1911 Summary notice  


    Summary Notice

    [36 Pa.B. 6003]
    [Saturday, September 30, 2006]

       The Department of Community and Economic Development (Department) proposes to adopt the Commonwealth's Action Plan (Plan) for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2007 (Plan) and the Program Year that starts on January 1, 2007. The 2007 Action Plan is an update of the Commonwealth's Consolidated Plan for FFY 2004-2008. The Action Plan discussed herein is the third annual update of the Consolidated Plan for FFY 2004-2008 submitted by the Commonwealth.

       The 2007 Plan updates documents previously submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These documents include the nonhousing community development plan and any changes that the Department may have implemented concerning the four programs administered by the Commonwealth. The programs administered by the Department are the Community Development Block Grant, the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), and the Emergency Shelter Grant programs. The Department of Health administers the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS program.

       This summary is designed to provide an opportunity for citizens, local governmental officials and interested organizations of this Commonwealth to comment about the Plan. Written comments should be submitted to Karen Overly Smith, Center for Community Development, Department of Community and Economic Development, 400 North Street, 4th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225. Written comments must be received by October 28, 2006, to be included as testimony in the Plan.

    Public Hearings

       Two public meetings will be scheduled. The first public meeting will be conducted electronically by means of the Internet. The format will be more accessible in that persons who wish to make a comment or discuss policy may participate on November 3, 2006, directly from their personal computer or from any computer location that has Internet access, such as their public library. Access to the public hearing by means of the Internet will occur between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.

       Any individual or organization may give testimony or comments by means of the Internet. Comments will be accepted about topics related to community development, housing, the content of the Commonwealth's draft Plan for FFY 2007 and the process by which the public input is gathered. The Commonwealth encourages public participation in this process.

       Persons who want to participate must register in advance online by means of the Internet. Contact Karen Overly Smith at (717) 214-5340 to receive registration instructions for the Internet meeting at least 24 hours prior to the meeting date. Internet public hearing access will be open from 10 a.m. to 12:00 on November 3, 2006. During the hearing, if support is required, call (717) 214-5340.

       An additional in-person public hearing has been scheduled from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on November 6, 2006, in the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Hearing Room 2, Commonwealth Keystone Building, Plaza Level, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225.

    Note:  The public hearing may be shortened if there is minimal response.

       Persons who want to speak must call to schedule a time to give oral testimony at the hearing. The hearing will be shortened if there is no one to testify or if there is minimal response. Contact Karen Overly Smith at (717) 214-5340 to schedule your oral testimony after October 26, 2006, and no later than November 3, 2006.

       Individuals who have a disability and wish to attend the public meeting should contact Karen Overly Smith, 4th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225 or (717) 214-5340 to discuss how the Department can accommodate their needs. Text telephone calls can be placed through the Pennsylvania Relay System at (800) 654-5984. Calls will be relayed to the Department's number listed previously.


       The Commonwealth's 2007 Plan is the third update to the 5-year Consolidated Plan for FFY 2004-2008. This Plan will describe how the programs will be administered in 2007. HUD must approve this Plan for the Commonwealth and organizations within the State to receive funding under most HUD housing and community development programs. Applicants for funding from Federal housing programs must obtain certification that their proposed use of HUD assistance will be consistent with the applicable Plan for the area. The Consolidated Plan creates a unified strategy for housing and community development programs, as well as the necessary linkages for building successful neighborhoods and communities.

       The Plan will have a major impact on the type, location and number of affordable housing units generated and preserved in this Commonwealth, as well as the infrastructure and public facilities, services and other economic and community development initiatives that communities in this Commonwealth will undertake.


       The Consolidated Plan for FFY 2004-2008 will be updated by means of this document. The most significant change is the implementation of HUD's new performance measures system. Updates also include a proposal to use HOME funds in a pilot effort for tenant-based rental assistance with preference given to persons with disabilities. This pilot is another step in the Department's partnership with the Housing Finance Agency to administer HOME funds.

    Public Review

       The Consolidated Plan is available on the Internet or in hardcopy for public comment October 7, 2007, through November 7, 2006, at the following locations:

       1.  County Offices, Department of Community and Economic Development Regional Offices and the Commonwealth's 27 District Libraries: call (717) 214-5340 for the locations.

       2.  Audio cassette copies of the Consolidated Plan can be obtained by contacting the Tri-County Branch of the Pennsylvania Association of the Blind: Patricia Summers, Coordinator, Harrisburg Area Radio Reading Services, 1800 North Second Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102, (717) 238-2531.

       3.  The Draft Plan 2007 can be viewed on the Internet at www.newPA.com. The final plan will be made available again at these same locations following HUD approval.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1911. Filed for public inspection September 29, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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