1570 Informal technical conference; telecommunication utilities proposed rulemaking; doc. no. L00940095
PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Informal Technical Conference; Telecommunication Utilities Proposed Rulemaking; Doc. No. L-00940095 [27 Pa.B. 4986] The Commission staff from the Bureau of Fixed Utility Services involved in the proposed rulemaking docket will hold a technical conference to discuss issues raised by the rulemaking. The first technical conference will be held on Monday, October 6, 1997, at 10 a.m., in the Commission's Executive Chambers, Floor 1, North Office Building Harrisburg, PA.
Persons wishing to make presentations are requested to submit written data underlying the presentations in advance of the scheduled conference date. The contact person is C. Barney Glunz, Supervisor, Bureau of Fixed Utility Services, (717) 763-6163.
Acting Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1570. Filed for public inspection September 26, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]