1389 Access route approval  


    Access Route Approval

    [26 Pa.B. 4139]

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation ap- proved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 53` long trailer; 102" wide 48' long trailer; 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer); 102" wide maxi-cube.

    S. R. 2004
    (Luzerne County)
    From PA 309 (Exit 3) to U. S. 11 5.8
    U. S. 11
    (Luzerne County)
    From S. R. 2004 to S. R. 2006 0.3
    S. R. 2006
    (Luzerne County)
    From U. S. 11 to the Bevaco Foods Terminal 1.4
    S. R. 2059
    (Luzerne County)
    From I-81 (Exit 49) to PA 315 N 0.7
    PA 315
    (Luzerne County)
    From S. R. 2059 to U. S. 11 0.3
    U. S. 11
    (Luzerne County)
    From PA 315 to S. R. 2021 1.9
    S. R. 2021
    (Luzerne County)
    From U. S. 11 to S. R. 2024 1.8
    S. R. 2024
    (Luzerne County)
    From S. R. 2021 to S. R. 2004 0.8
    S. R. 2004
    (Luzerne County)
    From S. R. 2024 to U. S. 11 0.7

    Approved April 25, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 53` long trailer; 102" wide 48` long trailer; 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer); 102" wide maxi-cube.

    6th Street
    (Luzerne County)
    From U. S. 11 to the Aaron Products, Inc. Terminal 0.2

    Approved May 2, 1996

    S. R. 4040
    (Lancaster County)
    From PA 501 to West End Drive. 5.3
    West End Drive
    (Lancaster County)
    From S. R. 4040 to Ditz Drive. 0.1
    East End Drive
    (Lancaster County)
    From S. R. 4040 to Ditz Drive 0.1
    Ditz Drive
    (Lancaster County)
    From East End Drive to West End Drive. 0.3

    Approved April 1, 1996

    PA 114
    (Cumberland County)
    From U. S. 15 to Heinz Street 3.5

       This approval revises PA 114 to an approval from U. S. 15 to I-81 (Exit 18)--a distance of 7.1 miles.

    Approved February 27, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 53` long trailer; 102" wide 48` long trailer; 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer).

    U. S. 11
    (Luzerne County)
    From PA 29 to Erie Avenue 12.2
    S. R. 1027
    (Luzerne County)
    From U. S. 11 to PA 92 0.9
    PA 92
    (Luzerne County)
    From S. R. 1027 to S. R. 1010 0.3
    S. R. 1010
    (Luzerne County)
    From PA 92 to Keystone Warehouse #2 0.4
    Erie Avenue
    (Luzerne County)
    From U. S. 11 to Susquehanna Avenue 0.3
    (Luzerne County)
    From Erie Avenue to Pride Health Care Terminal 0.2
    Welles Street
    (Luzerne County)
    From PA 309 (Exit 4) to U. S. 11 0.7
    Stevens Lane
    (Luzerne County)
    From S. R. 1027 to the Gemark Terminal 0.3

    Approved March 21, 1996

       The following municipality approved the access route within its jurisdiction:

    Upper Mt. Bethel Township

    PA 611
    (Northampton County)
    From the Portland-Columbia Toll Bridge to the Formica Facility. Truck height restricted to 13`-2". 3.0
    PA 512
    (Northampton County)
    From PA 611 to Wildon Terrace 3.2
    Wildon Terrace
    (Northampton County)
    From PA 512 to the Formica Facility. 0.1

    Approved April 1, 1996

    PA 49
    (Potter County)
    From U. S. 6 to the Tioga County Line 28.2

    Approved March 13, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 53` long trailer; 102" wide 48` long trailer; 102" wide maxi-cube.

    S. R. 1024
    (Berks County)
    From U. S. 222 to Jefferson St. 2.7
    Jefferson St.
    (Berks County)
    From S. R. 1024 to the East Penn Mfg. Co. Warehouse in Topton. 0.1
    S. R. 1010
    (Berks County)
    From the East Penn Mfg. plant in Lyons to Haas Street. 3.9
    Haas Street
    (Berks County)
    From S. R. 1010 to S. R. 1031. 0.4
    S. R. 1031
    (Berks County)
    From Haas Street to the East Penn Mfg. Warehouse. 0.2

    Approved May 8, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 48` long trailer; 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer); 102" wide maxi-cube.

       The following municipalities approved the access routes within their jurisdictions:

    Mechanicsburg Borough
    Silver Spring Township

    PA 114
    (Cumberland County)
    From U. S. 15 to Pleasant View Drive. 4.1
    PA 641
    (Cumberland County)
    From PA 581 to West Church Road. 4.6
    West Church Road
    (Cumberland County)
    From PA 641 to the entrance to Fry Communications. 0.1
    Pleasant View Drive
    (Cumberland County)
    From PA 114 to the entrance to Fry Communications. 0.2

    Approved February 27, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 48` long trailer; 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer).

    PA 18
    (Washington County)
    From the Beaver County Line to U. S. 22. 3.9
    PA 18
    (Washington County)
    From S. R. 4008 to S. R. 4020. 15.2

    PA 18 is now approved from the Beaver County Line to I-70 (Exit 6).

    Approved May 8, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 48` long trailer.

    PA 18
    (Beaver County)
    From Washington County Line to S. R. 3016. 13.2

    Approved May 8, 1996

    PA 116
    (Adams County)
    From PA 16 to U. S. 30 12.2

    Approved May 8, 1996

    S. R. 1025
    (Luzerne County)
    From U. S. 11 to the Mar-Val Industries Terminal. 0.4

    Approved April 25, 1996

    PA 18
    (Beaver County)
    From I-76 (Exit 2) to PA 588 3.8
    PA 588
    (Beaver County)
    From PA 18 to PA 65 3.0
    PA 65
    (Beaver County)
    From PA 588 to Hamilton Storage Terminal 0.7

    Approved April 25, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access route for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer).

    U. S. 30
    (Adams and York Counties)
    From Beverage Transportation, Inc., to PA 94. 11.8

       This approval supplements a previous approval for this section of highway allowing the operation of 102" wide 48` long trailers.

    Approved April 16, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation approved the following access route for use by the following types of truck combinations: 96" wide 48` long trailer, maximum combined length of 70 feet.

    PA 120
    (Clinton and Cameron Counties)
    From PA 155 to PA 144 in Renovo 47.0

    Approved May 2, 1996

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation revokes the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer).

    PA 234
    (Adams and York Counties)
    From PA 94 to PA 462 in York. 14.2
    PA 194
    (Adams and York Counties)
    From PA 234 to U. S. 30 3.4

    Revoked April 16, 1996

       The effective date of this revocation shall be 15 days following the publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

       Under the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 4908, relating to operating certain combinations on Interstates and certain primary highways, the Department of Transportation revokes the following access routes for use by the following types of truck combinations: 102" wide 53` long trailer; 102" wide 48` long trailer; 102" wide twin trailers (28 1/2` maximum length per trailer); 102" wide maxi-cube.

    PA 772
    (Lancaster County)
    From Pa 283 to PA 72. 5.2
    S. R. 4040
    (Lancaster County)
    From PA 72 to PA 501. 5.5
    PA 772
    (Lancaster County)
    From PA 501 to U. S. 222. 6.0
    East End Drive
    (Lancaster County)
    From S. R. 4040 to Ditz Drive. 0.1
    West End Drive
    (Lancaster County)
    From S. R. 4040 to Ditz Drive. 0.1
    Ditz Drive
    (Lancaster County)
    From East End Drive to West End Drive. 0.3

    Revoked April 1, 1996

       The effective date of this revocation shall be 15 days following publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

       Comments, suggestions or questions may be directed to James Weakland, Truck Access Manager, Room 1014 Transportation and Safety Building, Harrisburg, PA, 17120, telephone (717) 787-7445.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1389. Filed for public inspection August 23, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]

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