[67 PA. CODE CH. 175]Vehicle Equipment and Inspection [27 Pa.B. 5003] The Department of Transportation (Department), Bureau of Motor Vehicles, under the authority contained in 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 4101, 4702, 4703, 4706(e), 4728 and 6103, proposes to amend Chapter 175 (relating to vehicle equipment and inspection) to read as set forth in Annex A.
The Department plans to make these amendments effective immediately upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin without notice of proposed rulemaking. Notice of proposed rulemaking has been omitted under the authority contained under 75 Pa.C.S. § 4706(e) (relating to prohibition on expenditures for emission inspection program) which provides that regulations promulgated by the Department relating to the enhanced emission inspection program are not subject to the proposed rulemaking provisions of the act of July 31, 1968 (P. L. 769, No. 240) (45 P. S. §§ 1101--1208) (CDL) or the Regulatory Review Act (71 P. S. §§ 745.1--745.15).
The Department prepared these amendments with the participation and assistance of an industry emission inspection work group consisting of representatives of automotive service and repair stations, the American Automobile Association (AAA), the Automotive Service Association (ASA), the State Police, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and oil companies.
These amendments complement the Commonwealth's effort to implement an annual, decentralized enhanced emission inspection program (I/M) that meets the requirements of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 7401--7671q).
The Commonwealth committed, in its State Implementation Plan (SIP), to tie the enhanced emission inspection to its existing safety inspection program to provide a means to assure compliance. The Commonwealth believes that connecting the enhanced emission inspection to the safety inspection would be less onerous on this Commonwealth's vehicle owners than imposition of a vehicle registration denial program to require compliance, as recommended by the EPA. Consistent with the Commonwealth's commitment in the SIP and with Department regulations, the enhanced emission inspection must take place before the safety inspection sticker can be affixed to the vehicle. These particular regulations will permit safety inspection stations, at the option of the vehicle owner, to perform the safety inspection prior to the emission inspection. If the vehicle passes the safety inspection, the vehicle will be issued a temporary inspection approval indicator. The indicator will be used to designate that the vehicle has passed the periodic safety inspection but must display an emission inspection certificate, or obtain a waiver, prior to placement of the renewed safety certificate of inspection. If the emission inspection is obtained and passed, the expiring safety certificate of inspection may then be replaced with a new safety certificate of inspection at any time prior to the expiration of the certificate of inspection to which the temporary inspection indicator was affixed. The temporary inspection approval indicator will not extend the inspection expiration of any certificate of inspection to which it is affixed and the permanent safety inspection certificate can only be issued by the station that performed the initial safety inspection.
These provisions were developed at the emission industry work group meetings as a consequence of concerns raised by the group members. The EPA actively participated in these meetings and voiced no objections to the temporary inspection approval indicator concept. Accordingly, the Department has no reason to believe that the EPA will find that the temporary inspection approval indicator is a departure from the Commonwealth's SIP, as conditionally approved by the EPA on January 28, 1997. Moreover, since the use of the temporary inspection approval indicator does not extend the expiration of the safety certificate of inspection to which it is affixed and since the permanent safety inspection certificate or sticker can only be issued by the station that performed the initial safety inspection and affixed the temporary inspection approval indicator, the Department has every reason to believe that the EPA accepts the temporary inspection approval indicator as being consistent with the conditionally approved SIP commitments.
These amendments are in the general motoring public's interest since they provide an alternative to vehicle owners having to seek out inspection stations that perform both the safety inspection and enhanced emission inspection, thereby making it more convenient for vehicle owners to continue to use a trusted safety inspection and repair station. These amendments offer vehicle owners choice in terms of the order in which the safety inspection and the emission inspection may be performed. This can provide tremendous economic flexibility to the vehicle owner, by permitting, for example, a vehicle owner to make a financial outlay for safety inspection repairs and postponing the emission inspection for a week or two to accumulate the moneys for needed emission inspection repairs.
These amendments are also in the public interest since they facilitate the commencement of the Commonwealth's decentralized, enhanced emission inspection program which is scheduled to begin October 1, 1997, and thus, these amendments help avoid the imposition of sanctions upon the more than $900 million which the Commonwealth receives in Federal highway dollars.
Purpose of this Chapter
The purpose of Chapter 175 is to establish and maintain rules concerning permitted or required equipment on motor vehicles, and to regulate the vehicle equipment safety inspection process.
Purpose of these Amendments
The purpose of these amendments is to revise the requirements for the issuance of a certificate of safety inspection as they relate to vehicles subject to an emissions inspection. These changes are the result of concerns raised by independent inspection stations, the ASA, the AAA and the State Police. These amendments will provide safety inspection stations that desire not to participate in the enhanced emission inspection program with the ability to continue to perform safety inspections prior to an emission inspection.
Under current regulations, appointed safety inspection stations are required to affix a certificate of safety inspection to vehicles immediately following a successful inspection. Statewide, there are approximately 17,000 service stations appointed by the Department to perform safety inspections on approximately 9 million vehicles. On June 1, 1984, the Commonwealth implemented a basic vehicle emissions inspection program in 11 counties: Allegheny, Beaver, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Washington and Westmoreland. This program is required and mandated by the EPA and failure to have implemented and maintained the current program would have meant the loss of Federal highway money that is provided to this Commonwealth. In the 11 counties where the program exists, there are approximately 7,000 stations that perform annual vehicle safety inspections. Of those safety inspection stations, approximately 3,500 perform annual emissions inspections on approximately 3 million vehicles. On October 1, 1997, the Department will implement an enhanced vehicle emissions inspection program in nine counties: Allegheny, Beaver, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia, Washington and Westmoreland. This program is also mandated by the EPA and resulted from amendments to the Federal Clean Air Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.A. § 7401). The counties of Lehigh and Northampton will continue to operate the basic program until the fall of 1999, when the addition of 14 counties will take place bringing the total of Commonwealth counties that will participate in an enhanced emissions program, to 25. When all 25 counties have implemented the required emissions testing program, the total vehicle population subject to emissions inspection will rise to approximately 6 million vehicles annually. When the program is fully implemented in the 25 counties, there will be approximately 12,000 safety inspection stations that will be eligible to participate in the enhanced emissions inspection program. It is estimated that approximately 50% or 6,000 of these safety inspection stations will participate in the emissions testing program. Thus, another 6,000 stations will conduct only safety inspections. Department data shows that the average cost of an annual safety inspection is $17.58. The average cost of repairs for vehicles that fail the safety inspection is $145.
The Commonwealth desires to maintain sticker enforcement as its primary compliance mechanism. To accomplish this, the Commonwealth agreed that a renewed safety inspection sticker could not be affixed to a subject vehicle until there was evidence of a passed emission inspection. On January 28, 1997, the EPA published at 62 FR 4004, a notice to conditionally approve the Commonwealth's SIP. Although this method eased the burden on the Commonwealth to implement other onerous methods to assure compliance, it also created a concern in the service/inspection industry. In February 1996, an industry work group was formed to help the Department in its plans to implement a cost effective, customer-friendly I/M program. This work group is made up of service station owners, automotive technicians, the AAA, the ASA, the State Police, the EPA and oil company representatives. At a meeting held on July 10, 1996, the work group members first expressed concerns over the tie-in to the annual safety inspection program. There was a fear that when the enhanced program begins, stations that would otherwise choose not to participate in the emission inspection program would lose this choice because their customers would seek other stations, for convenience, that offer both the safety and emission inspections, effectively requiring nonparticipating stations to perform emission inspections, in contradiction of expressed Legislative intent. Additionally, it was recognized that it would be impossible for the participating emission inspection stations to inspect, for emissions and possibly safety, the overflow of vehicles that would have to be turned away by stations which perform only safety inspections. The Department and work group members continued to work toward alternatives that would not create a hardship on nonparticipating stations while meeting the requirement that the Commonwealth committed to in its SIP.
On February 27, 1997, the Department proposed a concept for the coordination of the safety and emission inspections to the industry work group that would address the concern of nonparticipating safety stations while maintaining integrity in its commitment to the EPA. This concept requires that all subject vehicles required to participate in the emission program display a renewed emission certificate of inspection prior to the placement of a renewed safety certificate on a vehicle. A temporary inspection approval indicator will be used to designate vehicles which have successfully passed the required periodic safety inspection, but must display a renewed emission certificate of inspection, or obtain a waiver, prior to the placement of the renewed safety certificate of inspection. If the emission inspection is obtained and passed, the expiring safety certificate of inspection may then be replaced with a new safety certificate of inspection at any time prior to the expiration of the certificate of inspection to which the temporary inspection indicator was affixed. The temporary inspection approval indicator will not extend the inspection expiration of any certificate of inspection to which it is affixed and the permanent safety inspection certificate can only be issued by the station that performed the initial safety inspection. Thus, the implementation of these regulations will allow all inspection stations, especially those performing only safety inspections, to perform a safety inspection and subsequent repairs to all subject emission required vehicles. These regulations also emphasize the choice for vehicle owners to seek out inspection stations that do not perform both the safety and emission inspections, making it more convenient for them as well. Specific reporting requirements are also being developed in these amendments so that vehicle owners are made aware of the requirement to have their vehicle's emissions inspected prior to the expiration of their current safety certificate of inspection.
The amendments include the following:
1. Section 175.2 (relating to definitions) has been amended to provide a definition of the term ''temporary inspection approval indicator'' and to explain that this indicator will be used to reflect that the vehicle has successfully passed the required periodic safety inspection and to serve as a visual reminder to the operator of the vehicle that the enhanced emission inspection needs to occur before the expiration of the existing safety certificate before a new safety certificate of inspection can be affixed to the vehicle.
2. Section 175.11 (relating to coordination of safety and emission inspection) has been added to provide the necessary rules to coordinate the safety and emission inspection programs consistent with the commitment made in the Commonwealth's SIP which was submitted to the EPA. This new section provides the basis to allow safety inspection stations to perform safety inspections and needed repairs on vehicles prior to the enhanced emission inspection by way of the temporary inspection approval indicator. The indicator will serve as a reminder that the emission inspection must be performed before the expiration of the current safety inspection certificate on the vehicle. After successful completion of the emission inspection, the vehicle must be returned to the inspection station which performed the safety inspection and have the certificate of safety inspection affixed to the windshield.
3. Section 175.29(f)(4) (relating to obligations and responsibilities of stations) is being amended to list the specific requirements of inspection station personnel to inform vehicle owners, in writing on the repair order, of the requirement to return to the inspection station after the emission inspection requirement has been met.
4. Section 175.29(f)(4)(i) is being added to further list the station's responsibility to inform the vehicle owner that failure to return the vehicle displaying a renewed emission certificate of inspection to the station prior to the expiration of the safety certificate of inspection will void the temporary approval indicator and will necessitate a complete reinspection of the vehicle.
5. Section 175.29(f)(4)(ii) is being added to require the inspection station to list, in writing, the fee charged for affixing a new certificate of safety inspection after the vehicle has returned with evidence of a renewed emission certificate of inspection.
6. Section 175.41 (relating to procedure) has been amended to delineate the rules safety inspection stations must follow when affixing and removing the temporary inspection approval indicator. Although passing the required safety inspection and receiving a temporary inspection approval indicator, the vehicle may not be issued a final safety certificate of inspection until the vehicle has successfully completed the enhanced emissions inspection and displays a renewed emission certificate of inspection. Additionally, the issuance of a temporary inspection approval indicator does not extend the inspection expiration displayed on the face of the sticker but acts only as a visual reminder to the vehicle operator that an emission inspection needs to be conducted and that a renewed certificate of emission inspection needs to be displayed.
7. Section 175.42(d) (relating to recording inspection) has been deleted in its entirety and replaced with more specific requirements that provide safety inspection personnel with the instructions necessary for properly recording, on the required Department form, the issuance of a certificate of safety inspection as well as a temporary inspection approval indicator. It also details the conditions under which an inspection station may not replace a temporary inspection approval indicator with a certificate of inspection.
8. Section 175.43 (relating to security) has been amended to place a duty upon the safety inspection station to keep the temporary inspection approval indicators under lock and key in a safe place.
9. Section 175.44 (relating to ordering certificates of inspection) has been amended to reflect that Form MV-467a, Sticker Insert Requisition, the form for ordering inserts to be affixed to the base certificates of inspection to designate the expiration of the certificate, may also be used to order temporary inspection approval indicators.
10. Section 175.45 (relating to violation of use of certificate of inspection) has been amended to include the making, issuing, transferring or possession of a counterfeit temporary inspection approval indicator or the displaying of a counterfeit temporary inspection approval indicator as a punishable offense consistent with 75 Pa. C.S. § 4730(c) (relating to penalty).
Persons or Entities Affected
These amendments affect vehicle owners, inspection station owners and their employes.
Fiscal Impact
These amendments do not impose additional costs on local governments or on vehicle owners and operators. The Commonwealth will have to expend approximately $6,000 for the purchase of the temporary inspection approval indicators. These amendments will not require the completion of any additional forms, reports or other paperwork, however, they will modify the method for completing existing forms. Additionally, by allowing the use of these temporary inspection approval indicators during the inspection process, it will not be necessary for owners and operators of inspection garages to purchase additional equipment to check for vehicle emissions or to turn vehicles away, thus losing revenue because they chose not to participate in the enhanced emissions inspection program.
Regulatory Review
Under section 5.1(c) of the Regulatory Review Act (71 P. S. § 745.5.1(c)), on August 27, 1997, submitted a copy of these amendments with proposed rulemaking omitted, to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) and to the Chairpersons of the House and Senate Transportation Committees. On the same date, these amendments were submitted to the Office of Attorney General for review and approval under the Commonwealth Attorneys Act (71 P. S. §§ 732-101--732-501). In accordance with section 5.1(c) of the Regulatory Review Act, the amendments were deemed approved by the Committees on September 18, 1997, and were deemed approved by IRRC on September 16, 1997. The Department has also provided IRRC and the Committees with a detailed Regulatory Analysis Form, prepared by the Department in compliance with Executive Order 1996-1, ''Improving Government Regulations.'' A copy of this material is available to the public upon request.
Sunset Provisions
The Department is not establishing a sunset date for these regulations since these regulations are needed to administer provisions required under 75 Pa. C.S. § 101--9805) (relating to Vehicle Code). The Department, however, will continue to monitor these regulations closely for their effectiveness.
Contact Person
The contact person is John P. Munafo, Vehicle Inspection Division, 3rd Floor-Riverfront Office Center, 1101 South Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104, (717) 787-2895.
These amendments are amended under the authority of 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 4101, 4702, 4703, 4706(e), 4728 and 6103.
The Department of Transportation finds that:
(1) Public notice of intention to amend the administrative regulations amended by this order has been omitted under authority contained in 75 Pa.C.S. § 4706(e), which provides that regulations promulgated by the Department relating to the enhanced emission inspection program are not subject to proposed rulemaking provisions of the CDL or the Regulatory Review Act.
(2) The amendment of these regulations of the Department, in the manner provided in this order, is necessary and appropriate for the administration and enforcement of the authorizing statutes.
The Department, acting under the authorizing statutes, orders that:
(a) The regulations of the Department, 67 Pa. Code Chapter 175, are amended by amending §§ 175.2, 175.29 and 175.41--175.45 and adding § 175.11 to read as set forth in Annex A, with ellipses referring to the existing text of the regulations.
(b) The Secretary of the Department shall submit this order and Annex A to the Office of Attorney General and the Office of General Counsel for approval as to legality as required by law.
(c) The Secretary of the Department shall certify this order and Annex A, and deposit them with the Legislative Reference Bureau as required by law.
(d) This order shall take effect upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Secretary(Editor's Note: For the text of the order of the Independent Regulatory Review Commission relating to this document, see 27 Pa.B. 4979 (September 27, 1997).)
Fiscal Note: 18-341(1) Motor License Fund; (2) Implementing Year 1997-98 is $6,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 1998-99 is $0; 2nd Succeeding Year 1999-00 is $6,000; 3rd Succeeding Year 2000-01 is $0; 4th Succeeding Year 2001-02 is $6,000; 5th Succeeding Year 2002-03 is $0; (4) Fiscal Year 1996-97 $87,830,000; Fiscal Year 1995-96 $79,164,000; Fiscal Year 1994-95 $78,397,000; (7) Safety Administration and Licensing; (8) recommends adoption.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
* * * * * Temporary inspection approval indicator--An adhesive insert affixed to the current certificate of safety inspection, as viewed from inside the vehicle, used to designate vehicles which have successfully passed a required periodic safety inspection, but do not display a renewed emission certificate of inspection.
* * * * * § 175.11. Coordination of safety and emission inspection.
All subject vehicles required to participate in the Enhanced Emission I/M Program shall display on the vehicle a renewed emission certificate of inspection prior to placement of a renewed safety certificate of inspection. A temporary inspection approval indicator may be used to designate vehicles which have successfully passed the required periodic safety inspection, but must display a renewed emission certificate of inspection, or obtain an official waiver, prior to placement of the renewed safety certificate of inspection. Under this chapter, the expiring safety certificate of inspection may be replaced with a new safety certificate of inspection at any time prior to the expiration of the certificate of inspection to which the temporary inspection approval indicator is affixed. The temporary inspection approval indicator does not extend the inspection expiration of any certificate of inspection to which it is affixed.
§ 175.29. Obligations and responsibilities of stations.
* * * * * (f) Customer relations. The garage owner shall consult the vehicle owner for permission to make repairs.
* * * * * (4) The vehicle owner shall be informed in writing on the repair order of any parts which, although in passing condition, the mechanic believes may become dangerous before the next inspection period. The brake and tire readings shall be indicated in writing on the repair order. If a temporary inspection approval indicator is issued, the repair order shall also contain the following information:
(i) A statement which specifies that failure to return the vehicle displaying a renewed emission certificate of inspection to the station prior to the expiration of the safety certificate of inspection shall void the temporary inspection approval indicator and necessitate a complete reinspection of the vehicle for which a fee may be charged.
(ii) A statement indicating that the fee for affixing a new certificate of inspection which shall be charged upon the return of the vehicle for the new certificate of inspection to be affixed. This fee shall be no greater than the posted fee for the certificate of inspection as required by § 175.24(2) (relating to required certificates and station signs).
Subchapter C. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION § 175.41. Procedure.
(a) Unauthorized display of certificate of inspection. No certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator may be marked or affixed to a vehicle unless the vehicle has successfully passed inspection, meeting the requirements of 75 Pa. C.S. §§ 101--9701 (relating to the Vehicle Code) and this chapter.
(b) Type. A certificate of inspection shall be selected for the particular type of vehicle being inspected according to this chapter. The certificate of inspection insert shall correspond to the vehicle's registration month based on charts supplied by the Department. The certificate of inspection shall be examined before using. If found to be incorrect, the inspection station supervisor and the Vehicle Control Division shall immediately be notified.
* * * * * (3) A temporary inspection approval indicator shall be used to designate a vehicle which has successfully passed the required periodic safety inspection, but which shall display a renewed emission certificate of inspection before a new safety certificate of inspection sticker may be affixed to the vehicle.
(c) Required information. The information on the rear of the certificate of inspection shall be completed in its entirety in permanent ink. The odometer reading is not required to be completed for trailers and motorcycles.
(1) The temporary inspection approval indicator shall be affixed as described in subsection (e)(5) so as to be visible to the vehicle operator (while seated in the driver's location) without obscuring any required information entered on the back of the safety certificate of inspection.
(2) When replacing a certificate of inspection for which a temporary inspection approval indicator has been issued, the back of the new certificate of inspection shall be completed using the information recorded on the report sheet (Form MV-431) at the time of the original inspection.
(d) Affixing certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator. The certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator shall only be affixed to the vehicle on the premises of the official inspection station and on a portion of the premises located within 100 feet and on the same side of the street as the official inspection station. A certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator may not be issued or affixed at another area of location.
(1) It is the responsibility of the certified inspection mechanic who performed the inspection to affix the certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator to the vehicle in the location prescribed by the Department. The certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator shall be affixed only after completion of the entire inspection, including the road test. A mechanic exempted by the Department from performing the road test under this chapter is responsible for affixing the certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator.
(i) Inspection stations may not replace a certificate of inspection to which a temporary inspection approval indicator has been affixed if one or more of the following apply:
(A) The inspection station did not perform the original inspection of the vehicle or issue the temporary inspection approval indicator affixed to the current certificate of inspection.
(B) The vehicle does not display a renewed emission certificate of inspection.
(C) The original safety certificate of inspection has expired.
(D) The vehicle is in an obviously unsafe condition, including, but not limited to, bald tires, exhaust leaks, broken glazing and broken or missing lighting.
(ii) Inspection stations may charge the posted fee for inspection of a vehicle to which a temporary inspection approval indicator has been affixed. A fee may not be charged for the temporary inspection approval indicator. The posted fee for the new certificate of inspection may only be charged when the new safety certificate of inspection is affixed to the vehicle.
(2) The surface on which the sticker is to be attached shall be wiped dry and clean of road film, grease and moisture for proper adhesion. The following apply:
* * * * * (ii) The protective slip sheet shall be removed from the adhesive side of the certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator.
(iii) The sticker shall be positioned carefully, then squeezed until it is tightly affixed to the windshield, body or existing certificate of inspection.
* * * * * (e) Certificate of inspection location. The certificate shall be located as follows:
* * * * * (5) The temporary inspection approval indicator shall be affixed to the top left portion of the reverse side of the existing safety certificate of inspection so as to be visible to the vehicle operator (while seated in the driver's location) without obscuring any required information entered on the back of the safety certificate of inspection.
(f) Inspection cycles. When selecting the proper type of certificate insert, the new expiration date is based upon whether the inspection is an annual or semiannual inspection.
* * * * * (4) A temporary inspection approval indicator shall be used to indicate that a vehicle has successfully passed the required periodic safety inspection, but shall display a renewed emission certificate of inspection before a new safety certificate of inspection sticker may be affixed to the vehicle. The temporary inspection approval indicator does not extend the expiration of any certificate of inspection to which it is affixed.
§ 175.42. Recording inspection.
(a) Fraudulent recording. Fraudulent recording of an inspection report sheet will be considered cause for suspension of inspection privileges.
(b) Signature. The certified mechanic who performed the entire inspection shall place his signature in the appropriate column of Form MV-431 or MV-480 immediately following the inspection. Both the mechanic exempted from performing the road test under this chapter and the certified mechnaic who performed the road test shall place their signatures in the appropriate column.
(1) When the inspection information is transferred from a work order to the Form MV-431 or MV-480 by anyone other than the certified mechanic who performed the inspection, the work order shall contain the certified mechanic's signature and be retained for 2 years. The person who enters the information shall place the name of the certified mechanic in the appropriate column and the initials of the person putting the information on the form in the appropriate column. A mechanic exempted from performing the road test under this chapter and the certified mechanic who performed the road test shall sign the work order. The person who transfers the information shall palce the names of both certified mechanics in the appropriate column.
(2) A work order shall be available for inspection upon request by the inspection station supervisor or an authorized representative of the Department.
(c) Duplicates. An official inspection report sheet shall be maintained in duplicate and, upon completion of the entire sheet, the original copy shall be forwarded immediately to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Vehicle Control Division, Post Office Box 8696, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105. The duplicate copy shall be retained as a garage record and kept on file at the station for 2 years. At the close of each inspection period, the origianl report shall be returned to the Bureau at once, even though all spaces have not been used.
(d) Content.
The inspection report sheet (Form MV-431 for passenger cars, trucks and buses or MV-480 for motorcycles and trailers) shall be neat and legible and completed in its entirety. Details pertinent to every vehicle inspected, including rejections, shall be recorded on the report sheet. Items inspected, adjusted or repaired shall be recorded. If the report sheet lists a piece of equipment which does not apply to the specific type of vehicle being inspected, a dash shall be placed in the column to indicate it has not been overlooked or neglected. Certificates of inspection issued shall be listed in numeric order.
(1) Temporary inspection approval indicators, if issued in lieu of a certificate of inspection, shall be recorded on a separate report sheet (Form MV-431) and shall be indicated in the area designated for the sticker number. This separate report sheet shall be completed as described in this subsection except a ''T'' shall be entered in the area designated for the sticker number to indicate that a temporary inspection approval indicator was issued. An inspection station may not impose a sticker charge for the issuance of a temporary inspection approval indicator.
(2) Upon the return of a vehicle for which a temporary inspection approval indicator has been issued, the station which originally affixed the temporary inspection approval indicator shall:
(i) Verify the year, make, body style, VIN and proof of financial responsibility for the vehicle presented for a renewed certificate of inspection to ensure it is the same vehicle indicated on the report sheet (Form MV-431) when the original inspection was performed. This information shall be recorded as a new entry on the regular report sheet (Form MV-431) where all inspection sticker serial numbers issued are recorded.
(ii) Record, on the Form MV-431, the serial number of the new certificate of inspection to be affixed to the vehicle along with the vehicle owner's name, address, VIN, license plate number, vehicle year make and body style. A reference to the date and number of the original inspection performed shall be noted in the shaded area to the left of the area designated for the sticker serial number and total cost (that is, ''See T-inspection number 123 dated 01/01/97).
(iii) Enter, in the appropriate area of the report sheet (Form MV-431), the name of the certified inspection mechanic that verified the original inspection information and that is replacing the certificate of inspection.
(3) The certified inspection mechanic replacing the certificate of inspection shall sign the back of the new certificate of inspection and record the information from the original inspection entry (wheels pulled, date of inspection, and the like.) on the new certificate of inspection before it is affixed to the vehicle. The expiring certificate of inspection shall be removed prior to affixing the new certificate of inspection as described in paragraph (2).
(4) Inspection stations may not replace a certificate of inspection to which a temporary inspection approval indicator has been affixed if one or more of the following apply:
(i) The inspection station did not perform the original inspection of the vehicle or issue the temporary inspection approval indicator affixed to the current certificate of inspection.
(ii) The vehicle does not display a renewed emission certificate of inspection.
(iii) The original safety certificate of inspection has expired.
(iv) The vehicle is in an obviously unsafe condition, including, but not limited to, bald tires, exhaust leaks, broken glazing and broken or missing lighting.
(e) Nonrelated items. Gas, oil or other nonrelated items may not be included in total charges for repair and inspection.
(f) Enclosures prohibited. Letters, checks, sticker requisitions or other items may not be enclosed when forwarding the report forms to the Vehicle Control Division.
(g) Classifications. The form numbers and colors listed in this subsection explain the general classification of vehicles to be recorded on each type of inspection record sheets:
(1) Form MV-431. Motor vehicles except motorcycles and motor-driven cycles shall be recorded on this form.
(2) MC-480. Trailer, motorcycle and motor-driven cycles shall be recorded on this form.
§ 175.43. Security.
(a) Check for errors. When inspection stickers are received by the inspection station, they should be checked for errors. If errors are discovered, they shall be reported to the Vehicle Control Division at once.
(b) Not transferable. An inspection certificate is not transferable. It shall only be affixed to vehicles as designated on the inspection record sheet of the inspection station to which the certificates were issued.
(c) Removal. Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (3), a certificate of inspection may not be removed from a vehicle for which the certificate was issued, except to replace it with a new certificate of inspection issued under this chapter and Chapter 177 (relating to emission inspection program).
(1) A person replacing or repairing a windshield in a manner that requires removal of a certificate of inspection shall, at the option of the registrant of the vehicle, cut out the portion of the windshield containing the certificate of inspection and deliver it to the registrant of the vehicle or destroy the certificate. The vehicle may be driven up to 5 days if it displays the portion of the old windshield containing the certificate. Within the 5-day period, an official inspection station may affix to the vehicle another certificate of inspection for the same period without reinspecting the vehicle in exchange for the portion of the old windshield containing the certificate of inspection. Example: A #1 certificate of inspection shall be replaced with a #1 certificate of inspection. The replacement may be made any time prior to the expiration of the certificate of inspection. A fee of no more than $2 plus the fee paid to the Department for the certificate may be charged for exchanging the certificate of inspection.
(i) A replacement certificate of inspection may not be issued in the following circumstances.
(A) Acceptable proof of financial responsibility is not provided. For the purpose of this chapter, financial responsibility shall be proven by one of the following documents:
(I) A valid financial responsibility identification card issued in accordance with 31 Pa. Code (relating to insurance).
(II) The declaration page of a valid insurance policy.
(III) A valid self-insurance identification card.
(IV) A valid binder of insurance issued by an insurance company licensed to sell motor vehicle liability insurance in this Commonwealth.
(V) A valid insurance policy issued by an insurance company licensed to sell motor vehicle liability insurance in this Commonwealth.
(B) The vehicle is in an obviously unsafe operating condition.
(ii) The portion of the windshield containing the certificate of inspection may be retained for audit by the inspection station supervisor.
(iii) Record all information from the old certificate of inspection on Form MV-431. The replacement certificate of inspection shall be recorded on the same Form MV-431 and marked ''replacement sticker issued.''
(iv) ''Replacement'' shall be marked on the reverse side of the replacement certificate of inspection.
(2) Only one current, valid certificate of inspection shall be visible on a vehicle. The old certificate of inspection shall be removed and completely destroyed before a new sticker may be affixed.
(3) A vehicle that has an expired emission certificate of inspection affixed and which no longer has an I/M Registration Indicator on the registration card, shall have the expired emission sticker removed by the safety inspection mechanic who is affixing a new safety certificate of inspection.
(d) Security. Inspection certificates and temporary inspection approval indicators shall be kept under lock and key in a safe place. The station owner shall be solely responsible for their safety and shall account for certificates of inspection and temporary inspection approval indicators issued to the station.
(e) Unused. Unused certificates of inspection for an expired period shall be retained by the inspection station until audited by the inspection station supervisor. The Department will refund 75% of the purchase price of the unused certificates of inspection after the audit has been completed.
(f) Issuance of certificates of inspection. Certificates of inspection will not be issued by the Bureau to anyone who cannot display an executed signature card, Form MV-417. The signature card may not be entrusted to anyone except an employe or other person for whom the inspection station owner or manager will accept full responsibility for certificates of inspection delivered to that person.
(g) New signature cards. A new signature card shall be ordered from the Vehicle Control Division immediately whenever one or more of the following occur:
(1) The station copy is lost or stolen. The loss shall be immediately reported to the Vehicle Control Division.
(2) An employe whose signature appears on the card is no longer employed by the station.
(3) The card is defaced, torn or illegible.
(4) A signature is to be added.
§ 175.44. Ordering certificates of inspection.
(a) Forms. The following requisition forms shall be used to order certificates of inspection and inserts:
(1) MV-436a. For vehicles.
(2) MV-467a. For inserts and temporary inspection approval indicators.
(b) Contents. Required information shall be entered on the order form.
(1) The correct name, address and station number, as shown on the certificate of appointment, shall be entered on every requisition form.
(2) A requisition shall be personally signed by one of the persons whose signature appears on the signature card, Form MV-417. The signature shall be identical to the one on file or the requisition will be rejected. No one may order certificates of inspection unless his signature is on the signature card on file with the Department.
(c) Additional instructions. The following also apply:
(1) When special delivery is desired, a separate check shall be enclosed for postage. Do not enclose cash or add the amount for postage to the check for certificates of inspection.
(2) Each sticker requisition shall be accompanied by a separate check. Certificates of inspection may be ordered on one requisition form. Checks shall be made payable to the ''Department of Transportation'' or ''PENNDOT.''
(3) A requisition may be a snap-out form with two sheets in each set. A copy shall be forwarded to the Department. No copy may be detached.
(4) Orders for certificates of inspection shall be for multiples of 25, with a minimum of 50 certificates, except that Commonwealth and fleet inspection stations shall order a minimum of 25 certificates.
(5) An incomplete or improper certificate of inspection requisition or check shall be returned to the official inspection station for correction. To avoid unnecessary inconvenience or delay, information shall be rechecked carefully.
(6) If certificates of inspection are to be delivered to a mailing address instead of the inspection station address, the mailing address shall be included on every requisition submitted to the Department.
(d) Copies. A copy of the requisition or a Department receipt will be returned with the order of certificates of inspection shipped from the Department. Station copies of the requisitions or Department receipts shall be kept on file at the station for 2 years and shall be made available for inspection upon request of the inspection station supervisor or an authorized representative of the Department.
(e) Suggested schedule. Certificates of inspection should be ordered as needed. Thirty days should be allowed for delivery.
(f) Additional certificates. An inspection station should anticipate its need for additional certificates of inspection.
§ 175.45. Violation of use of certificate of inspection.
A person may not do any of the following:
(1) Make, issue, transfer or possess an imitation or counterfeit of an official certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator and shall be sanctioned consistent with 75 Pa.C.S. § 4730(c) (relating to penalty).
(2) Display or cause to be displayed on a vehicle or have in his possession a certificate of inspection or temporary inspection approval indicator knowing it is fictitious, stolen, issued for another vehicle or issued without an inspection having been made and shall be sanctioned consistent with the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4730(c) (relating to penalty).
(3) Furnish, loan, give or sell certificates of inspection and approval to another official inspection station or another person except upon an inspection made in accordance with this chapter. See 75 Pa.C.S. § 4730(b).
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1581. Filed for public inspection September 26, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]