1359 Availability of final general plan approval and general operating permit for portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants; BAQ-PCPA/GP-3  

  • Availability of Final General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit for Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants; BAQ-PGPA/GP-3

    [27 Pa.B. 4389]

       The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) finalized the General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit No. BAQ-PGPA/GP-3 for portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants. Notice regarding the availability of the draft general permit was published at 27 Pa.B. 2479 (May 17, 1997).

       Although a 45-day comment period was provided, no comments were received. However, on June 9, 1997, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized revisions to the 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOO Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants. The general permit was revised in accordance with the amendments to Subpart OOO. These revisions were reviewed by the Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association who had partnered with the Department in the development of the Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing General Permit. The general permit is now available for use by qualifying applicants. Copies of the final general permit BAQ-PGPA/GP-3 and an application form may be obtained by contacting Kimberly Maneval, Bureau of Air Quality, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P. O. Box 8468, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8468, (717) 787-4325.

       The documents have also been placed on the Department's World Wide Web site on the Internet which can be accessed at http://www.dep.state.pa.us, select Bureau of Air Quality, then Division of Permits.

       1.  Statutory Authority and General Description--In accordance with section 6.1(g) of the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P. S. § 4006.1) and 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.514 and 127.631, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) hereby issues this general plan approval and general operating permit for portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants (hereinafter referred to as Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit).

       2.  Applicability/Source Coverage Limitations--Approval herein granted under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit is limited to the erection, operation and modification of portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants: a) temporarily (no longer than 24 months) located at construction sites; b) sites for which the applicant is in possession of valid mining permits; and/or, c) for periods less than 5 years at sites previously granted air quality permits for the operation of a nonmetallic mineral processing plant. Nonmetallic mineral processing plants, as defined in 40 CFR 60.670 and 60.671, are designed to process nonmetallic minerals, and consist of affected units like crushers, grinders, screening operations, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, storage bins, bagging operations and enclosed truck and rail car loading stations. Nonmetallic mineral means any of the following minerals or any mixture of which the majority is any of the following minerals:

       a.  Crushed and broken stone, including limestone, dolomite, granite, traprock, sandstone, quartz, quartzite, marl, marble, shale, oil shale and shell.

       b.  Sand and gravel.

       c.  Clay including kaolin, fireclay, bentonite, Fuller's earth, ball clay and common clay.

       d.  Rock salt.

       e.  Gypsum.

       f.  Sodium compounds, including sodium carbonate, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate.

       g.  Pumice.

       h.  Gilsonite.

       i.  Talc and pyrophyllite.

       j.  Boron, including borax, kernite and colemanite.

       k.  Barite.

       l.  Flourospar.

       m.  Feldspar.

       n.  Diatomite.

       o.  Perlite.

       p.  Vermiculite.

       q.  Mica.

       r.  Kyanite, including andalusite, sillimanite, topaz and dumortierite.

       Nonmetallic minerals do not include coals of any type.

       3.  Application for Use--Any person proposing to operate or construct under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit shall notify the Department using the Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit Application provided by the Department and shall receive prior written approval from the Department as required under 25 Pa. Code § 127.641 (relating to application for use of general plan approvals and general operating permits for portable sources). The Department will take action on the application within 30 days of receipt.

       4.  Compliance--Any portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant operating under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit must comply with the terms and conditions of the general permit. The portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant and any associated air cleaning devices shall be:

       a.  Operated in such a manner as not to cause air pollution.

       b.  Operated and maintained in a manner consistent with good operating and maintenance practices.

       c.  Operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the applicable terms and conditions of this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit.

       5.  Permit Modification, Suspension and Revocation--This Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit may be modified, suspended, or revoked if the Department determines that affected nonmetallic mineral processing plants cannot be regulated under this general permit, or the permittee fails to comply with applicable terms and conditions of the Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit.

       The approval herein granted to operate a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant shall be suspended, if, at any time, the permittee causes, permits or allows any modification (as defined in 25 Pa. Code § 121.1) of the portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant and any associated air pollution control device covered by this general permit, in a way that is not in accordance with this general permit. Upon suspension of the general permit, the permittee may not continue to operate or use said nonmetallic mineral processing plant. If warranted, the Department will require that the nonmetallic mineral processing plant be permitted under the State operating permit or Title V operating permit requirements in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, if applicable.

       6.  Application and Notice Requirements--The permittee shall comply with applicable requirements established in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter H (relating to general plan approvals and operating permits). The applications and notifications required by 25 Pa. Code §§ 127.621 and 127.641 shall be sent to the appropriate Regional Office responsible for issuing general permits in the county in which the portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant is, or is to be, located.

       This Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit may be used for the erection, operation and modification of portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants temporarily (no longer than 24 months) located at construction sites. In advance to each change in location the permittee shall, in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 127.641, notify both the Department and the municipality where the operation will take place. The notice to the Department shall be accompanied by the fee required by Condition 10.b.

       7.  Sampling and Testing--If, at any time, the Department has cause to believe that air contaminant emissions from a nonmetallic mineral processing plant covered by this general permit are in excess of the limitations specified in, or established under, any applicable regulation contained in 25 Pa. Code, Subpart C, Article III, the permittee shall conduct tests deemed necessary by the Department to determine the actual emission rate.

       The permittee shall perform such testing in accordance with applicable provisions of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 139 (relating to sampling and testing) and in accordance with any restrictions or limitations established by the Department at the time the permittee is notified, in writing, of the testing requirement.

       8.  Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting--The permittee shall comply with applicable monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements set forth in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 139 (relating to sampling and testing, the Air Pollution Control Act, the Clean Air Act, or the regulations thereunder applicable to the source) and 40 CFR 60.674 and 60.676.

       Records under this general permit shall be kept for a period of 5 years and shall be made available to the Department upon its request.

       9.  Term of Permit--Authority to operate under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit shall be granted for a fixed period of 5 years.

       10.  Permit Fees--

       a.  This Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit establishes the following application and permit renewal fees:

       i.  Seven hundred fifty dollars during the 1997-1999 calendar years.

       ii.  Eight hundred fifty dollars during the 2000-2004 calendar years.

       iii.  One thousand dollars beginning in 2005.

       b.  The following additional fees are applicable each time a change in location occurs:

       i.  Two hundred fifty dollars during the 1997-1999 calendar years.

       ii.  Three hundred dollars during the 2000-2004 calendar years.

       iii.  Three hundred seventy five dollars beginning in the 2005 calendar year.

       11.  Expiration and Renewal of Permit--The permittee's right to operate under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit terminates on the date of expiration of this permit unless a timely and complete renewal application is submitted to the Department 30 days prior to the expiration of the permittee's authorization to operate under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit.

       Upon receipt of a complete and timely application for renewal, the nonmetallic mineral processing plant may continue to operate subject to final action by the Department on the renewal application. This protection shall cease to exist if, subsequent to a completeness determination, the applicant fails to submit by the deadline specified in writing by the Department any additional information required by the Department to process the renewal application.

       Application for renewal of this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit shall be made on the same forms described in Condition 3, and include the appropriate renewal fee listed in Condition 10.a. At a minimum, the permit renewal fee shall be submitted to the Department at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit.

       12.  Applicable Laws--Nothing in this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit relieves the permittee from its obligation to comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations.

       13.  Prohibited Use--Any stationary air contamination source that is subject to the requirements of 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter D (relating to prevention of significant deterioration), 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter E (relating to new source review), and 25 Pa. Code Chapter 127, Subchapter G (relating to Title V operating permits), may not operate portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants under this Portable Nonmetallic Processing Plant General Permit.

       14.  Transfer of Ownership or Operation--The permittee may not transfer the Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit except as provided in 25 Pa. Code § 127.464 (relating to transfer of operating permits).

       15.  Regulatory Conflicts--Whenever a conflict occurs between this general plan approval and operating permit and any of the following regulations, the permittee shall, in all cases, meet the more stringent requirement:

       a.  25 Pa. Code 123.1, 123.2, 123.13(c) and 123.41.

       b.  40 CFR 60, Subpart OOO.

       16.  Limitations--The operation of a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant shall not at any time result in the emission of:

       a.  Fugitive air contaminants in excess of the limitations specified in 25 Pa. Code §§ 123.1 and 123.2 All reasonable actions shall be taken to prevent particulate matter from becoming airborne. These actions include, but are not limited to, the following:

       i.  Proper installation of a water spray dust suppression system and operation in accordance with Condition 17 or proper design, installation and operation of a fabric collector.

       ii.  Application of asphalt, water or suitable chemicals on dirt roads, material stockpiles and other surfaces which may give rise to airborne dusts.

       iii.  Paving and maintenance of plant roadways.

       iv.  Prompt removal of earth or other material from paved streets onto which earth or other other material has been transported by trucking or earth moving equipment, erosions by water or other means.

       b.  Particulate matter emissions from air pollution control devices in excess of 0.04 gr/dscf as specified in 25 Pa. Code § 123.13(c).

       c.  Visible emissions from air pollution control devices in excess of the following limitations:

       i.  Equal to or greater than 20% for a period or periods aggregating more than 3 minutes in any 1 hour.

       ii.  Equal to or greater than 60% at any time.

       17.  Air Pollution Control Device Specifications--

       a.  Water Spray Dust Suppression Systems. Water spray dust suppression systems on portable nonmetallic mineral processing plants shall be operated on any and all occasions that the respective plant is operated, except in those unusual instances where processed materials contain sufficient moisture such that operation of the plant without the simultaneous operation of the water spray dust suppression system can take place without creating air contaminant emissions in excess of the limitations and standards of this general permit. If, however, the water spray dust suppression system is incapable of operation due to weather conditions or any other reason the plant may not operate at all.

       b.  Fabric Collectors. Fabric collectors shall be equipped with pressure drop instrumentation and operated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Compressed air sources for fabric collectors shall be equipped and operated with air dryers and oil traps.

       18.  Maintenance--

       a.  The permittee shall keep on hand a sufficient quantity of spare fabric collector bags for any fabric collector associated with a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant in order to be able to immediately replace any bags requiring replacement due to deterioration resulting from routine operation of the plant.

       b.  The permittee shall keep on hand such equipment and materials as are necessary to take reasonable action (including but not necessarily limited to the application of water, oil or chemicals) to prevent fugitive particulate matter resulting from the use of any roadways and/or material stockpiling operations associated with the plant from becoming airborne and shall be used, as necessary, to prevent such fugitive particulate matter from becoming airborne.

       c.  The storage and handling of any material collected in any air cleaning device associated with the plant shall not at any time result in the emission of fugitive air contaminants in excess of the limitations specified in 25 Pa. Code § 123.1(a).

       19.  Malfunctions--The permittee shall immediately notify the Department of any malfunction of plant equipment or associated air cleaning devices which result in, or may possibly be resulting in the emission of air contaminants in excess of any applicable limitation.

       20.  Portable nonmetallic mineral processing equipment manufactured and commenced construction, reconstruction or modification on or after August 31, 1983--Conditions 21 through 25 detail requirements of the Federal New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO) and are applicable to all portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant equipment manufactured and commencing construction, reconstruction or modification on or after August 31, 1983.

       21.  Standard for particulate matter--

       a.  The operation of a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any other affected facility any stack emissions which:

       i.  Contain particulate matter in excess of 0.05 g/dscm (0.022 gr/dscf); and

       ii.  Exhibit greater than 7% opacity, unless the stack emissions are discharged, from an affected facility using a wet scrubber control device. Facilities using a wet scrubber must comply with the reporting provisions Condition 23.c., d. and e.

       b.  On and after the sixtieth day after achieving the maximum production rate at which the processing plant will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup as required under 40 CFR 60.11, the operation of nonmetallic mineral processing equipment shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any transfer point on belt conveyors or from any other affected facility any fugitive emissions which exhibit greater than 10% opacity, except as provided in Condition 21.c. or d.

       c.  On and after the sixtieth day after achieving the maximum production rate at which the processing equipment will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup as required under 40 CFR 60.11, the operation of a nonmetallic mineral processing plant shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any crusher, at which a capture system is not used, fugutive emissions which exhibit greater than 15% opacity.

       d.  If any transfer point on a conveyor belt or any affected facility is enclosed in a building, then each enclosed affected facility must comply with the emission limits in Paragraphs 21.a., b. and c. or the building enclosing the affected facility or facilities must comply with the following limits:

       i.  Operation of nonmetallic mineral processing equipment shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any building enclosing any other affected emissions unit any visible fugitive emissions except from a vent.

       ii.  Operation of nonmetallic mineral processing equipment shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any building enclosing any transfer point on a conveyor belt or any other affected facility emissions which exceed the stack emissions limits in Paragraph 21.a.

       e.  On and after the sixtieth day after achieving the maximum production rate at which the processing plant will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup as required under 40 CFR 60.11, the operation of nonmetallic mineral processing equipment shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any baghouse that controls emissions from only an individual, enclosed storage bin, stack emissions which exhibit greater than 7% opacity.

       f.  The operation of multiple storage bins with combined stack emissions shall comply with the emission limits in paragraph a.i. and a.ii. of this condition.

       g.  On and after the sixtieth day after achieving the maximum production rate at which the processing plant will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup, the operation of nonmetallic mineral procesing equipment shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from:

       i.  Wet screening operations and subsequent screening operations, bucket elevators, and belt conveyors that process saturated material in the production line up to the next crusher, grinding mill or storage bin.

       ii.  Screening operations, bucket elevators and belt conveyors in the production line downstream of wet mining operations, where such screening operation, bucket elevator and belt conveyors process saturated materials up to the first crusher, grinding mill or storage bin in the production line.

       22.  Monitoring--Any permittee which uses a wet scrubber to control emissions shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate the following monitoring devices:

       a.  A device for the continuous measurement of the pressure loss of the gas stream through the scrubber. The monitoring device must be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within +1 inch water gauge pressure and must be calibrated on an annual basis in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

       b.  A device for the continuous measurement of the scribbing liquid flow rate to the web scrubber. The monitoring device must be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within +5% of design scrubbing liquid flow rate and must be calibrated on an annual basis in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

       23.  Test Methods and Procedures--

       a.  In conducting the performance tests required by 40 CFR 60.8, the permittee shall use as reference methods and procedures the test methods in Appendix A of 40 CFR Part 60 or other methods and procedures as approved by the Department or the EPA. Acceptable alternative methods and procedures are given in Paragraph (e) of this condition.

       b.  Compliance with the particulate matter standards in Condition 21.a. shall be conducted as follows:

       i.  Method 5 or Method 17 shall be used to determine the particulate matter concentration. The sample volume shall be at least 1.70 dscm (60 dscf). For Method 5, if the gas stream being sampled is at ambient temperature, the sampling probe and filter may be operated without heaters. If the gas stream is above ambient temperature, the sampling probe and filter may be operated at a temperature high enough, but no higher than 121°C (250°F), to prevent water consendation on the filter.

       ii.  Method 9 and the procedures in 40 CFR 60.11 shall be used to determine opacity.

       c.  In determining compliance with the particulate matter standards in Condition 21.b. and c., the permittee shall use Method 9 and the procedures in 40 CFR 60.11, with the following additions:

       i.  The minimum distance between the observer and the emission source shall be 4.57 meters (15 feet).

       ii.  In determining compliance with the opacity of stack emissions from any baghouse that controls emissions only from an individual enclosed storage bin under Condition 21.e., using Method 9, the duration of the Method 9 observations shall be 1 hour (ten 6-minute averages).

       iii.  When determining compliance with the fugitive emissions standard described in Condition 21.b., the duration of the Method 9 observations may be reduced from 3 hours (thirty 6-minute averages) to 1 hour (ten 6-minute averages) only if the following conditions apply:

       a)  There are no individual readings greater than 10% opacity; and

       b)  There are no more than 3 readings of 10% for the 1-hour period.

       iv.  When determining compliance with the fugitive emissions standard for any crusher at which a capture system is not used as described under Condition 21.c., the duration of the Method 9 observations may be reduced from 3 hours (thirty 6-minute averages) to 1 hour (ten 6-minute averages) only if the following conditions apply:

       a)  There are no individual readings greater than 15% opacity; and

       b)  There are no more than 3 readings of 15% for the 1-hour period.

       d.  In determining compliance with Condition 21.d., the permittee shall use Method 22 to determine fugitive emissions. The performance test shall be conducted while all affected facilities inside the building are opeating. The performance test for each building shall be at least 75 minutes in duration, with each side of the building and the roof being observed for at least 15 minutes.

       e.  The permittee may use the following as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in this section:

       i.  For the method and procedures of Paragraph (c) of this condition, if emissions from two or more facilities continuously interfere so that the opacity of fugitive emissions from an individual affected facility cannot be read, either of the following procedures may be used:

       a)  Use for the combined emission stream the highest fugitive opacity standard applicable to any of the individual affected facilities contributing to the emissions stream.

       b)  Separate the emissions so that the opacity of emissions from each affected facility can be read.

       f.  To comply with Condition 24.d., the permittee shall record the measurements as required in Condition 24.c. using the monitoring devices in Condition 22.a. and b. during each particulate matter run and shall determine the averages.

       g.  If, after 30 days notice for an individual scheduled performance test, there is a delay (due to operational problems, and the like) in conducting any rescheduled performance test required by this condition, the permittee shall submit a notice to the Department and the EPA at least 7 days prior to any rescheduled performance test.

       h.  Initial Method 9 performance tests under 40 CFR 60.11 and Condition 21. of this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit are not required for:

       i.  Wet screening operations and subsequent screening operations, bucket elevators and belt conveyors that process saturated material in the production line up to, but not including the next crusher, grinding mill or storage bin.

       ii.  Screening operations, bucket elevators and belt conveyors in the production line downstream of wet mining operations, that process saturated materials up to the first crusher, grinding mill or storage bin in the production line.

       i.  On and after the sixtieth day after achieving the maximum production rate at which processing equipment will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup the permittee shall conduct the tests required under 40 CFR 60.11.

       24.  Reporting and Recordkeeping--

       a.  This general permit allows the replacement of existing equipment with equipment of equal or smaller size and having the same function as defined in 40 CFR 60.671. Each permittee shall submit the following information about the existing unit being replaced and the replacement piece of equipment.

       i.  For a crusher, grinding mill, bucket elevator, bagging operation or enclosed truck or railcar loading station:

       a)  The rated capacity in tons per hour of the existing equipment being replaced; and,

       b)  The rated capacity in tons per hour of the replacement equipment.

       ii.  For a screening operation:

       a)  The total surface area of the top screen of the existing screening operation being replaced; and,

       b)  The total surface area of the top screen of the replacement screening operation.

       iii.  For a conveyor belt:

       a)  The width of the existing belt being replaced; and,

       b)  The width of the replacement conveyor belt.

       iv.  For a storage bin:

       a)  The rated capacity in tons of the existing storage bin being replaced; and,

       b)  The rated capacity in tons of replacement storage bins.

       b.  Each permittee shall also submit the following data to the Director of the Emissions Standards and Engineering Division (MD-13), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.

       i.  The information described in Condition 24.a.

       ii.  A description of the control device used to reduce particulate matter emissions from the existing facility and a list of all other pieces of equipment controlled by the same control device; and,

       iii.  The estimated age of the existing facility.

       c.  During the initial performance test of a web scrubber, and daily thereafter, the permittee shall record the measurements of both the change in pressure of the gas stream across the scrubber and the scrubbing liquid flow rate.

       d.  After the initial performance test of a wet scrubber, the permittee shall submit semiannual reports of such occurrences when the measurements of the scrubber pressure low (or gain) and liquid flow rate differ by more than +30% from the averaged determined during the most recent performance test.

       e.  The report required under Paragraph d. shall be postmarked within 30 days following end of the second and fourth calendar quarters.

       f.  The permittee shall submit written reports of the results of all performance tests conducted to demonstrate compliance with the standards set forth in Condition 21, including reports of opacity observations made using Method 9 to demonstrate compliance with Condition 21.b., c. and e. and reports of observations using Method 22 to demonstrate compliance with Condition 21.d.

       g.  A permittee who operates any screening operations, bucket elevator or belt conveyor that processes saturated material and is subject to Condition 21.g. and subsequently processes unsaturated materials, shall submit a report of this change within 30 days following the change. This screening operation, bucket elevator or belt conveyor is then subject to the 10% opacity limit in Condition 21.b. and the emission test requirements of 40 CFR 60.11. Likewise, a screening operation, bucket elevator or belt conveyor that processes unsaturated material but subsequently processes saturated material shall submit a report of this change within 30 days following the change. This screening operation, bucket elevator or belt conveyor is then subject to the no visible emission limit in Condition 21.g.

       h.  The 40 CFR 60.7(a)(2) requirement for notification of the anticipated date of initial startup of portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant equipment shall be waived for a permittee operating under this Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit.

       i.  A notification of the actual date of initial startup of each affected facility shall be submitted to the Department and the EPA.

       i.  For a combination of affected facilities in a production line that begin actual initial startup on the same day, a single notification of start may be submitted by the permittee to the Department and the EPA. The notification shall be postmarked within 15 days after the date and shall include a description of each affected facility, equipment manufacturer and serial number of the equipment, if available.

       ii.  The notification of the actual date of initial startup shall include both the home office and the current address or locaton of the portable plant.

       25.  Under the Federal New Source Performance Standards, the permittee shall submit copies of all requests, reports, applications, submittals and other communications to both the EPA and the appropriate Regional Office of the Department. The EPA copies shall be forwarded to Director Air, Toxics and Radiation Division, U. S. EPA, Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, PA 19107.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   


    Application for General Plan Approval and General Operating Permit

    General Permit BAQ-GPA/GP-3; Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant

    1.  Owner of Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant:

    2.  Location

    3.  Person to contact regarding this application (name and title):

    4.  Telephone No.:

    5.  Mailing address:

    6.  Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant consists of the following units (Use extra page for additional units):

    CrusherGrinderScreenConveyorsBucket elevators
    No. of units:
    Model No.:
    Date Installed:
    Date of Manufacture:
    Capacity (tons/hr):
    7.  Diesel generator usedYes  [  ]No  [  ]
    8.  Fuel usage meteredYes  [  ]No  [  ]


       I certify that, subject to 18 Pa.C.S.A. Section 4904 and 35 P. S. Section 4009(b) that I am the official having primary responsibility for the design and operation of the facilities to which this application applies and the information provided in this application is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry. I further certify that the facility will be operating in conformity with all limitations and conditions of the Portable Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plant General Permit.


      Signature  Date
      Printed Name


       1.  Any portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant proposing to operate under the general plan approval and operating permit (BAQ-GPA/GP-3), must comply with the terms and conditions specified therein. Failure to conform with the applicable laws, rules and regulations and terms and conditions of this permit, for any reason, is grounds for the revocation or suspension of the permittee's approval to operate under this permit.

       2.  BAQ-GPA/GP-3 cannot be used to cover the installation of a portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant where the emission increases from the installation of the new plant and other emission increases that have occurred would subject the facility to prevention of significant deterioration (25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 Subchapter D) or New Source Review (25 Pa. Code Chapter 127 Subchapter E) requirements. Guidance in this regard may be obtained by contacting the Department.

       3.  Use of BAQ-GPA/GP-3 is only limited to portable nonmeatllic mineral processing plant as defined in 40 CFR 60.672.

       4.  An applicant for BAQ-GPA/GP-3 must fulfill the requirements regarding the filing of compliance review forms according to the regulations (25 Pa. Code § 127.412).

       5.  BAQ-GPA/GP-3 is issued for a term of 5 years. The application fee is $750. An application for renewal with a renewal fee of $750 is to be submitted 30 days prior to expiration of the permit. An additional plan approval application fee is required each time the portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant is moved to a new location.

       6.  The application and fees are to be submitted to the respective Regional Office indicated.


    Thomas McGinley, Engineering Service Chief
    Lee Park--Suite 6010
    555 North Lane
    Conshohocken, PA 19428
    Telephone: (610) 832-6241

    Counties: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery.


    James Parette, Engineering Service Chief
    Two Public Square
    Wilkes Barre, PA 18711-0790
    Telephone (717) 826-2531

    Counties: Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Wayne, Wyoming.


    Ron Davis, Engineering Service Chief
    One Ararat Boulevard
    Harrisburg, PA 17110
    Telephone: (717) 657-4587

    Counties: Adams, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry, York.


    Richard Maxwell, Engineering Service Chief
    208 West 3rd Street, Suite 101
    Williamsport, PA 17701-6448
    Telephone: (717) 327-3637

    Counties: Bedford, Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga, Union.


    William Charlton, Engineering Service Chief
    400 Waterfront Drive
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745
    Telephone: (412) 442-4174

    Counties: Armstrong, Beaver, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Washington, Westmoreland.


    Devendra Verma, Engineering Service Chief
    230 Chestnut Street
    Meadville, PA 16335-3481
    Telephone: (814) 332-6940

    Counties: Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Venango, Warren.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1359. Filed for public inspection August 22, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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