September 30, 2000 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract No.PR
Date or
DateTo In the
Amount Of0059-01 9/20/00 Digital-Ink 418,173.50 7350-09 10/01/00 Feesers Inc. 1,690.30 7350-09 10/01/00 Xpedx 419,787.25 8305-01 10/01/00 Ragold Corp. 15,000.00 8415-02 9/15/00 Ark Safety Division Seal Glove Mfg. Inc. 3,650.00 8415-02 9/15/00 Pennsylvania Police Supply Inc. 12,992.00 1027110-01 9/18/00 Kar-Tex Inc. 54,725.00 1048040-01 9/18/00 Apple Automotive Group d/b/a Apple Ford Fleet 28,531.00 1061110-01 9/18/00 Providence Electric Supply Inc. 24,535.00 1065380-01 9/18/00 Imagineering Services Inc. 38,700.00 1069150-01 9/18/00 Hondru Chrysler Plymouth Inc./dba Manheim Chrysler Plymouth GMC 24,924.00 1090150-01 9/18/00 Simpson Technologies Corp. 21,000.00 1101210-01 9/18/00 Medtronic Physio-Control Corp. 50,000.00 8211820-01 9/18/00 Keystone Sign Supply Inc. 14,551.90 8252020-01 9/18/00 O'Connor Truck Sales Inc. 5,471,209.90 8252030-01 9/18/00 Mack Trucks Inc. 3,728,962.78 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-1713. Filed for public inspection September 29, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]