1265 Retention of engineering firms  

  • Retention of Engineering Firms

    [26 Pa.B. 3687]

    Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan,
    Tioga and Union Counties
    Reference No. 08430AG2005

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to provide supplementary construction inspection staff of approximately six inspectors, under the District's Permit Supervisor, for various Highway Occupancy Permit Projects in Engineering District 3-0, that is, Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga and Union Counties. The agreement will be for a period of 36 months with a maximum amount of $300 thousand with assignments given on an as-needed basis.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of three firms for the purpose of negotiating an Engineering Agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest.

       a.  Understanding of Department's requirements, policies and specifications.

       b.  Review of inspectors' resumes with emphasis on construction inspection capabilities and specialized experience in the maintenance and protection of traffic, soils, structures, concrete, asphalt paving, drainage and permit inspection procedures.

       c.  Past performance.

       d.  Workload.

       e.  Number of NICET certified inspectors in each payroll classification.

       f.  Number of available inspectors in each payroll classification.

       The qualifications and experience required of the firm's inspectors will be established by the Department, and the qualifications of the firm's proposed employes will be reviewed and approved by the Department.

       It is anticipated that the supplementary construction inspection staff for this assignment will consist of the following number of inspectors who meet the requirements for the following inspection classifications:

    No. of
    Transportation Construction Inspector6 (3)
       (TCI)(NICET Highway Construction
    Level 2 or equivalent)

       The numbers in parenthesis above indicate the number of inspectors in each Classification that must meet at least one of the following requirements:

       1.  Be certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) in the field of Transportation Engineering Technology, subfield of Highway Construction, or subfield of Highway Materials, at the level required for the Inspection Classification.

       2.  Be registered as a Professional Engineer by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       3.  Be certified as an Engineer-in-Training by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       4.  Hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering or a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       5.  Hold an Associate degree in Civil Engineering Technology with the required highway experience specified for the Inspection Classification.

       The maximum reimbursement of direct payroll cost for each Department Payroll Classification for calendar year 1996 will be limited to the actual direct salary of the individual employe, or the following rates, whichever is less:

    Payroll ClassificationPayroll Rate
    Transportation Construction

       Maximum reimbursable direct payroll rates for subsequent calendar years, if applicable, will be established at the scope of work meeting.

       The firm selected may be required to attend a preconstruction conference with the Department and the construction contractor for various projects assigned. Under the supervision and direction of the Department, the selected firm will be required to keep records and document the construction work; prepare current and final estimates for payment to the construction contractor; assist the Department in obtaining compliance with the labor standards, safety and accident prevention, and equal opportunity provisions of the contract item; and perform other duties as may be required.

       Letters of interest for this project must include a letter, signed by the individuals proposed for all TCIS positions, giving their approval to use their name in the letter of interest for this specific project.

       Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Gary R. Williams, P.E., District 3-0, at (717) 368-4275.

       Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery
    and Philadelphia Counties
    Reference No. 08430AG2006

       The Department of Transportation will retain engineering firms for two separate open-end contracts for various engineering services for various projects located in Engineering District 6-0, that is, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties. The contracts will be for a 30 month period with projects assigned on an as-needed basis. The required services may encompass a wide range of design efforts with the possibility of several different types of projects having short completion schedules. The anticipated types of projects may include, but are not limited to, bridge replacements or bridge rehabilitations with minor approach work, roadway betterments (3R Type), SAMI design, Capital Improvement Projects (bridges or roadways), and minor alignment studies. The maximum amount of each open-end contract will be $750 thousand.

       The firm may be required to perform any or all of the following engineering services: attend field views and prepare minutes; prepare submissions for field views and safety review meeting; field surveys; plot topography and cross sections; prepare submissions and materials necessary for the Department to prepare the application to Public Utility Commission (PUC) for the PUC field conference; attend and supply any required information for all PUC meetings and hearings during project design; develop erosion control details and narrative; develop right-of-way plans; prepare type, size and location reports; prepare hydraulic report for waterway approval; prepare bridge drawings; traffic control plans and narrative; procure core borings, provide the soil and foundation engineering report; investigate utility and property involvement; prepare and disseminate right of entry letters; prepare prints and information required for a value engineering review; make the necessary investigations and adjustments to the design as a result of the value engineering review comments; make all necessary contact with railroad officials for any railroad-related costs estimates, permits, insurance, approvals and other required information; collect traffic signal timing and accident data; perform traffic counts and speed delay studies; prepare plans for signal design and implementation of signal interconnections; evaluate alternatives using benefit/cost analysis; document study activities and findings; and prepare construction plans, specifications and estimates.

       The format and content of all documents, plans and specifications will be consistent with applicable State and Federal regulations and guidelines.

       The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of eight firms for the purpose of negotiating two open-end contracts based on the Department's evaluation of the acceptable letters of interest received in response to this solicitation. The ranking will be established directly from the letters of interest. Technical proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the ranking.

       The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Specialized experience and technical competence of firm.

       b.  Current workload.

       c.  Available staffing for this assignment.

       d.  Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality, ability to meet schedules, and previous experience on open-end contracts. The specific experience of individuals who constitute the firms shall be considered.

       e.  Relative size of firm to size of projects that may be completed under these contracts.

       The engineering services identified above are the general work activities that can be expected under these open-end contracts. A more specific and project-related scope of work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under these open-end contracts.

       The letter of interest should be limited to four pages; double sided copy counts as two pages. The letter of interest should include no more than four resumes of key staff members for the prime consultant and two resumes for the subconsultants.

       Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Timothy R. O'Brien, P.E., District 6-0, at (610) 964-6526.

       Questions concerning the submittal of the letters of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    Bucks and Philadelphia Counties
    Reference No. 08430AG2007

       The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm to perform environmental studies, preliminary engineering, final design and construction consultation for the following projects:

       1.  S. R. 1006, Section 80S--Point Pleasant Pike over the Delaware River Canal in Tinicum Township, Bucks County. This is a bridge rehabilitation project that involves deck and bearing replacement, expansion capability, steel painting and minor roadway work. The project length is 0.230 km and the estimated construction cost is $1.3 million.

       2.  S. R. 4006, Section 76S--City Avenue Southbound over the Schuylkill River, ConRail, S. B. Kelly Drive, Ramp E and N. B. Kelly Drive in City of Philadelphia. This project consists of two structures. One structure requires rehabilitation and the other requires replacement. Proposed rehabilitation includes seismic evaluation, deck replacement, pin and hangar retrofitting, piers and abutment repairs, sidewalk reconstruction, drainage improvement, installation of safety shape parapets, structural steel painting, lighting update and roadway approach work. The project length is 0.592 km and the estimated construction cost is $7.5 million.

       The selected firm will be required to provide the following engineering and design services:  roadway design; pavement design; preparation of cross sections; soils and geological investigations; erosion and sedimentation control design; highway lighting design; right-of-way investigation and plans; structure design; preparation of traffic control, pavement marking and signing plans; traffic signal design; utility coordination and design; coordination with PUC, DEP, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Coast Guard, municipal officials and the public; preparation of final plans, specifications and estimates; and construction services.

       The selected firm will also be required to provide environmental services to identify and assess the following: historic and archaeological resources and parks and recreational facilities.

       The environmental studies will be conducted to prepare a CE in accordance with accepted analysis techniques and methodologies.

       The selected firm will be required to perform the following to insure that a complete environmental investigation has been performed: provide all necessary environmental services, material and equipment necessary to collect, analyze and organize data, assess impacts, conduct agency and public involvement activities, and prepare reports and mitigation plans. The reports and other written graphic material to be prepared may include, but are not limited to, early coordination and scoping correspondence; project need; preliminary alternatives analysis; meeting minutes; mailing lists; public meetings; handouts and displays; technical basis reports; NEPA environmental documents; Section 106 documents; Section 4(f) evaluation; mitigation plans; DEP permits; Corps of Engineers 404 permits; formulating and participating in public involvement program; and coordinating the development of the study with various agencies and special interest groups.

       Firms that are currently serving, or are being considered for selection, as municipal engineer in the municipalities listed in the project description will not be considered for this assignment. Also, firms that are under contract, or are being considered, to provide engineering services to a land developer for a site located along the project will likewise not be considered for this assignment. Firms should state in the letter of interest that they are not serving in either capacity as a municipal engineer or as a representative of a site developer. Any questions concerning this requirement should be directed to Timothy R. O'Brien, at the telephone number listed below.

       The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this agreement shall be 15% of the total contract price. Additional information concerning DBE participation in this agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information section after the advertised projects.

       We encourage small firms to submit a letter of interest for this assignment.

       The letter of interest should be limited to four pages; double sided copy counts as two pages. The letter of interest should include no more than four resumes of key staff for the prime consultant and two resumes for the subconsultants.

       Technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Timothy R. O'Brien, P.E., District 6-0, at (610) 964-6526 or Madeleine C. Fausto, District 6-0, at (610) 964-6531.

       Questions concerning the submittal of the letter of interest can be directed to the Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

    General Requirements and Information

       Firms interested in performing any of the above services are invited to submit letters of interest to: Director, Consultant Selection Committee, Room 1118, Transportation and Safety Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120.

       A separate letter of interest and required forms must be submitted for each project for which the applicant wishes to be considered. The letter of interest and required forms must be received within 13 calendar days of this notice. The deadline for receipt of a letter of interest at the above address is 4:30 p.m. of the thirteenth day.

       If the project advertisement indicates that the Department will retain an engineering firm, letters of interest will only be accepted from individuals, firms or corporations duly authorized to engage in the practice of engineering. If an individual, firm or corporation not authorized to engage in the practice of engineering desires to submit a letter of interest, said individual, firm or corporation may do so as part of a joint venture with an individual, firm or corporation which is permitted under State law to engage in the practice of engineering.

       If a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation is established for an advertised project, firms expressing interest in the project must agree to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms as defined in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and currently certified by the Department of Transportation shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in any subcontracting or furnishing supplies or services approved under Form 442, Section 1.10(a). The act requires that firms owned and controlled by women (WBEs) be included, as a presumptive group, within the definition of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). The goal for DBE participation shall be as stated in the individual project advertisement. Responding firms shall make good faith efforts to meet the DBE goal using DBEs (as they were defined prior to the act), WBEs or combinations thereof. Proposed DBE firms must be certified at the time of submission of the letter of interest. If the selected firm fails to meet the goal established, it shall be required to demonstrate its good faith efforts to attain the goal. Failure to meet the goal and to demonstrate good faith efforts may result in being barred from Department contracts in the future.

       Responses are encouraged by small engineering firms, disadvantaged business enterprise engineering firms and other engineering firms who have not previously performed work for the Department of Transportation.

       Each letter of interest must include in the heading, the firm's Federal Identification Number and the Project Reference Number indicated in the advertisement. The letter of interest must also include the following:

       1.  Standard Form 255, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project.''

       2.  Standard Form 254, ''Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire'' not more than 1 year old as of the date of this advertisement, must accompany each letter of interest for the firm, each party to a joint venture and for each subconsultant the firm or joint venture is proposing to use for the performance of professional services regardless of whether the subconsultant is an individual, a college professor or a company. Please disregard the statements on Standard Form 255 that indicate a Standard Form 254 is only required if not already on file with the contracting office. The Department does not maintain a file for Standard Form 254 for contracting purposes; therefore, this Form is required for the prime consultant and each subconsultant as stated above.

       3.  Two copies of the Department's Form D-427 (Rev. 6-89), ''Current Workload'' for the firm submitting the letter of interest. At least one copy of Form D-427 must remain free and not bound in any way to any other portion of the letter of interest or accompanying documentation. Copies of Form D-427 are available upon request from the above address or by contacting the Department's Consultant Agreement Division at (717) 783-9309.

       4.  Firms with out-of-State headquarters or corporations not incorporated in Pennsylvania must include with each letter of interest a copy of their registration to do business in the Commonwealth as provided by the Department of State. Firms who are not registered to do business in Pennsylvania at the time of this advertisement must document that they have applied for registration to the Department of State, Corporation Bureau. The telephone number for the Corporation Bureau is (717) 787-1057 or (717) 787-2004.

       The Standard Form 255 must be filled out in its entirety including Item No. 6 listing the proposed subconsultants and the type of work or service they will perform on the project. If a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal is specified for the project, the DBE must be presently certified by the Department of Transportation, and the name of the firm and the work to be performed must be indicated in Item 6. If a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) firm is substituted for the DBE, the WBE firm must also be presently certified by the Department of Transportation and indicated in Item 6.

       The Standard Form 254 must be signed and dated and must be less than 1 year old as of the date of this advertisement. A Standard Form must accompany each letter of interest for the firm submitting the letter of interest, each party to a joint venture, and for each subconsultant shown under Item 6 of the Standard Form 255.

       Unless other factors are identified under the individual project reference number, the following factors, listed in their order of importance, will be considered by the Committee during their evaluation of the firms submitting letters of interest:

       a.  Specialized experience and technical competence of firm.

       b.  Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality, and ability to meet schedules. The specific experience of individuals who constitute the firms shall be considered.

       c.  Current workload and capacity of firm to perform the work within the time limitations.

       d.  Location of consultant.

       e.  Special requirements of the project.

       f.  Other factors, if any, specific to the project.

       The Department currently limits its participation in the remuneration of principals or consultant employes performing work on projects to $72,800 per annum or $35 per hour or their actual audited remuneration, whichever is less. The Department currently limits its participation in the consultant's indirect payroll costs (overhead) on design and miscellaneous projects to 130% of the direct payroll cost or the consultant's actual audited overhead rate, whichever is less. The Department currently limits its participation in the consultant's indirect payroll costs (overhead) on construction inspection projects to 85.2% of the direct payroll cost or the consultant's actual audited overhead rate, whichever is less. The Department's limitations will apply to the projects advertised above unless the Department policy is revised prior to the negotiation of an agreement or contract.

       The assignment of the above services will be made to one of the firms responding to this notice, but the Committee reserves the right to reject all letters of interest submitted, to cancel the solicitations requested under this notice, and/or to readvertise solicitation for these services.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1265. Filed for public inspection August 2, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]

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