Classification of Wild Trout Streams; Additions and Revisions to List [45 Pa.B. 4318]
[Saturday, August 1, 2015]The Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) has approved the addition of 54 new waters to its list of wild trout streams and the revision of the section limits of two streams already on the list as published at 45 Pa.B. 2203 (May 2, 2015). Under 58 Pa. Code § 57.11 (relating to listing of wild trout streams), it is the policy of the Commission to accurately identify and classify stream sections supporting naturally reproducing populations of trout as wild trout streams. The listing of a stream section as a wild trout stream is a biological designation that does not determine how it is managed. The Commission relies upon many factors in determining the appropriate management of streams. The Commission's Fisheries Management Division maintains the complete list of wild trout streams and it is available on the Commission's web site at
Executive Director[Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-1439. Filed for public inspection July 31, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]