianaCWFNone
    4—Long RunBasinArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Wolford RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    4—Flat RunBasinArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Roaring RunBasinArmstrongCWFNone
    4—Beaver RunBasin, Source to Beaver Run Reservoir DamWestmoreland HQ-CWFNone
    4—Beaver RunBasin, Beaver Run Reservoir Dam to MouthWestmoreland TSFNone
    4—Pine RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    4—Carnahan RunBasinArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Guffy RunBasinArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Brady RunBasinArmstrongWWFNone
    4—Penn RunBasinWestmoreland WWFNone
    4—Elder RunBasinArmstrongWWFNone

The provisions of this § 93.9t adopted March 6, 1992, effective March 7, 1992, 22 Pa.B. 1037; amended May 14, 1993, effective May 15, 1993, 23 Pa.B. 2325; amended June 27, 1997, effective June 28, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 3050; amended November 24, 1999, effective November 27, 1999, 29 Pa.B. 5999; amended June 16, 2000, effective June 17, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 3036; amended December 1, 2000, effective December 2, 2000, 30 Pa.B. 6191; amended September 27, 2002, effective September 28, 2002, 32 Pa.B. 4695; corrected June 12, 2015, effective February 3, 2001, 45 Pa.B. 2829. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (367671) to (367672) and (344141) to (344151).



The provisions of this § 93.9t amended under sections 5(b)(1) and 402 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § § 691.5(b)(1) and 691.402); and section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 510-20).

Cross References

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 16.51 (relating to table); 25 Pa. Code § 93.1 (relating to definitions); 25 Pa. Code § 93.4 (relating to Statewide water uses); 25 Pa. Code § 93.7 (relating to specific water quality criteria); and 25 Pa. Code § 93.9 (relating to designated water uses and water quality criteria).