Commission on the MCARE Fund Public Informational Hearing [36 Pa.B. 5942]
[Saturday, September 23, 2006]Under the act of December 22, 2005 (P. L. 458, No. 88), a Commission on the MCARE Fund (Commission) was established for the purpose of making recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by November 15, 2006, wherein the recommendations are to address the continuation of the MCARE assessment abatement; the elimination or phase-out of the MCARE Fund (Fund); an evaluation and actuarial analysis of the projected scope of the Fund's future unfunded liability and any reasonable and available financing options for retiring the unfunded liability; and providing adequate professional liability insurance for health care providers. As part of its work to date, the Commission has adopted certain principles to guide its recommendations. To view these principles, go to www.mcare. ciples_of_the_commission.pdf.
The issue of accessibility and affordability of medical care is of the utmost importance to the Governor, the Legislature, the citizens of this Commonwealth and to the health care provider community. The Commission wishes to give citizens and organizations the opportunity to provide relevant information, opinions and suggestions that concentrate on the Commission's adopted principles by way of a public informational hearing.
The hearing has been set for Thursday, November 2, 2006, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will be held at the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, 211 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA. The hearing will be chaired by Insurance Commissioner Diane Koken, who also serves as Chair of the Commission. Other members of the Commission may also be present for the hearing.
The public forum will be conducted so that the Commission will accept 10 minutes of oral testimony exclusive of questions and answers, and may be supplemented by written submissions.
In Person Testimony Registration: Individuals wishing to provide either in person testimony with or without written testimony should contact Dee Ann McHugh at or (717) 783-3770, ext. 213 or complete the form at
Written Testimony Registration: Persons wishing to provide exclusively written testimony should complete the registration form, as well as provide a hard copy by close of business on Monday, October 30, 2006, addressed to Dee Ann McHugh, Office of MCARE, Attention Public Hearing, 30 North Third Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101.
Testimony Details: Fifty copies are to be made available at the hearing or provided in advance for written testimony only.
Persons who need accommodations due to a disability who wish to attend the meeting should contact Shirley Topper, Insurance Department, MCARE, 30 North Third Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17101, (717) 783-3770, ext. 228 at least 24 hours in advance so that arrangements can be made.
Deputy Insurance Commissioner[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1881. Filed for public inspection September 22, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]