1894 Adoption of sentencing guidelines?  



    [ 204 PA. CODE CH. 303 ]

    Adoption of Sentencing Guidelines

    [42 Pa.B. 6072]
    [Saturday, September 29, 2012]

     On April 7, 2012, the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing published proposed 7th Edition Sentencing Guidelines in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 2155(a)(1), and held public hearings on the following dates: May 17, 2012 (Reading); May 21, 2012 (Carlisle and State College); May 23, 2012 (Philadelphia); and June 1, 2012 (Pittsburgh).

     Based on submitted testimony and feedback, the Commission considered several modifications to the proposed 7th Edition Sentencing Guidelines. The Commission published a revised proposed 7th Edition Sentencing Guidelines on August 4, 2012 in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and held a public hearing on September 12, 2012 (Harrisburg).

     On September 13, 2012, the Commission on Sentencing adopted the 7th Edition Sentencing Guidelines, which are published in Annex A pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 2155(a)(2).

    Revisions to Sentencing Guidelines

     Pennsylvania's initial sentencing guidelines became effective June 2, 1982 and were subsequently amended on ten occasions, most recently in 2008. The current sentencing guidelines (6th Edition, Revised) became effective December 5, 2008, and apply to all offenses committed on or after that date.

     The Commission has adopted the proposed revisions to the 6th Edition, Revised sentencing guidelines summarized below and included in Annex A.

    303.1—Sentencing guideline standards

     State Identification Number will be included as part of the record in Guideline Sentence Forms effective January 1, 2014.

    303.3—Offense gravity score (general)

     Clarification regarding the assignment of an offense gravity score.

    303.7—Prior record score (guideline points scoring)

     Technical edits that address increases in the grading of two offenses.

    303.9—Guideline sentence recommendations (general)

     The Youth/School Sentencing Enhancement was modified to correlate with established mandatory minimum sentences. It was subdivided into three parts: Youth, School, and Youth and School.

    303.10—Guideline sentence recommendations (enhancements)

     The Youth/School Sentencing Enhancement was modified to correlate with established mandatory minimum sentences. It was subdivided into three parts: Youth, School, and Youth and School. The school zone in the Youth/School Enhancement was reduced from 1,000 feet to 250 feet.

    303.11—Guideline sentence recommendations (sentencing levels)

     Changes in the place of confinement, effective November 24, 2011 in accordance with Act 2008-81, were incorporated into the descriptions of sentencing levels.

    303.12—Guideline sentence recommendations (sentencing programs)

     Technical edits to provide updated citations and to address format changes in sentencing matrix.

    303.13—Guideline sentence recommendations (aggravating and mitigating circumstances)

     The Youth/School Sentencing Enhancement was modified to correlate with established mandatory minimum sentences. It was subdivided into three parts: Youth, School, and Youth and School.

    303.14—Guideline sentence recommendations (economic sanctions)

     Technical edits.

    303.15—Offense listing

     Offense gravity scores assigned to new offenses and to offenses for which the grade or definition was amended. Technical edits removed listing of inchoate offenses. OGS assignments were not changed. Statutory grade changes made. Definitions of existing offenses modified due to changes in statute. Offense gravity score assignment 'floor' created for any sex offense falling under Megan's Law as modified under Act 111 of 2011 (Adam Walsh Act). Megan's law registration offenses expiring December 2012 removed. Drug violation offenses 18 Pa.C.S. § 7508 / 35 P. S. § 780-113(a)(12), (14), and (30) modified. Sentencing enhancements created per legislative mandate.

    303.16—Basic sentencing matrix

     Technical edits.

    303.17—Deadly weapon enhancement/possessed matrix

     Technical corrective edits.

    303.19—Youth/school enhancement matrices.

     The matrices for the Youth/School Enhancement were added. One matrix applies to youth, one matrix applies to the school, and the third matrix applies to youth and school enhancements.

    Resource Utilization

     In accordance with 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 2153(a)(15), the Commission determined resources required under current guidelines (6th Edition Revised, effective December 5, 2008) and resources that would be required to carry out any proposed changes to the guidelines. The resource utilization analysis primarily focuses on changes initiated by the Commission. With the exception of the selected offenses identified in the resource utilization chart, the impact of legislation enacted by the General Assembly since the previous set of sentencing guidelines were adopted (December 5, 2008) is not included in this analysis.

     The resource impact is based upon the disposition and duration of sentences reported to the Commission for calendar year 2010. The metrics were calculated for current guidelines and for proposed guidelines. The impact represents the difference between the two and is presented as an increase or reduction in the utilization of institutional and community correctional resources on an annual basis. This simulation is based on holding all other factors and conformity to the guidelines constant except the change being analyzed. It does not take into account time served prior to parole or release. Sentencing data unit of analysis is most serious offense per offender.

     Overall, the proposed guideline revisions as noted below will increase utilization of state incarceration by 61 beds per year. This increase is largely due to modifications of offense gravity score assignments for Megan's Law offenses and is consistent with changes addressed in the Adam Walsh Act (Act 111 of 2011).

     At the county level, the proposed revisions will decrease utilization of county incarceration by 271 beds per year and decrease utilization of county intermediate punishment by 14 offenders per year, while increasing the number of offenders on probation by 27 per year. This shift is largely driven by changes in OGS assignments for drug offenses and related enhancements.

    Impact of Proposed Sentencing Guideline Changes
    Annual Increase or Decrease of Resource Utilization

    Youth/School Enhancements
    School -5 <-1 -5 0
    Youth 0 <-1 -1 0
    Youth and School 0 0 0 0
    All Youth/School Enhancements* -5
    Drug Categories
    Cocaine -293 -183 -76 113
    MDMA/Ecstasy 53 0 10 -39
    Pills of Schedule I and II 185 -52 18 -53
    Other Schedule I and II Narcotics 20 -9 37 5
    All Drug Categories* -35
    Note: 127 cases with enhancement were removed from this analysis due to overlap with Youth/School Enhancement
    Office Gravity Score Assignment Changes for Selected Offenses
    18 § 2903, False Imprisonment (OGS 7 to 8) 0 - - -
    18 § 2904, Interference with Custody of Children (OGS 2 to 3) - 0 - 0
    18 § 2904, Interference with Custody of Children (OGS 4 to 6) 5 -1 - 0
    18§ 2904, Interference with Custody of Children
    (OGS 6 to 8)
    2 - - 0
    18 § 3122.1, Statutory Sexual Assault (OGS 7 to 8) 66 -25 0 0
    18 § 3124.2, Institutional Sexual Assault (OGS 5 to 6) - 0 0 0
    18 § 5902, Promoting Prostitution of minor (OGS 5 to 6) 4 - - 0
    18 § 5903, Obscene Materials minor included/depicted (OGS 3 to 4) 2 1 - 0
    18 § 5903, Obscene Materials minor included/depicted (OGS 5 to 6) 3 -1 0 0
    18 § 6312, Possession of Child Pornography (OGS 5 to 6) 14 7 3 0
    18 § 6312, Sexual Abuse of Children (OGS 7 to 8) 5 -3 - 0
    18 § 7507.1, Invasion of privacy (OGS 1 to 2) - 0 - 0
    All OGS Changes for Selected Offenses* 101
    Total 61

    Effective Date

     The 7th Edition Sentencing Guidelines shall become effective 90 days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin unless disapproved by the General Assembly, pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 2155(b). If not disapproved, the 7th Edition Sentencing Guidelines will be effective December 28, 2012 and shall apply to all sentences for offenses committed on or after that date.


    Annex A




    § 303.1. Sentencing guidelines standards.

     (a) The court shall consider the sentencing guidelines in determining the appropriate sentence for offenders convicted of, or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, felonies and misdemeanors. Where crimes merge for sentencing purposes, the court shall consider the sentencing guidelines only on the offense assigned the higher offense gravity score.

     (b) The sentencing guidelines do not apply to sentences imposed as a result of the following: accelerated rehabilitative disposition; disposition in lieu of trial; direct or indirect contempt of court; violations of protection from abuse orders; revocation of probation, intermediate punishment or parole.

     (c) The sentencing guidelines shall apply to all offenses committed on or after the effective date of the guidelines. Amendments to the guidelines shall apply to all offenses committed on or after the date the amendment becomes part of the guidelines.

     (1) When there are current multiple convictions for offenses that overlap two sets of guidelines, the former guidelines shall apply to offenses that occur prior to the effective date of the amendment and the later guidelines shall apply to offenses that occur on or after the effective date of the amendment. If the specific dates of the offenses cannot be determined, then the later guidelines shall apply to all offenses.

     (2) The initial sentencing guidelines went into effect on July 22, 1982 and applied to all crimes committed on or after that date. Amendments to the guidelines went into effect in June 1983, January 1986 and June 1986. On October 7, 1987 the Pennsylvania Supreme Court invalidated the guidelines due to a procedural error that occurred in 1981 when the legislature rejected the first set of guidelines. New guidelines were drafted and became effective on April, 25, 1988. Amendments to the guidelines went into effect August 9, 1991 and December 20, 1991. Revised sets of guidelines became effective August 12, 1994, June 13, 1997 [and], June 3, 2005, and December 5, 2008.

     (d) In every case in which a court of record imposes a sentence for a felony or misdemeanor, the court shall make as a part of the record, and disclose in open court at the time of sentencing, a statement of the reason or reasons for the sentence imposed. In every case where a court of record imposes a sentence outside the sentencing guidelines, the reason or reasons for the deviation from the guidelines shall be recorded on the Guideline Sentence Form, a copy of which shall be electronically transmitted to the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing in the manner described in § 303.1(e).

     (e) Unless otherwise provided by the Commission, the JNET-based Sentencing Guidelines Software Web application (SGS Web) shall be used at the court's direction to prepare all guideline-required sentencing information. The completed Guideline Sentence Form shall be made a part of the record and the information electronically submitted to the Commission via SGS Web no later than 30 days after the date of sentencing.

    (f) Effective January 1, 2014, the State Identification Number (SID) for an offender shall be included as part of the record in the completed Guideline Sentence Form.

    § 303.2. Procedure for determining the guideline sentence.

     (a) For each conviction offense of a judicial proceeding, the procedure for determining the guideline sentence shall be as follows:

     (1) Determine the Offense Gravity Score as described in § 303.3 and § 303.15.

     (2) Determine the Prior Record Score as described in § 303.4—§ 303.8.

     (3) Determine the guideline sentence recommendation as described in § 303.9—§ 303.14, including Deadly Weapon Enhancement and Youth/School Enhancement (§ 303.10), and aggravating or mitigating circumstances (§ 303.13).

     (b) Judicial proceeding. A judicial proceeding is a proceeding in which all offenses for which the offender has been convicted are pending before the court for sentencing at the same time. A judicial proceeding may include multiple offenses and transactions.

    § 303.3. Offense Gravity Score—general.

     (a) An Offense Gravity Score is given for each offense. The Offense Gravity Scores are located in § 303.15.

     (b) Subcategorized offenses. Certain offenses are subcategorized and scored by the Commission according to the particular circumstances of the offense. The court determines which Offense Gravity Score, located in § 303.15, applies. These offenses are designated by an asterisk (*).

     (c) Inchoate offenses. Inchoate offenses are scored as follows:

     (1) Convictions for attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit a Felony 1 offense receive an Offense Gravity Score of one point less than the offense attempted, solicited, or which was the object of the conspiracy.

     (2) Convictions for attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any offense which is not a Felony 1 offense, receive the Offense Gravity Score of the offense attempted, solicited, or which was the object of the conspiracy.

     (3) Convictions for attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any offense under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (35 P. S. § 780-101—§ 780-144) receive the Offense Gravity Score of the offense attempted, solicited, or which was the object of the conspiracy.

     (4) Exception for inchoate murder convictions. Convictions for attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit murder receive the Offense Gravity Score of 14 if there is serious bodily injury and 13 if there is no serious bodily injury.

     (d) Ethnic Intimidation. Convictions for Ethnic Intimidation (18 Pa.C.S. § 2710) receive an Offense Gravity Score that is one point higher than the offense which was the object of the Ethnic Intimidation. When the object offense is murder of the third degree, a conviction for Ethnic Intimidation receives the highest Offense Gravity Score.

     (e) Violations of The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (35 P. S. §§ 780-101—780-144). If any mixture or compound contains any detectable amount of a controlled substance, the entire amount of the mixture or compound shall be deemed to be composed of the controlled substance. If a mixture or compound contains a detectable amount of more than one controlled substance, the mixture or compound shall be deemed to be composed entirely of the controlled substance which has the highest Offense Gravity Score.

     (1) Exception for prescription pills. [The exception to subsection (e) above is for] For violations of 35 P. S. § 780-113(a)(12), (a)(14), and (a)(30) [when] involving narcotic prescription pills of Schedule II [are involved. For such violations it is the number of pills rather than the amount of the controlled substance which is considered in determining the Offense Gravity Score], when both the weight and the number of pills are known, the higher Offense Gravity Score assignment applies. (See § 303.15.)

     (f)  Omnibus Offense Gravity Scores. The Omnibus Offense Gravity Score is applied when the offense is not otherwise listed in § 303.15, or when the grade of an offense listed in § 303.15 has changed, unless application of this section would result in a lower Offense Gravity Score for an increased grading of the offense. Where the definition of the crime is changed, but the grade or statutory maximum sentence is not changed, the previously assigned offense gravity score still applies. The Omnibus Offense Gravity Scores are provided below and in the listing at § 303.15:

    Felony 1 8
    Felony 2 7
    Felony 3 5
    Felonies not subclassified by the General  Assembly 5
    Misdemeanor 1 3
    Misdemeanor 2 2
    Misdemeanor 3 1
    Misdemeanors not subclassified by the General  Assembly

    § 303.4. Prior Record Score—categories.

     (a) Prior Record Score categories. Determination of the correct Prior Record Score category under this section is based on the type and number of prior convictions (§ 303.5) and prior juvenile adjudications (§ 303.6). There are eight Prior Record Score categories: Repeat Violent Offender (REVOC), Repeat Felony 1 and Felony 2 Offender (RFEL), and point-based categories of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

     (1)  Repeat Violent Offender Category (REVOC). Offenders who have two or more previous convictions or adjudications for four point offenses (§ 303.7(a)(1) and § 303.15) and whose current conviction carries an Offense Gravity Score of 9 or higher shall be classified in the Repeat Violent Offender Category.

     (2) Repeat Felony 1 and Felony 2 Offender Category (RFEL). Offenders who have previous convictions or adjudications for Felony 1 and/or Felony 2 offenses which total 6 or more in the prior record, and who do not fall within the Repeat Violent Offender Category, shall be classified in the repeat Felony 1 and Felony 2 Offender Category.

     (3) Point-based Categories (0-5). Offenders who do not fall into the REVOC or RFEL categories shall be classified in a Point-based Category. The Prior Record Score shall be the sum of the points accrued based on previous convictions or adjudications, up to a maximum of five points.

    § 303.5. Prior Record Score—prior convictions.

     (a) If there is a single offense in the prior judicial proceeding, that offense shall be counted in the calculation of the Prior Record Score.

     (b) If there are multiple offenses in the prior judicial proceeding:

     (1) The most serious offense of the judicial proceeding shall be counted in the calculation of the Prior Record Score.

     (2) Any offense for which a sentence of supervision or confinement is imposed consecutive to a sentence for another offense in the judicial proceeding shall be counted in the calculation of the Prior Record Score.

     (c) Un-sentenced convictions. If no sentence has yet to be imposed on an offense, the offense shall not be counted in the calculation of the Prior Record Score.

     (d) Adequacy of the Prior Record Score. The court may consider at sentencing [previous] prior convictions, juvenile adjudications or dispositions not counted in the calculation of the Prior Record Score, in addition to other factors deemed appropriate by the court.

    § 303.6. Prior Record Score—prior juvenile adjudications.

     (a) Juvenile adjudication criteria. Prior juvenile adjudications are counted in the Prior Record Score when the following criteria are met:

     (1) The juvenile offense occurred on or after the offender's 14th birthday, and

     (2) There was an express finding by the juvenile court that the adjudication was for a felony or one of the Misdemeanor 1 offenses listed in § 303.7(a)(4).

     (b) Only the most serious juvenile adjudication of each prior disposition is counted in the Prior Record Score. No other prior juvenile adjudication shall be counted in the Prior Record Score.

     (c) Lapsing of juvenile adjudications. Prior juvenile adjudications for four point offenses listed in § 303.7(a)(1) shall always be included in the Prior Record Score, provided the criteria in subsection (a) above are met:

     (1) All other juvenile adjudications not identified above in subsection (a) lapse and shall not be counted in the Prior Record Score if:

     (i) The offender was 28 years of age or older at the time the current offense was committed; and

     (ii) The offender remained crime-free during the ten-year period immediately preceding the offender's 28th birthday.

     (iii) Crime-free. Included in the definition of crime-free is any summary offense and/or one misdemeanor offense with a statutory maximum of one year or less.

     (2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the court from considering lapsed prior adjudications at the time of sentencing.

    § 303.7. Prior Record Score—guideline points scoring.

     (a) Scoring of prior convictions and adjudications is provided below and in the listing of offenses at § 303.15:

     (1) Four Point Offenses. Four points are added for each prior conviction or adjudication for the following offenses:

     Murder, and attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit Murder

     All other completed crimes of violence, as defined in 42 Pa.C.S.§ 9714(g), excluding inchoates.

     Murder of Unborn Child, and attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit Murder of Unborn Child

     Offenses with OGS 11 or greater, excluding inchoates and Violations of the Controlled Substance Act

     Ethnic Intimidation to any Felony 1 offense

     (2) Three Point Offenses. Three points are added for each prior conviction or adjudication for the following offenses:

     All other Felony 1 offenses not listed in § 303.7(a)(1).

     All other inchoates to offenses listed in § 303.7(a)(1).

     Violation of 35 P. S.§§ 780-113(a)(12)(14) or (30) involving 50 grams or more, including inchoates involving 50 grams or more.

     (3) Two Point Offenses. Two points are added for each prior conviction or adjudication for the following offenses:

     All other Felony 2 offenses not listed in § 303.7(a)(1) or (a)(2).

     All felony drug violations not listed in § 303.7(a)(2), including inchoates.

     (4) One Point Offenses. One point is added for each prior conviction or adjudication for the following offenses:

     All other felony offenses not listed in § 303.7(a)(1), (a)(2) or (a)(3).

     Any of the following Misdemeanor 1 offenses that involve weapons:

     Possessing Instruments of Crime (possession of a weapon)

     Prohibited Offensive Weapons

     Use or Possession of Electric or Electronic Incapacitation Device

     Possession of Weapon on School Property

     Possession of Firearm or Other Dangerous Weapon in Court Facility

     Violations of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act

     Any of the following Misdemeanor 1 offenses that involve death or danger to children:

     Involuntary Manslaughter

     Simple Assault (against child under 12 years of age by adult 21 years of age or older)

     Luring a Child into a Vehicle

     Indecent Assault (complainant is less than 13 years of age)

     Indecent Exposure (persons present are less than age 16)

     Endangering Welfare of Children

     Dealing in Infant Children

    [Corruption of Minors (of a sexual nature)

    Unlawful contact or communication with minor]

     Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance, except for a first lifetime conviction or adjudication.

     Operating a Watercraft Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance, except for a first lifetime conviction or adjudication.

     (5) Other Misdemeanor Offenses. All other misdemeanor offenses, including a first lifetime conviction for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance or Operating a Watercraft Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance, are designated by an ''m'' in the offense listing at § 303.15, and are scored as follows:

     (i) One point is added if the offender was previously convicted of two or three misdemeanors.

     (ii) Two points are added if the offender was previously convicted of four to six misdemeanors.

     (iii) Three points are added if the offender was previously convicted of seven or more misdemeanors.

    § 303.8. Prior Record Score—miscellaneous.

     (a) Prior convictions and adjudications of delinquency. A prior conviction means ''previously convicted'' as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 2154(a)(2). A prior adjudication of delinquency means ''previously adjudicated delinquent'' as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 2154(a)(2). In order for an offense to be considered in the Prior Record Score, both the commission of and conviction for the previous offense must occur before the commission of the current offense.

     (b) Inchoate offenses. Unless otherwise provided in § 303.7 or § 303.15, a prior conviction or adjudication of delinquency for criminal attempt, criminal solicitation or criminal conspiracy is scored under § 303.7 based upon the grade of the inchoate offense.

     (c) Ethnic Intimidation. Unless otherwise provided in § 303.7 or § 303.15, a prior conviction or adjudication of delinquency for Ethnic Intimidation is scored under § 303.7 based upon the grade of the Ethnic Intimidation.

     (d) Former Pennsylvania offenses.

     (1) A prior conviction or adjudication of delinquency under former Pennsylvania law is scored as a conviction for the current equivalent Pennsylvania offense.

     (2) When there is no current equivalent Pennsylvania offense, prior convictions or adjudications of delinquency are scored under § 303.7 based on the grade of the offense. When a prior conviction or adjudication of delinquency was for a felony, but the grade of the felony is unknown, it shall be treated as a Felony 3. When a prior conviction was for a misdemeanor, but the grade of the misdemeanor is unknown, it shall be treated as other misdemeanors. When it cannot be determined if the prior conviction was a felony, one point misdemeanors, or other misdemeanors, it shall be treated as other misdemeanors. When a prior conviction is for a crime which has a summary grade, and the grade of the conviction is unknown, the prior conviction shall not be counted in the Prior Record Score.

     (e) A prior conviction or adjudication of delinquency for an offense which was misgraded is scored as a conviction for the current equivalent Pennsylvania offense.

     (f) Out-of-state, federal or foreign offenses.

     (1) An out-of-state, federal or foreign conviction or adjudication of delinquency is scored as a conviction for the current equivalent Pennsylvania offense.

     (2) A court-martial for a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice is considered a federal conviction and is scored as a conviction for the current equivalent Pennsylvania offense. Non-judicial punishments or administrative actions (e.g., Article 15, Article 134) which are not convictions shall not be counted in the Prior Record Score.

     (3) When there is no current equivalent Pennsylvania offense, determine the current equivalent Pennsylvania grade of the offense based on the maximum sentence permitted, and then apply § 303.8(d)(2).

     (g) Excluded offenses, charges and convictions. The following types of offenses, charges and convictions shall not be scored in the Prior Record Score:

     (1) Summary offenses, violations of local ordinances, direct or indirect contempt of court, violation of protection from abuse orders, and dispositions under Pa.R.Crim.P. Rules 300—320 (relating to accelerated rehabilitative disposition), 35 P. S. § 780-117 (relating to probation without verdict) or 35 P. S. § 780-118 (relating to disposition in lieu of trial or criminal punishment).

     (2) A charge which is nolle prossed, dismissed, or on which a demurrer is sustained.

     (3) Any prior conviction which contributed to an increase in the grade of a subsequent conviction, except for prior Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance convictions.

    § 303.9. Guideline sentence recommendation: general.

     (a) Basic sentence recommendations. Guideline sentence recommendations are based on the Offense Gravity Score and Prior Record Score. In most cases, the sentence recommendations are found in the Basic Sentencing Matrix (§ 303.16). The Basic Sentencing Matrix specifies a range of sentences (i.e.-standard range) that shall be considered by the court for each combination of Offense Gravity Score (OGS) and Prior Record Score (PRS).

     (b) Deadly Weapon Enhancement sentence recommendations. If the court determines that an offender possessed a deadly weapon pursuant to § 303.10(a)(1), the court shall instead consider the DWE/Possessed Matrix (§ 303.17). If the court determines that an offender used a deadly weapon pursuant to § 303.10(a)(2), the court shall instead consider the DWE/Used Matrix (§ 303.18). Both enhanced matrices specify a range of sentences (i.e.-standard range) that shall be considered by the court for each combination of Offense Gravity Score (OGS) and Prior Record Score (PRS).

     (c) Youth/School Enhancement sentence recommendations. If the court determines that an offender violated the drug act pursuant to § 303.10(b), [12 months shall be added to the lower limit of the standard range of the applicable sentencing matrix and 36 months shall be added to the upper limit of the standard range of the applicable sentencing matrix] the court shall consider the applicable matrix in 303.19, related to Youth, School, or Youth and School Enhancements. When applying the Youth Enhancement, 6 months are added to the lower limit of the standard range and 12 months are added to the upper limit of the standard range. When applying the School Enhancement, 12 months are added to the lower limit of the standard range and 24 months are added to the upper limit of the standard range. When the Youth and School Enhancement is applied, 18 months are added to the bottom of the standard range and 36 months are added to the upper limit of the standard range. The range of sentences (i.e.—standard range) shall be considered by the court for each combination of Offense Gravity Score (OGS) and Prior Record Score (PRS).

     (d) Aggravated and mitigated sentence recommendations. To determine the aggravated and mitigated sentence recommendations, apply § 303.13.

     (e) Numeric sentence recommendations. All numbers in sentence recommendations suggest months of minimum confinement pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9755(b) (partial confinement) and § 9756(b) (total confinement).

     (f) Alphabetic sentence recommendations. RS in the sentence recommendation, an abbreviation for Restorative Sanctions, suggests use of the least restrictive, non-confinement sentencing alternatives described in 42 Pa.C.S. § 9753 (determination of guilt without further penalty), § 9754 (order of probation) and § 9758 (fine). 42 Pa.C.S. § 9721(c) (mandatory restitution) is also included in RS. No specific recommendations are provided for periods of supervision for these non-confinement sentencing alternatives. Recommendations related to fines and community service are found at § 303.14(a). RIP in the sentence recommendation, an abbreviation for Restrictive Intermediate Punishments, suggests use of Restrictive Intermediate Punishments pursuant to § 303.12(a)(4).

     (g) When the guideline sentence recommendation exceeds that permitted by 18 Pa.C.S. § 1103 and § 1104 (relating to sentence of imprisonment for felony and misdemeanor) and 42 Pa.C.S. § 9755(b) and § 9756(b) (relating to sentence of partial and total confinement) or other applicable statute setting the maximum term of confinement, then the statutory limit is the longest guideline sentence recommendation. For the purposes of the guidelines, the statutory limit is the longest legal minimum sentence, which is one-half the maximum allowed by law.

     (h) Mandatory sentences. The court has no authority to impose a sentence less than that required by a mandatory minimum provision established in statute. When the guideline range is lower than that required by a mandatory sentencing statute, the mandatory minimum requirement supersedes the sentence recommendation. When the sentence recommendation is higher than that required by a mandatory sentencing statute, the court shall consider the guideline sentence recommendation.

     (i) Mandatory sentences for which county intermediate punishment is authorized. The court shall consider the sentence recommendations pursuant to this section (§ 303.9) for an offender convicted under 30 Pa.C.S. § 5502 (Operating a Watercraft Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance), 75 Pa.C.S. § 1543(b) (Driving While Operating Privilege is Suspended or Revoked, Certain Offenses), 75 Pa.C.S. § 3802 (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance) or 75 Pa.C.S. § [1543(b)] 3808(a)(2) (Illegally Operating a Motor Vehicle Not Equipped with Ignition Interlock). The court may use a Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishment pursuant to § 303.12(a)(6) to satisfy the mandatory minimum requirement as provided by law.

    § 303.10. Guideline sentence recommendations: enhancements.

     (a) Deadly Weapon Enhancement.

     (1) When the court determines that the offender possessed a deadly weapon during the commission of the current conviction offense, the court shall consider the DWE/Possessed Matrix (§ 303.17). An offender has possessed a deadly weapon if any of the following were on the offender's person or within his immediate physical control:

     (i) Any firearm, (as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 9712) whether loaded or unloaded, or

     (ii) Any dangerous weapon (as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 913), or

     (iii) Any device, implement, or instrumentality designed as a weapon or capable of producing death or serious bodily injury where the court determines that the defendant intended to use the weapon to threaten or injure another individual.

     (2) When the court determines that the offender used a deadly weapon during the commission of the current conviction offense, the court shall consider the DWE/Used Matrix (§ 303.18). An offender has used a deadly weapon if any of the following were employed by the offender in a way that threatened or injured another individual:

     (i) Any firearm, (as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 9712) whether loaded or unloaded, or

     (ii) Any dangerous weapon (as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 913), or

     (iii) Any device, implement, or instrumentality capable of producing death or serious bodily injury.

     (3) There shall be no Deadly Weapon Enhancement for the following offenses:

     (i) Possessing Instruments of Crime

     (ii) Prohibited Offensive Weapons

     (iii) Possession of Weapon on School Property

     (iv) Possession of Firearm or Other Dangerous Weapon in Court Facility

     (v) Simple Assault (18 Pa.C.S. § 2701(a)(2))

     (vi) Aggravated Assault (18 Pa.C.S. § 2702(a)(4))

     (vii) Theft when property stolen is a firearm (18 Pa.C.S. Chapter 39)

     (viii) Violations of the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act

     (ix) Any other offense for which possession of a deadly weapon is an element of the statutory definition.

     (4) The Deadly Weapon Enhancement shall apply to each conviction offense for which a deadly weapon is possessed or used.

     (b) Youth/School Enhancement.

     (1) When the court determines that the offender [either] distributed a controlled substance to a person or persons under the age of 18 [in violation of 35 P. S. § 780-114, or manufactured, delivered or possessed with intent to deliver a controlled substance within 1000 feet of the real property on which is located a public or private elementary or secondary school], the court shall consider the range of sentences described in § 303.9(c).

     (2) When the court determines that the offender manufactured, delivered or possessed with intent to deliver a controlled substance within 250 feet of the real property on which is located a public or private elementary or secondary school, the court shall consider the range of sentences described in § 303.9(c).

    (3) When the court determines both (b)(1) and (b)(2) apply, the court shall consider the range of sentences described in § 303.9(c).

    (4) The Youth/School Enhancement only applies to violations of 35 P. S. § 780-113(a)(14) and (a)(30).

    [(3)] (5) The Youth/School Enhancement shall apply to each violation which meets the criteria above.

    § 303.11. Guideline sentence recommendation: sentencing levels.

     (a) Purpose of sentence. In writing the sentencing guidelines, the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing strives to provide a benchmark for the judges of Pennsylvania. The sentencing guidelines provide sanctions proportionate to the severity of the crime and the severity of the offender's prior conviction record. This establishes a sentencing system with a primary focus on retribution, but one in which the recommendations allow for the fulfillment of other sentencing purposes including rehabilitation, deterrence, and incapacitation. To facilitate consideration of sentencing options consistent with the intent of the sentencing guidelines, the Commission has established five sentencing levels. Each level targets certain types of offenders, and describes ranges of sentencing options available to the court.

     (b) Sentencing levels. The sentencing level is based on the standard range of the sentencing recommendation. Refer to § 303.9 to determine which sentence recommendation (i.e.—Basic, Deadly Weapon Enhancement or Youth/School Enhancement) applies. When the individual or aggregate minimum sentence recommendation includes confinement in a county facility, county intermediate punishment should be considered in lieu of confinement for an eligible offender. When the individual or aggregate minimum sentence recommendation includes confinement in a state facility, county or state intermediate punishment should be considered in lieu of confinement for an eligible offender. The descriptions of the five sentencing levels are as follows:

     (1) Level 1—Level 1 provides sentence recommendations for the least serious offenders with no more than one prior misdemeanor conviction, such that the standard range is limited to Restorative Sanctions (RS). The primary purpose of this level is to provide the minimal control necessary to fulfill court-ordered obligations. The following sentencing option is available:

     Restorative Sanctions (§ 303.9(f)) (also see § 303.14(a)(4)for Fines/Community Service Guidelines)

     (2) Level 2—Level 2 provides sentence recommendations for generally non-violent offenders and those with numerous less serious prior convictions, such that the standard range requires a county sentence but permits both incarceration and non-confinement. The standard range is defined as having an upper limit of less than 12 months and a lower limit of Restorative Sanctions (RS). The primary purposes of this level are control over the offender and restitution to victims. Treatment is recommended for drug dependent offenders. The following sentencing options are available:

     Total confinement in a county facility [under a county sentence (see 61 P. S. § 331.17).]

     Partial confinement in a county facility

     County Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12(a) for eligibility criteria)

     Restorative Sanctions (§ 303.9(f)) (also see § 303.14(a)(4)for Fines/Community Service Guidelines)

     (3) Level 3—Level 3 provides sentence recommendations for serious offenders and those with numerous prior convictions, such that the standard range requires incarceration or County Intermediate Punishment, but in all cases permits a county sentence. The standard range is defined as having a lower limit of incarceration of less than 12 months. Included in Level 3 are those offenses for which a mandatory minimum sentence of [less than] 12 months or less applies and for which a state or county intermediate punishment sentence is authorized by statute. The primary purposes of this level are retribution and control over the offender. If eligible, treatment is recommended for drug dependent offenders in lieu of incarceration. The following sentencing options are available:

     Total confinement in a state facility

     Total confinement in a state facility, with participation in the State Motivational Boot Camp (see § 303.12(b) for eligibility criteria)

     State Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12(c) for eligibility criteria)

     Total confinement in a county facility [under a state or county sentence (see 61 P. S. § 331.17).] pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b) or for DUI if the offender is subject to the extended supervision of the court pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(d)

     Partial confinement in a county facility pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b) or for DUI if the offender is subject to the extended supervision of the court pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(d)

     County Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12(a) for eligibility criteria)

     (4) Level 4—Level 4 provides sentence recommendations for very serious offenders and those with numerous prior convictions, such that the standard range requires state incarceration but permits it to be served in a county facility pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b). The standard range is defined as having a lower limit of incarceration of [greater than] 12 months or greater but less than 30 months, but limited to offenses with an Offense Gravity Score of less than 9. Included in Level 4 are those offenses for which a mandatory minimum sentence of less than 30 months applies and for which a state or county intermediate punishment sentence is authorized by statute. The primary purposes of the sentencing options at this level are punishment and incapacitation. However, it is recognized that certain offenders at this level are permitted to serve a sentence of total confinement in a county facility, pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b), and some non-violent offenders may benefit from drug and alcohol treatment. If eligible, state or county intermediate punishment is recommended for drug dependent offenders. The following sentencing options are available:

     Total confinement in a state facility

     Total confinement in a state facility, with participation in the State Motivational Boot Camp (see § 303.12(b) for eligibility criteria)

     State Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12(c) for eligibility criteria)

     Total confinement in a county facility [as a state offender (see 61 P. S. § 331.17).] pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b) or for DUI if the offender is subject to the extended supervision of the court pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(d)

     Partial confinement in a county facility[.] pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b) or for DUI if the offender is subject to the extended supervision of the court pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(d)

     County Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12.(a) for eligibility criteria)

     (5) Level 5—Level 5 provides sentence recommendations for the most violent offenders and those with major drug convictions, such that the conviction has an Offense Gravity Score of 9 or greater or the standard range requires state incarceration in a state facility. The standard range in such a case is defined as having a lower limit of 12 months or greater. Included in Level 5 are those offenses for which a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 months or greater applies and for which a state or county intermediate punishment sentence is authorized by statute. The primary purposes of the sentencing options at this level are punishment commensurate with the seriousness of the criminal behavior and incapacitation to protect the public. If eligible, state or county intermediate punishment is recommended for drug dependent offenders. The following sentencing options are available:

     Total confinement in a state facility[.]

     Total confinement in a state facility, with participation in the State Motivational Boot Camp (see § 303.12(b) for eligibility criteria)

     State Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12(c) for eligibility criteria)

     Total confinement in a county facility [as a state offender. (see 61 P. S. § 331.17).] pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b) or for DUI if the offender is subject to the extended supervision of the court pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(d)

     Partial confinement in a county facility[.] pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b) or for DUI if the offender is subject to the extended supervision of the court pursuant to 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804(d)

     County Intermediate Punishment (see § 303.12.(a) for eligibility criteria)

    § 303.12. Guideline sentence recommendations: sentencing programs.

     (a) County intermediate punishment (CIP).

     (1) Eligibility.

     (i) The following regulations and statutes govern operation of and eligibility for county intermediate punishment programs:

     37 Pa. Code § 451.1 et seq.

     42 Pa.C.S. [§ 9729,] § 9763, § 9773 and Chapter 98[.]

     204 Pa. Code § 303.8 and § 303.9[.]

     (ii) Sentence recommendations which include an option of County Intermediate Punishment for certain offenders are designated [as shaded cells] in the guideline matrices.

     (2) The county intermediate punishment plan provides a mechanism to advise the court of the extent and availability of services and programs authorized in the county. This plan includes information on the appropriate classification and use of county programs based on program-specific requirements.

     (3) County intermediate punishments classifications. In order to incorporate county intermediate punishment programs into the sentencing levels, the Commission has classified county intermediate punishment programs as Restrictive Intermediate Punishments (RIP) and restorative sanction programs. Additionally, specific county intermediate punishment programs have been identified in legislation (42 Pa.C.S. §§ 9763(c) and 9804(b)) and regulation (37 Pa. Code § 451.52) as authorized sentences for convictions relating to Operating a Watercraft Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Controlled Substance, Driving While Operating Privilege is Suspended or Revoked, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance and Illegally Operating a Motor Vehicle Not Equipped with Ignition Interlock; the Commission has classified these programs as Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishments.

     (4) Restrictive Intermediate Punishments (RIP). Restrictive Intermediate Punishments are defined as programs that provide for strict supervision of the offender. The county intermediate punishment board is required to develop assessment and evaluation procedures to assure the appropriate targeting of offenders. All programs must meet the minimum standards provided in the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency regulations (37 Pa. Code Chapter 451) for county intermediate punishments.

     (i) Restrictive Intermediate Punishments (RIP) either:

     (A) house the offender full or part time; or

     (B) significantly restrict the offender's movement and monitor the offender's compliance with the program(s); or

     (C) involve a combination of programs that meet the standards set forth above.

     (ii) An offender under consideration for Restrictive Intermediate Punishments at Level 4 or Level 3 shall have a diagnostic assessment of dependency on alcohol or other drugs conducted by one of the following: the Pennsylvania Department of Health's Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs (BDAP) or a designee; the county authority on drugs and alcohol or a designee; or clinical personnel of a facility licensed by the Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs.

     (iii) An offender assessed to be dependent shall be evaluated for purposes of a treatment recommendation by one of the above listed assessors. The evaluation shall take into account the level of motivation of the offender. If sentenced to a Restrictive Intermediate Punishment, the sentence shall be consistent with the level of care and length of stay prescribed in the treatment recommendation, regardless of the standard range sentencing recommendation.

     (iv) An offender assessed as not in need of drug or alcohol treatment may be placed in any approved Restrictive Intermediate Punishment program. Each day of participation in a Restrictive Intermediate Punishment program or combination of programs shall be considered the equivalent of one day of total confinement for guideline sentence recommendations.

     (v) The court may impose a Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishment in lieu of incarceration for certain convictions under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3802 (relating to Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Controlled Substance).

     (5) Restorative sanction programs. Restorative sanction programs are the least restrictive, non-confinement intermediate punishments. Restorative sanction programs are generally used in conjunction with Restrictive Intermediate Punishments as the level of supervision is reduced, but may also be used as separate sanctions under any of the non-confinement sentencing alternatives provided in the statute (see § 303.9(f)).

     (i) Restorative sanction programs:

     (A) are the least restrictive in terms of constraint of offender's liberties;

     (B) do not involve the housing of the offender (either full or part time); and

     (C) focus on restoring the victim to pre-offense status.

     (6) Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishments. In accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 9763(c), 9804(b) and 37 Pa. Code § 451, Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishment programs may be used to satisfy the mandatory minimum sentencing requirements of certain convictions under 30 Pa.C.S. § 5502(c.1) for a first, second or third offense under 30 Pa.C.S. § 5502, 75 Pa.C.S. § 1543(b), former 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731, 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804 for a first, second or third offense under 75 Pa.C.S. Chapter 38, or 75 Pa.C.S. § 3808(a)(2) Illegally Operating a Motor Vehicle Not Equipped with Ignition Interlock.

     (i) Unless otherwise provided in statute, Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishment programs include:

     (A) if the defendant is determined to be in need of drug and alcohol treatment, and receives a penalty imposed under 75 Pa.C.S. § 1543(b), former 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731, 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804, or 75 Pa.C.S. § 3808(a)(2) a sentence to county intermediate punishment shall include participation in drug and alcohol treatment under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3815(c), and may be combined with:

     1. a residential inpatient program or residential rehabilitative center;

     2. house arrest with electronic surveillance;

     3. a partial confinement program such as work release, a work camp or a halfway facility; or

     4. any combination of Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishment programs.

     (B) if the defendant is determined not to be in need of drug and alcohol treatment, or if the defendant receives a penalty imposed under 30 Pa.C.S. § 5502(c.1), a sentence to county intermediate punishment may only include:

     1. house arrest with electronic surveillance; or

     2. partial confinement programs such as work release, a work camp or a halfway facility; or

     3. any combination of Qualified Restrictive Intermediate Punishment programs.

     (b) State Motivational Boot Camp (BC).

     (1) Eligibility.

     (i) The following statute governs operation of and eligibility for the State Motivational Boot Camp: [61 P. S. § 1121—§ 1129] 61 Pa.C.S. Chapter 39.

     (ii) Sentence recommendations which include boot camp eligible offenders are designated by the letters BC in the cells of the Basic Sentencing Matrix (§ 303.16).

     (2) The court shall indicate on the offender's commitment order and the Guideline Sentence Form if the offender is authorized as eligible for the boot camp program. The Department of Corrections makes the final determination as to whether the offender will be accepted into the boot camp program.

     (c) State Intermediate Punishment (SIP).

     (1) Eligibility.

     (i) The following statute governs operation of and eligibility for State Intermediate Punishment: [42 Pa.C.S. Chapter 99] 61 Pa.C.S. Chapter 41.

     (ii) Any person convicted of a drug-related offense for which the sentence recommendation includes total confinement in a state facility may be considered for state intermediate punishment.

     (2) The court may, upon motion of the Commonwealth and agreement of the defendant, commit a defendant to the custody of the Department of Corrections for the purpose of evaluating whether the defendant would benefit from a drug offender treatment program and whether treatment in a drug offender treatment program is appropriate.

     (3) Upon receipt of a recommendation for placement in a drug offender treatment program and an individualized treatment plan from the Department of Corrections, and agreement of the attorney for the Commonwealth and the defendant, the court may sentence an eligible offender to a period of 24 months of state intermediate punishment.

     (4) The court may impose a consecutive period of probation. The total duration of a sentence of state intermediate punishment and consecutive probation may not exceed the maximum term for which the eligible offender could otherwise be sentenced.

    § 303.13. Guideline sentence recommendations: aggravated and mitigated circumstances.

     (a) When the court determines that an aggravating circumstance(s) is present, it may impose an aggravated sentence as follows:

     (1) For the Offense Gravity Scores of 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 the court may impose a sentence that is up to 12 months longer than the upper limit of the standard range.

     (2) For the Offense Gravity Score of 8, the court may impose a sentence that is up to 9 months longer than the upper limit of the standard range.

     (3) For the Offense Gravity Scores of 6 and 7, the court may impose a sentence that is up to 6 months longer than the upper limit of the standard range.

     (4) For the Offense Gravity Scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the court may impose a sentence that is up to 3 months longer than the upper limit of the standard range. When imposing a fine or community service pursuant to § 303.14(a)(4), the court may impose a sentence that is up to 25 hours longer than the upper limit of the standard range.

     (5) When the standard range is Restorative Sanctions (RS), the aggravated sentence recommendation is RIP-3.

     (b) When the court determines that a mitigating circumstance(s) is present, it may impose a mitigated sentence as follows:

     (1) For the Offense Gravity Scores of 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 the court may impose a sentence that is up to 12 months shorter than the lower limit of the standard range.

     (2) For the Offense Gravity Score of 8, the court may impose a sentence that is up to 9 months shorter than the lower limit of the standard range.

     (3) For the Offense Gravity Scores of 6 and 7, the court may impose a sentence that is up to 6 months shorter than the lower limit of the standard range.

     (4) For the Offense Gravity Scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the court may impose a sentence that is up to 3 months shorter than the lower limit of the standard range. When imposing a fine or community service pursuant to § 303.14(a)(4), the court may impose a sentence that is up to 25 hours shorter than the lower limit of the standard range.

     (5) When the bottom of the standard range is less than or equal to 3 months of incarceration, the lower limit of the mitigated sentence recommendation is Restorative Sanctions (RS).

     (6) In no case where a Deadly Weapon Enhancement is applied may the mitigated sentence recommendation be lower than 3 months.

    (7) In no case where the Youth/School Enhancement is applied may the mitigated sentence recommendation be lower than 6 months for the Youth Enhancement, 12 months for the School Enhancement, and 18 months for the Youth and School Enhancement.

     (c) When the court imposes an aggravated or mitigated sentence, it shall state the reasons on the record and on the Guideline Sentence Form, a copy of which is electronically transmitted to the Commission on Sentencing in the manner described in § 303.1(e).

    § 303.14. Guideline sentence recommendations—economic sanctions.

     (a) Fines.

     (1) Fines may be added to any guideline sentence, as authorized by law. Relevant statutes include but are not limited to:

     (i) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1101 (relating to fines)

     (ii) 35 P. S. § 780-113(b)—(o) (relating to controlled substances)

     (iii) 42 Pa.C.S. § 9726 (relating to fine as a sentence)

     (iv) 42 Pa.C.S. § 9758 (relating to imposition of a fine)

     (v) 75 Pa.C.S. § 3804 (relating to fines for DUI)

     (2) A fine, within the limits established by law, shall be considered by the court when the offender is convicted of 35 P. S. § 780-113(a)(12), (14) or (30), and the drug involved is any of the following: a controlled substance or counterfeit substance classified in Schedule I or II and which is a narcotic; phencyclidine, methamphetamine, or cocaine, including the isomers, salts, compounds, salts of isomers, or derivatives of phencyclidine, methamphet-amine, or cocaine; or is in excess of one thousand pounds of marijuana. Such fine shall be of an amount that is at least sufficient to exhaust the assets utilized in, and the proceeds obtained by the offender from, the illegal possession, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances. Such fine shall not include assets concerning which the attorney for the Commonwealth has filed a forfeiture petition or concerning which he has given notice to the court of his intent to file a forfeiture petition.

     (3) Fines may be utilized as part of a county intermediate punishment sentence or as a non-confinement sentencing alternative (see restorative sanction § 303.9(f)).

     (4) Fines/Community Service Guidelines. The following guidelines shall be considered by the court when ordering fines or community service as a Restorative Sanction without confinement. Community service, when ordered, is imposed as a condition of probation. A fine, when ordered, is imposed as a non-confinement sentencing alternative or as a condition of probation. The fines guidelines are determined by multiplying the number of hours recommended by the offender's hourly wage or the current minimum wage, whichever is higher, but may not exceed the statutory maximum fine authorized by law

    [(a)] (A) OGS 1

     i. PRS 0 25 hours-50 hours

     ii. PRS 1 50 hours-75 hours

     iii. PRS 2 75 hours-100 hours

     iv. PRS 3 100 hours-125 hours

     v. PRS 4 125 hours-150 hours

     vi. PRS 5 150 hours-175 hours

    [(b)] (B) OGS 2

     i. PRS 0 25 hours-50 hours

     ii. PRS 1 75 hours-100 hours

     iii. PRS 2 100 hours-125 hours

     iv. PRS 3 125 hours-150 hours

     v. PRS 4 150 hours-175 hours

    [(c)] (C) OGS 3

     i. PRS 0 50 hours-75 hours

     ii. PRS 1 150 hours-175 hours

     iii. PRS 2 225 hours-250 hours

     iv. PRS 3 300 hours-325 hours

    [(d)] (D) OGS 4

     i. PRS 0 100 hours-125 hours

     ii. PRS 1 225 hours-250 hours

     iii. PRS 2 300 hours-325 hours

    [(e)] (E) OGS 5

     i. PRS 0 225 hours-250 hours

     (b) Costs and fees.

     (1) Costs and fees may be added to any guideline sentence, as authorized by law. Relevant statutes include but are not limited to:

     (i) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1109 (relating to costs of any reward)

     (ii) 18 P. S. § 11.1101 (relating to Crime Victim's Compensation Fund costs)

     (iii) 18 P. S. § 11.1102 (relating to costs of offender supervision programs)

     (iv) 42 Pa.C.S. § 1725 (relating to fees and charges)

     (v) 42 Pa.C.S. § 1725.1 (relating to costs)

     (vi) 42 Pa.C.S. § 1725.2 (relating to costs of summary convictions)

     (vii) 42 Pa.C.S. § 1725.3 (relating to criminal laboratory user fees)

     (viii) 42 Pa.C.S. § 1726.1 (relating to forensic exam)

     (ix) 42 Pa.C.S. § 1726.2 (relating to criminal prosecution involving domestic violence)

     (x) 42 Pa.C.S. § 9728(c) (relating to costs, etc.)

     (c) Restitution

     (1) Restitution shall be added to any guideline sentence, as authorized by law. Relevant statutes include but are not limited to:

     (i) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1106 (relating to injuries to person or property)

     (ii) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1107 (relating to theft of timber)

     (iii) 18 P. S. § 11.1302 (relating to restitution to the Office of Victim Services)

     (iv) 42 Pa.C.S. § 9720.1 (relating to identity theft)

     (v) 42 Pa.C.S. § 9721(c) (relating to mandatory restitution)

     (2) Restitution may be imposed as a direct sentence or as a condition of probation or intermediate punishment, and is considered a non-confinement sentencing alternative (see restorative sanction § 303.9(f)).

    § 303.15. Offense Listing.


    901 Criminal Attempt (INCHOATE) 18 Pa.C.S. § 905 See § 303.3(c) See § 303.8(b)
    902 Criminal Solicitation (INCHOATE) 18 Pa.C.S. § 905 See § 303.3(c) See § 303.8(b)
    903 Criminal Conspiracy (INCHOATE) 18 Pa.C.S. § 905 See § 303.3(c) See § 303.8(b)
    907(a) Possessing Instruments of Crime (criminal instruments) M1 3 m
    907(b) Possessing Instruments of Crime (weapon) M1 4 1
    907(c) Possessing Instruments of Crime (unlawful body armor) F3 5 1
    908 Prohibited Offensive Weapons M1 4 1
    908.1(a)(1) Use of electric or electronic incapacitation device (intent to commit felony) F2 8 2
    908.1(a)(1) Use of electric or electronic incapacitation device (no intent to commit felony) M1 5 1
    908.1(a)(2) Possess electric or electronic incapacitation device (intent to commit felony) F2 7 2
    908.1(a)(2) Possess electric or electronic incapacitation device (no intent to commit felony) M1 4 1
    909 Manufacture, Distribution or Possession of Master Key for Motor Vehicles M1 3 m
    910(b)(1) Manufacture, Distribution or Possession of Devices for Theft of Telecommunications (first offense) M1 4 m
    910(b)(2) Manufacture, Distribution or Possession of Devices for Theft of Telecommunications (second offense or 10- 50 devices) F3 6 1
    910(b)(3) Manufacture, Distribution or Possession of Devices for Theft of Telecommunications (third or subsequent offense or >50 devices) F2 8 2
    911 Corrupt Organizations F1 8 3
    912 Weapon on School Property M1 4 1
    913(a)(1) Possession of Firearm or Other Dangerous Weapon in Court Facility M3 1 m
    913(a)(2) Possession of Firearm or Other Dangerous Weapon in Court Facility (intend for crime) M1 3 1
    2102 Desecration of Flag M3 1 m
    2103 Insults to Flag M2 2 m
    2502(a) Murder, First Degree Murder of the First Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(a) 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to First Degree Murder (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to First Degree Murder (No SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2502(b) Murder, Second Degree Murder of the Second Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(b) 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Second Degree Murder (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Second Degree Murder (No SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2502(c) Murder, Third Degree F1 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Third Degree Murder (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Third Degree Murder (No SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2503 Manslaughter, Voluntary F1 11 4
    [2503 INCHOATE] [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Voluntary Manslaughter] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [10] [3]
    2504* Manslaughter, Involuntary (when there is also a conviction for DUI or Operating a Watercraft Under the Influence arising from the same INCIDENT) M1 8 1
    2504* Manslaughter, Involuntary (when there is not a conviction for DUI or Operating a Watercraft Under the Influence arising from the same INCIDENT) M1 6 1
    2504 Manslaughter, Involuntary (victim under 12 years) F2 8 2
    2505(b) Suicide, Aids or Solicits F2 6 2
    2505(b) Suicide, Aids or Solicits M2 2 m
    2506 Drug Delivery Resulting in Death F1 13 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Drug Delivery Resulting in Death] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [12] [4]
    2507(a) Murder, First Degree, law enforcement officer Murder of the First Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(a) 4
    —Attempt/solicitation/conspiracy to First Degree Murder of law enforcement officer (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/solicitation/conspiracy to First Degree Murder of law enforcement officer (no SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. 1102(c) 13 4
    2507(b) Murder, Second Degree, law enforcement officer Murder of the Second Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(b) 4
    —Attempt/solicitation/conspiracy to Second Degree Murder of law enforcement officer (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/solicitation/conspiracy to Second Degree Murder of law enforcement officer (no SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. 1102(c) 13 4
    2507(c) Manslaughter, First Degree, law enforcement officer F1 14 4
    2507(d) Manslaughter, Second Degree, law enforcement officerF292
    2604(a) Murder, First Degree, unborn child Murder of the First Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(a) 4
    2604(a) INCHOATE —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to First Degree Murder of Unborn Child (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to First Degree Murder of Unborn Child (No SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2604(b) Murder, Second Degree, Unborn Child Murder of the Second Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(b) 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Second Degree Murder of Unborn Child (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Second Degree Murder of Unborn Child (No SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2604(c) Murder, Third Degree, Unborn Child F1 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Third Degree Murder of Unborn Child (SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Third Degree Murder of Unborn Child (No SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2605 Manslaughter, Voluntary, of Unborn Child F1 11 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Voluntary Manslaughter of Unborn Child] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [10] [3]
    2606* Aggravated assault of Unborn Child (caused serious bodily injury) F1 11 4
    2606* Aggravated Assault of Unborn Child (attempted to cause serious bodily injury) F1 10 3
    2701(a)(1) Simple Assault: attempt or cause BI M2 3 m
    2701[(b)(1)](a)(1) Simple Assault: attempt or cause BI (mutual consent)) M3 1 m
    2701[(b)(2)](a)(1) Simple Assault: attempt or cause BI (against child by adult)) M1 4 1
    2701(a)(2) Simple Assault: negligently cause BI with deadly weaponM2 3 m
    2701(a)(2) Simple Assault: negligently cause BI with deadly weapon (mutual consent) M3 1 m
    2701(a)(2) Simple Assault: negligently cause BI with deadly weapon (against child by adult) M1 4 1
    2701(a)(3) Simple Assault: fear SBI M2 3 m
    2701(a)(3) Simple Assault: fear SBI (mutual consent) M3 1 m
    2701(a)(3) Simple Assault: fear SBI (against child by adult) M1 4 1
    2701(a)(4) Simple Assault: hypodermic needle penetrates M2 3 m
    2701(a)(4) Simple Assault: hypodermic needle penetrates (mutual consent) M3 1 m
    2701(a)(4) Simple Assault: hypodermic needle penetrates (against child by adult) M1 4 1
    2702(a)(1)* Aggravated Assault (causes serious bodily injury) F1 11 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Aggravated Assault (causes SBI)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [10] [3]
    2702(a)(1)* Aggravated Assault (attempts to cause serious bodily injury) F1 10 3
    2702(a)(2)* Aggravated Assault (causes serious bodily injury police, etc.) F1 11 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Aggravated Assault (causes SBI to police, etc.)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [10] [3]
    2702(a)(2)* Aggravated Assault (attempts to cause serious bodily injury, police, etc.)F110 3
    2702(a)(3) Aggravated Assault (causes or attempts to cause bodily injury, police, etc.) F2 6 2
    2702(a)(4) Aggravated Assault (causes or attempts to cause bodily injury with a deadly weapon) F2 8 2
    2702(a)(5) Aggravated Assault (teaching staff, etc.) F2 6 2
    2702(a)(6) Aggravated Assault (physical menace, fear of imminent SBI) F2 6 2
    2702(a)(7) Aggravated Assault (tear or noxious gas) F2 6 2
    2702.1 Assault of law enforcement officer (discharging firearm) F1 13 4
    2703 Assault by Prisoner F2 7 2
    2703.1 Aggravated harassment by prisoner F3 6 1
    2704 Assault by life prisoner Murder of the Second Degree 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(b) 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy (SBI) to Assault by Life Prisoner 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 14 4
    —Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Assault by Life Prisoner (no SBI) 18 Pa.C.S. § 1102(c) 13 4
    2705 Recklessly Endangering Another Person M2 3 m
    2706 Terroristic Threats M1 3 m
    2706 Terroristic threats (diverted from activities) F3 5 1
    2707(a) Propulsion of Missiles into an Occupied Vehicle M1 3 m
    2707(b) Propulsion of Missiles onto a Roadway M2 2 m
    2707.1 Discharge of firearm into an occupied structure F3 10 1
    2708 Use of Tear Gas in Labor Dispute M1 3 m
    2709(a) Harassment M3 1 m
    2709.1(c)(1) Stalking (first offense) M1 [3] 4 m
    2709.1(c)(2) Stalking (second/subsequent offense or prior crime of violence) F3 6 1
    2710 Ethnic Intimidation 18 Pa.C.S. § 2710(b) See § 303.3(d) See § 303.8(c)
    2712 Assault on Sports Official M1 3 m
    2713(a)(1)(2) Neglect of Care-dependent Person (SBI) F1 10 3
    2713(a)(1)(2) Neglect of Care-dependent Person (BI) M1 4 m
    2714 Unauthorized administration of intoxicant F3 8 1
    2715(b)(1) Threat to use weapons of mass destruction (reports or threatens) M1 3 m
    2715(b)(2) Threat to use weapons of mass destruction (diverted from activities) F3 5 1
    2715(b)(3) Threat to use weapons of mass destruction (during state of emergency) F2 7 2
    2716(a) Weapons of mass destruction (possession/first offense) F2 7 2
    2716(a) Weapons of mass destruction (possession/subsequent offense) F1 11 4
    2716(b)(1) Weapons of mass destruction (use/results in death) Life Life 4
    2716(b)(1) Weapons of mass destruction (use/cause injury or illness) F1 13 4
    2716(b)(2) Weapons of mass destruction (damage/disrupt water, food) F1 13 4
    2716(b)(3) Weapons of mass destruction (evacuation) F1 13 4
    2717(b)(1) Terrorism (if the violent offense is an F2) F1 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    2717(b)(1) Terrorism (if the violent offense is an F3 or ungraded felony)F2 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    2717(b)(1) Terrorism (if the violent offense is an M1) F3 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)

    [Continued on next Web Page]

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    2717(b)(1) Terrorism (if the violent offense is an M2 ) M1 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    2717(b)(1) Terrorism (if the violent offense is an M3 or ungraded misdemeanor) M2 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    2717(b)(2) Terrorism (if the violent offense is an F1) F1 14 4
    2901* Kidnapping (victim 18 yrs. or older) F1 10 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Kidnapping (victim 18 yrs. or older)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [9] [3]
    [2901*] [Kidnapping (victim under 18 years of age)] [F1] [10] [4]
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Kidnapping (victim under 18 years of age)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [9] [3]
    2901(a.1)(1)* Kidnapping of a minor: ransom/reward/shield (victim 14—<18 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(1)* Kidnapping of a minor: ransom/reward/shield (victim <14 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(2)* Kidnapping of a minor: facilitate commission of felony (victim 14—<18 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(2)* Kidnapping of a minor: facilitate commission of felony (victim <14 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(3)* Kidnapping of a minor: inflict BI, terrorize (victim 14—<18 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(3)* Kidnapping of a minor: inflict BI, terrorize (victim <14 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(4)* Kidnapping of a minor: interfere gov. official/function (victim 14—<18 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2901(a.1)(4)* Kidnapping of a minor: interfere gov. official/function (victim <14 yrs.) F1 10 4
    2902(b)(1) Unlawful restraint (victim 18 yrs. or older) M1 3 m
    2902(b)(1) Unlawful restraint of minor: risk of SBI (victim <18 yrs.) F2 8 2
    2902(b)(2) Unlawful restraint by parent (victim under 18 years of age) F2 8 2
    2902(b)(2) Unlawful restraint of minor: invol. servitude (victim <18 yrs.) F2 8 2
    2903[(b)(1)](a) False imprisonment (victim 18 yrs. or older) M2 2 m
    2903(b) False imprisonment of minor (victim <18 yrs.) F2 [7] 8 2
    2903[(b)(2)](c) False imprisonment by parent (victim under 18 years of age) F2 7 2
    2904[(c)](a) Interference with the Custody of Children F3 [4] 6 1
    2904[(c)(1)](a) Interference with the Custody of Children by non-parent F2 [6] 8 2
    2904[(c)(2)](a) Interference with the Custody of Children, good cause/partial custody M2 [2] 3 m
    2905 Interference w/ Custody of Committed Persons M2 4 m
    2906 Criminal Coercion M1 3 m
    2906 Criminal Coercion M2 2 m
    2907 Disposition of Ransom F3 5 1
    2909 Concealment of Whereabouts of a Child F3 4 1
    2910(a) Luring a Child into a Motor Vehicle or structure M1 5 1
    3002(a) Trafficking of persons (knowingly traffics or attempts to traffic) F2 9 2
    3002(a) Trafficking of persons (knowingly traffics or attempts to traffic/SBI) F1 10 3
    3002(a) Trafficking of persons (knowingly traffics or attempts to traffic/victim under 18 years of age) F1 10 3
    3121(a)(1) Rape by forcible compulsion F1 12 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Rape] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [11] [3]
    3121 [(b)] (a)(1) Rape by forcible compulsion (uses substance to impair victim) F1 13 4
    3121(a)(2) Rape by threat of forcible compulsion F1 12 4
    3121(a)(2) Rape by threat of forcible compulsion ( uses substance to impair victim) F1 13 4
    3121(a)(3) Rape and victim unconscious/unaware F1 12 4
    3121(a)(3) Rape and victim unconscious/unaware (uses substance to impair victim) F1 13 4
    3121(a)(4) Rape and victim substantially impaired F1 12 4
    3121(a)(4) Rape and victim substantially impaired (uses substance to impair victim) F1 13 4
    3121(a)(5) Rape and victim has mental disability F1 12 4
    3121(a)(5) Rape and victim has mental disability (uses substance to impair victim) F1 13 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Rape] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [12] [3]
    3121(c) Rape (child < 13 yrs.) F1 14 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Rape] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [13] [3]
    3121(d) Rape (child < 13 yrs., SBI) F1 14 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Rape] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [13] [3]
    3122.1(a)(1) Statutory Sexual Assault (victim <16 yrs./offender 4 to <8 yrs. older) F2 7 2
    3122.1(a)(2) Statutory sexual assault (victim <16 yrs./offender 8 to <11 yrs. older) F2 [7] 8 2
    3122.1(b) Statutory sexual assault (victim <16 yrs./offender 11 yrs. or older) F1 9 3
    3123(a)(1) Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse by forcible compulsion F1 12 4
    3123(a)(2) Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse by threat of forcible compulsion F1 12 4
    3123(a)(3) Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and victim unconscious/unaware F1 12 4
    3123(a)(4) Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and victim substantially impaired F1 12 4
    3123(a)(5) Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and victim has mental disability F1 12 4
    3123(a)(7) Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse: victim <16 yrs. and offender 4 yrs. or older and not married to each other F1 12 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [11] [3]
    3123(b) Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse with a child (child <13 yrs.) F1 14 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [13] [3]
    3123(c) Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse with a child (child <13 yrs., SBI) F1 14 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [13] [3]
    3124.1 Sexual Assault F2 11 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Sexual Assault] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [11] [3]
    3124.2(a) Institutional sexual assault (victim 18 yrs. or older) F3 [5] 6 1
    3124.2(a.1) Institutional sexual assault of a minor (victim <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    3124.2(a.2) Institutional sexual assault by school volunteer or employee F3 6 1
    3124.2(a.3) Institutional sexual assault by child care volunteer or employee F3 6 1
    3125(a)(1) Aggravated Indecent Assault without consent F2 10 4
    3125[(b)](a)(1) Aggravated Indecent Assault of a child without consent (child <13 yrs.) F1 12 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Aggravated Indecent Assault] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [10] [3]
    3125(a)(2) Aggravated indecent assault by forcible compulsion F2 10 4
    3125(a)(2) Aggravated indecent assault of a child by forcible compulsion (child <13 yrs.) F1 12 4
    3125(a)(3) Aggravated indecent assault by threat of forcible compulsion F2 10 4
    3125(a)(3) Aggravated indecent assault of a child by threat of forcible compulsion (child <13 yrs.) F1 12 4
    3125(a)(4) Aggravated indecent assault and victim unconscious/unaware F2 10 4
    3125(a)(4) Aggravated indecent assault of a child and victim unconscious/unaware (child <13 yrs.) F1 12 4
    3125(a)(5) Aggravated indecent assault and victim substantially impaired F2 10 4
    3125(a)(5) Aggravated indecent assault of a child and victim substantially impaired (child <13 yrs.) F1 12 4
    3125(a)(6) Aggravated indecent assault and victim has mental disability F2 10 4
    3125(a)(6) Aggravated indecent assault of a child and victim has mental disability (child <13 yrs.) F1 12 4
    3125(a)(7) Aggravated indecent assault and victim <13 yrs F2 10 4
    3125(a)(8) Aggravated indecent assault and victim <16 yrs. and offender 4 yrs. or more older and not married to each other F2 10 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Aggravated Indecent Assault (child)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [11] [3]
    3126(a)(1) Indecent Assault (without consent) M2 4 m
    3126(a)(2) Indecent Assault (forcible compulsion) M1 5 m
    3126(a)(3) Indecent Assault (threat of forcible compulsion) M1 5 m
    3126(a)(4) Indecent Assault (complainant unconscious) M1 5 m
    3126(a)(5) Indecent Assault (substantially impaired complainant) M1 5 m
    3126(a)(6) Indecent Assault (complainant suffers mental disability) M1 5 m
    3126(a)(7) Indecent Assault (complainant less than 13 years of age)M1 5 1
    3126(a)(7) Indecent Assault (complainant less than 13 years of age; second/subsequent offense) F3 6 1
    3126(a)(7) Indecent Assault (complainant less than 13 years of age; course of conduct) F3 6 1
    3126(a)(7) Indecent Assault (complainant less than 13 years of age; touching of complainant's sexual/intimate parts with sexual/intimate parts of the person) F3 6 1
    3126(a)(7) Indecent Assault (complainant less than 13 years of age; touching the person's sexual/intimate parts with sexual/intimate parts of the complainant) F3 6 1
    3126(a)(8) Indecent Assault (complainant less than 16 years of age) M2 4 m
    3127 Indecent Exposure (person present is less than 16 years of age) M1 4 1
    3127 Indecent Exposure (person present is 16 years of age or older) M2 3 m
    3129 Sexual intercourse with animal M2 2 m
    3130(a)(1) Conduct relating to sex offenders (withholds information) F3 5 1
    3130(a)(2) Conduct relating to sex offenders (harbors or attempts to harbor) F3 5 1
    3130(a)(3) Conduct relating to sex offenders (conceals or attempts to conceal) F3 5 1
    3130(a)(4) Conduct relating to sex offenders (provides false information) F3 5 1
    3301(a)* Arson Endangering Persons (where a person other than the actor is inside the building or occupied structure when the fire is started or when bodily injury results, either directly or indirectly, at the scene of the fire) F1 10 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Arson Endangering Persons (where a person is inside the structure when the fire is started or when bodily injury results, either directly or indirectly, at the scene of the fire)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [9] [3]
    3301(a)* Arson Endangering Persons (where no person other than the actor is inside the building or occupied structure when the fire is started and no bodily injury results either directly or indirectly, at the scene of the fire) F1 9 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Arson Endangering Persons (where no person is inside the structure when the fire is started and no bodily injury results either directly or indirectly, at the scene of the fire)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [8] [3]
    3301(c) Arson, Endangering Property F2 6 2
    3301(d) Arson, Reckless Burning F3 5 1
    3301(e) Arson, Failure to Report M1 3 m
    3301(f) Arson, Possess Explosive Material F3 5 1
    3301(g) Arson, Disclosure of True Owner M3 1 m
    3302(a) Catastrophe, Causing F1 10 3
    3302(a) Catastrophe, Recklessly Causing F2 6 2
    3302(b) Catastrophe, Risking F3 4 1
    3303 Failure to Prevent Catastrophe M2 2 m
    3304 Criminal Mischief (>$5,000) F3 5 1
    3304 Criminal Mischief (>$1,000) M2 2 m
    3304 Criminal Mischief (>$500) M3 1 m
    3304 Criminal Mischief (>$150 under (a)(4)) M3 1 m
    3305 Tampering w/Fire Hydrants M3 1 m
    3307 Institutional Vandalism (>$5,000) F3 5 1
    3307 Institutional Vandalism M2 2 m
    3309 Agricultural Vandalism (>$5,000) F3 5 1
    3309 Agricultural Vandalism (>$1,000) M1 3 m
    3309 Agricultural Vandalism (>$500) M2 2 m
    3309 Agricultural Vandalism ($500 or less) M3 1 m
    3310 Agricultural crop destruction F2 7 2
    3311(b)(1) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is a summary offense) M3 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    3311(b)(2) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is an F1) F1 14 4
    3311(b)(2) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is an F2) F1 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    3311(b)(2) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is an F3 or ungraded felony) F2 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    3311(b)(2) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is an M1) F3 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    3311(b)(2) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is an M2 ) M1 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    3311(b)(2) Ecoterrorism (if the specified offense against property is an M3 or ungraded misdemeanor) M2 one point higher than object offense See § 303.7(a)
    3312(a)(2) Destruction of survey monument (willfully or maliciously removes any survey monument or marker in order to call into question a boundary line) M2 3 m
    3313(a) Illegal dumping of methamphetamine waste F3 5 1
    3502[*](a)(1) Burglary (of a structure adapted for overnight accommodation in which at the time of the offense any person is present) F1 9 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Burglary (structure adapted for overnight accommodation, person present)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [8] [3]
    3502[*](a)(2) Burglary (of a structure adapted for overnight accommodation in which at the time of the offense no person is present) F1 7 3
    3502[*](a)(3) Burglary (of a structure not adapted for overnight accommodation in which at the time of the offense any person is present) F1 6 3
    3502(a)(4) Burglary (of a structure not adapted for overnight accommodation in which at the time of the offense no person is present) F2 5 2
    3503(a)(1)(i) Trespass, Criminal F3 3 1
    3503(a)(1)(ii) Trespass, Criminal F2 4 2
    3503(b)(1)(i)—(iv) Trespass, Defiant (notice against trespass given) M3 1 m
    3503(b)(1)(v) Trespass, Defiant (notice given by official or law enforcement) M1 3 m
    3503(b.2)(1)(i) Trespass, Agricultural (posted) M3 1 m
    3503(b.2)(1)(ii) Trespass, Agricultural (defies order) M2 3 m
    3503(b.3)(1)(i) Agricultural biosecurity area trespasser (enters biosecurity area, not licensed or privileged) M3 1 m
    3503(b.3)(1)(iii) Agricultural biosecurity area trespasser (causes damage or death to animal or plant) M1 3 m
    3504(a) Railroad protection, railroad vandalism, etc. (damage to railroad, etc.) M3 1 m
    3504(b) Railroad protection, railroad vandalism, etc. (stowaways prohibited) M3 1 m
    3701(a)(1)(i) Robbery (inflicts serious bodily injury) F1 12 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Robbery (SBI)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [11] [3]
    3701(a)(1)(ii) Robbery (threatens another with or intentionally puts him in fear of immediate serious bodily injury) F1 10 4
    3701(a)(1)(iii) Robbery (commits or threatens immediately to commit any F1 or F2) F1 9 4
    3701(a)(1)(iv) Robbery (threatens or inflicts bodily injury or intentionally puts him in fear of immediate bodily injury) F2 7 2
    3701(a)(1)(v) Robbery (physically takes or removes property by force, however slight) F3 5 1
    3701(a)(1)(vi) Robbery (takes from financial institution without permission) F2 7 2
    3702* Robbery of Motor Vehicle (inflicts serious bodily injury) F1 12 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Robbery of a Motor Vehicle (SBI)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [11] [3]
    3702* Robbery of a Motor Vehicle (does not inflict serious bodily injury) F1 9 4
    3921 Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition (during disaster or firearm) F2 8 2
    3921* Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3921* Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3921* Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3921* Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3921 Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3921 Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3921 Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3921 Theft by Unlawful Taking or Disposition (<$50) M3 1 m
    3922 Theft by Deception (firearm) F2 8 2
    3922* Theft by Deception (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3922* Theft by Deception (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3922* Theft by Deception (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3922* Theft by Deception (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3922 Theft by Deception ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3922 Theft by Deception ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3922 Theft by Deception ($50 to less than $200) M2 2 m
    3922 Theft by Deception (less than $50) M3 1 m
    3923 Theft by Extortion (firearm) F2 8 2
    3923* Theft by Extortion (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3923* Theft by Extortion (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3923* Theft by Extortion (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3923* Theft by Extortion (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3923 Theft by Extortion ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 4 m
    3923 Theft by Extortion ($200 to $2,000) M1 4 m
    3923 Theft by Extortion ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3923 Theft by Extortion (<$50) M3 1 m
    3924 Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake (firearm) F2 8 2
    3924* Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3924* Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3924* Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3924* Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3924 Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3924 Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3924 Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3924 Theft by Property Lost, Mislaid, or Delivered by Mistake (<$50) M3 1 m
    3925 Theft by receiving stolen property (firearm) and receiver is in the business of buying or selling stolen property F1 8 3
    3925 Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (during disaster[ or firearm if receiver in business of buying/selling]) F2 8 2
    3925* Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3925* Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3925* Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3925* Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle, or if the receiver is in the business of buying or selling stolen property) F3 5 1
    3925 Theft by Receiving Stolen Property ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation; firearm if receiver not in business of buying/selling) M1 3 m
    3925 Theft by Receiving Stolen Property ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3925 Theft by Receiving Stolen Property ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3925 Theft by Receiving Stolen Property (<$50) M3 1 m
    3926 Theft of Services (firearm) F2 8 2
    3926* Theft of Services (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3926* Theft of Services (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3926* Theft of Services (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3926* Theft of Services (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motor-boat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3926 Theft of Services ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3926 Theft of Services ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3926 Theft of Services ($50 to less than $200) M2 2 m
    3926 Theft of Services (<$50) M3 1 m
    3926(e) Theft of Services (sale ransfer of device for diversion of services)M3 1 m
    3927 Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received (firearm) F2 8 2
    3927* Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3927* Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3927* Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3927* Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if the property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3927 Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3927 Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3927 Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3927 Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of Funds Received (<$50) M3 1 m
    3928 Unauthorized Use of Auto (during disaster) F2 8 2
    3928 Unauthorized Use of Auto M2 2 m
    3929 Theft, Retail (during disaster) F2 8 2
    3929 Theft, Retail (>$2,000, firearm, motor vehicle) F3 5 1
    3929 Theft, Retail (first or second offense, $150 or more) M1 2 m
    3929 Theft, Retail (second offense, less than $150) M2 2 m
    3929 Theft, Retail (third or subsequent conviction) F3 3 1
    3929.1 Library Theft (1st; 2nd over $150) M1 3 m
    3929.1 Library Theft (2nd; less than $150) M2 2 m
    3929.1 Library Theft (3rd; subsequent offense) F3 5 1
    3929.2 Unlawful possession of retail or library theft instruments M1 3 m
    3929.3 Organized retail theft (merchandise value $20,000 or more) F2 7 2
    3929.3 Organized retail theft (merchandise value $5,000 to $19,999) F3 6 1
    3930 Theft of Trade Secrets by Force, Violence, or Burglary F2 7 2
    3930 Theft of Trade Secrets F3 5 1

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]

    3931 Theft of Unpublished Dramas and Musical Compositions (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    3931 Theft of Unpublished Dramas and Musical Compositions ($2,000 or less, from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3931 Theft of Unpublished Dramas and Musical Compositions ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3931 Theft of Unpublished Dramas and Musical Compositions ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3931 Theft of Unpublished Dramas and Musical Compositions (<$50) M3 1 m
    3932 Theft by Leased Property (firearm) F2 8 2
    3932* Theft of Leased Property (>$100,000) F3 8 1
    3932* Theft of Leased Property (>$50,000 to $100,000) F3 7 1
    3932* Theft of Leased Property (>$25,000 to $50,000) F3 6 1
    3932* Theft of Leased Property (>$2,000 to $25,000, or if property is an automobile, airplane, motorcycle, motorboat, or other motor-propelled vehicle) F3 5 1
    3932 Theft of Leased Property ($2,000 to less from person or by threat or in breach of fiduciary obligation) M1 3 m
    3932 Theft of Leased Property ($200 to $2,000) M1 3 m
    3932 Theft of Leased Property ($50 to <$200) M2 2 m
    3932 Theft of Leased Property (<$50) M3 1 m
    3934(b)(1)(i) Theft from a motor vehicle (<$50) M3 1 m
    3934(b)(1)(ii) Theft from a motor vehicle ($50 or more but less than $200) M2 2 m
    3934(b)(1)(iii) Theft from a motor vehicle (>$200) M1 3 m
    3934(b)(2) Theft from a motor vehicle (third/subseq. in 5 yrs.) F3 6 1
    4101 Forgery (money, stocks, etc.) F2 4 2
    4101 Forgery (will, deed, etc.) F3 3 1
    4101 Forgery (other) M1 3 m
    4102 Simulating Antiques M1 3 m
    4103 Fraudulent Destruction of Recordable Instruments F3 5 1
    4104(a) Tampering with Records or Identification M1 3 m
    4105(c)(1)(ii) Bad Checks ($200—<$500) M3 1 m
    4105(c)(1)(iii) Bad Checks ($500—<$1,000) M2 2 m
    4105(c)(1)(iv) Bad Checks ($1,000 —<$75,000) M1 3 m
    4105(c)(1)(v) Bad Checks ($75,000 or more) F3 5 1
    4105(c)(2) Bad Checks (3rd or subseq./ $75,000 or more) F3 5 1
    4105(c)(2) Bad Checks (3rd or subseq./<$75,000) M1 3 m
    4106(c)(1)(i) Access device fraud ($500 or more) F3 5 1
    4106(c)(1)(ii) Access device fraud ($50 or more but less than $500) M1 4 m
    4106(c)(1)(iii) Access device fraud (<$50) M2 3 m
    4106(c)(3) Access device fraud (provide counterfeit device) F3 5 1
    4106(c)(4) Access device fraud (possess counterfeit device) M3 2 m
    4106.1(a)(1) Unlawful device-making equipment (produce/traffic equipment) F3 6 1
    4106.1(a)(2) Unlawful device-making equipment (possess equipment) M1 4 m
    4107(a.1)(1)(i) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    4107(a.1)(1)(ii) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices ($200-$2,000) M1 3 m
    4107(a.1)(1)(iii) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices (<$200) M2 2 m
    4107(a.1)(1)(iv) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices (amt. not ascertained) M2 2 m
    4107(a.1)(3)(i) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices (>$2,000; victim 60 yrs.+) F2 7 2
    4107(a.1)(3)(ii) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices ($200-$2,000; victim 60 yrs.+ F3 5 1
    4107(a.1)(3)(iii) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices (<$200; victim 60 yrs.+ M1 3 m
    4107(a.1)(3)(iv) Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices (amt. not ascertained; 60 yrs.+) M1 3 m
    4107.1 Deception Relating to Kosher Foods M3 1 m
    4107.2 Deception Relating to Certification of Minority Business Enterprise or Women's Business Enterprise F3 4 1
    4108 Commercial Bribery and Breach of Duty M2 2 m
    4109 Rigging Public Contest M1 3 m
    4110 Defrauding Secured Creditors M2 2 m
    4111 Fraud in Insolvency M2 2 m
    4112 Receiving Deposits; Failed Institution M2 2 m
    4113 Misapplication of Entrusted Property (over $50) M2 2 m
    4113 Misapplication of Entrusted Property ($50 or less) M3 1 m
    4114 Securing Execution of Documents by Deception M2 2 m
    4115 Falsely Impersonating Persons Privately Employed M2 2 m
    4116(g)(1) Copying; Recording Devices (100 or more motion picture devices or 1,000 or more sound recording devices) F3 5 1
    4116(g)(1) Copying; Recording Devices (second or subsequent conviction at time of sentencing) F2 7 2
    4116(g)(2) Copying; Recording Devices (any other violation) M1 3 m
    4116(g)(2) Copying; Recording Devices (any other violation; second or subsequent conviction at time of sentencing) F3 5 1
    4116.1 Unlawful Operation of Recording Devices in Motion Picture Theater (first violation) M1 3 m
    4116.1 Unlawful Operation of Recording Devices in Motion Picture Theater (second or subsequent conviction at time of sentencing) F3 4 1
    4117(a) Insurance Fraud F3 4 1
    4117(b) Insurance Fraud M1 3 m
    4118 Washing titles (vehicles) F3 4 1
    4119(c)(1) Trademark Counterfeiting M1 3 m
    4119(c)(2) Trademark Counterfeiting F3 5 1
    4119(c)(3) Trademark Counterfeiting F2 7 2
    4120(c)(1)(i) Identity theft (total value <$2000) M1 3 m
    4120(c)(1)(ii) Identity theft (total value $2000 or more) F3 5 1
    4120(c)(1)(iii) Identity theft (criminal conspiracy, any amount) F3 5 1
    4120(c)(1)(iv) Identity theft (third/subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    4120(c)(2)(i) Identity theft (victim 60 yrs. or older, total value <$2000) F3 5 1
    4120(c)(2)(ii) Identity theft (victim 60 yrs. or older, total value $2000 or more) F2 7 2
    4120(c)(2)(iii) Identity theft (victim 60 yrs. or older, criminal conspiracy, any amount) F2 7 2
    4120(c)(2)(iv) Identity theft (victim 60 yrs. or older, third/subsequent offense) F1 8 3
    4301 Bigamy M2 3 m
    4302(a) Incest [(victim 18 yrs. or older)]F2 9 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Incest (victim 18 yrs. or older)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [9] [3]
    4302(b)(1) Incest [(victim 12 years of age or older but under 18 years of age)] of a minor (victim <13 yrs.) F2 9 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Incest (victim 12 years of age or older but under 18 years of age)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [9] [3]
    4302(b)(2) Incest [(victim under 12 years of age)] of a minor (victim 13 yrs. to 18 yrs. and offender 4 yrs. or more older) F2 9 4
    [—Attempt/Solicitation/Conspiracy to Incest (victim under 12 years of age)] [18 Pa.C.S. § 905] [9] [3]
    4303 Concealing Death of Child M1 3 m
    4304 Endangering Welfare of Children M1 5 1
    4304 Endangering Welfare of Children (course of conduct) F3 6 1
    4305 Dealing in Infant Children M1 4 1
    4701 Bribery, Official and Political Matters F3 5 1
    4702 Threats, Official and Political Matters F3 5 1
    4702 Threats, Official and Political Matters M2 2 m
    4703 Retaliation for Past Official Action M2 2 m
    4902 Perjury F3 5 1
    4903(a) False Swearing M2 2 m
    4903(b) False Swearing M3 1 m
    4904(a) Unsworn Falsification to Authorities M2 2 m
    4904(b) Unsworn Falsification to Authorities M3 1 m
    4905(b) False Alarms to agencies of public safety (causes a false alarm) M1 3 m
    4905(b) False Alarms to agencies of public safety (during a state of emergency) F3 5 1
    4906(a) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities (falsely incriminating another) M2 2 m
    4906(a) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities of theft or loss of firearm (falsely incriminating another) M1 3 m
    4906(a) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities (during a state of emergency) M1 3 m
    4906(b) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities (fictitious reports) M3 1 m
    4906(b) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities of theft or loss of firearm (fictitious reports) M1 3 m
    4906(b) False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities (fictitious reports during a state of emergency) M2 2 m
    4909 Witness Taking Bribe F3 5 1
    4910 Tampering with Physical Evidence M2 2 m
    4911 Tampering w/ Public Records or Information F3 4 1
    4911 Tampering w/ Public Records or Information M2 2 m
    4912 Impersonating a Public Servant M2 2 m
    4913 Impersonating Notary Public M1 3 m
    4913(a) Impersonating a notary public or holder of professional occupational license M2 2 m
    4913(a) Impersonating a notary public or holder of professional occupational license (harm, defraud, injury) M1 3 m
    4914 False identification to law enforcement authorities M3 1 m
    [4915(a)(1)] [Failure to Register, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime, 3rd and subsequent offenses)] [F1] [11] [4]
    [4915(a)(1)] [Failure to Register, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year, 3rd and subsequent offenses)] [F1] [10] [3]
    [4915(a)(1)] [Failure to Register, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime, 2nd offense)] [F1] [10] [3]
    [4915(a)(1)] [Failure to Register, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year, 2nd offense)] [F2] [8] [2]
    [4915(a)(1)] [Failure to Register, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime)] [F2] [8] [2]
    [4915(a)(1)] [Failure to Register, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year)] [F3] [6] [1]
    [4915(a)(2)] [Failure to Verify Address or be Photographed, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime, 3rd and subsequent offenses)] [F1] [11] [4]
    [4915(a)(2)] [Failure to Verify Address or be Photographed, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year, 3rd and subsequent offenses)] [F1] [10] [3]
    [4915(a)(2)] [Failure to Verify Address or be Photographed, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime, 2nd offenses)] [F1] [10] [3]
    [4915(a)(2)] [Failure to Verify Address or be Photographed, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year, 2nd offenses)] [F2] [8] [2]
    [4915(a)(2)] [Failure to Verify Address or be Photographed, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime)] [F2] [8] [2]
    [4915(a)(2)] [Failure to Verify Address or be Photographed, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year)] [F3] [6] [1]
    [4915(a)(3)] [Failure to Provide Accurate Information, Sexual Offender Registration (Lifetime)] [F1] [10] [3]
    [4915(a)(3)] [Failure to Provide Accurate Information, Sexual Offender Registration (10-year)] [F2] [8] [2]
    4915.1(a)(1) Failure to register/15 yr. registration (1st offense) F3 6 1
    4915.1(a)(1) Failure to register/15 yr. registration (2nd/subsequent offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(1) Failure to register/25 yr registration (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(1) Failure to register/25 yr. registration (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a)(1) Failure to register/ lifetime registration (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(1) Failure to register/ lifetime registration (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/15 yr. registration (1st offense) F3 6 1
    4915.1(a)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed /15 yr. registration (2nd/subsequent offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed /25 yr. registration (1st offense)F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed /25 yr. registration (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed /lifetime registration (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed /lifetime registration (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a)(3) Failure to provide accurate information/15 yr. registration F2 8 2
    4915.1(a)(3) Failure to provide accurate information /25 yr. registration F1 10 3
    4915.1(a)(3) Failure to provide accurate information /lifetime registration F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.1)(1) Failure to register/15 yr. registration, transient (1st offense) F3 6 1
    4915.1(a.1)(1) Failure to register/15 yr. registration, transient (2nd/subsequent offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(1) Failure to register/25 yr. registration, transient (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(1) Failure to register/25 yr. registration, transient (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.1)(1) Failure to register/lifetime registration, transient (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(1) Failure to register/lifetime registration, transient (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.1)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/15 yr. registration, transient (1st offense) F3 6 1
    4915.1(a.1)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/15 yr. registration, transient (2nd/subsequent offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/25 yr. registration, transient (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/25 yr. registration, transient (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.1)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/lifetime registration, transient (1st offense) F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(2) Failure to verify address, be photographed/lifetime registration, transient (2nd/subsequent offense) F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.1)(3) Failure to provide accurate information/15 yr. registration, transient F2 8 2
    4915.1(a.1)(3) Failure to provide accurate information /25 yr. registration, transient F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.1)(3) Failure to provide accurate information /lifetime registration, transient F1 10 3
    4915.1(a.2)(1) Failure to comply with counseling (SVP) M1 5 m
    4915.1(a.2)(2) Failure to comply with counseling (other jurisdiction requires) M1 5 m
    4952 Intimidation of Witnesses or Victims (listed factor and most serious charged offense is F1, Murder 1 or Murder 2) F1 11 4
    4952 Intimidation of Witnesses or Victims (listed factor(s) and most serious charged offense is F2) F2 9 2
    4952 Intimidation of Witnesses or Victims (any other case in which actor sought to influence or intimidate) F3 7 1
    4952 Intimidation of Witnesses or Victims (any other obstruction or interference) M2 5 m
    4953 Retaliation Against Witness or Victim F3 8 1
    4953 Retaliation Against Witness or Victim M2 5 m
    4953.1(b)(1)—(5) Retaliation against prosecutor or judicial officer (listed circumstances) F2 9 2
    4953.1(b) Retaliation against prosecutor or judicial officer (all other circumstances)M1 6 m
    5101 Obstructing Justice M2 3 m
    5102 Obstruction of Justice by Picketing M2 2 m
    5103 Unlawfully Listening to Jury Deliberations M3 1 m
    5104 Resisting Arrest M2 2 m
    5104.1 Disarming Law Enforcement Officer F3 5 1
    5105 Apprehension, Hindering (if conduct liable to be charged is F1 or F2) F3 4 1
    5105 Apprehension, Hindering M2 2 m
    5107 Aiding Consummation of Crime (of F1/F2) F3 5 1
    5107 Aiding Consummation of Crime M2 2 m
    5108 Compounding M2 2 m
    5109 Barratry M3 1 m
    5110 Contempt of General Assembly M3 1 m
    5111 Dealing in Proceeds of Unlawful Activities F1 8 3
    5112 Obstructing emergency services M3 1 m
    5121(d)(1)(i)(ii)(iii)* Escape (from a halfway house, pre-release center, treatment center, work-release center, work-release, or by failing to return from an authorized leave or furlough) F3 5 1
    5121(d)(1)(i)(ii)(iii)* Escape (all other escapes from this subsection) F3 6 1
    5121(d)(2) Escape M2 3 m
    5122(a)(1) Weapons or implements for escape (providing to inmate) M1 8 m
    5122(a)(2) Weapons or implements for escape (possessed by inmate) M1 4 m
    5123(a) Contraband (provide controlled substance to confined person) F2 7 2
    5123(a.2) Contraband (possession of controlled substance by confined person) F2 7 2
    5123(b) Contraband (money) M3 1 m
    5123(c) Contraband (other) M1 3 m
    5123(c.1) Contraband (telecommunication devices to inmates) M1 5 m
    5123(c.2) Contraband (possession of telecommunication devices by inmates) M1 3 m
    5124 Default in Required Appearance F3 4 1
    5124 Default in Required Appearance M2 2 m
    5125 Absconding Witness M3 1 m
    5126 Avoiding Apprehension F3 5 1
    5126 Avoiding Apprehension M2 2 m
    5301 Official Oppression M2 2 m
    5302 Speculating on Official Action M2 2 m
    5501 Riot F3 4 1
    5502 Failure to Disperse M2 2 m
    5503 Disorderly Conduct M3 1 m
    5506 Loitering and Prowling M3 1 m
    5507 Obstructing Highways M3 1 m
    5508 Disrupting Meetings M3 1 m
    5509(a) Desecration, theft, or sale of Venerated Objects M2 2 m
    5509(a.1) Desecration, theft, or sale of venerated objects (historical burial lots and burial places) M1 3 m
    5510 Abuse of Corpse M2 3 m
    5511(a)(1) Cruelty to Animals M2 3 m
    5511(a)(2) Cruelty to Animals F3 5 1
    5511(a)(2.1)(i) Cruelty to Animals (killing, maiming, poisoning) M1 3 m
    5511(a)(2.1)(ii) Cruelty to Animals F3 5 1
    5511(a.1) Cruelty to Animals (kill, maim, disfigure a guide/service dog) M3 1 m
    5511(e.1) Cruelty to Animals (transporting equine animals in cruel manner (2nd/subseq.) M3 1 m
    5511(h.1) Cruelty to Animals (animal fighting) F3 5 1
    5511.2 (a) Police animals (illegal to taunt) F3 5 1
    5511.2 (b) Police animals (illegal to torture) F3 7 1
    5511.3 Assault with biological agents on animals, fowl or honey bees F2 7 2
    5512 Lotteries M1 3 m
    5513 Gambling Devices M1 3 m
    5513(a.1) Electronic video monitor M1 3 m
    5514 Pool Selling and Bookmaking M1 3 m
    5515 Prohibiting Paramilitary Training M1 3 m
    5516(b) Facsimile weapons of mass destruction (manufacture, sells, etc.) F3 5 1
    5517 Unauthorized school bus entry M3 1 m
    5703 Interception, Disclosure or Use of Wire, Electronic or Oral Communications F3 5 1
    5705 Possession, Sale, Distribution, Manufacture or Advertisement of Interception Devices F3 5 1
    5719 Unlawful Use of Intercepted Communications M2 2 m
    5771 Pen Register and Trap and Trace Devices (general prohibition on use of certain devices and exception) M3 1 m
    5901 Open Lewdness M3 1 m
    5902(a.1)(1) Prostitution (first/second offense) M3 1 m
    5902(a.1)(2) Prostitution (third offense) M2 3 m
    5902(a.1)(3) Prostitution (fourth/subsequent offense) M1 4 m
    5902(a.1)(4) Prostitution (HIV or AIDS related) F3 7 1
    5902(b.1)(1)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: business (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(1)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: business (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(2)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: procure for business (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(2)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: procure for business (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(3)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: encourage or cause (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(3)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: encourage or cause (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(4)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: solicit prostitute who is minor (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(4)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: solicit prostitute who is minor (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(5)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: procure prostitute who is minor for patron (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(5)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: procure prostitute who is minor for patron (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(6)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: transport prostitute who is minor (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(6)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: transport prostitute who is minor (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(7)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: provide place for prostitution (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(7)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: provide place for prostitution (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    5902(b.1)(8)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: receive benefit (minor <16 yrs.) F3 8 1
    5902(b.1)(8)* Promoting Prostitution of minor: receive benefit (minor 16 to <18 yrs.) F3 [5] 6 1
    [5902(c)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), (v)*] [Promoting Prostitution (person 18 years of age or older)] [F3] [5] [1]
    [5902(c)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), (v)*] [Promoting Prostitution (child 16 years of age or older but under 18 years of age)] [F3] [5] [1]
    [5902(c)(1)(iii)] [Prostitution Involving Minors Promoting Prostitution (child under 16 years of age)] [F3] [8] [1]
    5902(c)(2) Promoting Prostitution M2 3 m
    5902(e.1)(1) Patronizing Prostitutes (first/second offense) M3 1 m
    5902(e.1)(2) Patronizing Prostitutes (third offense) M2 3 m
    5902(e.1)(3) Patronizing Prostitutes (fourth/subsequent offense) M1 4 m
    5902(e.1)(4) Patronizing Prostitutes (HIV/AIDS) F3 7 1
    5903(a)(1) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(a)(1) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5903(a)(2) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(a)(2) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5903(a)(3)* Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older) M1 3 m
    5903(a)(3)* Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older) F3 5 1
    5903(a)(3)(ii)* Obscene Materials minor depicted (victim under 18 years of age) (1st offense) M1 [3] 4 m
    5903(a)(3)(ii)* Obscene Materials minor depicted (victim under 18 years of age) (2nd offense) F3 [5] 6 1
    5903(a)(4)* Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older) M1 3 m
    5903(a)(4)* Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older) F3 5 1
    5903(a)(4)(ii)* Obscene Materials minor included (victim under 18 years of age) (1st offense) M1 [3] 4 m
    5903(a)(4)(ii)* Obscene Materials minor included (victim under 18 years of age) (2nd offense) F3 [5] 6 1
    5903(a)(5)* Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older) M1 3 m
    5903(a)(5)* Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older) F3 5 1
    5903(a)(5)(ii)* Obscene Materials minor included (victim under 18 years of age) (1st offense) M1 [3] 4 m
    5903(a)(5)(ii)* Obscene Materials minor included (victim under 18 years of age) (2nd offense) F3 [5] 6 1
    [5903(a)(6)*] [Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older)] [M1] [3] [m]
    [5903(a)(6)*] [Obscene Materials (victim 18 years of age or older)] [F3] [5] [1]
    5903(a)(6)* Obscene Materials hire/use minor (victim under 18 years of age) (1st offense) M1 [3] 4 m
    5903(a)(6)* Obscene Materials hire/use minor (victim under 18 years of age) (2nd offense) F3 [5] 6 1
    5903(a)(7) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(a)(7) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5903(a)(8) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(a)(8) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5903(a)(9) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(a)(9) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5903(a.1) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5903(c) Obscene Materials F2 7 2
    5903(c) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(d) Obscene Materials F2 7 2
    5903(d) Obscene Materials F3 5 1
    5903(f) Obscene Materials M1 3 m
    5904 Public Exhibition of Insane or Deformed Person M2 2 m
    6105(a.1)(1)* Persons Not to Possess, Use, Manufacture, Control, Sell or Transfer Firearms (convicted of enumerated felony, loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant). See § 303.3(b) F2 10 2
    6105(a.1)(1)* Persons Not to Possess, Use, Manufacture, Control, Sell or Transfer Firearms (convicted of enumerated felony, unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant). See § 303.3(b) F2 9 2
    6105(a.1)(1)* Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms (convicted of enumerated misdemeanor, loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) M1 3 1
    6105(a.1)(1)* Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms (convicted of enumerated misdemeanor, unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) M1 3 1
    6105(a.1)(2)* Persons Not to Possess, Use, Manufacture, Control, Sell or Transfer Firearms (failure to relinquish firearm, person subject to active PFA, loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) M1 5 1

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]

    6105(a.1)(2)* Persons Not to Possess, Use, Manufacture, Control, Sell or Transfer Firearms (failure to relinquish firearm, person subject to active PFA, unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) M1 4 1
    6105(a.1)(3)* Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms (accept firearm from person subject to active PFA, loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) M3 2 m
    6105(a.1)(3)* Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms (accept firearm from person subject to active PFA, unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) M3 1 m
    6105(a.1)(5)* Persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms (return firearm to person with active PFA, loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) M1 6 1
    6105(a.1)(5)* Person not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms (return firearm to person with active PFA, [loaded] unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) M1 5 1
    6106(a)(1)* Firearms, Not to be Carried Without a License (ineligible; loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) F3 9 1
    6106(a)(1)* Firearms, Not to be Carried Without a License (ineligible; unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) F3 7 1
    6106(a)(2)* Firearms, Not to be Carried Without a License (eligible; loaded and ammunition in possession or control of defendant; with other criminal activity) F3 9 1
    6106(a)(2)* Firearms, Not to be Carried Without a License (eligible; unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant; with other criminal activity) F3 7 1
    6106(a)(2)* Firearms, Not to be Carried Without a License (eligible; loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant; no other criminal activity) M1 4 1
    6106(a)(2)* Firearms, Not to be Carried Without a License (eligible; unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant; no other criminal activity) M1 3 1
    6107 Prohibited Conduct during Emergency M1 3 1
    6108* Carrying Firearms on Public Streets or Public Property in Philadelphia (loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) M1 5 1
    6108* Carrying Firearms on Public Streets or Public Property in Philadelphia (unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) M1 4 1
    6108.5 Penalties for release of information (list of any firearm or other weapon or ammunition ordered to be relinquished) M3 1 m
    6110.1(a) Possession of Firearm by Minor M1 3 1
    6110.1(c) Possession of Firearms by Minor (responsibility of adult) F3 7 1
    6110.2* Possession of firearm with altered manufacturer's number (loaded or ammunition in possession or control of defendant) [M1] F2 [5] 10 [1] 2
    6110.2* Possession of firearm with altered manufacturer's number (unloaded and ammunition not in possession or control of defendant) [M1] F2 [4] 9 [1] 2
    6111(g)(1) Sale or Transfer of Firearms M2 2 m
    6111(g)(2) Sale or Transfer of Firearms F3 8 1
    6111(g)(3)(3.1) Sale or Transfer of Firearms F3 5 1
    6111(g)(4) Sale or Transfer of Firearms F3 8 1
    6111(h) Sale or Transfer of Firearms (subsequent) F2 9 2
    6112 Retail Dealer Required to be Licensed M1 3 1
    6113 Licensing of Dealers M1 3 1
    6115 Loans, Lending, Giving Firearms Prohibited M1 3 1
    6116 False Evidence of Identity M1 3 1
    6117 Altering Marks of Identification F2 7 2
    6121 Certain Bullets Prohibited F3 5 1
    6122 Proof of License M1 3 1
    6161 Carrying Explosives M2 3 m
    6162 Shipping Explosives M3 3 m
    6301(a)(1)(i)[*] Corruption of Minors M1 4 m
    6301(a)(1)(ii)[*] Corruption of Minors through course of conduct (when of a sexual nature) [M1] F3 [5] 6 1
    6301(a)(2) Corruption of Minors (second violation of truancy in year) M3 1 m
    6302 Sale or Lease of Weapons M1 4 m
    6303 Sale of Starter Pistols M1 4 m
    6304 Sale of Air Rifles M3 1 m
    6306 Furnish Cigarettes to Minors (3rd and subsequent offenses) M3 1 m
    6307 Misrepresentation of Age to Secure Alcohol (subsequent offense) M3 1 m
    6309 Representing that Minor is of Age M3 1 m
    6310 Inducement of Minors to Buy Liquor M3 1 m
    6310.1 Selling Liquor to Minors M3 1 m
    6310.2 Manufacture or Sale of False ID M2 2 m
    6310.3 Carrying False ID (subsequent offense) M3 1 m
    6311 Tattooing and body piercing (first offense) M3 1 m
    6311 Tattooing and body piercing (second/subsequent offense within one year) M2 2 m
    6312(b)* Sexual Abuse of Children; victim age 13 to < 18 yrs. (photographing, etc.) F2 [7] 8 2
    6312(b)* Sexual Abuse of Children; victim younger than 13 yrs. (photographing, etc.) F2 [7] 9 2
    6312(c)* Sexual Abuse of Children; victim age 13 to < 18 yrs. (dissemination, etc.; first offense) F3 6 1
    6312(c)* Sexual Abuse of Children; victim younger than 13 yrs. (dissemination, etc., first offense) F3 [6] 7 1
    6312(c)* Sexual Abuse of Children; victim age 13 to < 18 yrs. (dissemination, etc.; second/subsequent offense) F2 8 2
    6312(c)* Sexual Abuse of Children; victim younger than age 13 yrs. (dissemination, etc.; second/subsequent offense) F2 [8] 9 2
    6312(d)* Possession of Child Pornography; victim age 13 to < 18 yrs. (first offense) F3 [5] 6 1
    6312(d)* Possession of Child Pornography; victim younger than age 13 yrs. (first offense) F3 [5] 7 1
    6312(d)* Possession of Child Pornography; victim age 13 to < 18 yrs. (second/subsequent offense) F2 8 2
    6312(d)* Possession of Child Pornography; victim younger than age 13 yrs. (second/subsequent offense) F2 [8] 9 2
    6318 Unlawful contact or communication with minor (if underlying offense is less than F3) F3 6 1
    6318 Unlawful contact or communication with minor (if underlying offense is F3 or greater)
    same as underlying offense Same as underlying offense, or OGS 6, whichever is greater same as underlying offense, or 1, whichever is greater
    6319(a) Solicitation of minors to traffic drugs (general provision) F2 9 2
    6319(b) Solicitation of minors to traffic drugs (drug-free school zone) F1 10 3
    6320 Sexual exploitation of children F2 9 2
    6501(a)(1)(2) Scattering Rubbish (2nd; subsequent offense) M3 1 m
    6501(a)(3) Scattering Rubbish (1st offense) M2 2 m
    6501(a)(3) Scattering Rubbish (2nd; subsequent offense) M1 3 m
    6504 Public Nuisances M2 2 m
    6703 Military Decorations M3 1 m
    6707 False Registration of Domestic Animals M3 1 m
    6709 Use of Union Labels M3 1 m
    6901 Extension of Water Line M3 1 m
    6910 Unauthorized Sale of Tickets M3 1 m
    7102 Drugs to Race Horses M1 3 m
    7103 Horse Racing M3 1 m
    7104 Fortune Telling M3 1 m
    7107 Unlawful Actions by Athlete Agents M1 3 m
    7302(a) Sale of Solidified Alcohol M2 2 m
    7302(b) Labeling of Solidified Alcohol M1 3 m
    7303 Sale or Illegal Use of Solvents M3 1 m
    7306 Incendiary Devices M1 3 m
    7307 Out of State Convict Made Goods M2 2 m
    7308 Unlawful Advertising of Insurance Business M2 2 m
    7309 Unlawful Coercion in Contracting Insurance M1 3 m
    7310 Furnishing Free Insurance M3 1 m
    7311 Unlawful Collection Agency Practices M3 1 m
    7312 Debt Pooling M3 1 m
    7313 Buying Food Stamps (>$1,000) F3 5 1
    7313 Buying Food Stamps (<$1,000) M1 3 m
    7314 Fraudulent Traffic in Food Orders (>$1,000) F3 5 1
    7314 Fraudulent Traffic in Food Orders (<$1,000) M1 3 m
    7316 Keeping Bucket-Shop M3 1 m
    7317 Accessories, Bucket-Shop M3 1 m
    7318 Maintaining Bucket-Shop Premises M3 1 m
    7319 Bucket-Shop Contracts M3 1 m
    7321 Lie Detector Tests M2 2 m
    7322 Demanding Property to Secure Employment M3 1 m
    7323 Discrimination on Account of Uniform M2 2 m
    7324 Unlawful Sale of Dissertations, Theses, Term Papers M3 1 m
    7326 Disclosure of Confidential Tax Information M3 1 m
    7328 Operation of Certain Establishments M3 1 m
    7503 Interest of Certain Architects in Public Works Contracts M3 1 m
    7504 Appointment of Special Police M3 1 m
    7507 Breach of Privacy M2 2 m
    7507.1(a)(1) Invasion of privacy, view photograph, etc., person without consent (single violation) M3 [1] 2 m
    7507.1(a)(1) Invasion of privacy, view photograph, etc., person without consent (more than one violation) M2 3 m
    7507.1(a)(2) Invasion of privacy, photograph, view, intimate parts of a person (single violation) M3 [1] 2 m
    7507.1(a)(2) Invasion of privacy, photograph, view, intimate parts of a person (more than one violation) M2 3 m
    7507.1(a)(3) Invasion of privacy, transfer image by telephone, email, internet, etc. (single violation) M3 [1] 2 m
    7507.1(a)(3) Invasion of privacy photograph, transfer image by telephone, email, internet, etc. (more than one violation) M2 3 m
    7508.2(b)(1) Operation of methamphetamine laboratory (knowingly causes a chemical reaction) F2 8 2
    7508.2(b)(2) Operation of methamphetamine laboratory (knowingly causes a chemical reaction within 1,000 feet of a school) F1 9 3
    7509(a) Furnishing drug-free urine (unlawful sale or attempt) M3 1 m
    7509(b) Furnishing drug-free urine (use or attempt) M3 1 m
    7510(b)(1) Municipal housing code avoidance (4th conviction) M2 2 m
    7510(b)(2) Municipal housing code avoidance (5th or subsequent conviction) M1 3 m
    7512 Criminal use of communication facility F3 5 1
    7515 Contingent compensation M3 1 m
    7516 Greyhound racing M1 3 m
    7517 Commemorative service demonstration activities M3 1 m
    7611 Unlawful use of a computer F3 7 1
    7612 Disruption of computer service F3 7 1
    7613 Computer theft F3 7 1
    7614(b)(1) Unlawful duplication (value of $2,500 or less) F3 5 1
    7614(b)(2) Unlawful duplication (value of greater than $2,500) F2 7 2
    7615 Computer trespass F3 7 1
    7616 Distribution of computer virus F3 7 1
    7624(1) Internet service provider (child pornography violation, 1st offense) M3 1 m
    7624(2) Internet service provider (child pornography violation, 2nd offense) M2 2 m
    7624(3) Internet service provider (child pornography violation, 3rd or subsequent offense) F3 5 1
    7661(b)(1) Unlawful transmission of electronic mail (value of less than $2,500) M3 1 m
    7661(b)(2) Unlawful transmission of electronic mail (damage/reckless disregard, value of $2,500 or greater) M1 5 m
    7661(b)(3) Unlawful transmission of electronic mail (damage/malicious act, value of $2,500 or greater) F3 7 1

     * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).
    INCHOATE = Inchoates to 4 point PRS offenses. See §§ 303.7(c) and 303.8(b) for all other inchoates.

    (Chop Shop, Crime Victims, Child Abuse Reporting, Environmental)

    1.3 Owning, operating or conducting a chop shop F2 7 2
    1.4(a) Altered or illegally obtained property (alteration or destruction of vehicle identification number) F3 5 1
    1.4(b) Altered or illegally obtained property (disposition of vehicle) F3 5 1
    11.101—11.5102 CRIME VICTIMS ACT
    11.1303 False claim for victim compensation M3 2 m
    4354(d)(2) Willful failure to pay child support (special circumstances) M3 1 m
    6319 Penalties for failure to report or to refer (suspected child abuse)—first violation M3 2 m
    6319 Penalties for failure to report or to refer (suspected child abuse)—second or subsequent violation M2 3 m

     * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).


    5502 Operating watercraft under influence of alcohol or controlled substance (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) See § 303.7(a)
    5502 (a)(1) Incapable of safe operation; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a)(1) Incapable of safe operation; second offense M 1 1
    5502 (a)(1) Incapable of safe operation; third/subsequent offense M2 3 1
    5502 (a)(1) Refuse testing; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a)(1) Refuse testing; second offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a)(1) Refuse testing; third/subsequent offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a)(1) Accident; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a)(1) Accident; second offense M 1 1
    5502 (a)(1) Accident; third offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a)(1) Accident; fourth/subsequent offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a)(2) BAC .08—<.10; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a)(2) BAC .08—<.10; second offense M 1 1
    5502 (a)(2) BAC .08—<.10; third/subsequent offense M2 3 1
    5502 (a.1) BAC .10—<.16; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a.1) BAC .10—<.16; second offense M 1 1
    5502 (a.1) BAC .10—<.16; third offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.1) BAC .10—<.16; fourth/subsequent offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.2) BAC .16+; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a.2) BAC .16+; second offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.2) BAC .16+; third/subsequent offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.3) Controlled substance; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a.3) Controlled substance; second offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.3) Controlled substance; third/subsequent offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.4) Under 21 years of age; first offense M 1 m
    5502 (a.4) Under 21 years of age; second offense M 1 1
    5502 (a.4) Under 21 years of age; third offense M1 5 1
    5502 (a.4) Under 21 years of age; fourth/subsequent offense M1 5 1
    5502.1 Homicide by watercraft while operating under influence (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) [F3] F2 10 2
    5502.2* Homicide by watercraft (when there is a conviction for operating under the influence) M1 8 1
    5502.2* Homicide by watercraft (when there is not a conviction for operating under the influence) M1 6 1
    5502.3 Aggravated assault by watercraft while operating under influence F2 7 2

    * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).


    (1) Manufacture/Sale/Delivery of Adulterated Drug M 4 m
    (2) Adulteration of Controlled Substance M 4 m
    (3) False Advertisement M 4 m
    (4) Removal of Detained Substance M 5 m
    (5) Adulteration of Sellable Controlled Substance M 4 m
    (6) Forging ID Under Act M 5 m
    (7) Defraud Trademark M 5 m
    (8) Selling Defrauded Trademark M 5 m
    (9) Having Equipment to Defraud M 5 m
    (10) Illegal Sale of Nonproprietary Drug M 4 m
    (11) Illegal Pharmacy Operations M 5 m
    (12)* Acquisition of Controlled Substance by Fraud:
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (>1,000 g or >1,000 pills) F 13 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (100 g to 1,000 g or 100 to 1,000 pills) F 11 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (50 g to <100 g or 50 to <100 pills) F 10 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (10 g to <50 g or 10 to <50 pills) F 8 2
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (1 g to <10 g or 1 to <10 pills) F 7 2
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II
    (<1 g)
    F 6 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (>1,000 g) F 13 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (100 g to 1,000 g) F 11 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (50 g to <100 g) F 10 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (10 g to <50 g) F 8 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine (2.5] (5 g to <10 g) F 7 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine (<2.5 g) ] (2 g to <5 g) F 6 2
    Cocaine (<2 g) F 5 2
    MDMA [(Ecstasy) (Schedule I, non-narcotic) (1,000 pills or greater)] , Methamphetamine, PCP (>1,000 g) F [10] 13 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (100—<1,000 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (100 to 1,000 g) F [7] 11 [2] 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (50—<100 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (50 to <100 g) F [5] 10 [2] 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (1—<50 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP
    (10 to <50 g)
    F [3] 8 2
    MDMA, Methamphetamine, PCP (2.5 to
    <10 g)
    F 7 2
    MDMA, Methamphetamine, PCP (<2.5 g) F 6 2
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (>100 pills)] [F] [10] [3]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (51-100 pills)] [F] [9] [2]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (21-50 pills)] [F] [8] [2]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (1-20 pills)] [F] [6] [2]
    Marijuana (>1,000 lbs. or >5,000 live plants) F 10 3
    Marijuana (50 lbs.—1,000 lbs. or 51—5,000 live plants) F 8 2
    Marijuana (10 lbs.—<50 lbs. or 21—<51 live plants) F 7 2
    Marijuana (1 lb.—<10 lbs. or 10—<21 live plants) F 5 2
    Marijuana (<1 lb. or <10 live plants) F 3 2
    Schedule I and II Drugs not listed [(including GHB, LSD)] F 5 2
    Schedule III and IV Drugs F 5 2
    Schedule V Drugs M 3 m
    (13) Dispense of Drugs to Drug Dependent Person M 4 m
    (14)* Delivery by Practitioner:
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (>1,000 g or >1,000 pills) F 13 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (100 g to 1,000 g or 100 to 1,000 pills) F 11 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (50 g to <100 g or 50 to <100 pills) F 10 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (10 g to <50 g or 10 to <50 pills) F 8 2
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (1 g to <10 g or 1 to <10 pills) F 7 2
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (<1 g) F 6 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine]
    (>1,000 g)
    F 13 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (100 g to 1,000 g) F 11 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (50 g to <100 g) F 10 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (10 g to <50 g) F 8 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine (2.5] (5 g to <10 g) F 7 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine (<2.5 g) ] (2 g to <5 g) F 6 2
    Cocaine (<2 g) F 5 2
    MDMA [(Ecstasy) (Schedule I, non-narcotic) (1,000 pills or greater)], Methamphetamine, PCP (>1,000 g) F [10] 13 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (100—<1,000 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (100 to 1,000 g) F [7] 11 [2] 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (50—<100 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (50 to <100 g) F [5] 10 [2] 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (1—<50 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP
    (10 to <50 g)
    F [3] 8 2
    MDMA, Methamphetamine, PCP (2.5 to
    <10 g)
    F 7 2
    MDMA, Methamphetamine, PCP (<2.5 g) F 6 2
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (>100 pills)] [F] [10] [3]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (51-100 pills)] [F] [9] [2]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (21-50 pills)] [F] [8] [2]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (1-20 pills)] [F] [6] [2]
    Marijuana (>1,000 lbs. or >5,000 live plants) F 10 3
    Marijuana (50 lbs.—1,000 lbs. or 51—5,000 live plants) F 8 2
    Marijuana (10 lbs.—<50 lbs. or 21—<51 live plants) F 7 2
    Marijuana (1 lb.—<10 lbs. or 10—<21 live plants) F 5 2
    Marijuana (<1 lb. or <10 live plants) F 3 2
    Schedule I and II Drugs not listed [(including GHB, LSD)] F 5 2
    Schedule III and IV Drugs F 5 2
    Schedule V Drugs M 3 m
    (15) Illegal Retail Sale M 4 m
    (16) Simple Possession M 3 m
    (17) Dispensing of Drugs Without Label M 4 m
    (18) Illegal Sale Container M 4 m
    (19) Intentional Unauthorized Purchase M 5 m
    (20) Divulging Trade Secret M 4 m
    (21) Failure to Keep Records M 2 m
    (22) Refusal of Inspection M 2 m
    (23) Unauthorized Removal of Seals M 5 m
    (24) Failure to Obtain License M 2 m
    (25) Manufacture by Unauthorized Party M 5 m
    (26) Distribution by Registrant of Controlled Substance M 5 m
    (27) Use of Fictitious Registration Number M 5 m
    (28) False Application Material M 5 m
    (29) Production of Counterfeit Trademarks M 5 m
    (30)* Possession With Intent to Deliver (PWID):
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (>1,000 g or >1,000 pills) F 13 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (100 g to 1,000 g or 100 to 1,000 pills) F 11 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (50 g to <100 g or 50 to <100 pills) F 10 3
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (10 g to <50 g or 10 to <50 pills) F 8 2
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (1 g to <10 g or 1 to <10 pills) F 7 2
    Heroin, Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II (<1 g) F 6 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine]
    (>1,000 g)
    F 13 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (100 g to 1,000 g) F 11 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (50 g to <100 g) F 10 3
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine] (10 g to <50 g) F 8 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine (2.5)]
    g to <10 g)
    F 7 2
    [Other Narcotics of Schedule I and II,] Cocaine[, PCP, Methamphetamine (<2.5 g)] (2 g to <5 g) F 6 2
    Cocaine (<2 g) F 5 2
    MDMA [(Ecstasy) (Schedule I, non-narcotic) (1,000 pills or greater)], Methamphetamine, PCP (>1,000 g) F [10] 13 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (100—<1,000 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (100 to 1,000 g) F [7] 11 [2] 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (50—<100 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (50 to <100 g) F [5] 10 [2] 3
    MDMA [(Ecstasy)(Schedule I, non-narcotic) (1—<50 pills)], Methamphetamine, PCP (10 to <50 g) F [3] 8 2
    MDMA, Methamphetamine, PCP (2.5 to
    <10 g)
    F 7 2
    MDMA, Methamphetamine, PCP (<2.5 g) F 6 2
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (>100 pills)] [F] [10] [3]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (51-100 pills)] [F] [9] [2]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (21-50 pills)] [F] [8] [2]
    [Narcotic Prescription Pills of Schedule II (including Oxycodone, OxyContin, Percocet) (1-20 pills)] [F] [6] [2]
    Marijuana (>1,000 lbs. or >5,000 live plants) F 10 3
    Marijuana (50 lbs.-1,000 lbs. or 51-5,000 live plants) F 8 2
    Marijuana (10 lbs.—<50 lbs. or 21—<51 live plants) F 7 2
    Marijuana (1 lb.—<10 lbs. or 10—<21 live plants) F 5 2
    Marijuana (<1 lb. or <10 live plants) F 3 2
    Schedule I and II Drugs not listed [(including GHB, LSD)] F 5 2
    Schedule III and IV Drugs F 5 2
    Schedule V Drugs M 3 m
    (31) Small Amount of Marijuana M 1 m
    (32) Possession of Paraphernalia M 1 m
    (33) PWID Paraphernalia (no minor) M 3 m
    (33) PWID Paraphernalia (minor w/ Conditions) M2 4 m
    (34) Ad for Drug Paraphernalia M 1 m
    (35) Illegal Sale of Non controlled Substance F 5 2
    (36) Designer Drugs F 5 2
    (37) Possession of Steroids M 4 m
    (38)(i) Unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine (child under 18 years of age present) F3 7 1
    (38)(ii) Unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine (child under 18 years of age suffers serious bodily injury) F2 9 2
    (39) Possession of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, etc. with intent to manufacture methamphetamine M 2 m
    (40) Sale at retail of any product containing ephedrine (1st offense) M 2 m
    (40) Sale at retail of any product containing ephedrine (2nd/subsequent offense) M 2 m

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]

    35 P. S. § 780-113.1(a) OFFENSE TITLE STATUTORY CLASS § 303.3 OFFENSE GRAVITY SCORE § 303.7
    (1) Liquefied Ammonia Gas; Precursors and Chemicals (possessing or transporting liquefied ammonia gas) M 3 m
    (2) Liquefied Ammonia Gas; Precursors and Chemicals (possessing or transporting liquefied ammonia gas with intent to manufacture controlled substance) F 5 2
    (3) Liquefied Ammonia Gas; Precursors and Chemicals (possessing red phosphorous, etc.) F 5 2
    (a)(1) Operating a methamphetamine lab and illegal dumping of methamphetamine waste F2 7 2
    (a)(3) Operating a methamphetamine lab and illegal dumping of methamphetamine waste within 1,000 feet of a school F1 8 3
    (b)(1) Stores or disposes of substance used in manufacture of methamphetamine F3 5 1
    Knowingly Transports, etc. Hazardous Waste Without Permit F1 9 1
    Transports, etc. Hazardous Waste Without Permit F2 7 2
    Violation of Act; DER Order, etc. M3 1 m
    691.1—691.1001 CLEAN STREAMS LAW
    Violation of Act; DER Order M3 1 m
    Knowingly Releases Hazardous Air Pollutant F1 9 1
    Violation of Act ; DER Order M2 2 m
    Negligently Releases Hazardous Air Pollution M3 1 m
    721.1—721.17 SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT
    Knowingly Introduces Contaminant Into Public Water M1 3 m
    Violation of Act; DER Order M3 1 m

     * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).


    4583.1(b)(1) Aggravated jury tampering (most serious offense submitted for deliberation is F1 or Murder 1 or Murder 2) F1 11 4
    4583.1(b)(2) Aggravated jury tampering (most serious offense submitted to jury is F2) F2 9 2
    4583.1(b)(3) Aggravated jury tampering (any other violation) F3 7 1
    4732 (a) DNA database, disclosure prohibition (disclose to unauthorized person) M1 3 m
    4732 (b) DNA database, disclosure prohibition (obtain without authorization) M1 3 m

     * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).


    1607 Professions and occupations (state licensed) violations F3 5 1


    517.8(a)(1) Home improvement fraud; false or misleading statements($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(1) Home improvement fraud; false or misleading statements(>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(1) Home improvement fraud; false or misleading statements and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(1) Home improvement fraud; false or misleading statements and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(1) Home improvement fraud; false or misleading statements (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(2) Home improvement fraud; advance payment/fail to provide ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(2) Home improvement fraud; advance payment/fail to provide (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(2) Home improvement fraud; advance payment/fail to provide and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(2) Home improvement fraud; advance payment/fail to provide and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(2) Home improvement fraud; advance payment/fail to provide (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(3) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent when solicit contract ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(3) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent when solicit contract (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(3) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent when solicit contract and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(3) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent when solicit contract and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(3) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent when solicit contract (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(4) Home improvement fraud; damage property with intent to solicit contract ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(4) Home improvement fraud; damage property with intent to solicit contract (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(4) Home improvement fraud; damage property with intent to solicit contract and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(4) Home improvement fraud; damage property with intent to solicit contract and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(4) Home improvement fraud; damage property with intent to solicit contract (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(5) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent as agent of the government ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(5) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent as agent of the government (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(5) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent as agent of the government and older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(5) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent as agent of the government and older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(5) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent as agent of the government (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(6) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent item as special order to increase cost ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(6) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent item as special order to increase cost (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(6) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent item as special order to increase cost and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(6) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent item as special order to increase cost and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(6) Home improvement fraud; misrepresent item as special order to increase cost (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(7) Home improvement fraud; alter agreement or document without consent of owner ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(7) Home improvement fraud; alter agreement or document without consent of owner (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(7) Home improvement fraud; alter agreement or document without consent of owner and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(7) Home improvement fraud; alter agreement or document without consent of owner and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(7) Home improvement fraud; alter agreement or document without consent of owner (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(8) Home improvement fraud; publish a false or deceptive advertisement ($2,000 or less) M1 3 m
    517.8(a)(8) Home improvement fraud; publish a false or deceptive advertisement (>$2,000) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(8) Home improvement fraud; publish a false or deceptive advertisement and victim older than 60 yrs. ($2,000 or less) F3 5 1
    517.8(a)(8) Home improvement fraud; publish a false or deceptive advertisement and victim older than 60 yrs. (>$2,000) F2 7 2
    517.8(a)(8) Home improvement fraud; publish a false or deceptive advertisement (2nd or subsequent offense) F2 7 2
    2330.3(2) Computer spyware prohibitions—collect through deceptive means F2 7 2
    2330.4(1) (i)(ii)(iii) Computer spyware—control or modification (take control of computer) F2 7 2
    2330.4(2) Computer spyware—control or modification (modify settings related to computer access) F2 7 2

    * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).


    1543(1.1)(ii) Driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked (if (b)(1) and BAC of 0.02% or greater or under influence; 2nd offense) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) M3 1 m
    1543(1.1)(iii) Driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked (if (b)(1) and BAC of 0.02% or greater or under influence, 3rd/subseq. offense) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) M1 3 m
    1571(a)(5) Violations concerning licenses (exhibit or cause altered driver's license) M1 3 m
    1571(a.1) Violations concerning licenses (employees and agents issuing altered driver's license) F3 5 1
    3712 Abandonment/Stripping of Vehicles M3 1 m
    3732* Homicide by Vehicle (when there is also a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident; occurs in active work zone) F31 10 1
    3732* Homicide by vehicle (when there is also a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident and in violation of § 3325 or § 3327, duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle or in emergency response area) F31 10 1
    3732* Homicide by Vehicle (when there is also a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident) F3 8 1
    3732* Homicide by Vehicle (when there is not a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident; occurs in active work zone) F31 8 1
    3732* Homicide by Vehicle (when there is not a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident) F3 6 1
    3732(1.1) Homicide by vehicle (when there is not a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident and in violation of § 3325 or § 3327, duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle or in emergency response area) F31 8 1
    3732.1* Aggravated assault by vehicle (when there is a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident and when occurs in active work zone) F32 9 1
    3732.1* Aggravated assault by vehicle (when there is a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident and when in violation of § 3325 or § 3327-duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle or in emergency response area- SBI) F32 9 1
    3732.1* Aggravated assault by vehicle (when there is a conviction for DUI arising from the same) F3 7 1
    3732.1* Aggravated assault by vehicle (when there is not a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident and when occurs in active work zone) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) F32 7 1
    3732.1* Aggravated assault by vehicle (when there is not a conviction for DUI arising from the same incident and when in violation of § 3325 or § 3327, duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle or in emergency response area) (SBI) F32 7 1
    3732.1* Aggravated assault by vehicle (when there is not a conviction for DUI arising from the same) F3 5 1
    3733(a.2)(1) Fleeing or Eluding Police (willfully fails or refuses to bring vehicle to a stop) M2 2 m
    3733(a.2)(2) Fleeing or Eluding Police (also commits violation of Section 3802, crosses State line, or endangers by engaging in high-speed chase) F3 5 1
    3735 Homicide by Vehicle while DUI (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) F2 10 2
    3735.1 Aggravated Assault by Vehicle while DUI F2 [7] 9 2
    3742(b)(1) Accident Involving Death or Personal Injury (failure to stop) (injury) M1 3 m
    3742(b)(2) Accident Involving Death or Personal Injury (failure to stop) (accident resulting in SBI) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) F3 5 1
    3742(b)(3) Accident Involving Death or Personal Injury (failure to stop) (accident resulting in death) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) [F3] F2 [6] 8 1
    3742.1(b)(1) Accident involving death or personal injury while not properly licensed M2 2 m
    3742.1(b)(2)* Accident involving death or personal injury while not properly licensed (death) F3 6 1
    3742.1(b)(2)* Accident involving death or personal injury while not properly licensed (SBI) F3 5 1
    3743 Accident Involving Damage to Attended Vehicle M3 1 m
    3802 Driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance (DUI) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) See § 303.7(a)
    3802(a)(1) DUI (incapable of safe driving; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(a)(1) DUI (incapable of safe driving; second offense) M 1 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (incapable of safe driving; third/subsequent offense) M2 3 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (incapable of safe driving; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (refuse testing; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(a)(1) DUI (refuse testing; second offense) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (refuse testing; third/subsequent offense) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (refuse testing; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (accident; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(a)(1) DUI (accident; second offense) M 1 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (accident; third offense) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (accident; fourth/subsequent offense) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(1) DUI (accident; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802(a)(2) DUI (BAC .08—<.10; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(a)(2) DUI (BAC .08—<.10; second offense) M 1 1
    3802(a)(2) DUI (BAC .08—<.10; third/subsequent offense) M2 3 1
    3802(a)(2) DUI (BAC .08- <.10; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802(b) DUI (BAC .10—<.16; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(b) DUI (BAC .10—<.16; second offense) M 1 1
    3802(b) DUI (BAC .10—<.16; third offense) M1 5 1
    3802(b) DUI (BAC .10—<.16; fourth/subsequent offense) M1 5 1
    3802(b) DUI (BAC .10- <.16; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802(c) DUI (BAC .16+; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(c) DUI (BAC .16+; second offense) M1 5 1
    3802(c) DUI (BAC .16+; third/subsequent offense) M1 5 1
    3802(c) DUI (BAC .16+; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802(d) DUI (controlled substance; first offense) M 1 m
    3802(d) DUI (controlled substance; second offense) M1 5 1
    3802(d) DUI (controlled substance; third/subsequent offense) M1 5 1
    3802(d) DUI (controlled substance; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3802 (e) DUI (under 21 years of age; first offense) M 1 m
    3802 (e) DUI (under 21 years of age; second offense) M 1 1
    3802 (e) DUI (under 21 years of age; third offense) M1 5 1
    3802 (e) DUI (under 21 years of age; fourth/subsequent offense) M1 5 1
    3802(e) DUI (under 21 years of age; minor <18 yrs. occupant)M1 5 1
    3802 (f) DUI (commercial/school vehicle; first offense) M 1 m
    3802 (f) DUI (commercial/school vehicle; second offense) M 1 1
    3802 (f) DUI (commercial/school vehicle; third offense) M1 6 1
    3802 (f) DUI (commercial/school vehicle; fourth/subsequent offense) M1 7 1
    3802(f) DUI (commercial/school vehicle; minor <18 yrs. occupant) M1 5 1
    3808(a)(1) Ignition interlock (illegally operate vehicle not equipped) M 1 m
    3808(a)(2) Ignition interlock (illegally operate vehicle not equipped; BAC .025 or greater) (See mandatory provision § 303.9(i)) M3 1 m
    3808(b) Ignition interlock (tampering with ignition interlock system) M 1 m
    7102 Falsify Vehicle Identification M1 3 m
    7102 Falsify Vehicle Identification M3 1 m
    7103 Deal in Vehicles with Removed Identification F3 5 1
    7103 Deal in Vehicles with Removed Identification M3 1 m
    7111 Deal in Stolen Plates M1 3 m
    7112 False Report of Theft or Vehicle Conversion M3 1 m
    7121 False Application for Title/Registration M1 3 m
    7122 Altered or Forged Title or Plates M1 3 m
    7132 Prohibited Activities Related to Odometers (1st or subsequent offense, subchapter D) F3 4 1
    7133 Permissible Activities Related to Odometers (1st or subsequent offense, subchapter D) F3 4 1
    7134 Odometer Disclosure Requirement (1st or subsequent offense, subchapter D) F3 4 1
    7135 Odometer Mileage Statement (1st or subsequent offense, subchapter D) F3 4 1
    7136 Conspiracy to Violate (1st or subsequent offense, subchapter D) F3 4 1
    7137 Violation of Unfair Trade Practices (1st or subsequent offense, subchapter D) F3 4 1
    7752(b) Unauthorized Disposition of Forms M3 1 m
    8306(b) Willful Violations M3 1 m
    8306(c) Subsequent Willful Violations M2 2 m

     * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).


    1 statutory maximum increased by 5 years if offense occurred in active work zone (maximum=12 years)
    statutory maximum increased by 5 years if also convicted of 75 § 3325 or 75 § 3327 (maximum=12 years)

    2 statutory maximum increased by 2 years if offense occurred in active work zone (maximum=9 years)
    statutory maximum increased by 2 years if also convicted of 75 § 3325 or 75 § 3327 (maximum=9 years).

    F1 8 3
    F2 7 2
    F3 5 1
    Offenses not otherwise listed and new offenses: Felony Not Classified 5 1
    M1 3 m
    M2 2 m
    M3 1 m
    Misdemeanor Not Classified 1 m

     * = Subcategorized Offenses. See 303.3(b).
    m = Other Misdemeanor Offenses. See 303.7(a)(5).

    § 303.16. Basic Sentencing Matrix.

    Level OGS Example Offenses Prior Record Score
    0 1 2 3 4 5 RFEL REVOC
    LEVEL 5
    State Incar
    14 Murder 3
    Inchoate Murder/SBI Rape (child <13 years)
    72-SL 84-SL 96-SL 120-SL 168-SL 192-SL 204-SL SL ~/-12
    13 Inchoate Murder/no SBI
    Weapons (mass destr./injury)
    PWID Cocaine, etc. (>1,000 gms)
    60-78 66-84 72-90 78-96 84-102 96-114 108-126 240 +/- 12
    12 Rape
    Robbery (SBI)
    48-66 54-72 60-78 66-84 72-90 84-102 96-114 120 +/- 12
    11 Agg Asslt (SBI)
    Voluntary Manslaughter
    Sexual Assault
    PWID Cocaine, etc. (100-1,000 gms)
    42-60 48-66 54-72 60-78 72-90 84-102 120 +/- 12
    10 Kidnapping
    Agg. Indecent. Asslt
    Agg Asslt (att. SBI)
    Arson (person inside)
    Hom. by veh. (DUI & work zone)
    PWID Cocaine, etc. (50-<100 gms)
    22-36 BC 30-42 BC 36-48 BC 42-54 48-60 60-72 72-84 120 +/- 12
    9 Sexual exploitation of children
    Robbery (F1/F2)
    Burglary (home/person)
    Arson (no person inside)
    12-24 BC 18-30 BC 24-36 BC 30-42 BC 36-48 BC 48-60 60-72 120 +/- 12
    LEVEL 4
    State Incar/ RIP trade
    Agg Asslt (BI w/DW)
    Theft (firearm)
    Identity theft (60 yrs., 3rd off.)
    Hom. by veh.(DUI or work zone)
    Theft (>$100,000)
    PWID Cocaine, etc. (10-<50 gms)
    9-16 BC 12-18 BC 15-21 BC 18-24 BC 21-27 BC 27-33 BC 40-52 NA +/- 9
    LEVEL 3
    State/ Cnty Incar RIP trade
    7 (F2) Robbery (inflicts/threatens BI)
    Burglary (home/ no person)
    Statutory Sexual Assault
    Theft (>$50,000-$100,000)
    Identity theft (3rd off.)
    PWID Cocaine, etc. ([2.]5-<10 gms)
    6-14 BC 9-16 BC 12-18 BC 15-21 BC 18-24 BC 24-30 BC 35-45 BC NA +/- 6
    6 Agg Asslt (physical menace)
    Hom. by vehicle
    Burglary (not home/person)
    Theft (>$25,000-$50,000)
    Arson (property)
    PWID Cocaine, etc. ([<]2[.]<5 gms)
    3-12 BC 6-14 BC 9-16 BC 12-18 BC 15-21 BC 21-27 BC 27-40 BC NA +/- 6
    2 Cnty
    Incar RIP RS
    5 (F3) Burglary (not home/no person)
    Theft (>$2000-$25,000)
    [DUI (M1)] Bribery
    PWID (1-<10 lb of marij)
    RS-9 1-12 BC 3-14 BC 6-16 BC 9-16 BC 12-18 BC 24-36 BC NA +/- 3
    4 Indecent assault M2
    Forgery (money, stocks)
    Weapon on school property
    Crim Trespass (breaks in)
    RS-3 RS-9 RS-<12 3-14 BC 6-16 BC 9-16 BC 21-30 BC NA +/- 3
    3 (M1) Simple Assault
    Theft ($200-$2000)
    [DUI (M2)] Carrying explosives
    Simple Possession
    RS-1 RS-6 RS-9 RS-<12 3-14 BC 6-16 BC 12-18 BC NA +/- 3
    LEVEL 1 RS 2 (M2) Theft ($50-<$200)
    Retail Theft (1st, 2nd)
    Bad Checks ($500-<$1,000)
    RS RS-2 RS-3 RS-4 RS-6 1-9 6- <12 NA +/- 3
    1 (M3) Most Misd. 3's; Theft (<$50)
    DUI (M)
    Poss. Small Amount Marij.
    RS RS-1 RS-2 RS-3 RS-4 RS-6 3-6 NA +/- 3

    1. [Shaded] Designated areas of the matrix indicate restrictive intermediate punishments may be imposed as a substitute for incarceration.

    2. When restrictive intermediate punishments are appropriate, the duration of the restrictive intermediate punishment programs are recommended not to exceed the guideline ranges.

    3. When the range is RS through a number of months (e.g. RS-6), RIP may be appropriate.

    4. All numbers in sentence recommendations suggest months of minimum confinement pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. 9755(b) and 9756(b).

    5. Statutory classification (e.g., F1, F2, etc.) in brackets reflect the omnibus OGS assignment for the given grade.

    BC = boot camp RIP = restrictive intermediate punishments
    CNTY = county RS = restorative sanctions
    INCAR = incarceration SBI = serious bodily injury
    PWID = possession with intent to deliver SL = statutory limit (longest minimum sentence)
    REVOC = repeat violent offender category ~ = no recommendation (aggravated sentence would exceed statutory limit)
    RFEL = repeat felony 1 and felony 2 offender category < ; > = less than; greater than

    § 303.17. DWE/Possessed Matrix.

    Level OGS Deadly Weapon Prior Record Score
    0 1 2 3 4 5 RFEL REVOC
    Level 5 14 Possessed 81-SL 93-SL 105-SL 129-SL 177-SL 201-SL 213-SL 240 ~/- 12
    13 Possessed 69-87 75-93 81-99 87-105 93-111 105-123 117-135 240 +/-12
    12 Possessed 57-75 63-81 69-87 75-93 81-99 93-111 105-123 120 +/-12
    11 Possessed 45-63 51-69 57-75 63-81 69-87 81-99 93-111 120 +/-12
    10 Possessed 31-45 39-51 45-57 51-63 57-69 69-81 81-93 120 +/-12
    9 Possessed 21-33 27-39 33-45 39-51 45-57 57-69 69-81 120 +/-12
    Level 4 8 Possessed 15-22 18-24 21-27 24-30 27-33 33-39 46-58 NA +/-9
    7 Possessed 12-20 15-22 18-24 21-27 24-30 30-36 41-51 NA +/-6
    6 Possessed 9-18 12-20 [16] 15-22 18-24 21-27 27-33 33-46 NA +/-6
    Level 3 5 Possessed 6-15 7-18 9-20 12-22 15-22 18-24 30-42 NA +/-3
    4 Possessed 3-6 3-12 3-<15 6-17 9-19 12-19 24-33 NA +/-3
    3 Possessed 3-4 3-9 3-12 3-<15 6-17 9-19 15-21 NA +/-3
    2 Possessed 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-9 4-12 9-<15 NA +/-3
    1 Possessed 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-9 6-9 NA +/-3

    § 303.18. DWE/Used Matrix.

    Level OGS Deadly Weapon Prior Record Score
    0 1 2 3 4 5 RFEL REVOC
    Level 5 14 Used 90-SL 102-SL 114-SL 138-SL 186-SL 210-SL 222-SL SL ~/- 12
    13 Used 78-96 84-102 90-108 96-114 102-120 114-132 126-144 240 +/-12
    12 Used 66-84 72-90 78-96 84-102 90-108 102-120 114-132 120 +/-12
    11 Used 54-72 60-78 66-84 72-90 78-96 90-108 102-120 120 +/-12
    10 Used 40-54 48-60 54-66 60-72 66-78 78-90 90-102 120 +/-12
    9 Used 30-42 36-48 42-54 48-60 54-66 66-78 78-90 120 +/-12
    Level 4 8 Used 21-28 24-30 27-33 30-36 33-39 39-45 52-64 NA +/-9
    7 Used 18-26 21-28 24-30 27-33 30-36 36-42 47-57 NA +/-6
    6 Used 15-24 18-26 21-28 24-30 27-33 33-39 39-52 NA +/-6
    5 Used 12-21 13-24 15-26 18-28 21-28 24-30 36-48 NA +/-3
    Level 3 4 Used 6-9 6-15 6-<18 9-20 12-22 15-22 27-36 NA +/-3
    3 Used 6-7 6-12 6-15 6-<18 9-20 12-22 18-24 NA +/-3
    2 Used 6-6 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-12 7-15 12-<18 NA +/-3
    1 Used 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-12 9-12 NA +/-3

     (Editor's Note: The following section is new and printed in regular type to enhance readability.)

    § 303.19. Youth/School Enhancement Matrices.

    Basic Sentencing Matrix with Youth/School Enhancement: Youth Enhancement.

    Level OGS Prior Record Score
    1 2 3 4 5 RFEL REVOC
    5 14 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ~/-12
    13 66-90 72-96 78-102 84-108 90-114 102-126 114-138 240 +/-12
    12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA +/-12
    11 42-66 48-72 54-78 60-84 66-90 78-102 90-114 120 +/-12
    4 10 28-48 36-54 42-60 48-66 54-72 66-84 78-96 120 +/-12
    9 18-36 24-42 30-48 36-54 42-60 54-72 66-84 120 +/-12
    8 15-28 18-30 21-33 24-36 27-39 33-45 46-64 NA +/-9
    7 12-26 15-28 18-30 21-33 24-36 30-42 41-57 NA +/-6
    3 6 9-24 12-26 15-28 18-30 21-33 27-39 33-52 NA +/-6
    5 6-21 7-24 9-26 12-28 15-28 18-30 30-48 NA +/-3
    4 6-15 6-21 6-<24 9-26 12-28 15-28 27-42 NA +/-3
    3 6-13 6-18 6-21 6-<24 9-26 12-28 18-30 NA +/-3

    Basic Sentencing Matrix with Youth/School Enhancement: School Enhancement.

    Level OGS Prior Record Score
    1 2 3 4 5 RFEL REVOC
    5 14 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ~/-12
    13 72-102 78-108 84-114 90-120 96-126 108-138 120-150 240 +/-12
    12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA +/-12
    11 48-78 54-84 60-90 66-96 72-102 84-114 96-120 120 +/-12
    10 34-60 42-66 48-72 54-78 60-84 72-96 84-108 120 +/-12
    4 9 24-48 30-54 36-60 42-66 48-72 60-84 72-96 120 +/-12
    8 21-40 24-42 27-45 30-48 33-51 39-57 52-76 NA +/-9
    7 18-38 21-40 24-42 27-45 30-48 36-54 47-69 NA +/-6
    6 15-36 18-38 21-40 24-42 27-45 33-51 39-64 NA +/-6
    5 12-33 13-36 15-38 18-40 21-40 24-42 36-60 NA +/-3
    4 12-27 12-33 12-<36 15-38 18-40 21-40 33-54 NA +/-3
    3 12-25 12-30 12-33 12-<36 15-38 18-40 24-42 NA +/-3

    Basic Sentencing Matrix with Youth/School Enhancement: Youth and School Enhancement.

    Level OGS Prior Record Score
    0 1 2 3 4 5 RFEL REVOC
    514 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ~/-12
    13 78-114 84-120 90-126 96-132 102-138 114-150 126-162 240 +/-12
    12 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA +/-12
    11 54-90 60-96 66-102 72-108 78-114 90-120 102-120 120 +/-12
    10 40-72 48-78 54-84 60-90 66-96 78-108 90-120 120 +/-12
    9 30-60 36-66 42-72 48-78 54-84 66-96 78-108 120 +/-12
    4 8 27-52 30-54 33-57 36-60 39-63 45-69 58-88 NA +/-9
    7 24-50 27-52 30-54 33-57 36-60 42-66 53-81 NA +/-6
    6 21-48 24-50 27-52 30-54 33-57 39-63 45-76 NA +/-6
    5 18-45 19-48 21-50 24-52 27-52 30-54 42-72 NA +/-3
    4 18-39 18-45 18-<48 21-50 24-52 27-52 39-66 NA +/-3
    3 18-37 18-42 18-45 18-<48 21-50 24-52 30-54 NA +/-3
    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-1894. Filed for public inspection September 28, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]