1479 Applications, actions and special notices  


    Applications, Actions and Special Notices

    [26 Pa.B. 4351]


       The following parties have applied for an NPDES permit to discharge controlled wastewaters into the surface waters of this Commonwealth. Unless otherwise indicated, on the basis of preliminary review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department of Environmental Protection proposes to issue a permit to discharge, subject to certain effluent limitations and special conditions. These proposed determinations are tentative.

       Where indicated, the EPA, Region III, Regional Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this proposed permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.6E.

       Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit are invited to submit a statement to the office noted above the application within 30 days from the date of this public notice. Comments received within this 30-day period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. Responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Department of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held if the responsible office considers the public response significant.

       Following the 30-day comment period, the Water Program Manager will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this determination will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.

       The application and related documents, proposed effluent limitations and special conditions, comments received, and other information are on file and may be inspected and arrangements made for copying at the office indicated above the application.

       Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact Richard Adams at (717) 327-3666. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at 1 (800) 654-5984.

    Applications for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit to discharge to State waters.

       Northcentral Region:  Environmental Program Manager, Water Management Program, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448, telephone (717) 327-3666.

       PA 0114898.  Sewerage, SIC:  4952, Madison Township Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 620, Millville, PA 17846.

       This proposed action is for renewal of an NPDES permit for an existing discharge of treated sewage wastewater to Mud Creek in Madison Township, Columbia County.

       The receiving stream is classified for the following uses:  warm water fishes, aquatic life, water supply and recreation. For the purposes of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, fluoride and phenolics, the existing downstream potable water supply (PWS) considered during the evaluation is Danville Water Authority located at Danville.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.02 mgd are:

    ParameterMonthly (mg/l)Weekly (mg/l)Maximum (mg/l)
       (5-1 to 10-31)234
       (11-1 to 4-30)6912
    Total Residual Cl20.20.5
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200 col/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30)2,000 col/100 ml as a geometric mean
    pH6.0--9.0 at all times

       The EPA waiver is in effect.


       PA 0209392.  SIC:  4952, Richmond Township Municipal Authority, c/o John Barr, Secretary, 563 Valley Road, Mansfield, PA 16933.

       This proposed action is for an NPDES permit for a new discharge of treated sewage to an unnamed tributary to the Tioga River in Richmond Township, Tioga County.

       The receiving stream is classified for the following uses:  warm water fishery and aquatic life, water supply and recreation.

       For the purpose of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, fluoride and phenolics, the downstream potable water supply (PWS) considered during the evaluation is located at the PA-NY border.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.00315 mgd, are:

    ParameterMonthly (mg/l)Maximum (mg/l)
       (5-1 to 10-31)1020
       (11-1 to 4-30)2040
    Suspended Solids
       (5-1 to 10-31)1020
       (11-1 to 4-30)2040
    Total Residual Chlorine1.02.6
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200/100 ml as a geometric average
       (10-1 to 4-30)2,000/100 ml as a geometric average
    pH6.0--9.0 s.u. at all times

       The EPA waiver is in effect.


       PA 0209406. Eutaw Centre SFTF, Inc., R. D. Box 107G, Spring Mills, PA 16875, Potter Township, Centre County.

       This proposed action is for issuance of an NPDES permit for a new discharge of treated sewage to unnamed tributary of Potter Run in Potter Township, Centre County.

       The receiving stream is classified for the following uses:  cold water fishery and aquatic life, water supply and recreation.

       For the purpose of evaluating effluent requirements for TDS, NO2-NO3, fluoride and phenolics, the existing downstream potable water supply (PWS) considered during the evaluation is Dauphin Consolidated Water Company located at Dauphin Borough, on the Susquehanna River.

       The proposed effluent limits for Outfall 001 based on a design flow of 0.002 mgd, are:

    ParameterMonthly (mg/l)Maximum (mg/l)
    Total Residual Chlorinemonitor and report
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200/100 ml as a geometric average
       (10-1 to 4-30)200/100 ml as a geometric average
    pH6.0--9.0 at all times

       Other Conditions:  none.

       The EPA waiver is in effect.

       Southwest Regional Office:  Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, telephone (412) 442-4000.

       PA 0034258.  Sewage, Hopewell Area School District, 2121 Broadhead Road, Aliquippa, PA 15001.

       This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from the Hopewell Area School District, Independence School STP, in Independence Township, Beaver County.

       The following effluent limitations are proposed for discharge to the receiving waters, known as Raccoon Creek, which are classified as a warm water fishery with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first downstream potable water supply intake from this facility is the Midland Borough Water Association.

       Outfall 001:  existing discharge, design flow of .006 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Suspended Solids3060
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30)100,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
    Total Residual Chlorine
       1st month--36th monthmonitor and report
       37th month--expiration1.43.3

       The EPA waiver is in effect.


       PA 0038792.  Sewage, Adams Township Municipal Authority, P. O. Box 265, Sidman, PA 15955-0265.

       This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from the Village of Mine 42 STP in Adams Township, Cambria County.

       The following effluent limitations are proposed for discharge to the receiving waters, known as unnamed tributary of Paint Creek, which are classified as a cold water fishery with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first downstream potable water supply intake from this facility is the Saltsburg Municipal Water Works on the Conemaugh River.

       Outfall 001:  existing discharge, design flow of 0.0296 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Suspended Solids304560
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30)3,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
    Total Residual Chlorine
       1st month--36th monthmonitor and report
       37th month--expiration1.43.3

       The EPA waiver is in effect.


       PA 0042749.  Sewage, Jenner Area Joint Sewer Authority, P. O. Box 202, Jennerstown, PA 15547.

       This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from the Boswell STP in Boswell Borough, Somerset County.

       The following effluent limitations are proposed for discharge to the receiving waters, known as Quemahoning Creek, which are classified as a cold water fishery with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first downstream potable water supply intake from this facility is the Manufacturer's Water Company (Greater Johnstown Water Authority) on the Quemahoning Reservoir.

       Outfall 001:  existing discharge, design flow of 0.8 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Suspended Solids304560
    Ammonia Nitrogen
       (5-1 to 10-31)81216
       (11-1 to 4-30)243648
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30)5,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
    Total Residual Chlorine
       1st month--36th monthmonitor and report
       37th month--expiration1.03.3

       The EPA waiver is in effect.


       PA 0090824.  Sewage, Laurel Associates, 521 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2200, New York, NY 10175.

       This application is for renewal of an NPDES permit to discharge treated sewage from the Laurel Mall Shopping Center Sewage Treatment Plant in Dunbar Township, Fayette County.

       The following effluent limitations are proposed for discharge to the receiving waters, known as an unnamed tributary of Gist Run, which are classified as a trout stocked fishery with existing and/or potential uses for aquatic life, water supply and recreation. The first downstream potable water supply intake from this facility is the North Fayette County Municipal Authority.

       Outfall 001:  existing discharge, design flow of .032 mgd.

    Concentration (mg/l)
    Suspended Solids3060
    Ammonia Nitrogen
       (5-1 to 10-31)5.010.0
       (11-1 to 4-30)15.030.0
    Fecal Coliforms
       (5-1 to 9-30)200/100 ml as a geometric mean
       (10-1 to 4-30)2,000/100 ml as a geometric mean
    Total Residual Chlorine
       1st month--36th monthmonitor and report
       37th month--expiration1.43.3
    Dissolved Oxygennot less than 3.0 mg/l

       Other Conditions:

       The EPA waiver is in effect.

       The following parties have applied for an NPDES permit to discharge stormwater from a proposed construction activity into the surface waters of the Commonwealth. Unless otherwise indicated on the basis of preliminary review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department of Environmental Protection proposes to issue a permit to discharge, subject to certain limitations set forth in the permit and special conditions. These proposed determinations are tentative. Limitations are provided in the permit as erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities which restrict the rate and quantity of sediment discharged.

       Where indicated, the EPA, Region III, Regional Administrator has waived the right to review or object to this proposed permit action under the waiver provision 40 CFR 123.24(d).

       Persons wishing to comment on the proposed permit are invited to submit a statement to the Regional Office or County Conservation District Office indicated as the responsible office, within 30 days from the date of this public notice. A copy of the written comments should be sent to the County Conservation District Office. Comments reviewed within this 30-day period will be considered in the formulation of the final determinations regarding this application. Responses should include the name, address and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement to inform the Regional Office of the exact basis of a comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. A public hearing may be held if the Regional Office considers the public response significant.

       Following the 30-day comment period, the Water Program Manager will make a final determination regarding the proposed permit. Notice of this determination will be published in the Pennsyhlvania Bulletin at which time this determination may be appealable to the Environmental Hearing Board.

       The application and related documents, including the erosion and sedimentation control plan for the construction activity, are on file and may be inspected at the County Conservation District Office or the Department Regional Office indicated above the application.

       Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings should contact the specified program. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at 1 (800) 654-5984.

       Southeast Regional Office:  Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, telephone (610) 832-6130.

       Northeast Regional Office:  Regional Water Management Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, telephone (717) 825-2511.

       Southwest Regional Office:  Regional Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, telephone (412) 442-4000.

       Allegheny County Conservation District, District Manager, 875 Greentree Rd., Rm. 208 Acacia Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15220, telephone (412) 921-1999.

       NPDES Permit PAS10A091.  Stormwater. Woodmont Corporation, 1 Ridgmar Centre--Ste. 900, Fort Worth, TX 76160 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Robinson Township, Allegheny County, to Campbells Run.

       Armstrong County Conservation District, District Manager, Armsdale Admin. Bldg., R. R. 8 Box 294, Kittanning, PA 16201-3428, telephone (412) 548-3425.

       NPDES Permit PAS10B009. Stormwater. DEP--Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, P. O. Box 149, Ebensburg, PA 15931 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Boggs Township, Armstrong County, to Deaver Run into Pine Creek.

       Beaver County Conservation District, District Manager, 1000 Third St., Ste. 202, Beaver, PA 15009-2026, telephone (412) 774-7090.

       NPDES Permit PAS100234-1. Stormwater. Jeb Hughes, JDN Development Company Inc., 3340 Peachtree Road, 1530 Tower Place, Atlanta, GA 30326 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Center Township, Beaver County, to the Ohio River.

       Chester County Conservation District, District Manager, Gov. Serv. Ctr., Ste. 395, 601 Westtown Rd., West Chester, PA 19382, telephone (610) 696-5126.

       NPDES Permit PAS10G223. Stormwater. Lion Associates LP, 100 Plaza Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Uwchlan Township, Chester County, to Pickering Creek.

       NPDES Permit PAS10G224. Stormwater. J. B. Brandolini, Inc., 1200 Burningbush Lane, West Chester, PA 19380 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in East Goshen Township, Chester County, to Ridley Creek.

       Lackawanna County Conservation District, District Manager, 395 Bedford St., Bedford Station, Clarks Summit, PA 18411, telephone (717) 587-2607.

       NPDES Permit PAS10N020. Stormwater. Frank Hubbard, 4210 Birney Avenue, Moosic, PA 18507 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Moscow Borough, Lackawanna County, to UNT to Roaring Brook.

       Lehigh County Conservation District, District Manager, Lehigh Ag. Ctr., Ste. 102, 4184 Dorney Park Rd., Allentown, PA 18104, telephone (610) 820-3398.

       NPDES Permit PAS10Q124. Stormwater. T C A S Inc., 1209 Hausman Road, Allentown, PA 18104 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, to Little Lehigh Creek.

       Luzerne County Conservation District, District Manager, Courthouse Annex, 5 Water Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, telephone (717) 825-1844.

       NPDES Permit PAS10R022. Stormwater. Earth Conservancy, 101 S. Main Street, Ashley, PA 18706 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Newport Township, Luzerne County, to Espy Run.

       Northampton County Conservation District, District Manager, R. R. 4, Nazareth, PA 18064, telephone (610) 746-1971.

       NPDES Permit PAS10U060. Stormwater. Bangor Area School District, 44 S. 3rd Street, Bangor, PA 18013 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Upper Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County, to UNT to the Delaware River.

       NPDES Permit PAS10U061. Stormwater. Raymond Yee, 190 Brodhead Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity in Bethlehem Township, Northampton County, to Monocacy Creek.

       Westmoreland County Conservation District, District Manager, Donohoe Ctr., R. R. 12 Box 202B, Greensburg, PA 15601, telephone (412) 837-5271.

       NPDES Permit PAS10X066. Stormwater. Gustine Hempfield Associates, LTD, 2100 Wharton Street, Ste. 700, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 has applied to discharge stormwater from a construction activity located in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, to Little Sewickley Creek.

       The following permit applications and requests for plan approval have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection.

       Persons objecting on the grounds of public or private interest to the approval of an application or submitted plan may file a written protest with the Department of Environmental Protection at the address indicated above each permit application or plan. Each written protest should contain the following: name, address, and telephone number, identification of the plan or application to which the protest is addressed and a concise statement in sufficient detail to inform the Department of the exact basis of the protest and the relevant facts upon which it is based. The Department may conduct a fact-finding hearing or an informal conference in response to any given protests. Each writer will be notified in writing of the time and place if a hearing or conference concerning the plan, action or application to which the protest relates is held. To insure consideration by the Department prior to final action on permit applications and proposed plans, initial protests and additions or amendments to protests already filed should be filed within 15 calendar days from the date of this issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. A copy of each permit application and proposed plan is on file in the office indicated and is open to public inspection.

       Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceeding should contact the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Department through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at 1 (800) 654-5984.

    Industrial waste and sewerage applications under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).

       Southeast Regional Office:  Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, telephone (610) 832-6130.

       4696416.  Sewerage. West Norriton Township Municipal Authority, 1634 West Marshall Street, Jeffersonville, PA 19403. Construction of a pumping station and force main to serve Port Indian Road located in West Norriton Township, Montgomery County.

       1596203.  Industrial waste. To-Jo Mushrooms, Inc., 974 Penn Green Road, Avondale, PA 19311. Construction of a industrial wastewater treatment plant to serve To-Jo Mushrooms located in New Garden Township, Chester County.

       Southwest Regional Office:  Water Management Program Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, telephone (412) 442-4000.

       A.  0296410.  Sewerage. Dale and Diana Harris, R. D. 1, Box 211, Rockwood, PA 15557. Application for the construction and operation of a single residence sewage treatment plant located in the Borough of Plum, Allegheny County to serve the Harris residence.

       A.  5696407.  Sewerage. Matthew J. Maurer, R. D. 1, Box 90, Hollsopple, PA 15935. Application for the construction and operation of a sewage treatment plant located in the Townshiup of Jenner, Somerset County to serve a commercial building.

    Applications received under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).

       Northwest Regional Office:  Sanitarian Regional Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, telephone (814) 332-6899.

       A.  1696503.  Public water supply. Paint Township, P. O. Box 128, Shippenville, PA 16254-0128. This proposal involves the construction of a 12 inch water line extension from Oakwood Lane along Rt. 66 to Astro Manufacturing with service being provided to residents along the route. The water line will be PVC C900. The extension will be approximately 7,500 feet long in Paint Township, Clarion County. Treated water will be purchased from Corner Water Supply and Service Corporation.

    Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate

       Acknowledgment of Notices of Intent to Remediate submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (35 P. S. §§ 6026.101--6026.908).

       Sections 302 and 303 of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (act) require the Department of Environmental Protection to publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin an acknowledgment noting receipt of any Notices of Intent to Remediate. An acknowledgment of the receipt of a Notice of Intent to Remediate identifies a site where a person proposes to, or has been required to, respond to a release of a regulated substance at a site. Persons intending to use the background or Statewide health standard to remediate a site must file a Notice of Intent to Remediate with the Department. A Notice of Intent to Remediate filed with the Department must provide a brief description of the location of the site, a list of known contaminants at the site, the proposed remediation measures for the site, and a description of the intended future use of the site. A person who demonstrates attainment of one or a combination of the cleanup standards identified under the act will be relieved of further liability for the remediation of the site for any contamination identified in reports submitted to and approved by the Department and shall not be subject to citizen suits or other contribution actions brought by responsible persons not participating in the remediation.

       For further information concerning the content of a Notice of Intent to Remediate, please contact the Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office under which the notice appears. If information concerning this acknowledgment is required in an alternative form, contact the community relations coordinator at the appropriate Regional Office listed. TDD users may telephone the Department through the AT&T Relay Service at 1 (800) 654-5984.

       The Department of Environmental Protection has received the following Notices of Intent to Remediate:

       Northeast Regional Field Office: Joseph Brogna, Regional Environmental Cleanup Program Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, telephone (717) 826-2511.

       Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L)--distribution pole # 42446S49389, Elk Avenue, City of Pottsville, Schuylkill County. Lisa Palfrey, Environmental Consultant for PP&L, 2 North Ninth Street, Allentown, PA has submitted a Notice of Intent to Remediate site soils found to be contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The applicant proposes to remediate the site to meet the Statewide health standard.

    Applications submitted under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to operate solid waste processing or disposal area or site.

       Regional Office:  Regional Solid Waste Manager, One Ararat Boulevard, Harrisburg, PA 17110.

       A.  603447.  U. S. Army Corp. of Engineers Raystown, U. S. Army Corp. of Engineers, (R. R. 1, Box 222, Hesston, PA 16647). Application for operation of agricultural utilization of sewage sludge in Hopewell Township, Huntingdon County. Application determined to be administratively complete in the Regional Office August 16, 1996.

       A.  100113.  Modern Landfill, Modern Trash Removal of York, Inc., (R. D. 9, Mt. Pisgah Road, York, PA 17402). Application for modification of an existing Form R permit in Lower Windsor and Windsor Townships, York County. Application determined to be administratively complete in the Regional Office August 20, 1996.

    Applications received under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify or reactivate air contaminant sources.

       Regional Office:  Northcentral Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448.

       8-318-023C.  Modification of a polyester resin simulated marble vanity top production operation (increase in the amount of allowable volatile organic compound and styrene emissions) by Rynone Manufacturing Corporation (P. O. Box 128, Sayre, PA 18840) in Sayre Borough, Bradford County.

       The following Dam Safety and Encroachment permit applications and requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for water quality certification have been received by the Department of Environmental Protection (Department).

       In addition to permit applications, the Bureau of Dams, Waterways and Wetlands (BDWW) and the Regional Office Soils and Waterways Sections have assumed primary responsibility for process requests for certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)), for projects requiring both a Dam Safety and Encroachments Permits, and a United States Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permit. Section 401(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act requires the State to certify that the involved projects will not violate the applicable provision of 33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1301--1303, 1306 and 1307, as well as relevant State requirements. Initial requests for 401 Certification will be published concurrently with the BDWW permit application. Persons objecting to approval of a request for certification under section 401 or to the issuance of a Dam Safety or Encroachment Permit, or the approval of Environmental Assessments must submit any comments, suggestions or objections within 30 days of the date of this notice as well as any questions to the Bureau or Field Office indicated as the responsible office.

    Applications filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and requests for certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

       Southcentral Regional Office:  Water Management Program, Soils and Waterways Section, One Ararat Boulevard, Room 126, Harrisburg, PA 17110, telephone (717) 657-4590.

       E07-264.  Encroachment. Janet M. Krone, Asst. Treasurer, The PA State University, 113 Physical Plant, University Park, PA 16802. To construct and maintain a pedestrian bridge across Spring Gap Run to provide access from the Juniata Gap parking lot to the campus located off Juniata Gap Road (SR4001) about 0.6 mile northwest of its intersection with Wopsononock Avenue in the City of Altoona (Altoona, PA Quadrangle N: 7.5 inches; W: 5.3 inches) in Logan Township, Blair County.

       E22-354.  Encroachment. Gary Miller, Chairperson, Wayne Township Supervisors, P. O. Box E, Halifax, PA 17032. To remove an existing structure and to construct and maintain twin reinforced concrete box culverts having spans of 18-foot and rises of 8-foot in Powell Creek for public highway maintenance purposes located on Union Church Road about 0.4 mile south of its intersection with SR 4013 (Enders, PA Quadrangle N: 16.25 inches, W: 8.70 inches) in Wayne Township, Dauphin County.

       Northcentral Regional Office:  Soils and Waterways Section, 208 W. Third St., Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701, telephone (717) 327-3574.

       E08-301.  Water obstruction and encroachment. Smithfield Township, R. R. 1, Box 49, Milan, PA 18831. To repair the existing structure by replacing and maintaining one abutment and placing riprap along Tomjack Creek on T-710 Pinehill Road approximately 1/4 mile east of SR 4011 (East Troy, PA Quadrangle N: 12.1 inches; W: 0.5 inch) in Smithfield Township, Bradford County. Estimated stream disturbance is less than 250.0 linear feet; stream classification TSF.

       E14-293.  Water obstruction and encroachment. Historical and Museum Comm., Pa. Military Museum, P. O. Box 160A, Boalsburg, PA 16827. To construct and maintain a 40 foot long wooden pedestrian bridge with a span of 35 feet and underclearance of 6 feet across Spring Creek. This project is located just downstream of the Boalsburg Pike bridge about 700 feet north of Business Route 322 (State College, PA Quadrangle N: 5.5 inches; W: 6.0 inches) in Harris Township, Centre County. Estimated stream disturbance about 5 feet with no wetland impacts; stream classification is HQ-CWF.

       E57-072.  Water obstruction and encroachment. DCNR, P. O. Box 8451, Harrisburg, PA 17105. To maintain a precast reinforced concrete box culvert with a clear normal span of 16 feet and average underclearance of 3.3 feet on the west branch of Mill Creek Road approximately 3/4 mile upstream (Barbours, PA Quadrangle N: 19.5 inches; W: 2.75 inches) in Fox Township, Sullivan County. Estimated stream disturbance is less than 250.0 linear feet; stream classification is CWF/High Quality.

       Southeast Regional Office:  Program Manager, Water Management Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       E15-520.  Encroachment. County of Chester, Courthouse, 2nd and High Streets, West Chester, PA 19380. To repair and maintain an existing deteriorated township bridge carrying Pickering Road over Pickering Creek (HQ-TSF). The bridge consists of steel truss superstructure and laminated timber deck which is supported by stone masonry abutments and wingwalls. The bridge is a 69-foot long single span structure with a 14-foot wide cartway and a 5-foot minimum underclearance. The proposed work will include the replacement of an existing deck and floor frame structure and repair and modification of existing abutments. Also included is the placement of rip-rap stone erosion protection at the abutments and wingwalls. This bridge is located approximately 1 1/2 mile southeast of the intersection of S. R. 113 and Pickering Road (Malvern, PA Quadrangle N: 18.3 inches; W: 10.0 inches) in Charlestown Township, Chester County.

       E15-521.  Encroachment. Watson's Mill Development Corp., Inc., 2100 Grant Avenue, P. O. Box 2766, Wilmington, DE 19806. To construct and maintain a covered bridge 125-feet long and 15-feet wide supported by three 17-foot 8-inch long support piers for the purpose of providing access to the Watsons Mill Subdivision in and along Broad Run located approximately 175 feet southwest from the intersection of Watsons Mill Road (T-300) and Niven Bridge Lane (West Grove, PA-NJ Quadrangle N: 3.2 inches, W: 1.4 inches) in London Britain Township, Chester County.

       E23-348.  Encroachment. Kimberly-Clark Tissue Company, Front and Avenue of the States, Chester, PA 19013. To construct and maintain a steel pile structure within the Kimberly-Clark Corporation Property at the upriver confluence of the Delaware River (WWF-MF) and Chester Creek (WWF-MF). This steel pile structure is a rehabilitative measure for an existing deteriorated bulkhead of a low deck pier. The site is situated 1,100 feet south of the intersection of Second Street and the Avenue of the States (Bridgeport, NJ-PA USGS Quadrangle N: 16.80 inches; W: 15.25 inches) in Chester City, Delaware County.

       E51-156.  Encroachment. American Stores Properties, Inc., P. O. Box 30658, Salt Lake City, Utah 84130-0658. To place and maintain fill in 420 feet of Paul's Run, a tributary to Pennypack Creek (TSF-MF), to construct and maintain 600 feet of channel to convey the relocated flows of Paul's Run and to construct and maintain 30 linear feet of 48-inch RCP culvert which will provide a confluence of an unnamed tributary of Paul's Run with Paul's Run. The project will impact 0.08 acre of wetland (PEM/SS) to facilitate the proposed construction of an Acme Supermarket. The project is located on the corner of Northeast Boulevard and Red Lion Road (PA Route 63) (Frankford, PA-NJ Quadrangle N: 18.0 inches; W: 3.75 inches) in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]


       The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications and requests for plan approval and has issued the following significant orders.

       Any person aggrieved by this action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law) to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days of receipt of written notice of this action unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in braille or on audiotape from the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.

    The following approvals from coverage under NPDES Individual Permit for Discharge of Stormwater from Construction Activities have been issued.

       Northcentral Region:  Water Management, Soils and Waterways Section, F. Alan Sever, Chief, 208 West Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701.

    NPDESApplicant NameCounty andReceiving
    Permit No.and AddressMunicipalityStream
    PAS101908Dept. of Trans.
    1924-30 Daisy St.
    Clearfield, PA 16830
    Bald Eagle, Grugan
    and Chapman Twps.
    Clinton County
    West Br. Susquehanna River,
    Hyner Run, East Br. Hyner
    Run, Painter Run and
    Cleveland Hollow Run
    PAS104704James M. Barbarich
    9 Millwood Dr.
    Danville, PA 17821
    Mahoning Township
    Montour County
    Unt. Sechler Run

    The following NPDES Individual Permits for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities have been issued.

       Southeast Regional Office:  Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, telephone (610) 832-6130.

    NPDESApplicant NameCounty andReceiving
    Permit No.and AddressMunicipalityStream
    PAS10-D063Shull Development, Inc.
    P. O. Box 26767
    Elkins Park, PA 19117
    Tinicum Township
    Bucks County
    PAS10-J033F.P.A. Corporation
    One Greenwood Square
    333 Street Road, Suite 101
    Bensalem, PA 19020
    Concord Township
    Delaware County
    South Fork of
    West Branch of
    Chester Creek
    PAS10-G187Toll Brothers, Inc.
    3103 Philmont Avenue
    Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
    East Bradford Township
    Chester County
    West Brandywine
    Creek Watershed

    Industrial waste and sewerage actions under The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. §§ 691.1--691.1001).

    Permits Issued

       Southeast Regional Office:  Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428, telephone (610) 832-6130.

       Permit No. 0996412. Sewerage. Rowland J. Pearl (146 Scholls School Road, Quakertown, PA 18951). Construction of a single residence sewage treatment plant located in Plumstead Township, Bucks County to serve the Pearl residence.

       Permit No. 1596404. Sewerage. East Bradford Township (666 Copeland School Road, West Chester, PA 19380). Construction of sanitary sewer line, force main, pump station, impoundment, sewage treatment units, and spray irrigation system located in East Bradford Township, Chester County to serve Brandywine River Estates.

    Actions taken under the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1--721.17).

       Southeast Regional Office:  Sanitarian Regional Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, telephone (610) 832-6130.

       Permit No. 0996509. Public water supply. Township of Falls--James Dillon, 188 Lincoln Highway, Suite 100, Fairless Hills, PA 19030. Permit has been issued to construct a chlorine booster station to increase the chlorine residual in a portion of the distribution system in Falls Township, Bucks County.

       Type of Facility:  Community water system.

       Consulting Engineer:  Pennoni Associates, Inc., 875 N. Easton Road, Doylestown, PA 18901.

       Permit to Construct Issued:  August 7, 1996.

       Northwest Regional Office:  Sanitarian Regional Manager, 230 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335-3481, telephone (814) 332-6899.

       Permit No. 1096502. Public water supply. Elmer Sutton Mobile Home Park, 129 Elgie Drive, Butler, PA 16001. Permit issued for the treatment of existing well no. 3 and construction and treatment of new well no. 4. Treatment shall include sequestration of iron and chlorine for disinfection. Wells to serve the Elmer Sutton Mobile Home Park facilities located in Clay Township, Butler County.

       Type of Facility:  Public water supply.

       Consulting Engineer:  Ronald R. Bolam, P.E., The Warnick Company, Inc., 226 Sunset Drive, Butler, PA 16001-1334.

       Permit to Construct Issued:  August 20, 1996.

    Permits issued under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to operate a hazardous waste management facility.

       Southwest Regional Office: Regional Solid Waste Manager, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, telephone (412) 442-4000.

       Permit ID No. PAD980707087. Envirotrol, Inc., 432 Green Street, P. O. Box 61, Sewickley, PA 15143. Operation of a hazardous waste management facility in Beaver Falls, Beaver County. Permit modified by the Regional Office on July 24, 1996 to remove a requirement in the permit to submit Module 1 applications to the Department's Beaver Falls office on the basis that there has been no significant third party interest in reviewing Module 1 applications from Envirotrol's Beaver Falls facility at the Department's Beaver Falls office.

    Permits issued under the Solid Waste Management Act (35 P. S. §§ 6018.101--6018.1003) and regulations to operate hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility.

       Regional Office:  Northeast Regional Office, Regional Solid Waste Manager, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, telephone (717) 826-2516.

       PAD 987367216.  Advanced Environmental Recycling Corporation, 2591 Mitchell Avenue, Allentown, PA 18103. A permit authorizing the operation of this hazardous waste recycling facility, located in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County. The permit regulates the following treatment processes: lighting device recycling (mercury and other lamps); hydrometallurgical process to separate mercury and other precious metals from metal bearing waste in solution or from solids; thermal retorts for mercury recovery; pyrometallurgical processes involving high temperature metal furnaces to remove small quantities of precious metals recovered from waste processed in the hydrometallurgical systems; paint recycling will segregate and reconstitute latex and solvent based paint; solvent recovery will distill and recover solvents from customer lab-packs; and acid and caustics recycling process involves separation, filtration and concentration steps to remove metallic impurities from acid and caustics and prepare them for resale. The permit was issued in the Regional Office on August 19, 1996.

    Operating Permits transferred under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate and operate air contamination sources of air cleaning devices.

       Regional Office:  Northcentral Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, 208 West Third Street, Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701-6448.

       49-318-020.  The Department intends to issue an operating permit to Truck Accessories Group, Inc. (10 North Industrial Park, Milton, PA 17847) for the operation of a fiberglass truck cap spray up operation previously owned and operated by Leer Inc. in Milton Borough, Northumberland County.

    Operating Permits issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

       Southeast Regional Office: Bureau of Air Quality, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       The Department has issued the following air quality operating permits for the operation of the air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices described below for the specified companies.

       Permit:  46-329-012

       Source:  Emergency Generator

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals

       Location:  Upper Merion

       County:  Montgomery

       Permit:  46-309-048

       Source:  Tile Production Line

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  American Olean Tile

       Location:  Lansdale

       County:  Montgomery

       Permit:  23-307-002

       Source:  20 inch Experimental Paper Machine-Dryer
          Hood Burners

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  Kimberly-Clark Tissue

       Location:  City of Chester

       County:  Delaware

       Permit:  46-313-138

       Source:  2 Shell Freezers

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  Merck & Company, Inc.

       Location:  Upper Gwynedd

       County:  Montgomery

       Permit:  15-399-040

       Source:  Mineral Spirits Storage Tank

       Issued:  August 19, 1996

       Company:  Safety-Kleen Corp.

       Location:  West Goshen

       County:  Chester

       Permit:  46-310-019A

       Source:  Stone Crushing System

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  Highway Materials, Inc.

       Location:  Marlborough

       County:  Montgomery

    Operating Permits issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations for an operating permit to comply with 25 Pa. Code § 129.91 for Reasonable Available Control Technology.

       Regional Office:  Southeast Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       The Department has issued the following air quality operating permits for the operation of the air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices described below for the specified companies:

       Permit:  OP-09-0011

       Source:  VOC Sources

       Issued:  August 14, 1996

       Company:  Perkasie Industries Corp.

       Location:  Perkasie

       County:  Bucks

       Permit:  OP-15-0016

       Source:  Facility VOC & NOx Sources

       Issued:  July 23, 1996

       Company:  Worthington Steel

       Location:  East Whiteland

       County:  Chester

    Operating Permits transferred under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations for an operating permit to comply with 25 Pa. Code § 129.91 for Reasonable Available Control Technology.

       Regional Office:  Southeast Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       The Department has transferred the following air quality operating permits for the operation of the air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices described below for the specified companies.

       Permit:  OP-23-0014

       Source:  Facility VOC and NOx Sources

       Company:  Kimberly-Clark Tissue

       Location:  City of Chester

       County:  Delaware

    General Plan Approval and Operating Permit issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, reactivate or operate air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices.

       Regional Office:  Southeast Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       General Plan Approval and Operating Permit No. BAQ-GPA/GP-1 for small combustion units was issued to the following:

       Permit:  15-302-085GP

       Source:  Three Small Combustion Unit

       Issued:  August 1, 1996

       Company:  Kenneth Consolidated School District

       Location:  Kenneth Square

       County:  Chester

    Plan Approvals issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations to construct, modify, or reactivate and operate air contaminant sources or air cleaning devices.

       Regional Office:  Southeast Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       The Department has issued the following air quality plan approvals for the specified companies described below:

       Permit:  15-317-020

       Source:  Bakery Waste Processing Facility

       Issued:  July 19, 1996

       Company:  Bakery Feeds, Inc.

       Location:  HoneyBrook

       County:  Chester

       Permit:  09-320-041

       Source:  Flexographic Press

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  Gilbreth Internation Corp.

       Location:  Bensalem

       County:  Bucks

       Permit:  09-328-009

       Source:  Electrical Generation Plant

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  Blue Mountain Power, LP

       Location:  Richland

       County:  Bucks

       Permit:  23-313-046

       Source:  Specialty Chemical Process

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Company:  Norquay Technology, Inc.

       Location:  Chester

       County:  Delaware

       Permit:  23-310-013

       Source:  Stone Crushing Plant

       Issued:  August 5, 1996

       Company:  Milestone Materials, Inc.

       Location:  Thornbury

       County:  Delaware

       Permit:  23-315-007

       Source:  Paper Machine No. 18

       Issued:  August 8, 1996

       Company:  Kimberly-Clark Tissue

       Location:  City of Chester

       County:  Delaware

       Permit:  23-308-005

       Source:  Roller Mill Grinding System

       Issued:  August 12, 1996

       Company:  Fluid Engery Processing & Equipment

       Location:  City of Chester

       County:  Delaware

       Permit:  09-313-092

       Source:  2 Hard Chrome Electro-Plating Baths

       Issued:  August 19, 1996

       Company:  Armoloy Company of Philadelphia

       Location:  Bristol

       County:  Bucks

       Permit:  09-313-074A

       Source:  Specialty Gas Plant

       Issued:  August 19, 1996

       Company:  Solkatronic Chemicals, Inc.

       Location:  Falls

       County:  Bucks

       The Department has extended the following air quality plan approvals for the specified companies described below:

       Permit:  46-318-043

       Source:  2 Paint Spray Booths

       Issued:  May 20, 1996

       Extended:  August 15, 1996

       Company:  Department of the Air Force/
          Willow Grove ARS

       Location:  Horsham

       County:  Montgomery

       Permit:  15-313-052

       Source:  Pharmaceutical Sciences Pilot Plant

       Issued:  June 30, 1996

       Extended:  October 30, 1996

       Company:  Sanofi Winthrop, Inc.

       Location:  East Whiteland

       County:  Chester

       Permit:  15-310-039

       Source:  Stone Crushing Plant

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Extended:  November 30, 1996

       Company:  Devault Crushed Stone

       Location:  Charlestown

       County:  Chester

       Permit:  46-308-017

       Source:  Scrap Aluminum Metal Smelter

       Issued:  July 31, 1996

       Extended:  November 30, 1996

       Company:  Recycle Metals Corp.

       Location:  Conshohocken

       County:  Montgomery

    Plan Approvals issued under the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. §§ 4001--4015) and regulations for a plan approval permit to comply with 25 Pa. Code § 129.91 for Reasonable Available Control Technology.

       Regional Office:  Southeast Regional Office, Bureau of Air Quality, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       The Department has issued the following air quality plan approval and compliance permit for the construction of the air contamination sources and associated air cleaning devices described below for the specified companies:

       Permit:  PA/CP-09-00005

       Source:  Adhesive Formulation Process

       Issued:  August 8, 1996

       Company:  Minnesota Mining Manufacturing

       Location:  Bristol

       County:  Bucks

       Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, P. O. Box 8476, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8476.

       Bond Forfeiture Contract Awarded: No. BF 354-101.1. Beccaria Township, Clearfield County, PA. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project, Glendale Contracting Company, Beccaria Township, Clearfield County, PA. Contractor: Trans-Continental Construction Company, Inc.; Amount: $102,999.76; Date of Award: July 26, 1996.

       Bond Forfeiture Contract Awarded: No. BF 370-101.1. Unity Township, Westmoreland County, PA. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Project, Kelt, Inc. Unity Township, Westmoreland County, PA. Contractor: Eugene W. Hutchison t/a Hutchison Excavating; Amount: $125,700.50; Date of Award: July 24, 1996.

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment Approval, and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).

       Any person aggrieved by this action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, telephone (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Board through the Pennsylvania Relay Service, telephone (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days of receipt of written notice of this action unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in braille or an audiotape from the Secretary to the Board, telephone (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decisional law.

    Actions on applications filed under the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P. S. §§ 693.1--693.27) and section 302 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P. S. § 679.302) and sections 5 and 402 of the act of June 22, 1937 (P. L. 1987, No. 394) (35 P. S. §§ 691.5 and 691.402) and notice of final action for certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)) (Note:  Permits issued for Small Projects do not include 401 Certification, unless specifically stated in the description.)

       Southcentral Regional Office: Water Management Program, Soils and Waterways Section, One Ararat Boulevard, Room 126, Harrisburg, PA 17110, telephone (717) 657-4590.

       E06-480.  Encroachment. Eldon W. Flory, R. R. 1, Box 461, Bernville, PA 19506. To relocate an existing outfall structure and restore the bank at the original outfall along the Schuylkill River at a point approximately 10,000 feet downstream of the mouth of Maiden Creek (Temple, PA Quadrangle N: 6.3 inches; W: 11.1 inches) (in Muhlenberg Township, Berks County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       E21-249.  Encroachment. Shippensburg Lions Club, 12 West King Street, Shippensburg, PA 17257. To construct and maintain a 4-foot wide x 30-foot long pedestrian bridge with an underclearance of 4.5 feet across Middle Spring Creek located about 300 feet downstream of West King Street (US 11) bridge (Shippensburg, PA Quadrangle N: 9.12 inches; W: 3.35 inches) in Shippensburg Borough, Cumberland County.

       E36-613.  Encroachment. Clyde W. Horst, President, The Horst Group, Inc., P. O. Box 3330, Lancaster, PA 17604-3330. To construct and maintain a wooded pedestrian bridge having a 16-foot clean span with a 3-foot underclearance across a tributary to the Little Conestoga Creek at the Granite Run Corporate Center located on the west side of the Fruitville Pike (L. R. 512) (Lancaster, PA Quadrangle N: 14.1 inches; W: 10.9 inches) in Manheim Township, Lancaster County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       Northcentral Region: Water Management--Soils and Waterways, F. Alan Sever, Chief, 208 West Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701.

       E17-304.  Water obstruction and encroachment. DCNR, Bureau of Forestry, P. O. Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552. Remove existing structure and to construct and maintain a single span timber bridge with a clear span of 40.0 feet and average underclearance of 5.32 feet over Laurel Run and Tyler Road approximately 1/4 mile from the intersection with Mud Run Road (Penfield, PA Quadrangle N: 15.8 inches; W: 0.3 inch) in Huston Township, Clearfield County.

       E18-211.  Water obstruction and encroachment. David W. Evers, Jr., 601 W. Walnut St., Lock Haven, PA 17745. Remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a 72 inch by 96 inch concrete pipe in Plunkets Run located approximately 300 feet upstream from the intersection of Plunkets Run Road and Frankenfield Road (Beech Creek, PA Quadrangle N: 22.0 inches; W: 3.60 inches) in Bald Eagle Township, Clinton County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       E18-217.  Water obstruction and encroachment. Dennis Heydrick, R. R. 2, Box 644, Lock Haven, PA 17745-9701. To repair and maintain an existing private road bridge with a clear span of 8 feet and average underclearance of 3.75 feet over Reeds Run just off of SR 664 approximately 3 miles north of Lock Haven by replacing one abutment and two beams damaged in the flood of February 1996 (Lock Haven, PA Quadrangle N: 7.5 inches; W: 7.25 inches) in Woodward Township, Lycoming County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       E41-368.  Water obstruction and encroachment. DCNR, P. O. Box 8451, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8451. Remove an existing structure and to construct and maintain a single span bridge constructed with a span of 26.9 feet, an underclearance of 5.5 feet and curb to curb width of 18.0 feet across Little Bear Creek. The project is located along the eastern right-of-way of SR 0087 approximately 4,000.0 feet east of the intersection of Little Bear Road and SR 0087 (Huntersville, PA Quadrangle N: 18.8 inches; W: 11.4 inches) in Plunketts Creek Township, Lycoming County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       E60-127.  Water obstruction and encroachment. DCNR, Bureau of Forestry, P. O. Box 8552, Harrisburg, PA 17105. Remove the existing structure and to construct and maintain a single span timber bridge with a normal span of 29.6 feet and average underclearance of 4.9 feet over Weikert Run on Weikert Run Road approximately 1 mile west of the intersection of SR 3002 and T-302 (Weikert, PA Quadrangle N: 16.4 inches; W: 7.2 inches) in Hartley Township, Union County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       Northeast Regional Office: Regional Soils and Waterways Section, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790, telephone (717) 826-5485.

       E40-442.  Encroachment. Robert D. and Sandra S. Richardson, 10 Marabee Avenue, Dallas, PA 18612. To modify and maintain an existing dock and boathouse in Harveys Lake, with work including modifications to the boathouse within the existing structure footprint, removal of the existing dock, and construction of a new pile-supported dock, boatslip and dock extending from the boathouse. The structure as proposed extends approximately 49.5 feet from the shoreline and has an overall width (parallel to the shoreline) of approximately 73.5 feet. The dock/boathouse is located at Pole 304, Lakeside Drive (Harveys Lake, PA Quadrangle N: 18.6 inches; W: 5.0 inches), in Harveys Lake Borough, Luzerne County.

       E45-296.  Encroachment. Pohoqualine Fish Association, R. R. 2, Box 2562, Saylorsburg, PA 18353. To modify and maintain an existing single-span bridge across McMichael Creek by replacing the existing timber deck and beams with 18-inch steel beams and steel decking to provide access to a private residence. The proposed superstructure will be attached to the existing abutments and have a span of approximately 21 feet and an underclearance of 6.4 feet. The project is located 600 feet west of S. R. 0715, approximately 0.2 mile north of the intersection of S. R. 0715 and T449 (Brodheadsville, PA Quadrangle N: 11.9 inches; W: 2.6 inches) in Chestnuthill Township, Monroe County.

       E52-138.  Encroachment. Gibson E. McKean, P. O. Box 61, Barryville, PA 12719. To place fill in 0.68 acre of wetlands for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a private road crossing of a tributary to Rattlesnake Creek and adjacent wetlands, to access upland area of a 182-acre property (Lot no. 4). The road crossing will extend an existing roadway which originates from the north side of T-424 (Spring Brook Road), approximately 0.7 mile southwest of the intersection of S. R. 0006 and T-424, continuing the roadway northwesterly for a distance of approximately 1,150 feet across wetlands (Shohola, PA Quadrangle N: 0.0 inches; W: 11.1 inches) in Dingman Township, Pike County. The permittee is required to provide 0.75 acre of replacement wetlands.

       E54-219.  Encroachment. Butler Township Municipal Authority, 211 Broad Street, Fountain Springs, Ashland, PA 17921. To (1) place fill along the right (west) bank, within the 100-year flood plain at Mahanoy Creek, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a wastewater treatment facility and access roadway, extending from S. R. 4026 southward approximately 1,100 feet (Ashland, PA Quadrangle N: 2.0 inches; W: 12.0 inches); (2) to construct and maintain a wastewater pump station (the Mahanoy Creek Pump Station) along the left (east) bank of Mahanoy Creek, at the northwest corner of the intersection of S. R. 4007 and T-417 (Germanville Road) (Ashland, PA Quadrangle N: 3.9 inches; W: 12.2 inches), and (3) to construct and maintain a sanitary sewer stream crossing of Mahanoy Creek at the Mahanoy Creek Pump Station in Butler Township, Schuylkill County.

       Southeast Regional Office: Program Manager, Water Management Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       E46-746.  Encroachment. Heritage Construction Company, Inc., 730 North Lewis Road, Limerick, PA 19468. To complete construction and maintain a stormwater management facility associated with the Waterford Green Residential Subdivision. The dam is impacted approximately 250 feet and the reservoir has impacted approximately 450 feet of an unnamed intermittent tributary to Landis Creek (TSF) located approximately 2,300 feet northeast of the intersection of Limerick Road (T-318) and East Cherry Lane (T-316) (Phoenixville, PA Quadrangle N: 18.25 inches; W: 4.0 inches) in Limerick Township, Montgomery County. This permit constitutes approval of an environmental assessment for a non-scope stormwater management dam. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

    Final Actions Under Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

       The Department of Environmental Protection has taken the following actions on previously received permit applications, requests for Environmental Assessment approval and requests for Water Quality Certification under section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1341(a)).

       These actions of the Department may be appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483, by any aggrieved person under The Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514); 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501--508 and 701--704 (relating to the Administrative Agency Law). Appeals must be filed with the Environmental Hearing Board within 30 days from the date of this issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Department's regulations governing practice and procedure before the Board may be obtained from the Board.

       Southeast Regional Office: Regional Water Management Program Manager, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428-2233, telephone (610) 832-6130.

       Certification Request Initiated By: Montgomery County Department of Parks, Montgomery County Courthouse, Norristown, PA 19404.

       Project Description: Project involves the hydraulic dredging of approximately 70,860 cubic yards of unconsolidated sediment from Deep Creek Lake, located in Upper Frederick Township, Montgomery County. The slurry is to be pumped to one of two dewatering basins located on park property adjacent to the lake and the return water will be discharged directly to the lake. Upon completion of the dredging and dewatering operations, the disposal areas will be restored.

       Final Action on Request: Certification granted.

       Southeast Regional Office: Program Manager, Water Management Program, Lee Park, Suite 6010, 555 North Lane, Conshohocken, PA 19428.

       E15-513.  Encroachment. Craig J. and Barbara Z. Arbaugh, 46 Stable Drive, Elverson, PA 19520. To reconstruct and maintain a steel or reinforced concrete bridge having a span of 54 feet and a 6 to 8 foot underclearance, with two reinforced concrete abutments and one reinforced concrete pier across an unnamed tributary to the east branch of Brandywine Creek (Perkins Run) (HQ.TSF.MF) to provide access to a proposed single family dwelling. The site is situated approximately 1,050 feet southeast of the intersection of Woods Drive and Bollinger Drive (Wagontown USGS Quadrangle N: 21.5 inches; W: 11.0 inches) in West Nantmeal Township, Chester County. This permit was issued under section 105.13(e) ''Small Projects.'' This permit also includes 401 Water Quality Certification.

       E23-342.  Encroachment. Township of Ridley, MacDade Boulevard and Morton Avenue, Folsom, PA 19033-0000. To construct and maintain a stream improvement project along Little Crum Creek which consists of widening approximately 700 linear feet of stream channel for the purpose of increasing hydraulic capacity. This project is located approximately 1,000 feet southeast from the intersection of Park Avenue and Michigan Avenue (Lansdowne, PA Quadrangle N: 3.2 inches; W: 12.4 inches) in Ridley Township, Delaware County.

       E46-736.  Encroachment. Peter C. Collins, Inc., 1232 Horsham Road, Ambler, PA 19002. To install and maintain 60 linear feet of 8 foot-7 inch by 5 foot-11 inch arch CMP stream enclosure which will connect a downstream existing 1,120-foot long stream enclosure to an upstream existing 860-foot long stream enclosure to facilitate the construction of a parking lot over Tannery Run Creek, an intermittent tributary to the Wissahickon Creek (TSF), located approximately 220 feet upstream from the segment of the enclosure which extends under Lindenwold Avenue (Ambler, PA Quadrangle N: 5.6 inches; W: 13.2 inches) in Ambler Borough, Montgomery County.

       E46-742.  Encroachment. Upper Dublin Township, 801 Lock-Alsh Avenue, Fort Washington, PA 19034. To install and maintain a 6.5-foot x 24-foot reinforced concrete box culvert, 30 feet long, in and along Rapp Run. This culvert occurs beneath Highland Avenue. This structure will also include four gabion wingwalls 3 feet wide, 3 feet high, and 9 feet long, which will be constructed at both ends of the proposed culvert. A 9-foot wide, 1-foot thick gabion mattress liner will be installed along the culvert invert for its entire length for the purpose of providing a low flow channel within this culvert. A concrete energy dissipator will be installed at the downstream end of the culvert. This site is located approximately 830 feet northwest from the intersection of Camp Hill Road and Highland Avenue (Ambler, PA Quadrangle N: 2.4 inches; W: 8.7 inches) in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County.

    Actions taken on applications filed under the act of June 24, 1939 (P. L. 842, No. 365) (32 P. S. §§ 631--641) relating to the acquisition of rights to divert waters of this Commonwealth.

       Southwest Regional Office: Regional Manager, Water Supply and Community Health, 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745, telephone (412) 442-4000.

       Permits issued on August 20, 1996:

       WA 26-1000.  Water allocation. Jefferson Township Authority, Fayette City, Fayette County, PA. The right to purchase up to 51,000 gallons per day (gpd) of water (193,035 liters per day of water), as a 30-day average, from the North Fayette County Municipal Authority, Dunbar, Fayette County, PA.

       WA 26-1000A.  Water allocation. Jefferson Township Authority, Fayette City, Fayette County, PA. The right to purchase up to 50,000 gallons per day (gpd) of water (189,250 liters per day of water), as a 30-day average, from the Newel Municipal Authority, Newell, Fayette County, PA.

       WA 26-1000B.  Water allocation. Jefferson Township Authority, Fayette City, Fayette County, PA. The right to purchase up to 4,000 gallons per day (gpd) of water (15,140 liters per day of water), as a 30-day average, from the Pennsylvania-American Water Company, Fayette County, PA.

       WA2-536C.  Water allocation. Fox Chapel Authority, O'Hara Township, Allegheny County, PA. The right to purchase up to 5.0 million gallons per day (5.0 mgd) of water (18.925 million liters per day of water), as a 30-day average, from the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Pittsburgh, PA.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1479. Filed for public inspection September 6, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]

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