Notice of Filing of Final Rulemakings [37 Pa.B. 4726]
[Saturday, August 25, 2007]The Independent Regulatory Review Commission (Commission) received the following regulations. They are scheduled to be considered on the date noted. The Commission's public meetings are held at 333 Market Street, 14th Floor, in Harrisburg at 10:30 a.m. To obtain a copy of the regulation, interested parties should first contact the promulgating agency. If a copy cannot be obtained from the promulgating agency, IRRC will provide a copy.
This schedule is tentative. Contact the Commission at (717) 783-5417 or check our website at for updates.
Reg. No. Agency/Title Received Public Meeting 125-56 Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
Practice and Procedure8/8/07 9/20/07 125-61 Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
General Revisions; Applications; Licensed Entity
Representatives; Manufacturer Licenses; Supplier
Licenses; Horsemen's Organizations; Labor Organizations;
Junket Enterprises; Management Companies8/8/07 9/20/07 125-54 Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
Compulsive and Problem Gambling; Self Exclusion8/8/07 9/20/07 125-57 Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
Persons Required to be Excluded; Underage Gaming8/8/07 9/20/07 Final-Omit
Reg. No. Agency/Title Received Public Meeting 7-415 Environmental Quality Board
Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program
(AFIG) Regulation8/13/07 9/20/07 ARTHUR COCCODRILLI,
Chairperson[Pa.B. Doc. No. 07-1570. Filed for public inspection August 24, 2007, 9:00 a.m.]