State Surplus Property Program Bid Items [26 Pa.B. 4565] Under the provisions of section 510 of The Administrative Code of 1929 (P. S. 165, No. 67), the Department of General Services, State Surplus Property Program is offering for sale to counties, borough, incorporated towns, cities and townships the following items:
Item Make Location Minimum Bid Tractor John Deere Torrance State Hospital $500 Art. Loader Caterpillar PA Dot-Karthaus $10,000 Front Loader John Deere PA Dot-Mifflintown $5,000 Front Loader Caterpillar PA Dot-Mifflintown $3,500 Front Loader Caterpillar PA Dot-Mifflintown $3,500 Wheel Loader Caterpillar PA Dot-Mifflintown $8,000 Front Loader John Deere PA Dot-Mifflintown $7,500 Front Loader John Deere PA Dot-Mifflintown $7,500 Grader Galion PA Dot-Milford $2,500 Art. Loader Case PA Dot-Lehighton $8,000 Road Grader Champion PA Dot-West Chester $10,000 Front Loader John Deere PA Dot-Gettysburg $5,000 Front Loader Case PA Dot-York $5,000 Backhoe John Deere PA Dot-Harrisburg $5,000 Front Loader Case PA Dot-Harrisburg $12,000 Art. Loader John Deere PA Dot-Lancaster $1,500 Rigid Grader Galion PA Dot-Lebanon $7,500 Road Grader Galion PA Dot-Bedford $6,000 Art. Loader Michigan PA Dot-Hollidaysburg $5,000 Front Loader John Deere PA Dot-Indiana $7,500 Backhoe Loader Case PA Dot-Punxsutawney $5,000 Grader Champion PA Dot-Waynesburg $10,000 The above will be sold to the highest responsible bidder by sealed bid sale. Those political subdivisions which are interested in procuring one or more of these items should contact the Department of General Services, State Surplus Property Division, P. O. Box 1365, Harrisburg, PA 17105 or call (717) 787-4085 prior to the bid opening on October 15, 1996, at 1 p.m. to receive a bid proposal.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1585. Filed for public inspection September 20, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]