1206 21st Century Environment Commission  



    [4 PA. CODE CH. 7]

    [EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 1997-4]

    [27 Pa.B. 3784]

    21st Century Environment Commission

    July 1, 1997

       Whereas, the 21st Century presents us with exciting new opportunities and challenges in protecting and enhancing our environment, built on a 25-year foundation of environmental stewardship; and

       Whereas, Article I, Section 27 of Pennsylvania's Constitution states ''The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustees of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefits of all people''; and

       Whereas, there has been significant improvement in the quality of Pennsylvania's environment, resulting in a decrease in the risk of disease and harm to public health and the environment since the first Earth Day in 1970; and

       Whereas, environmental science and engineering have made important advances in understanding the relationship between pollution and potential harm to the environment and public health; and

       Whereas, there is a recognition that the role of government in promoting environmental improvement must change to one of preventing pollution, promoting community participation, educating all segments of the public and encouraging continuous improvement and innovation, if further progress is to be made; and

       Whereas, there is a new emphasis on providing more effective public participation in permit decisions and the development of environmental policies, regulations, and legislation; and

       Whereas, the revolution in the collection, analysis, and presentation of information gathered as part of environmental programs is providing greater opportunities for setting scientifically valid environmental priorities, determining the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, and providing the public with greater access to information; and

       Whereas, there is a growing recognition that environmental problems and conflicts are related increasingly to the pattern of land use and economic and social development; and

       Whereas, State and local governments now shoulder most of the responsibility for implementing environmental protection programs, particularly those mandated by the Federal government;

       Now, Therefore, I, Thomas J. Ridge, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the laws of the Commonwealth, do hereby establish the 21st Century Environment Commission, as hereinafter set forth:

    Annex A






    7.663.Composition of the Commission.
    7.664.Terms of membership.
    7.667.Meetings and communication.
    7.668.Executive agencies.
    7.669.Termination date.

    § 7.661.  Mission.

       To recommend methods and policies to improve the environmental quality of this Commonwealth and measure the results, while allowing for enhanced economic and social progress.

    § 7.662.  Functions.

       The functions of the 21st Century Environment Commission are to:

       (1)  Recommend environmental priorities as the Commonwealth enters the next century guided by the principle of providing a better environment for future generations without inhibiting their ability to prosper.

       (2)  Propose strategies to meet the environmental priorities. Strategies should incorporate the most cost effective approaches founded in good science, considering all levels of government, institutions and the private sector, including proposed Legislative and regulatory changes.

       (3)  Propose evaluation criteria by which to measure progress toward the established environmental goals. Initiate an annual environmental report card using scientifically valid environmental indicators.

       (4)  Involve the citizens of this Commonwealth during the completion of the tasks in paragraphs (1)--(4).

    § 7.663.  Composition of the Commission.

       (a)  The Commission shall consist of no more than 40 members, including environmental, business, academic, elected officials, government and community leaders, who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Majority and Minority leaders of both chambers of the General Assembly shall each provide a list to the Governor of eight candidates and the Governor will appoint four members of the Commission one from each list.

       (b)  The Governor will designate two members to serve as co-chairpersons.

       (c)  Each Commissioner may designate a person to represent him on the Commission.

       (d)  Eleven of the members will serve ex officio. The ex officio members will be the Governor's Director of Policy, the Secretaries of Agriculture, Community and Economic Development, Conservation and Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, Health and Transportation, and four Legislative members.

    § 7.664.  Terms of membership.

       (a)  Members shall be appointed for terms commensurate with the life of this subchapter. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

       (b)  If a vacancy occurs on the Commission due to resignation, disability or death of a member, the Governor will appoint a successor as expeditiously as possible and the successor shall serve the duration of the unexpired term. A successor so appointed may thereafter be reappointed.

    § 7.665.  Compensation.

       Members of the Commission will not receive compensation for their service, except that the members may be reimbursed for actual travel and related expenses in accordance with Chapter 40 (relating to travel and subsistence).

    § 7.666.  Reports.

       The Commission will issue a final report which will be presented to the Governor on or before September 15, 1998, and will include environmental goals, recommended strategies for implementation and environmental indicators.

    § 7.667.  Meetings and communication.

       The Commissioners will meet on a regular basis during the life of the Commission. The Commission shall inform the public of the Commission's activities and solicit advice and direction by holding forums around this Commonwealth and through the use of the Internet. The Commission may appoint advisors or advisory committees, from within or outside the Commonwealth, as it deems necessary to accomplish its objective.

    § 7.668.  Executive agencies.

       Agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction shall cooperate with and provide assistance as needed by the Commission in performing its functions. The Commission will receive administrative services from the Department of Environmental Protection and will be served by an Executive Director employed by the Department of Environmental Protection.

    § 7.669.  Termination date.

       This subchapter will terminate on December 31, 1998, unless reestablished or sooner rescinded.


       Fiscal Note:  GOV 97-13. (1) General Fund; (2) Implementing Year 1997-98 is $100,000; (3) 1st Succeeding Year 1998-99 is $100,000; 2nd Succeeding Year 1999-00 is $n/a; 3rd Succeeding Year 2000-01 is $n/a; 4th Succeeding Year 2001-02 is $n/a; 5th Succeeding year 2002-03 is $n/a; (4) Fiscal Year 1996-97 $n/a; Fiscal year 1995-96 $n/a; Fiscal year 1995-95 $n/a; (7) General Government Operations; (8) recommends adoption.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1206. Filed for public inspection August 1, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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