1234 Expiration of leases  


    Expiration of Leases

    [27 Pa.B. 3967]

       The following Liquor Control Board leases will expire:

    Bradford County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe # 0801, 150 Desmond Street, Sayre, PA 18840-2002.

    Lease Expiration Date:  May 31, 1998.

    Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Proposals are invited to provide the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board with approximately 3,000 useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space within the following communities:  Sayre Borough, South Waverly Borough, Athens Borough and Athens Township.

    Proposals due:  August 22, 1997 at 12 noon

    Department: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
    Location: Bureau of Real Estate, Brandywine Plaza, 2223 Paxton Church Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9661
    Contact: Charles D. Mooney, (717) 657-4228

    Dauphin County, Wine and Spirits Shoppe # 2203, 1248 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103-2226

    Lease Expiration Date:  June 30, 1998

    Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Proposals are invited to provide the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board with approximately 2,000 to 2,600 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space within the eastern section of Harrisburg City between Herr Street to the north, I-83 to the south, Cameron Street to the wst, and 17th Street to the east.

    Proposals due:  August 22, 1997 at 12 noon

    Department: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
    Location: Bureau of Real Estate, Brandywine Plaza, 2223 Paxton Church Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9661
    Contact: Charles D. Mooney, (717) 657-4228

    Fulton County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe # 2901, 106 Lincoln Way West, McConnellsburg, PA 17233-1303

    Lease Expiration Date:  July 31, 1998

    Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Proposals are invited to provide the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board with approximately 1,250 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space within the vicinity of McConnellsburg Borough.

    Proposals due:  August 22, 1997 at 12 noon

    Department: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
    Location: Bureau of Real Estate, Brandywine Plaza, 2223 Paxton Church Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9661
    Contact: Charles D. Mooney, (717) 657-4228

    Monroe County, Wine & Spirits Shoppe # 4509, Fountain Court, Route 611, Tannersville, PA 18372-0355

    Lease Expiration Date:  July 31, 1998

    Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Proposals are invited to provide the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board with approximately 3,500 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space within Pocono Township.

    Proposals due:  August 22, 1997 at 12 noon

    Department: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
    Location: Bureau of Real Estate, Brandywine Plaza, 2223 Paxton Church Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9661
    Contact: Charles D. Mooney, (717) 657-4228

    Northumberland County, Wine and Spirits Shoppe # 4903, 602 Market Street, Sunbury, PA 17801-2340.

    Lease Expiration Date:  August 31, 1998.

    Lease retail commercial space to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Proposals are invited to provide the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board with approximately 2,800 to 3,200 net useable square feet of new or existing retail commercial space within the City of Sunbury.

    Proposals due:  September 5, 1997 at 12 noon.

    Department: Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
    Location: Bureau of Real Estate, Brandywine Plaza, 2223 Paxton Church Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9661
    Contact: Ronald Hancher, (717) 657-4228

    JOHN E. JONES, III,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1234. Filed for public inspection August 1, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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