GOVERNOR'S OFFICE [32 Pa.B. 4575] Governor's Fire and Emergency Services Task Force; Executive Order 2002-9 August 27, 2002
Whereas, Pennsylvania's fire and emergency service organizations and their members provide the backbone for a community's response to emergencies and disasters; and
Whereas, responsibility for fire and emergency service protection within a community rests with local government and local government support of community-based volunteer fire and emergency responder organizations is critical; and
Whereas, the Pennsylvania Fire and Emergency Services Institute estimates that volunteer fire and emergency responders annually provide more than six billion dollars in services to the public, saving local governments billions of dollars that would have to be raised through state and local taxes if the cost of these services were borne directly by Pennsylvania taxpayers; and
Whereas, recruiting and retaining volunteer fire and emergency responders is a serious challenge to effective community response; and
Whereas, the safety of more than 100,000 volunteer firefighters and emergency responders is dependent upon proper training and preparedness; and
Whereas, fire safety education of the public is important and has led to dramatic reductions in the number of lives lost to fire over the past decade; and
Whereas, fire prevention, including smoke detectors and residential sprinkler systems, reduce the potential for property loss, injury, and loss of life due to fire; and
Whereas, community fire and emergency service organizations are encouraged, where possible, to consider consolidation or merger with nearby organizations in order to maximize the availability and use of public safety equipment and personnel; and
Whereas, the Commonwealth, through the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the Office of the State Fire Commissioner, provides training, guidance, and leadership to ensure the maximum effectiveness of community-based emergency service preparedness and response; and
Whereas, the General Assembly, through Section 31.2 of the Act of June 29, 2002 (Act 89), has directed the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency to conduct a study of the manner in which funding sources may be established to improve the delivery of services provided by volunteer fire companies and volunteer emergency services in the Commonwealth; and
Whereas, the General Assembly has directed in Act 89 that the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency provide to the Committee on Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness in the House of Representatives and the Committee on Communications and High Technology in the Senate of Pennsylvania, no later than September 30, 2002, a report making recommendations regarding the amount of funding necessary and the scope of services required to meet the needs of volunteer fire companies and volunteer emergency services for the delivery of essential services to the people and communities of this Commonwealth.
Now, Therefore, I, Mark S. Schweiker, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other laws, do formally create the Governor's Fire and Emergency Services Task Force (hereinafter referred to as Task Force) and do order and direct as follows:
GovernorFiscal Note: GOV 02-10. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
1. Mission. The mission of the Task Force is to:
a. Advise the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) as it prepares the report required by Act 89;
b. Review and evaluate potential funding sources that could be used to improve the delivery of services provided by fire companies and emergency service providers;
c. Review and evaluate opportunities that are available to improve the delivery of services provided by fire companies and emergency service providers; and
d. Review and evaluate the funding requirements to address these opportunities to improve the delivery of services provided by fire companies and emergency service providers.
2. Composition of the Task Force. The Task Force shall consist of the following members, each of whom shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor:
a. Director of PEMA, who shall serve as Chairman.
b. One representative from each of the following agencies and organizations:
(1) Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania.
(2) Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council.
(3) Pennsylvania Fire and Emergency Services Institute.
(4) Firemen's Association of the State of Pennsylvania.
(5) Western Pennsylvania Firemen's Association.
(6) Fireman's Legislative Federation of Pennsylvania.
(7) Office of the State Fire Commissioner.
(8) Governor's Policy Office.
(9) Department of Community and Economic Development.
(10) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(11) Department of Environmental Protection.
(12) Department of Health.
3. Responsibilities of the Task Force.
a. The Task Force shall provide advice and assistance to PEMA as the agency prepares the report required by Section 31.2 of Act 89.
b. The Task Force shall focus on addressing three specific goals:
(1) Identification of funding sources;
(2) Identification of opportunities available to improve the delivery of services provided by fire companies and emergency service providers; and
(3) Identification of the amount of funding necessary to address these opportunities to improve the delivery of services that are provided by fire companies and emergency service providers.
4. Responsibilities of the Chairman and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
a. The Chairman and PEMA shall prepare the report required by Section 31.2 of Act 89.
b. The Chairman and PEMA shall convene the Task Force meetings, as necessary, and maintain a record of the actions taken or recommendations made by the Task Force.
c. The Chairman and PEMA shall make available to Task Force members copies of PA Burning, Supporting Volunteer Fire Services in Pennsylvania, and other documents identifying potential funding sources, opportunities to improve the delivery of services, and the amount of funding necessary to address those opportunities.
5. Compensation. Members of the Task Force shall receive no compensation for their services, except that such members may be reimbursed for actual travel and related expenses in accordance with Commonwealth policy.
6. Meetings. Task Force meetings shall be held at least once prior to September 30, 2002, and shall be open to the public as required by law.
7. Effective Date. This order shall take effect immediately.
8. Termination Date. This order shall continue in effect until October 1, 2002, or until the report required by Section 31.2 of Act 89 has been provided to the legislature.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1627. Filed for public inspection September 20, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]