1638 Amendment of local rule of civil procedure CARB.R.C.P. 1915.3 commencement of action. complaint. order; No. 16-2127
CARBON COUNTY Amendment of Local Rule of Civil Procedure CARB.R.C.P. 1915.3 Commencement of Action. Complaint. Order; No. 16-2127 [46 Pa.B. 6003]
[Saturday, September 24, 2016]Administrative Order No. 12-2016 And Now, this 2nd day of September, 2016, it is hereby
Ordered and Decreed that, effective November 1, 2016, the Carbon County Court of Common Pleas Amends Carbon County Rule of Civil Procedure CARB.R.C.P. 1915.3 governing Commencement of Action, Complaint and Order in custody matters.
The Carbon County District Court Administrator is Ordered and Directed to
1. File one (1) certified copy of this Local Rule and Administrative Order with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.
2. Electronically email a Word file of the Local Rule and Administrative Order to bulletin@palrb.us and file two (2) certified copies with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
3. Publish the Rule on the Carbon County Court website at http://www.carboncourts.com.
4. Forward one (1) copy for publication in the Carbon County Law Journal.
5. Forward one (1) copy to the Carbon County Law Library.
6. Keep continuously available for public inspection copies of the Administrative Order and Rule in the Prothonotary's Office.
7. Incorporate the local rule no later than thirty (30) days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin with this Court's complete set of Rules of Court published at http://www.carboncourts.com.
By the Court
President JudgeRule 1915.3. Commencement of Action. Complaint. Order.
The person to be designated in the notice to defend as the person from whom legal services can be obtained shall be the same as provided for in CARB.R.C.P. 1018.1.
Any party to a custody action, who is incarcerated and cannot attend any scheduled proceeding and wishes to participate by electronic means, shall request permission from Court Administration seven (7) days before the scheduled event. Said party shall be responsible for making the arrangements with Court Administration and the Warden of said facility where the party is incarcerated.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 16-1638. Filed for public inspection September 23, 2016, 9:00 a.m.]