1361 Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project; public notice  

  • Pennsylvania Wetland Replacement Project; Public Notice

    [27 Pa.B. 4396]

    Howard Wetland Restoration

       O 20A43-001--The project will consist of constructing a berm 1,300 feet long to restore approximately 10 acres of previously drained wetlands. The drainage area is 32 acres in size and no emergency spillway will be constructed since the 25 year storm event will be contained within the impoundment area. Approximately 3 acres will be open water greater than 18 inches in depth with another 3 acres consisting of shallow water emergent wetland with depths of less than 18 inches and an estimated 4 acres of saturated ground consisting of emergent and scrub/shrub species. Several islands, deep water channels, and submerged islands will be created to enhance diversity in the wetland area. No plantings will be used since the site is prior converted and wetland species are close in proximity and volunteer recruitment should be high. Total project costs are estimated at $16,000.

    Tarutis Wetland Restoration

       D 02A45-002--The site is located along Stony Hollow Road in Tunkhannock Township, Monroe County. The wetland area is located in the Tunkhannock Creek watershed. The area to be restored is part of a PSS/PEM peatland system. The site is bordered by Interstate 80, Stony Hollow Road and Tarutis's driveway and house. The restoration involves the removal of approximately .44 acre of old fill that was placed into the wetland 15+/years ago. The fill averages about 3 feet in depth and is composed, from surface observation, of concrete rubble, construction debris, tree stumps and clean fill. The restoration is not intended to create a pond, but some open water is expected because of the nature of the site. Natural re-vegetation is expected to take place over time. No plantings are proposed. The work is expected to take 3 days at a cost of $7,930.

       The environmental benefit of the project is to start the restoration of .44 acre of peatland. Peatlands are unique aquatic sites because of their complex ecology and ability to attract unique flora and fauna. Peatlands typically take thousands of years to develop, thus any opportunity to restore this unique habitat should be pursued because they cannot be replaced.

    Dennis LeVan--Locust Township, Columbia County

       S 05E19-002--The primary goal of the LeVan wetland restoration project is to provide waterfowl and wading bird habitat using shallow water and emergent areas for food. Restoration on this prior converted cropland, dominated by timothy and alfalfa will provide 1.7 acres of wetland habitat in the Upper Central Susquehanna Subbasin. The restoration will include blocking existing field drains that were installed to divert water from spring seeps throughout the project area. The spring seep, in combination with surface water, will characterize this area as restoration of a slope wetland and will provide floodwater storage and will provide water quality improvement by trapping sediment and nutrients from upstream agricultural operations. Upon completion, 80% of the site will have standing water between 3 and 18 inches in depth. The remaining 20% will be greater than 18 inches next to the berm. As a component of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, the restoration area will be seeded and stabilized. The site will stand for 1 year before determining what planting will be required.

       For further information contact the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality Protection, Division of Waterways, Wetlands and Erosion Control, 400 Market Street, 6th Floor, P. O. Box 8554, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8554, (717) 787-6827.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1361. Filed for public inspection August 22, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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