1946 Inter-County Health Plan, Inc.; application for ap-proval of revised rates for its 65-Select (health) plans; rate filing  

  • Inter-County Health Plan, Inc.; Application for Approval of Revised Rates for its 65-Select (Health) Plans; Rate Filing

    [36 Pa.B. 6067]
    [Saturday, September 30, 2006]

       Inter-County Health Plan, Inc. has filed Filing No. MG Health 0906 for approval increased rates for its community-rated 65-Select program. The revised rates are to be effective on January 1, 2007, and reflect an average increase of 6.0% over the currently approved rates. The monthly premiums for subscribers enrolling at first eligibility are as follows:

    Current Proposed Adjustment
    Rate Rate Percentage
    Plan A $70.10 $74.15 5.8%
    Plan B $72.95 $77.15 5.8%
    Plan C $81.70 $86.70 6.1%
    Plan D $75.75 $80.15 5.8%
    Plan E $72.95 $77.15 5.8%
    Plan H $89.55 $94.75 5.8%

       These rate adjustments will affect approximately 2,900 subscribers in this Commonwealth and will generate approximately $180,000 in additional premium annually.

       Unless formal administrative action is taken prior to December 13, 2006, the subject filing may be deemed approved by operation of law.

       A copy of the filing is available on the Insurance Department's (Department) website at www.ins. state.pa.us. Under the Quick Links section, click on the link ''Rate Filings Published in the PA Bulletin.''

       Copies of the filing are also available for public inspection, by appointment, during normal working hours at the Department's regional office in Harrisburg.

       Interested parties are invited to submit written comments, suggestions or objections to Michael Gurgiolo, Insurance Department, Insurance Product Regulation and Market Enforcement, Room 1311, Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120, mgurgiolo@state.pa.us within 30 days after publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

    M. DIANE KOKEN,   
    Insurance Commissioner

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1946. Filed for public inspection September 29, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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