1318 Timetable for submission of petitions to intervene  

  • Timetable for Submission of Petitions to Intervene

    [26 Pa.B. 3903]

       The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently issued a landmark decision affecting the rescission of personal auto policies in Erie Insurance Exchange v. Lake, ____Pa.  ____ , 675 A.2d 681 (1996). This decision may affect Act 78 cases which are pending before the Insurance Department. Under Act 78 (40 P. S. § 1008.1 et seq.), consumers may seek review from the Insurance Department regarding the termination, including the rescission, of their auto policy.

       By this notice, the Insurance Department establishes the following timetable for the submission of Petitions to Intervene and amicus curiae briefs for the following pending Act 78 cases:
       Appeal of Nationwide Insurance Company
       Insured:  Misael Roldan
       Docket No. P95-06-026
       Appeal of Nationwide Insurance Company
       Insured:  Andrew Ancona
       Docket No. PH94-07-005

       Interested persons must submit a Petition to Intervene, under 1 Pa. Code § 35.27 et seq. on or before August 30, 1996. If intervention is granted, amici briefs must be filed on or before September 30, 1996, at the Insurance Department, Administrative Hearing Office, Room 200, Capitol Associates Building, 901 North Seventh Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102.

       The submission of amici briefs shall be limited to the sole issue of the interpretation and effect of the Erie Insurance Exchange v. Lake decision.

       Interested persons are reminded of the need to serve all parties with any document which is filed with the Administrative Hearing Office. Copies of pertinent docket material relating to the referenced cases may be obtained from Donna Sherrick, Docket Clerk at the above address, telephone (717) 783-2126.

    Insurance Commissioner

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 96-1318. Filed for public inspection August 9, 1996, 9:00 a.m.]

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