September 27, 1997 The following awards have been made by the Department of General Services, Bureau of Purchases:
Contract #Awarded
OnTo In the
Amount Of1079117-01 09/15/97 Safety League, Inc. 10,423.20 1096167-01 09/15/97 National Computer Systems 3,962.42 1112117-01 09/09/97 Advantage Distributors, Inc. 11,474.80 1123137-01 09/11/97 Green Acres Contracting Company 5,577.38 1136187-01 09/16/97 NEI, Inc. 816.25 1139157-01 09/11/97 Fordion Packaging Ltd. 58,850.00 1143117-01 09/15/97 Bloomsburg Metal 21,020.00 1145207-01 09/15/97 Mail Well Envelope Co. 754.20 1146207-01 09/15/97 Mail Well Envelope Co. 1,076.20 1148117-01 09/15/97 Ragold Corporation 33,568.75 1197077-01 09/09/97 Clearview Printing Company 1,750.00 1198157-01 09/15/97 Joe McDonalds Postal Uniform Co. 26,237.50 1211207-01 09/15/97 ATL East Tag and Label 3,180.00 1868156-01 09/11/97 Marshall Machinery, Inc. 7,594.74 8205650-01 09/11/97 Williams & Heintz Map Corp. 28,431.00 8206680-01 09/11/97 Ashland Chemical Co. 131,120.00 8504010-01 09/11/97 A. C. Miller Concrete Prod., Inc. 19,467.00 8970100-01 09/15/97 Groff Tractor and Equipment, Inc. 279,500.00 8970440-01 09/11/97 Walsh Equipment, Inc. 50,028.00 8970470-01 09/11/97 Wenner Ford Tractor, Inc. 54,650.00 8970580-01 09/09/97 Globe Trailers of Florida, Inc. 8,700.00 8970600-01 09/15/97 Regester Chevrolet, Inc. 37,866.00 8970620-01 09/11/97 Somerset Welding and Steel, Inc. 164,120.00 GARY E. CROWELL,
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1580. Filed for public inspection September 26, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]