1680 Request for bids  

  • Request for Bids

    [43 Pa.B. 5474]
    [Saturday, September 14, 2013]

     The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is soliciting bids for the following projects. Bid documents can be obtained from the Administrative Services Section, Bureau of Facility Design and Construction at (717) 787-5055:

    FDC-123-7768.1—Visitors Center Entrance Road Reconstruction, Sinnemahoning State Park, Wharton and Grove Townships, Potter and Cameron Counties. Work included under this contract consists of removing and replacing cross pipes and inlets, widening and paving of the Park Road and miscellaneous roadway improvements.

    FDC-012-7828.1—Pedestrian Bridge Construction, Structure No. 12-0053, Black Forest Trail Over Slate Run, Tiadaghton State Forest, Brown Township, Lycoming County. Work included under this contract consists of design, fabrication and construction of a single span steel pedestrian truss bridge and construction of reinforced concrete pier supports, architectural surface treatment and rock protection.

    FDC-411-7766.2—Replace McConnell's Hall Heating System, Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center, Cumru Township, Berks County. Work included under this contract consists of replacing the HVAC system and associated controls, replacing the concrete HVAC equipment pad outdoors and replacing the bathroom exhaust fans and their controls and wiring.

     Bid documents will be available on or after September 11, 2013. The bid opening will be held on October 15, 2013.

    Acting Secretary

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-1680. Filed for public inspection September 13, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]

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