AND NATURAL RESOURCESWild Resource Conservation Program Meeting [34 Pa.B. 4160] A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 18, 2004, to comment on the applications submitted to the Wild Resource Conservation Program for grant funding in Fiscal Year 2004-2005. The meeting will be held at 1 p.m. at the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey Building, 3240 Schoolhouse Road, Middletown, PA.
Public comment is being solicited on the following proposals that have been submitted for consideration of funding.
Questions concerning this hearing should be directed to Teresa Witmer, (717) 783-1639, or Ronald A. Stanley, (717) 783-1337, Individuals who plan to make comments should contact Teresa Witmer or Ronald A. Stanley.
Persons in need of accommodations as provided for in the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 should contact Ronald A. Stanley at (717) 783-1337 or through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 (TDD) to discuss how the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources may accommodate their needs.
Secretary2004-2005 Wild Resource Conservation Grant Applications No. Type Request Grantee PI Surname Location Monitoring Reproductive Success of Cavity Nesting Birds on Metals Contaminated Restoration Site 46 Conserve $5,245 Wildlife Information Center Kunkle Carbon and Lehigh This project will restore a degraded section of ridge contaminated with heavy metals and will monitor reproductive success of Kestrels and bluebirds onsite and at nearby areas. Bird Populations and Density in the Benton Area School District 37 Conserve $10,548.47 Benton Area School District McHenry Columbia This project will create a bird population and density field study. Students will learn field study techniques and will build, place and monitor bird boxes. Wildlife Propagation 34 Conserve $15,000 White Ash Land Assn. Blasi Sullivan This project will convert old logging roads to long narrow food plots, 2.5-mile winding food plot 15 feet to 20 feet wide. Artificial Brush Piles 7 Conserve $15,195 Penn State San Julian Huntingdon and Centre This project will measure benefits to small mammals and birds for the commonly recommended use of brush piles to enhance wildlife habitat. Delivering the Dillerville Wetland (DDW) 56 Conserve $22,750 Lancaster County Academy Feeley Lancaster This project will remove invasive plants and introduce native flora, monitor water quality and construct duck blinds, a boardwalk and educational signage. Six County PA Chestnut Breeding Program 49 Conserve $28,480 Pa. American Chestnut Foundation Leffel Statewide This project will back-cross regionally adapted chestnuts using a male sterile technique, increasing nut production, diversity and adaptability. Effects of Acidic Deposition on Forest Birds 8 Conserve $29,520 Penn State Brittingham Centre This project will evaluate the effects of acid deposition on breeding birds in the central region of this Commonwealth where levels are known to be high and the effects of liming. Prioritization of Riparian Areas for Restoration and Protection, a Pilot Study in the Lehigh River Watershed 72 Conserve $32,139.50 Wildlands Conservancy Brandes This project will prioritize riparian buffers for restoration and protection based on ecological value. An advisory committee will be formed and a small pilot project will be conducted on the Little Lehigh Creek. Restoration of Fossil Sand Dune Oak Savanna at Erie Bluffs State Park 33 Conserve $33,000 Lake Erie Region Conservancy Fuhrman Erie This project will restore fossil dune ridge rare black oak savanna community threatened by encroachment of weedy/invasive species. Barn Owl Reintroduction Satellite Telemetry Project 58 Conserve $42,420 Moraine Preservation Fund Jerry Western Pennsylvania This project will tract tagged barn owls to determine habitat needs and will install nesting boxes near preferred habitat. Park Intruders: Moraine McConnell's Mill on the Offensive 69 Conserve $63,282.59 3mjc's Price Butler This project will remove invasive species of plants from Moraine and McConnell's State Parks and will educate through a kiosk, brochure and training. Invasive Species Management Plan 83 Conserve $65,000 Broadhead Watershed Association Stevens Monroe This project will develop an invasive species management plan for a watershed known to have substantial invasives impacts on biodiversity. Tioga County Keeping Track 53 Inventory $16,098.46 Tioga County Partnership Weaver Tioga This project will train 15 Tioga County Keeping Tract volunteers who will monitor specially selected areas four times a year recording certain species. The Roaring Rocks/Swamp Creeks Regional Biodiversity Study 43 Inventory $25,000 Tinicum Conservancy Kyde Bucks This project will conduct a biological diversity inventory and habitat mapping study to augment Statewide databases and provide scientific support for regional conservation efforts. Montgomery County Natural Areas Inventory Implementation Plan 70 Inventory $50,000 County of Montgomery Shaw Montgomery This project will use the existing Montgomery County Natural Areas Inventory to reevaluate, assess and prioritize identified critical natural areas for preservation and management activities. Natural Areas Inventory for Philadelphia County 79 Inventory $125,400 Academy of Natural Sciences Bouchard Philadelphia This project will inventory plant and animal species (vascular plants, butterflies and moths, land snails, ground beetles, freshwater decapod crustaceans, fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds) and major plant communities, mainly in natural areas. County Natural Areas Inventories--Eastern PA 23 Inventory $187,179 The Nature Conservancy Gleason Bradford, Montour, Carbon, Tioga and Susquehanna This project will complete Bradford, Montour and Carbon Counties and add the final four counties in the eastern region of this Commonwealth to locate plant and animal species of special concern and exemplary natural communities. County Natural Heritage Inventories--Western PA 29 Inventory $330,000 Western Pa Conservancy Wagner Armstrong, Cameron, Clarion, Forest, Indiana and McKean This project will continue work in eight western counties and complete work in four other counties to locate plant and animal species of special concern and exemplary natural communities. Preservation of Habitat by Hydrogen Fuel Cell Implementation 67 Outreach $652 Robert Bydlow Bydlow Lehigh This project will assemble a hydrogen fuel vehicle and produce posters for stewardship and a video. Wild Resource Speaker's Series 36 Outreach $4,000 Lackawanna College Hatala Lackawanna This project will provide a speaker's series highlighting the need to protect and preserve this Commonwealth's wild resources and a series of hikes, walks and hands-on educational activities. Wild Action Grant Program: Improving Habitat for Wildlife 14 Outreach $5,000 Game Commission Alberici Statewide This project will support 20 schools to improve school ground habitat and to adapt environment and ecology standards. Oley Valley Fence Row Research 35 Outreach $7,309.70 Oley Valley Ag. Science Howe Berks This project will educate youth about the integration of the sciences of agriculture and the environment, provide project specific equipment and teach applied field research techniques. Watershed Birding and Natural History Trail Map and Outreach 76 Outreach $8,525 Bushkill Stream Conservancy Merwarth The project will develop a Birding and Natural History Trip Map to connect the community with the resources of the watershed, promote ecotourism and encourage support for natural resources. Wilmington Area Outdoor Classroom 6 Outreach $9,980 Wilmington School District White Lawrence and Mercer This project will build an outdoor classroom at the Wilmington Area School District, including a limestone trail and eight benches installed for classroom seating, planted with wildflowers/shrubs. American Kestrel Children's Storybook 25 Outreach $10,950 Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Bildstein Berks A storyline, rhymes and colorful illustrations will teach children to identify a life cycle, migration and conservation needs for the American Kestrel. Land Snail Website 15 Outreach $11,271 Carnegie Museum of Natural Hotopp Carnegie Museum of Natural History This project will make information about the identity and ecology of 100 species of native land snails and slug readily available. Bird of Prey Environmental Education Program 28 Outreach $15,670 Great Valley Nature Center Pascocello Chester, Wayne, Montgomery, Philadelphia, Delaware and Bucks This project will support a mentor program, teacher workshops and nest box program to increase student and public awareness and appreciation for birds of prey. West Parks Wild Resource Education Initiative 50 Outreach $19,850 Lackawanna College Hatala Lawrence This project will increase awareness, education, research and monitoring at West Park, installing trail signs, giving out 2,000 placemats, distributing 1,000 brochures and erecting Kestrel boxes. Osprey Return 47 Outreach $20,000 Moraine Preservation Fund Roperti Butler This project will renovate a pontoon boat for environmental education, water testing and public environmental ecotours of Lake Arthur at Moraine State Park. A Database of PA Mammals in the Academy of Natural Sciences Mammalogy Collection with Interactive Key 68 Outreach $24,339 Academy of Natural Sciences Morris Statewide This project will capture text data associated with mammal specimens and make it available for searching, mapping on the Internet with an online interactive key. American Kestrel-Nestbox Placement Initiative 24 Outreach $25,075 Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Bildstein Berks This project will cooperate with farmers, agricultural educators, FFA and 4-H groups to reverse Kestrel decline due to lack of cavity nests. It will provide 35,000 copies of an eight-page comprehensive brochure. Farmlands and Wildlife 9 Outreach $29,274 Penn State Brittingham Statewide This project will develop a guide for farmland owners on management practices to improve wildlife habitat, sources of assistance and means of minimizing potential nuisances. Habitat Quality and Aquatic Biodiversity Protection--A Framework for Environmental Planning and Management 55 Outreach $32,310 Lancaster County Conservancy Goodno Lancaster This project will develop focused scientific understanding and guidance on aquatic biodiversity in Lancaster. The Lichen Flora of Eastern Pennsylvania 63 Status $3,356.06 Academy of Natural Science Macklin Eastern Pennsylvania This project will perform fieldwork to collect vouchers and increase knowledge of the distributions of lichens in the eastern region of this Commonwealth. Survey of a PA Endangered Plant 77 Status $5,000 Thiel College Pale Mercer This project will survey selected endangered plant species, collect their seeds and germinate them in the laboratory or greenhouse. Water Quality Monitoring 5 Status $6,675 Pen Argyl High School Kopcho Plainfield Township Students in an aquatic biology class will monitor the Little Bushkill Creek for any signs of pollution and report their data to the Delaware River Basin Commission for use by State and local decision makers. Wissahickon Valley Park Amphibian Habitat Inventory and Assessment 59 Status $7,500 Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers Low Philadelphia This project will identify potential amphibian habitat, assess the condition of habitat, prioritize habitat for restoration and protection and map the habitat using GIS. The Status of Crataegus (Hawthorns) in Eastern PA 64 Status $7,598.33 Academy of Natural Science Macklin Eastern Pennsylvania This project will identify species using collected specimen and current literature on hawthorns, an important group of shrubs for bird food and habitat in this Commonwealth. Illustrated Field Guide to the Crane Flies of Pennsylvania 62 Status $11,648 Carnegie Museum of Natural Young Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Section of Invertebrate This project will consolidate information on distribution and seasonal occurrence on crane flies and complete an illustrated field guide and website. Genetic Characterization of Headwater Stream Fish Communities 75 Status $14,607 Penn State Carline This project will evaluate genetic diversity for headwater fish populations to determine isolation, inbreeding and recovery for brook trout, blacknose dace and slimy sculpin. Rare Plant Inventory within Northwestern PA 10 Status $15,000 The Cleveland Museum Bissell Erie, Crawford, Mercer and Tioga This project will continue stewardship work at Edinboro Lake Fen, Erie National Wildlife Refuge, Bog Candle Fen, Presque Isle State Park and Pymatuning State Park and will search for POSCIP species. Conservation & Genetic Status of the Timber Rattlesnake in Central and Eastern PA 3 Status $16,311 Arcadia University Bushar Pike, Carbon, Clearfield and Adams This project will measure genetic variation and gene flow in 8 to 12 populations of timber rattlesnakes in the northeastern, southeastern, northcentral and southcentral regions of this Commonwealth. Habitat Association, Occurrence, Phenology and Biology of a Terrestrial Indicator Group 52 Status $19,552.50 Carnegie Museum of Natural Davidson Statewide This project will collect selected habitats to fill identified gaps in knowledge of biology and distribution and will create website images, maps and a database for ground beetles. Non-Native Trout Effects of Pennsylvania Fishes and Associated Food Webs 13 Status $20,000 Penn State Stauffer Centre and Monroe Trout species are often introduced to waters where they are exotic. Non-native trout often displace native trout. This project will study trout predation on bridle shiner and ironcolor shiner. Acoustical Sampling of Bats over Created Wetlands in Western PA 31 Status $20,460 Wildlife Habitat Council Maslonek Allegheny, Beaver, Washington, Greene, Fayette and Somerset This project will acoustically sample bats over 30 created wetlands of various ages, sizes and landscapes to investigate assemblages, richness, absence/presence and feeding activity. Implementing the Pennsylvania Biodiversity Conservation Plan: Phase 1 65 Status $20,474 Pa Biodiversity Partnership Thompson Statewide This project will begin to implement a comprehensive plan for biodiversity with outreach to a broad audience about the impact and importance of biodiversity. The Burrowing Crayfishes of PA: Distribution, Genetics & Conservation 51 Status $20,583 Carnegie Museum of Natural Fetzner, Jr. Allegheny, Beaver, Bedford, Fayette, Green and Somerset This project will make new collections of burrowing crayfishes, establish current distributions, distribution maps, create a website and assess population-level genetic variation. Pennsylvania Odonate Database 21 Status $20,796.50 The Nature Conservancy Ray Statewide This project will populate an Access database on dragonflies and damselflies to facilitate species conservation. Taking Stock of American Ginseng in PA 71 Status $20,816 Penn State Jacobson Statewide This project will gather information on ginseng occurrence, demography and human influences to resolve basic questions for husbandry and management. Herbarium Studies and Field Studies of PA Plants of Special Concern 44 Status $21,000 Carnegie Museum of Natural Morton Greene and Crawford This project will monitor plant diversity by verifying historical records, documenting new localities and taxa and conducting field surveys. Forest Stand Age, Composition, and Structure Associated with the State Endangered Northern Flying Squirrel 41 Status $22,493 Penn State Altoona Mahan Carbon, Monroe, Luzerne, Pike and Forest This project will determine habitat for northern flying squirrel, its mature coniferous habitat, the crucial habitat components of stands and surrounding potential land use. Use of Forested and Upland Shrub/Scrub Habitats by Spring Migrating Landbirds in Northeastern PA 38 Status $24,916 University of Scranton Smith Lackawanna This project takes an integrated approach to understand habitat use and fitness consequences related to declines in landbird migrants and stopover habitat. Status of the Endangered Darter in Lake Erie Drainage 74 Status $25,004 Penn State Stauffer Erie This project will determine the current distribution, estimate the population size and investigate the life history of these fish in the Commonwealth waters of Lake Erie to better protect this population. Biodiversity of Large Riverine Fish Assemblages of the Monongahela River 19 Status $25,469 California University of PA Kimmel Greene, Washington, Fayette, Westmoreland and Allegheny This project will inventory the large-bodied ichthyofauna of the Monongahela for diversity and distribution. Inventory of Riparian Habitat Along French Creek 26 Status $26,850 Allegheny College Mumme Crawford This project will use GIS to study riparian habitats of biologically diverse French Creek. Work will include field surveys of vegetation, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Verification of Gap Habitat Models for Birds for Conservation Planning 39 Status $28,483 Penn State Brooks Entire State This project will test existing GAP habitat models for 12 species of special concern as a cost effective way resource agencies could do conservation, development and policy planning. Endangered Species of Presque Isle Bay Watershed 73 Status $30,234 Penn State Stauffer Erie This project will determine presence or absence, population estimates and habitat requirements for each of nine endangered fish species with website, brochures, handouts and a recovery plan. Status Assessment of At-Risk Amphibian and Reptile Species in Pennsylvania 12 Status $33,355 Shippensburg University Maret Statewide This project will determine status (abundance, distribution and population trends) of six amphibian and reptile species where information is inadequate or unavailable. Avian Use of Grassland Habitats in Southwestern PA 18 Status $35,795.59 California University of PA Argent Greene, Washington, Fayette, Westmoreland and Allegheny This project will determine seasonal use, as measured by avian density and diversity, of restored, privately-owned grassland habitats of various sizes. Studies of Aquatic Plants of Glacial Lakes of Northeastern Pennsylvania 2 Status $38,002 Morris Arboretum Rhoads Pike, Monroe, Susquehanna, Sullivan, Wayne and Luzerne This project will conclude current studies with quantitative mapping in five lakes to characterize emergent and submersed communities and correlate the results with water quality data. Land Snails of Limestone Communities and Update of Land Snail Distributions in PA 16 Status $39,486 Carnegie Museum of Natural Pearce Bedford, Butler, Centre, Fayette, Greene and Huntingdon This project will fill knowledge gaps about distributions and habitat associations of land snails from museum records and inventory of land snails in limestone areas in the western region of this Commonwealth. Field Surveys for Plant Species of Special Concern in Eastern Pennsylvania 11 Status $40,150 The Nature Conservancy Kunsman 36 in Eastern Pennsylvania This project will attempt to locate a minimum of 40 plant species of special concern, determine population size, habitat, associated species, threats and management recommendations with data mapped in PNHP. Estimating Abundances and Habitat Associations for Breeding Birds in Year Two of the 2nd PA Breeding Bird 66 Status $40,540 Carnegie Museum of Natural Mulvihill Statewide This project will provide rigorous abundance sampling and geo-referenced observations, assessments of habitat and specialized point counts for breeding birds. Least Shrew and Other Grassland Small Mammal Species Inventory/Conservation in PA 22 Status $46,347 The Nature Conservancy Hart Adams, York and Lancaster This project will predict suitable habitat for least shrew, a species of special concern from grassland habitat. Hopewell Big Woods Ecological Greenway 45 Status $50,000 Union Township United Blye, Jr. Berks and Chester This project will identify specific habitats for State-listed birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians in the Hopewell Big Woods and identify specific parcels of unprotected land that provide habitat. Ecological Studies and Inventory of PA's Aquatic Snails--Year 3 57 Status $56,531 Western Pa Conservancy Evans Statewide This project will inventory aquatic snails in lakesand reservoirs, as well as larger rivers, to determine relationships to ecological factors and will produce species lists and distribution maps. Long-term Monitoring of Small Mammal Communities in PA 54 Status $57,741 Wilkes University Steele Kempton This project will produce a community-based habitat analysis for a species of small mammals at three Hawk Mountain sites. Inventory of Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) in Habitats of French Creek Watershed and Glacial Lakes 60 Status $59,280 NW Field Station, Western Pa Smith Erie, Crawford, Mercer and Venango This project will increase knowledge of biodiversity in relation to aquatic habitats and water quality to support comprehensive conservation planning. Bog Turtle Inventory--Cooks Creek Watershed 40 Status $59,850 Heritage Conservancy Nowicki Bucks This project will locate existing bog turtle populations and areas containing suitable habitat in the Cooks Creek watershed. Factors Affecting Diversity of Biota in Vernal Pools and Adjacent Forests in the South Mountain 32 Status $62,336.75 Messiah College Lindquist Franklin, Adams and Cumberland This project will establish trends in biological diversity, construct ecological models and develop a site conservation plan for South Mountain. Relations of Habitat to Mussel Communities of the Susquehanna and Potomac Basins 17 Status $69,815 The Nature Conservancy Nightingale Potomac, Mid Susquehanna This project will determine the relationships among mussel communities, habitat and landscape factors, especially as related to gradients and human disturbance. Feasibility Study for Restoring Grasslands Native to Southeastern PA on DCNR Lands in the Region 78 Status $70,839 Natural Lands Trust Thorne Chester, Montgomery, Delaware, Bucks, Lehigh and Lancaster This proposal will identify locations on Department and other lands where native grasslands can be restored using herbarium information and soil types. Documenting the Flora Associated with Glacial Lakes in Northwest PA 27 Status $74,995.39 Western Pa Conservancy Grund Erie, Crawford and Mercer This project will map aquatic species to facilitate stewardship of the eight glacial lakes of the northwestern region of this Commonwealth. Upper Ridley-Crum Important Bird Area American Kestrel Habitat Protection Project 20 Status $75,000 Willistown Conservation Trust Van Alen Chester and Delaware This project will determine American Kestrel habitat using aerial photographs and ground truthing and work for conservation easements and improved stewardship by private landowners. Spatial Ecology of the Eastern Massasauga 30 Status $78,153 Western Pa Conservancy Jellen Butler, Mercer and Venango This project will use radio-telemetry to elucidate natural history of Massasauga on which to base conservation and management. [Pa.B. Doc. No. 04-1449. Filed for public inspection August 6, 2004, 9:00 a.m.]