1525 Notice to medical malpractice insurance carriers and self-insured health care providers  

  • Notice to Medical Malpractice Insurance Carriers and Self-Insured Health Care Providers

    [27 Pa.B. 4884]

       Insurance companies that offer basic limits medical malpractice coverage are required to report medical malpractice claims information to the Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund (Fund) and to the Insurance Department for insureds who are subject to the provisions of The Health Care Services Malpractice Act (40 P. S. § 1301.701, et seq.) (act). Organizations and physicians that self-insure their medical malpractice exposures are also required to report this claims information. These reports are required under to section 809 of the act, as amended by Act 135 of 1996.

       The claims information must be reported to the Fund and to the Insurance Department by October 15 of each year. The following Calendar Year 1996 claims information is due to the Fund and to the Insurance Department by October 15, 1997:

       *  the aggregate amount of premium earned;

       *  the aggregate amount of losses paid;

       *  the aggregate amount of losses incurred;

       *  the aggregate amount of loss reserves outstanding;

       *  the aggregate amount of loss adjustment expenses paid;

       *  the aggregate amount of loss adjustment expenses incurred;

       *  the aggregate amount of loss adjustment expense reserves outstanding;

       *  a table showing separately by accident year and county the number of claims first reported, (or arising), in 1996;

       *  a table showing separately by accident year and disposition (that is, judgment of arbitration panel, judgment of court, settlement, or other) the number of claims closed, (or disposed), in 1996;

       *  a separate table for each type of disposition identified above showing for claims closed (or disposed) in 1996 separately by accident year: the number of claims closed, (or disposed), with payment; the total losses incurred for those claims closed with payment; the basic coverage premiums collected on the policies under which the claims were reported which closed with payment; and the amount of surcharge collected on the policies under which the claims were reported which closed with payment.

       All reports must be submitted in both printed form and in electronic form as an Excel or Lotus spreadsheet. The form for submission and a pre-formatted Excel spreadsheet are available from Candice Barklarz, Actuarial Associate, 1311 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120, (717) 783-2114. Questions concerning the information contained in this notice may also be directed to Candice Barklarz.

    M. DIANE KOKEN,   
    Acting Insurance Commissioner

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1525. Filed for public inspection September 19, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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