1757 Reassignment of high school students  


    Reassignment of High School Students

       Under section 1607.1(c) of the Pennsylvania Public School Code (code) added by section 14 of the July 20, 2007 (P. L. 278, No. 45) (act), Secretary of Education Gerald L. Zahorchak reports that, in accordance with section 1607.1(a)(1) of the code, has designated two school districts to accept high school students from the Duquesne City School District on a tuition basis. The two designated school districts are the East Allegheny School District and the West Mifflin Area School District. In accordance with section 1607.1(a)(3) of the code, each designated district will receive tuition in the amount of its 2006--2007 high school tuition charge for each student that it receives under section 1607.1(a)(1) of the code. The per-pupil tuition rates that the designated districts shall receive are $8,811.22 for East Allegheny and $9,060.25 for West Mifflin Area.

       Under section 1607.1(a)(2) of the code, the Secretary of Education established a process for the reassignment of students. The question and answer document that follows was provided to Duquesne families to inform them about the reassignment process.

    Duquesne City School District

    Student Selection Process per Legislative Mandate (July 2007)

    1.  Which high schools are available?

       Duquesne High School students (grades 9--12) will attend West Mifflin Area High School and East Allegheny High School beginning in the fall of 2007.

    2.  How many students will be assigned to each high school?

       Students will be assigned so that 65% of the students will attend West Mifflin Area High School and 35% of the students will attend East Allegheny High School. The 65%/35% split will be applied to each grade level.

    3.  Who is eligible to attend either of these high schools?

       All Duquesne residents who want to continue in public school for the 2007--08 school year are eligible to participate in the selection process--this includes 8th grade students who will be entering 9th grade in the fall of 2007. Private, religious or charter school students need to first register as Duquesne students in the elementary school office to be eligible and to take part in the selection process.

    4.  How will the selection process work?

       Each student will receive a selection card in the following manner:

       *  Currently enrolled Duquesne students will receive a selection card in the mail.

       *  All students may pick up a selection card and information about the academic programs/extracurricular activities offered at each high school during the following times:

       --Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 7 p.m.--8 p.m. (Duquesne School Cafeteria)

       --Thursday, July 26, 2007, 9 a.m.--3 p.m. (Duquesne High School Office)

       --Friday, July 27, 2007, 9 a.m.--3 p.m. (Duquesne High School Office)

       After reviewing the information provided about each school, students must select either West Mifflin Area High School or East Allegheny High School as their school choice.

       Each student must complete a selection card and return it to the Duquesne High School Office during the following times:

       --Thursday, July 26, 2007, 9 a.m.--3 p.m.;

       --Friday, July 27, 2007, 9 a.m.--3 p.m.;

       --Monday, July 30, 2007, 9 a.m.--3 p.m. and 6 p.m.--8 p.m.;

       --Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 9 a.m.--3 p.m. and 6 p.m.--8 p.m.

       Students in grade 12 will be assigned first, followed in order by grades, 11, 10 and 9. This will ensure that younger siblings who wish to attend the same high school as their older siblings will be able to do so.

       If the number of students selecting a school exceeds the determined enrollment number for that grade level, then all interested students within that grade level selecting that school will be placed in a lottery.

    5.  Selecting a high school will not be determined on a first come first serve basis.

       Every student who completes and returns the school selection card during the selection process has an equal chance of getting his or her first choice school. A student who completes and returns the selection card on the first day of the selection process does not have an advantage over a student who completes and returns the selection card on the last day of the selection process.

    6.  How will the lottery work?

       If necessary, the lottery drawing will take place on Friday, August 3, 2007, at a public meeting with community members in attendance. The lottery process will be explained before the lottery takes place.

       The lottery will be conducted as follows:

       1)  A name will be drawn and posted immediately on Duquesne's lottery board, which will be visible to the public view.

       2)  During the week of August 6, 2007, letters will be mailed to inform parents/guardians of their student's new high school, and if applicable, the number on the waiting list for the first choice high school, after the lottery takes place.

       For example, if the enrollment number for West Mifflin Area is 25 12th graders and 30 students select West Mifflin Area, then all 30 students will be placed into the lottery system. The first 25 names drawn will be assigned to West Mifflin Area High School and the remaining 5 students will be assigned to East Allegheny High School.

    7.  How does selection work for siblings?

       Siblings in grades 9, 10 and 11 will attend the same high school that their older brother or sister has chosen unless a parent or guardian specifies otherwise. For this purpose, in order to be considered for sibling status, applicants must meet one of the following criteria:

       a.  Brothers or sisters of the same parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

       b.  Children that reside in the same household and have the same legal guardian.

       *Legal proof of guardianship and residence is required for both instances.

    8.  What happens if a student does not receive his or her ''first choice'' school?

       If a student is involved in the lottery drawing and does not receive the school he or she selected, then that student may choose to be put on a waiting list for their first choice school. A student's number on the waiting list will be determined by the number he or she draws in the lottery.

       For example, to continue with the first example, once the 25 names are drawn for West Mifflin Area, the remaining names will be drawn for the waiting list. If your name is the 26th name drawn for West Mifflin Area, then you will be 1st on the waiting list, if your name was drawn as 27 for West Mifflin Area, then you will be 2nd on the waiting list, etc.

    9.  What about students who enroll in Duquesne after the selection process has taken place?

       Students transferring to Duquesne City School District after the selection process has concluded will be given a choice between West Mifflin Area and East Allegheny. If a student's first choice school already has students assigned up to its determined enrollment level, then he or she will be assigned to the other school. If a student wants to be placed on the waiting list for his or her first choice school, then his or her name will be added to the bottom of the waiting list, below the students who took part in the selection process.

    10.  What happens if a student hands in a selection card after the scheduling period or does not return a selection card?

       If a student does not complete and return the school selection card during the selection process, then the student will be assigned to his or her first choice only if space is available because the determined enrollment number has not been reached. If space is not available in the student's first choice school, then the student will be assigned to the other school.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-1757. Filed for public inspection September 21, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]

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