1569 Findings  



    Clarion County

    [32 Pa.B. 4404]

       Under section 2002(b) of the Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 512(b)), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:

       The Federal Highway Administration, the Department of Transportation and Clarion County are planning the construction of a new bridge to carry Bryner's Mill Road (T-424) over Deer Creek in Elk Township, Clarion County. The new bridge will be approximately 15 meters (49 feet) downstream from the existing bridge, which was damaged during the July 1996 flood resulting in the closure of the bridge.

       The subject project is considered a Level 2 Categorical Exclusion in accordance with 23 CFR Part 771.117(d), Item 3 as published in the August 28, 1987 Federal Register.

       The project is located in State Game Lands No. 63 and will require the acquisition of approximately 0.56 hectares (1.38 acres) of right-of-way from State Game Lands No. 63, which is a Section 2002/Section 4(f) resource. It has been determined that there is no prudent and feasible alternative to the use of the resource and that necessary planning has been incorporated into the project to minimize harm to the resource.

       Mitigation measures will be taken to minimize harm as stipulated in the Categorical Exclusion Evaluation Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluation. Mitigation measures include the following:

       *  Payment of fair market value of property acquired through implementation of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970.

       *  Transfer of abandoned right-of-way no longer needed for the proposed bridge and approaches to the Game Commission (Commission).

       *  Construction of an access point on the north approach where the proposed road departs from the existing road alignment (Station 10+280) to permit public access to a proposed parking area.

       *  Construction of a parking area of approximately 20 meters (66 feet) by 15 meters (49 feet) for the public near the abandoned Knox and Kane Railroad/T-424 intersection.

       *  Regrade and seed all disturbed and abandoned areas under the guidance of the Commission.

       *  Implementation of an approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan.

       *  Stockpile any tree 8 inches or greater in diameter in areas designated by the Commission for timber sale.

       The environmental, economic, social and other effects of the proposed project as enumerated in section 2002 of The Administrative Code of 1929, have been considered. It has been concluded that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the project as designed, and all reasonable steps have been taken to minimize the effects.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1569. Filed for public inspection September 6, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

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