Availability of Technical Guidance [32 Pa.B. 4660] Technical guidance documents are on the Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) website (www.dep.state.pa.us) at the Public Participation Center page. The ''July 2002 Inventory'' heading is the Governor's list of nonregulatory guidance documents. The ''Final Documents'' heading is the link to a menu of the various Department bureaus and from there to each bureau's final technical guidance documents. The ''Draft Technical Guidance'' heading is the link to the Department's draft technical guidance documents.
The Department will continue to revise its nonregulatory documents, as necessary, throughout 2002.
Ordering Paper Copies of Department Technical Guidance
The Department encourages the use of the Internet to view guidance documents. When this option is not available, persons can order a bound paper copy of the latest inventory or an unbound paper copy of any of the final documents listed on the inventory by calling the Department at (717) 783-8727.
In addition, bound copies of some of the Department's documents are available as Department publications. Check with the appropriate bureau for more information about the availability of a particular document as a publication.
Changes to Technical Guidance Documents
Following is the current list of recent changes. Persons who have questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone number is listed with each document.
Final Technical Guidance
DEP ID: 253-4500-606. Title: Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) for Cleanup Response and Remedial Actions in Pennsylvania. Description: This recently updated document contains a list of state standards and requirements for cleanup related activities at waste sites in this Commonwealth. The purpose of this document is to identify, in a general fashion, State standards and requirements that will serve as a guide for the determination of specific cleanup related criteria. Effective Date: August 24, 2002. Contact: Craig Olewiler at (717) 783-2388 or e-mail colewiler@state.pa.us.
Final Technical Guidance--Minor Revision
DEP ID: 273-4130-003. Title: Guidance for Application of Regional Civil Penalty Procedure. Description: This policy establishes uniform criteria for assessing monetary penalties for Clean Air Act violations. The Department adopted this policy in May 1996. Since that time, there have been minor changes made to this policy. These changes included consolidating tables, which resulted in reducing the length of the policy. In addition, some policy language and procedures were updated for clarification purposes. Effective Date: September 21, 2002. Contact: Scott Kepner at (717) 772-2330 or e-mail skepner@ state.pa.us.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1639. Filed for public inspection September 20, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]