DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Notice of Commission Meeting and Public Hearing [27 Pa.B. 4834] The Delaware River Basin Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 24, 1997. The hearing will be part of the Commission's regular business meeting which is open to the public and scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. in the Goddard Conference Room of the Commission's offices at 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, NJ.
An informal conference among the Commissioners and staff will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the same location and will open with a presentation and discussion of the results of the Commission's recently completed Delaware River Basin Commission Survey to Assess its Management of the Basin's Water Resources. The survey results are also available by calling (609) 883-9500 ext. 215 and leaving your name and address, or may be downloaded from the Commission's web site at: The conference will also include a presentation on the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan's cross-acceptance process and a discussion of depletive water use above Commission reservoirs.
The subjects of the hearing will be as follows:
Applications for Approval of the Following Projects Pursuant to Article 10.3, Article 11 and/or Section 3.8 of the Compact:
1. Town of Middletown-Arkville Water District D-86-77 CP RENEWAL 2. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 4.5 million gallons (mg)/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from Well Nos. 3 and 4. Commission approval on August 12, 1992 was limited to 5 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 4.5 mg/30 days. The project is located in the Town of Middletown, Delaware County, NY.
2. Playtex Family Products Corporation D-90-106 RENEWAL. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to12 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's product processing facility from Well Nos. 1-NE and 2-SE. Commission approval on May 20, 1992 was limited to 5 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 12 mg/30 days. The project is located in the City of Dover, Kent County, DE.
3. Montague Water Company D-91-75 CP RENEWAL. An application for the renewal of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 8.0 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from Well Nos. 1 through 5. Commission approval on March 25, 1992 was limited to 5 years. The applicant requests that the total withdrawal from all wells remain limited to 8.0 mg/30 days. The project is located in Montague Township, Sussex County, NJ.
4. Hewlett-Packard Company D-97-15 (D). An application for the discharge of wastewater resulting from a ground water remediation project. An average 0.144 million gallons per day (mgd) of contaminated ground water will be treated and discharged to an unnamed tributary of Egypt Run, a tributary of East Branch White Clay Creek, in New Garden Township, Chester County, PA. Five recovery wells will collect groundwater for treatment for removal of volatile organic compounds via an air stripper and filtration units. The project will serve only the site of the applicant's former electronic instrumentation operations located at Route 41 and Starr Road in New Garden Township.
5. Hewlett-Packard Company D-97-15 (G). An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to withdraw up to 2.27 mg/30 days of water as part of the applicant's groundwater remediation system from new Well Nos. MW-32, MW-33, MW-34, MW-37, RW-4, RW-5, P-2, P-3 and P-4; and to limit the withdrawal from all remediation wells to 4.43 mg/30 days. The project is located in New Garden Township, Chester County, PA.
6. The Upper Hanover Authority D-97-17 CP. An application for approval of a groundwater withdrawal project to supply up to 4.5 mg/30 days of water to the applicant's distribution system from new Well No. RH-3, and to retain the existing withdrawal limit from all wells of 22.4 mg/30 days. The project is located in Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County and Hereford Township, Berks County, in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Ground Water Protected Area.
7. Township of Worcester D-97-22 CP. An application to expand the applicant's Berwick Place sewage treatment plant (STP) average monthly capacity from 0.06 mgd to 0.15 mgd. The STP will continue to provide tertiary treatment to serve residential development in a portion of Worcester Township and discharge via the existing outfall to an unnamed tributary of Skippack Creek. The STP is located just south of Germantown Pike and east of East Mount Kirk Avenue in Worcester Township, Montgomery County, PA.
Documents relating to these items may be examined at the Commission's offices. Preliminary dockets are available in single copies upon request. Please contact Thomas L. Brand at (609) 883-9500 ext. 221 concerning docket-related questions. Persons wishing to testify at this hearing are requested to register with the Secretary at (609) 883-9500 ext. 203 prior to the hearing.
Acting Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1502. Filed for public inspection September 19, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]