Finding [29 Pa.B. 4830] Fulton County Pursuant to the provisions of 71 P. S. Section 2002(b), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:
The Department of Transportation plans to realign and reconstruct SR 30 in Brush Creek and Licking Creek Townships, Fulton County. This project will require the acquisition of 6383 square meters (1.6 acres) of the Mellott Farm/Kline Farmstead, 2004 square meters (0.5 acres) of the Mellott Farm/Austin Farmstead, 931 square meters (0.2 acres) of the Deshong Oil and Gas/Deshong Tourist Cabins, and 117 square meters (0.02 acres) of right of way from the William Speer Farmstead. The above listed properties have been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The effect of this project on these National Register eligible properties will be mitigated by the following mitigation measures:
1. Access to the properties will be maintained at all times during construction.
2. All disturbed areas will be restored and landscaped.
3. Incorporation of design features such as modifications to the roadway width, and minor alignment shifts will be studied in final design, provided that such modifications do not adversely affect the safety of the highway facility.
4. Payment of fair market value of the land and improvements taken or improvements to the remaining site equal to the fair market value of the land and improvements taken.
5. Such additional or alternative mitigation as may be determined necessary based on consultation with officials having jurisdiction over the historic resource.
6. The contractor will be excluded from using any of the remaining historic property for staging, storage or disposal areas. Protective fencing or other measures will be used to keep equipment and workers out of sensitive areas that are not directly influenced by the design of this project. Historic properties and their historic boundaries will be shown on the construction plans and it will be indicated that the use of these lands by the contractor is prohibited.
I have considered the environmental, economic, social, and other effects of the proposed project as enumerated in Section 2002 of the Administrative Code, and have concluded that there is no prudent and feasible alternative to the project as designed, and all reasonable steps have been taken to minimize such effect.
No adverse environmental effect is likely to result from the realignment and reconstruction of this roadway.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 99-1542. Filed for public inspection September 10, 1999, 9:00 a.m.]