DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Finding Berks County [32 Pa.B. 3995] Under the provisions of section 2002(b) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 512(b)), the Secretary of Transportation makes the following written finding:
The Department of Transportation (Department) plans to realign Reedy Road (T-392) and to extend Evans Hill Road (T-515) to intersect with realigned Reedy Road in Berks County. The project will require the acquisition of land from the Cacoosing Valley Agricultural Historic District and the Cacoosing Meadows Recreational Area.
Impacts to historic and recreational resources will be mitigated by the following measures:
1. The park entrance will be upgraded without affecting current uses of the park or closing effective parkland.
2. Project materials and construction equipment will be stored outside the Cacoosing Meadows Recreational Area during construction.
3. Access to the park and parking will remain open at all times. To locate park facilities, signing will be added at the new park entrance.
4. Aesthetic value of the adjacent historic district will be maintained by adding aesthetic treatments for the bridge replacement of Bridge No. 2.
5. An approved Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan will be implemented during construction of the replacement bridge and the removal of the existing bridge to minimize the minor impacts that may temporarily affect the creek.
6. The contractor will be required to comply with air pollution control measures in 25 Pa. Code (relating to environmental protection). Construction activities will be limited to normal working hours, and equipment will be outfitted with appropriate noise muffling devices to minimize noise level impacts.
7. A tree located at Station 30+090, 4.2 meters to the left, which adds to the overall eligible historic district, will be saved.
The Secretary has considered the environmental, economic, social and other effects of the proposed project as enumerated in section 2002 of The Administrative Code of 1929 and has concluded that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the project as designed, and all reasonable steps have been taken to minimize any effect.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1385. Filed for public inspection August 9, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]