1536 Documents filed but not published  


    Documents Filed But Not Published

    [31 Pa.B. 4612]

       The Legislative Reference Bureau (Bureau) accepted the following documents during the preceding calendar month for filing without publication under 1 Pa. Code § 3.13(b) (relating to contents of Bulletin). The Bureau will continue to publish on a monthly basis either a summary table identifying the documents accepted during the preceding calendar month under this subsection or a statement that no such documents have been received. For questions concerning or copies of documents filed, but not published, call (717) 783-1530.

    Executive Board

       Resolution #CB-01-158, Dated July 5, 2001. This resolution authorizes the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania State Education Association, National Education Association, Local Associations at Hiram G. Andrews Center effective July 1, 1999, through June 30, 2004. The estimated cost of the general pay increases and pay conversion for 35 employees in this union are as follows:

    July 1, 1999 3.0% General Pay
    July 1, 2000 3.0% General Pay
    April 2001 2.0% Pay Conversion $35,300/yr.
    July 1, 2001 3.5% General Pay
    July 1, 2002 3.5% General Pay

       Resolution #CB-01-159, Dated July 5, 2001. This resolution authorizes the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Commonwealth and the Correctional Institution Vocational Education Association (CIVEA) effective July 1, 1999, through June 30, 2004. The estimated cost of the general pay increase and pay conversions for 393 employees in CIVEA unit are as follows:

    July 1, 1999 3.0% General Pay
    July 1, 2000 3.0% General Pay
    April 1, 2001 3.46% Pay Conversion $560,300/yr.
    July 1, 2001 3.5% General Pay
    July 1, 2002 3.5% General Pay

       Resolution #CB-01-162, Dated July 5, 2001. This resolution authorizes the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania State Education Association, National Education Association, Local Associations at Scotland School for Veterans' Children and Scranton State School for the Deaf (D4) effective August 16, 1999, through August 15, 2004. The estimated costs of the general pay increases and pay conversion for 76 employees in these schools are as follows:

    August 1999 3.0% General Pay
    August 2000 3.0% General Pay
    April 2001 0.3% Pay Conversion $12,400/yr.
    August 2001 3.5% General Pay
    August 2002 3.5% General Pay

       Resolution #CB-01-163, Dated July 5, 2001. This resolution authorizes the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania State Education Association, National Education Association, Local Association at Thaddeus Stevens State College of Technology (D4) effective August 16, 1999, through August 15, 2004. The estimated costs of the general pay increases and pay conversion for 46 employees in this union are as follows:

    August 1999 3.0% General Pay
    August 2000 3.0% General Pay
    April 2001 0.3% Pay Conversion $8,400/yr.
    August 2001 3.5% General Pay
    August 2002 3.5% General Pay

       Resolution #CB-01-164, Dated July 10, 2001. This resolution authorizes the collective bargaining agreement with the Pennsylvania State Park Officers Association. The contract amends and replaces the July 1, 1999, through June 30, 2003, collective bargaining agreement, effective June 11, 2001. The additional cost of reclassifying Forest Rangers to Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Rangers and placing them on the DCNR Ranger Pay Schedule is approximately $95,000 annually, including the cost of moving them from the 37.5-hour schedule to the 40-hour schedule, and the cost of salary sensitive benefits.

    Governor's Office

       Manual M215.3--Field Procurement Handbook, Revision No. 1, Dated June 27, 2001.

       Manual M530.3--Group Life Insurance Program, Amended June 26, 2001.

       Management Directive No. 230.10--Travel and Subsistence Allowances, Revision No. 2, Dated July 10, 2001.

       Management Directive No. 230.15--Continental United States High Cost Subsistence Allowances, Amended July 3, 2001.

       Management Directive No. 525.16--Physicians and Related Occupations Quality Assurance Program, Amended July 10, 2001.

       Management Directive No. 615.3--Rates and Billing for Motor Vehicles of the Commonwealth Automotive Fleet, Amended June 29, 2001.

       Administrative Circular No. 01-19--Refueling of Commonwealth Automotive Fleet Vehicles, Dated June 29, 2001.

       Administrative Circular No. 01-20--State Employees Purchasing Vehicles at the Commonwealth Auction, Dated July 3, 2001.

       Administrative Circular No. 01-21--Automotive Fleet Preventive Maintenance Schedule, Dated July 3, 2001.

       Administrative Circular No. 01-22--Availability--Commonwealth Telephone Directory, Dated July 5, 2001.

       Administrative Circular No. 01-23--Revised Revenue Estimates, 2001-02 Fiscal Year, Dated July 12, 2001.

    Pennsylvania Bulletin

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 01-1536. Filed for public inspection August 17, 2001, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information