1573 Request for proposals; consulting services for the venture capital and alternative investments asset class for the State Employes' Retirement System  


    Request for Proposals; Consulting Services for the Venture Capital and Alternative Investments Asset Class for the State Employes' Retirement System

    [27 Pa.B. 4987]

       The State Employes' Retirement Board is soliciting proposals for consulting services for the Venture Capital and Alternative Investments Asset Class for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Employes' Retirement System (SERS).

       Proposals must be submitted in eight copies to Peter Gilbert, Chief Investment Officer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Employes' Retirement System, 30 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17108, Attention: RFP 1997-1. Proposals must be received at this address before 3:30 p.m. on Friday, October 24, 1997. Late proposals will not be considered regardless of the reason. The price portion of the proposal must be bound and sealed separately.

       A preproposal conference will be held on Friday, October 10, 1997 at 11 a.m. at the SERS office located at 30 North Third Street, 5th Floor, Harrisburg, PA. Prospective bidders are invited to attend this meeting before submitting bids to SERS for consideration. The preproposal conference is to clarify any points in the request for proposal which may not have been understood and require further explanation. Questions regarding the contents of the request for proposal should be submitted in writing and received at SERS 2 days prior to the preproposal conference. All bidders will receive written responses to the submitted questions 1 week after the preproposal conference. Note the preproposal conference is not mandatory.

       Interested parties may write to Paul M. Stahlnecker, RFP Coordinator, at the address referenced above or at (717) 237-0373 to obtain a copy of the request for proposal.

    Executive Director

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1573. Filed for public inspection September 26, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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