1408 Courthouse and garden building security; No. AD-12015  


    Courthouse and Garden Building Security; No. AD-1-2015

    [45 Pa.B. 4162]
    [Saturday, August 1, 2015]

    Administrative Order of Court

    And Now, this 26th day of May, 2015, intending to preserve order, ensure the fair administration of justice and provide for the safety of all persons conducting business in the Clinton County Courthouse and the Garden Building, It Is Hereby Ordered and Decreed that the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 913 shall be enforced by the Clinton County Sheriff. Possession of firearms and other dangerous weapons are strictly prohibited except as allowed by the Clinton County Firearms or other Weapons in Court Buildings Policy.

     All packages, briefcases and other containers in the immediate possession of persons entering the Courthouse or Garden Building shall be subject to inspection. A search shall be conducted by requiring persons and property to be passed through a walk-through metal detector or x-ray machine and the use of a hand-held metal detector being moved by hand in close proximity to all areas of the body of the person being searched and in close proximity to all areas of a package being searched. In the event that the detector emits an alert signal, the search of a person shall be expanded to include a pat-down of the immediate area of the body of the person being searched which had activated the signal. A pat-down search shall be conducted by an officer or deputy and witnessed by another officer or deputy. A written report shall be completed by the officer or deputy conducting the search. Said report shall be maintained by the Sheriff. Any package which indicates that suspicious materials, substances or contraband may be contained therein, shall be opened by an officer or deputy for a more thorough examination.

     When the term weapon is used in this Order, it shall be defined as including any firearm, any knife, any explosive or incendiary device (whether real or hoax) or any object that is designed, made or adapted for the purpose of inflicting bodily injury and any weapon defined as such by the Pennsylvania Crimes Code.

     One or more signs shall be posted at each public entrance in a location and of a size and design reasonably calculated to draw the attention of persons entering the building and giving notice that: (a) no weapons or explosives may be brought into the building; (b) all persons entering the building are subject to search for weapons or explosives; and (c) all packages, briefcases and other containers are subject to search prior to entering the building.

    By the Court

    President Judge

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 15-1408. Filed for public inspection July 31, 2015, 9:00 a.m.]

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