1502 Professional development for teachers; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Centers for Teaching Excellence grants  

  • Professional Development for Teachers; National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Centers for Teaching Excellence Grants

    [36 Pa.B. 4224]
    [Saturday, August 5, 2006]

       The Department of Education (Department) is soliciting request for application for grant awards up to the amount of $75,000 from four institutions of higher education seeking to provide candidate support to National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) candidates. Four geographically strategic Centers for Teaching Excellence (Centers) to service all candidates in this Commonwealth seeking NBPTS certification will be established with this grant. Granted an annual award, these Centers would be responsible for guiding NBPTS candidates through the certification process by providing resources and materials needed in the portfolio development, opportunities for mentoring and peer collaboration and other strategies recommended by the official National Board Resource Centers.

       Each of the Centers will provide administrative support to NBPTS candidates by means of establishing cohort groups, recruiting mentor teachers and minimizing the paperwork process. This will require an allocated office space with additional designated meeting and/or workspace for candidates.

       Additionally, the Centers will house the necessary technical equipment required for NBPTS certification: DVD/VHS recorder, dvds/tapes, a television with playback capabilities, access to computer labs for all NBPTS candidates and all other technical equipment approved by the Department and deemed necessary for the successful fulfillment of the proposed purpose.

       Finally, the part-time employee managing each of the Centers will be responsible for partnering with neighboring school districts to help recruit qualified candidates into the NBPTS program, as well as with local corporations to solicit private scholarship opportunities.

       Copies of the request for application are available by calling Genese Rannels at (717) 787-3470 or the TDD at (717) 772-3199. Alternative formats of the documents (for example, Braille, large print or cassette tape) are available upon request.

       Intent to submit is required by August 11, 2006. The deadline for the request for applications is 4 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2006. IHEs will be notified on September 8, 2006, if selected for an NBPTS candidate support Center grant award.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 06-1502. Filed for public inspection August 4, 2006, 9:00 a.m.]

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