Retention of Engineering/Surveying Firms [26 Pa.B. 4134] Eastern Pennsylvania
Project Reference No. C69:11-FPP-103.3EThe Department of Environmental Protection will retain an engineering and/or surveying firm to provide topographic and cross sectional surveying throughout Eastern Pennsylvania. This will include surveying in and along streams and floodplains with particular detail required at bridges. Part of this survey would include: locations and first floor elevations of area structures such as houses, businesses, and industrial buildings; and surveying construction sites for flood protection projects.
Western Pennsylvania
Project Reference No. C69:11-FPP-103.3WThe Department of Environmental Protection will retain an engineering and/or surveying firm to provide topographic and cross sectional surveying throughout Western Pennsylvania. This will include surveying in and along streams and floodplains with particular detail required at bridges. Part of this survey would include: locations and first floor elevations of area structures such as houses, businesses, and industrial buildings; and surveying construction sites for flood protection projects.
General Requirements and Information Firms interested in performing the required services for any of the above projects are invited to submit proposals. Responses are encouraged by small engineering firms, socially/economically restricted businesses, and other engineering firms which have not previously performed work for the Department of Environmental Protection.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania strongly encourages the submission of proposals by SERBs. To achieve the objective of enhancing SERB participation, the Commonwealth has established SERB utilization as a selection criteria in the evaluation process.
The Bureau of Contract Administration and Business Development (BCABD) will evaluate the aforementioned criteria and will assign a point value to be considered within the overall total point tabulation.
Proposals submitted by individuals claiming SERB status or proposals submitted by individuals reflecting joint venture and subcontracting opportunities with SERBs must submit documentation verifying their claim.
SERBs are businesses whose economic growth and development has been restricted based on social and economic bias. Such businesses are BCABD certified minority and women owned businesses and certain restricted businesses whose development has been impeded because their primary or headquarters facility is physically located in an area designated by the Commonwealth as being in an enterprise zone. Businesses will not be considered socially/economically restricted if one of the conditions listed below exists:
1. The business has gross revenues exceeding $4,000,000 annually.
2. The concentration of an industry is such that more than 50% of the market is controlled by the same type of SERB (Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)/Women Business Enterprise (WBE)) or businesses within designated enterprise zones.
Proposers not considered to be socially/economically restricted businesses seeking to identify such businesses for joint venture and subcontracting opportunities are encouraged to contact: Department of General Services, Bureau of Contract Administration and Business Development, Room 502, North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17125, telephone (717) 787-7380.
SERBs are encouraged to participate as prime proposers. SERBs qualifying as an MBE/WBE must provide their BCABD certification number. SERBs qualifying as a result of being located in a designated enterprise zone must provide proof of this status.
Proposers not considered to be SERBs must describe, in a narrative form, their company's approach to enhance SERB utilization on a professional level in the implementation of this proposal.
The following options will be considered as part of the final criteria for selection:
Priority Rank 1. Proposals submitted by SERBs.
Priority Rank 2. Proposals submitted from a joint venture with a Commonwealth approved SERB as a joint venture partner.
Priority Rank 3. Proposals submitted with subcontracting commitments to SERBs.
Each proposal will be rated for its approach to enhancing the utilization of SERB. The optional approach used will be evaluated with option number 1 receiving the greatest value and the succeeding options receiving a value in accordance with the above-listed priority ranking.
The dollar value designated for SERB Commitment should be placed in a separate sealed envelope and stapled to the SERB section of the proposal. Contractor proposals should also include the SERB value in the Cost and Price Analysis section of the proposal. The applicable items shown in the Cost and Price Analysis section should also be used to prepare and detail the proposed SERB Commitment value including, if applicable, fiscal year breakdown. The selected contractor's SERB Commitment amount will be included as a contractual obligation when a contract is entered into.
Each proposal must include the firm's Federal identification number and the project reference number. Length of contract will be October 1, 1996 to December 31, 1997 with a renewal option of 1 additional year. All proposals will be subject to review by a Technical Review Committee.
The engineering and/or surveying firm shall have the capability of providing survey crews of either two or three persons when requested by the Department. Survey crews shall report to project sites within 7 days of notification by the Department. Firms will be responsible for providing their own survey instruments such as: transits, levels, electronic distance measuring devices, and all necessary support equipment. Also, all materials such as stakes, markers, field books, and the like shall be furnished by the selected firm.
All field notes shall be neatly and legibly recorded in standard survey field books. All notes shall be reduced appropriately prior to the books being turned over to the Department.
Prospctive firms should submit a brief statement of previous survey work including the experience of the individual survey crew members. Also, submit a list of your current project schedule or workload with estimated manhours and completion dates for each job. Headquarters locations of your survey crews (where travel time begins) by Municipality and County should be included with your proposal.
In addition to the proposal, a single sealed copy of the hourly rate schedule shall be submitted. The schedule shall include a rate per hour for a two-person survey crew fully equipped; a rate per hour for a three-person survey crew fully equipped; a rate per hour for an office technician to reduce field notes; a rate per hour for a draftsman to draw contour plans; and a rate per hour for a crew chief to meet at project sites with Department engineers to discuss the actual work required. Such copy shall be in a sealed envelope clearly identified as to its contents. The contents of this envelope will be opened after the Technical Review Committee submits its report to the Director, Bureau of Flood Protection Projects.
Travel and subsistence payment will be in accordance with the Commonwealth's Travel and Subsistence Reimbursement Rules and Regulations, as amended.
The following factors will be considered during evaluation of the firm's proposal. Maximum weights for each major criterion have been established by the Department. The subparagraphs shown below are for the guidance of the readers only and are not to be assigned quantitative weight.
A. Specialized experience and technical competence of firm.
B. Past record of performance with respect to cost control, work quality, and ability to meet schedules.
C. The specific experience of individuals who will be assigned to the project.
D. Current workload and capacity of firm to perform the work within the time limitations.
E. Socially/Economically Restricted Business Participation as outlined in Paragraph 3.10 of Commonwealth Management Manual M215.1.
F. Costs of surveying services.
Each proposer shall relate their proposal to the above criteria.
Three copies of the Proposal and a single sealed copy of the hourly rate schedule must be deposited in the Department of Environmental Protection; Attn. Larry E. Oliver, Acting Director, Bureau of Flood Protection Projects; Room 116, Executive House; 101 S. Second Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-2513; prior to 12 noon on Monday, September 9, 1996. Firms may submit proposals for both areas, Eastern and Western Pennsylvania. If a firm is selected for one area it will not be selected for the other area. The assignment and services will be made to one of the firms responding to this notice. However, the Department reserves the right to reject all Proposals submitted, cancel the solicitation requested under this notice and/or re-advertise solicitation for this service.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1382. Filed for public inspection August 23, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]