Service of Notice of Motor Carrier Applications [36 Pa.B. 4435]
[Saturday, August 5, 2006]The following temporary authority and/or permanent authority applications for the right to render service as a common carrier or contract carrier in this Commonwealth have been filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Formal protests and petitions to intervene must be filed in accordance with 52 Pa. Code (relating to public utilities). A protest shall indicate whether it applies to the temporary authority application, the permanent authority application, or both. Filings must be made with the Secretary, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, P. O. Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265, with a copy served on the applicant by August 28, 2006. Documents filed in support of the applications are available for inspection and copying at the Office of the Secretary between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at the business address of the respective applicant.
Applications of the following for approval to begin operating as common carriers for transportation of persons as described under each application.
A-00122973. Carole A. Kennedy (P. O. Box 246, North Apollo, Armstrong County, PA 15673-0268)--persons in paratransit service, limited to persons whose personal convictions prevent them from owning or operating motor vehicles, from points in the Counties of Armstrong, Indiana and Jefferson, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.
A-00122986. Wingpoint Corporate Transportation Services, Inc. (118 Hemlock Cove, Milford, Pike County, PA 18337)--persons, in limousine service, from points in the Counties of Pike, Monroe, Wayne and Lackawanna, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.
A-00122988. Madera Volunteer Ambulance Association (P. O. Box 175, Madera, Clearfield County, PA 16661)--persons, in paratransit service, from points in the Counties of Clearfield, Jefferson, Centre and Blair, to points in Pennsylvania and return.
A-00122992. Northeast Town Car Service Corp. (R. R. 4, Box 4450, Hazleton, Luzerne County, PA 18202)--persons in paratransit service, between points in the City of Hazleton, Luzerne County, and within an airline distance of 35 statute miles of the limits of said city, to points in Pennsylvania and return, excluding the right to transport from points in the County of Schuylkill, which is to be a transfer of all the right authorized under the certificate issued at A-00114599 F.2 to Hazle Yellow Cab Company, Inc. subject to the same limitations and conditions. Attorney: James D. Campbell, Jr., Esquire, 3631 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
A-00122994. Anna Phillips (363 Wolfrock Road, Paradise, Lancaster County, PA 17562)--persons in paratransit service, limited to persons whose personal convictions prevent them from owning or operating motor vehicles, from points in the County of Lancaster, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.
Application of the following for amendment to the certificate of public convenience approving the operation of motor vehicles as common carriers for transportation of persons as described under the application.
A-00119213, F.1, Am-A (Corrected) Heather Noumeh t/a Royal Limousine Service (922 Kearney Street, Allentown, Lehigh County, PA 15690)--inter alia--persons, in limousine service, from points in Lehigh County, to points in Pennsylvania and return: So As To Permit the transportation of persons in limousine service from points in the Counties of Northampton, Berks, Montgomery, Bucks, Monroe, Luzerne, Schuylkill, Wayne, Lackawanna, Delaware, Philadelphia, Lebanon, Dauphin and Lancaster, to points in Pennsylvania, and return.
Application of the following for approval of the additional right and privilege of operating motor vehicles as common carriers for transportation of persons as described under the application.
A-00116387 F.2 Crystal Limousine, Inc. (7000 Holstein Avenue, Suite 1, Philadelphia, PA 19153), a corporation of the Commonwealth--to transport, as a common carrier, by motor vehicle, persons in vehicles seating 11 to 15, including the driver, from points in the City and County of Philadelphia and the Township of Tinicum, Delaware County to points in Pennsylvania, and return. Attorney: Albert Ominsky, 1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1050, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1528. Filed for public inspection August 4, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]