AND NATURAL RESOURCESProposed Exchange of Lands [38 Pa.B. 4637]
[Saturday, August 23, 2008]The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (Department), acting through the Bureau of State Parks (Bureau) and Moraine Preservation Fund (Fund) are proposing to negotiate an exchange of property interests in Clay Township, Butler County, PA.
The Fund will convey 5.14 acres in Clay Township known as parcel number 2F-108-A16. In return, the Bureau proposes to convey to the Fund 0.95 acre in Clay Township being part of parcel number 2F-108-A5M. Both parcels are bordering Mahood Road. In total, the Commonwealth will add 4.19 acres to Moraine State Park.
As is the policy of the Department, the public is notified of this exchange. A 30-day period for public inquiry and/or comment will be in effect commencing August 23, 2008, and ending September 22, 2008. Oral or written comments or questions concerning this proposed exchange may be addressed to John Norbeck, Director of State Parks, Bureau of State Parks, P. O. Box 8551, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8551, (717) 787-6640. A public informational meeting concerning the proposed land exchange will take place at the park office building of Moraine State Park on Tuesday, September 9th at 10 a.m. All oral and/or written comments will become part of the official document used in the final decision process. Written documents are also available regarding the proposed land exchange by request.
If, in the duration of the 30-day comment period, a significant amount of public concern develops, the Secretary of the Department may schedule a public informational meeting.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 08-1529. Filed for public inspection August 22, 2008, 9:00 a.m.]