1993 Termination of inactive cases pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. no. 1901 and Cra.Rule LJA1901; A.D. 1997-702  


    Termination of Inactive Cases Pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. No. 1901 and Cra.Rule LJA1901; A.D. 1997-702

    [44 Pa.B. 6091]
    [Saturday, September 27, 2014]

    Civil Action—Misc.

    And Now, September 5, 2014, the Court enters the following Administrative Order entered this day. The District Court Administrator is Ordered and Directed to:

     1. Provide one certified copy of the Administrative Order dated September 5, 2014 to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.

     2. Provide two (2) certified copies of the Administrative Order and a computer diskette containing the text of the Administrative Order to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in a manner that complies with the requirements of 1 Pa. Code § 13.11(b).

     3. Provide one (1) certified copy of the Administrative Order to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Civil Procedural Rules Committee.

     4. Make the Administrative Order continuously available for public inspection and copying in the Office of the Prothonotary. Upon request and payment of reasonable costs of reproduction and mailing, the Prothonotary shall furnish to any person a copy of any local rules.

     5. Provide one (1) certified copy of the Administrative Order to the Crawford County Law Library.

     6. Keep such local rule changes, as well as all local civil rules available for the public on the Crawford County website at www.crawfordcountypa.net.

    By the Court

    President Judge

    Civil Action—Law
    Administrative Order

    And Now, September 5, 2014, pursuant to Pa.R.J.A. No. 1901 and Cra.Rule LJA1901 the Prothonotary of Crawford County is directed to compile a list of inactive cases as of January 1, 2015 and by the first day of January of each year thereafter comprised of all civil actions in which no steps or proceedings have been taken for two years or more prior thereto.

     Each year commencing with 2015 the Crawford County Court Administrator shall at the beginning of each calendar year, consistent with Cra.R.C.P. L302, publish in the Crawford County Legal Journal the date of June 1 of that year or if the courthouse is not open on that date the next date the courthouse is open for business thereafter as the termination date for inactive cases.

     The Prothonotary shall follow all notice requirements set forth in Cra.Rule LJA1901(B)(C)(D).

     The Prothonotary shall refer any objections and responses to the notice of termination of inactive cases that have been filed pursuant to Cra.Rule LJA1901(E)(G) to the Court for disposition consistent with Cra.Rule LJA 1901(H).

     On the date scheduled for termination of inactive cases, the Prothonotary shall provide to the Court a list of those inactive cases for which notice has been provided as aforesaid and no objection to the termination of the case has been filed with the Prothonotary.

     Likewise, on that same date the Prothonotary shall provide to the Court a list of those inactive cases for which notice has been provided as aforesaid, together with any objections and responses to objection that have been filed so that the Court may enter an order pursuant to Cra.Rule LJA 1901(H) disposing of the matter either on the pleadings, or after hearing or argument.

    By the Court

    President Judge

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 14-1993. Filed for public inspection September 26, 2014, 9:00 a.m.]

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