1423 Clean Air Interstate Rule; final 2016 annual and ozone season CAIR nitrogen oxides allowance allocations, final 2016 new unit allowance allocation, final redistribution of 2011-2015 allowances for certain facilities and extension of CAIR ...  

  • Clean Air Interstate Rule; Final 2016 Annual and Ozone Season CAIR Nitrogen Oxides Allowance Allocations, Final 2016 New Unit Allowance Allocation, Final Redistribution of 2011-2015 Allowances for Certain Facilities and Extension of CAIR Nitrogen Oxides Set-Aside Program for Offsetting Sulfur Dioxide Emissions

    [42 Pa.B. 4788]
    [Saturday, July 28, 2012]

     In accordance with 25 Pa. Code §§ 145.211(d) and 145.221(d) (relating to timing requirements for CAIR NOx allowance allocations; and timing requirements for CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowance allocations), the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is providing notice of finalization of the 2016 annual and ozone season Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) nitrogen oxides (NOx) allowance allocations, final 2016 new unit allowance allocations, final redistribution of 2011-2015 allowances for certain facilities and extension of the CAIR NOx set-aside program for sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions. Notice of the proposed allocations of 2016 allowances, the final redistribution of 2011-2015 allowances and the extension was published at 42 Pa.B. 2808 (May 19, 2012). No comments were received and no changes to the final allocations were made.

     The Commonwealth's 2016 NOx budget for the annual CAIR program contains 82,541 NOx allowances; 81,429 NOx allowances are allocated. A remaining 1,073 (1.3% of the annual CAIR program budget) NOx allowances are set aside for future allocation as described as follows. Notice of proposal for 39 vintage year 2016 allowances to new units was published at 42 Pa.B. 1101 (February 25, 2012). No comments were received and no changes to the final new unit allocations were made.

     In this notice, the Department is finalizing the extension of the set-aside program described in 25 Pa. Code § 145.212(f)(2)—(4) (relating to CAIR NOx allowance allocations) to include a set-aside of 2016 vintage year CAIR NOx allowances. The Department is maintaining the 1.3% set-aside for future allocation of additional CAIR NOx allowances to offset SO2 emissions to units exempted by section 405(g)(6)(A) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C.A. § 7651d(g)(6)(A)). This extension is appropriate in light of the continued implementation of the CAIR program that resulted from the court's temporary stay of the Federal Cross State Air Pollution Rule in EME Homer City Generation, L.P. v EPA, D.C. Cir. 11-1302. The allocation of additional NOx allowances to offset SO2 emissions may be extended after a 30-day public comment period provided in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 145.212(f)(5). The comment period ended on June 18, 2012, and no comments were received.

     The Commonwealth's NOx budget for the ozone season CAIR program contains 35,143 NOx allowances; 35,121 CAIR ozone season NOx allowances are allocated. Notice of proposal for 22 allowances to new units was published at 42 Pa.B. 1101. No comments were received and no changes to the final allocations were made.

     The Commonwealth's CAIR NOx Annual Trading Program budget contained 99,049 CAIR NOx allowances for 2010; 97,761 CAIR NOx allowances were allocated at 40 Pa.B. 297 (January 9, 2010). The remaining 1,288 CAIR NOx allowances for 2010 or 1.3% of the Commonwealth's annual 2010 CAIR NOx budget were set aside for allocation to units exempted under the Federal Acid Rain Program provisions in section 405(g)(6)(A) of the Clean Air Act. These Acid Rain exempted units did not receive SO2 allowances under the Acid Rain program, but are subject to the CAIR SO2 trading program. In 2011 a total of 1,090 of the 1,288 allowances were requested by the owners or operators of these exempted units and the Department published notice of the final NOx for SO2 allocations July 23, 2011. See 41 Pa.B. 1580 (March 19, 2011) and 41 Pa.B. 4047 (July 23, 2011).

     The Department is finalizing the distribution of the remaining 198 unutilized 2010 allowances from the 1.3% set-aside back to the regular CAIR units in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 145.212(f)(4), which requires the unutilized allowances to be allocated to the units under 25 Pa. Code § 145.212(c) during the next allocation cycle.

     The Department is finalizing the redistribution of 218 vintage years 2011 through 2015 NOx allowances, originally allocated to Trigen Energy Corporation, Edison Station Units 1, 2, 3 and 4. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that the Edison Station units are not subject to CAIR. The allowances were transferred into the Department's Primary Reserve account. The Department allocated the allowances applying the methodology required under 25 Pa. Code § 145.212 for each vintage year allocation. The allocations were rerun for each affected year without including the four Edison Station units.

     The Department is finalizing the allocation of 27 vintage year 2015 annual NOx allowances remaining in the Department's CAIR account due to typographical error in the spreadsheet used to calculate the allocations for 2015. These allowances are also being allocated in accordance with 25 Pa. Code § 145.212.

     For each new unit receiving a CAIR NOx allocation, Table 1 lists the following information: facility name, county, ORIS code, unit ID, 2011 annual NOx emission, 2011 ozone season NOx emission, operation date, 2016 annual new unit allowance allocation and 2016 new unit ozone season allowance allocation.

     For each CAIR unit and qualifying resource that is being allocated 2016 NOx allowances, Tables 2 and 3 as follows list the following: facility name; county; ORIS code; unit ID; either the gross loading, steam loading, useful thermal energy and total heat energy of steam, or both, converted heat input from the base year and proposed 2016 annual allowance allocation or 2016 ozone season allowance allocation.

     Table 4 lists each CAIR unit and qualifying resource that is being allocated vintage 2010 NOx allowances from the 198 allowances that remained after the 2011 set-aside allocation.

     Table 5 lists each facility CAIR unit and qualifying resource that is being allocated additional NOx allowances and the vintage year to which those allowances belong.

     Owners and operators of units should be aware that CAIR NOx allowances and CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowances do not constitute property rights, and that actions at the Federal or State level, including possible court action in EME Homer City Generation, L.P. v EPA, D.C. Cir. 11-1302, could affect these allocations, once final.

     Persons aggrieved by an action may appeal, under section 4 of the Environmental Hearing Board Act (35 P. S. § 7514) and 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704 (relating to Administrative Agency Law), to the Environmental Hearing Board, Second Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8457, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8457, (717) 787-3483. TDD users may contact the Environmental Hearing Board (Board) through the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service, (800) 654-5984. Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of publication of this notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, unless the appropriate statute provides a different time period. Copies of the appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure may be obtained from the Board. The appeal form and the Board's rules of practice and procedure are also available in Braille or on audiotape from the Secretary of the Board at (717) 787-3483. This paragraph does not, in and of itself, create any right of appeal beyond that permitted by applicable statutes and decision law.

     For individuals who wish to challenge an action, appeals must reach the Board within 30 days. A lawyer is not needed to file an appeal with the Board.

     Important legal rights are at stake, however, so individuals should show this notice to a lawyer at once. Persons who cannot afford a lawyer may qualify for pro bono representation. Call the Secretary to the Board at (717) 787-3483 for more information.

     Questions concerning this notice should be directed to Randy Bordner at (717) 772-3921. TDD users may contact the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at (800) 654-5984 to discuss how the Department can best accommodate their needs.


    Table 1: Final 2016 CAIR New Unit Allocations






    Hunlock Creek Energy Center Luzerne 3176 CT5 17 0 6/2/11 17 0
    York Energy Center York 55524 1 8 8 3/2/11 8 8
    York Energy Center York 55524 2 7.7 7.7 3/2/11 7 7
    York Energy Center York 55524 3 7.5 7.5 3/2/11 7 7
    Table 2: Final Pennsylvania 2016 Annual CAIR NOx Allowance Allocation Table
    FACILITY DETAILS GROSS LOAD (Megawatt Hours) STEAM LOAD (Thousand Lbs of Steam) Useful Thermal Energy (mmBTU) Total Heat energy of steam produced by heat recovery steam generator (mmBTU) 2010
    Heat Input (mmBTU)
    Calculated 2016
    CAIR NOx
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 0 3,562,683 4,453,354 295
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 32
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 0 3,869,399 4,836,749 320
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 33
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 0 3,658,008 4,572,510 303
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 34
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 0 1,906,106 2,382,633 158
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 35
    AES Ironwood
    COUNTY Lebanon 1,837,887 12,267,896 812
    ORIS CODE 55337
    UNIT ID 1
    AES Ironwood
    COUNTY Lebanon 1,877,221 12,530,448 829
    ORIS CODE 55337
    UNIT ID 2
    Allegheny Energy Units 1 & 2
    COUNTY Allegheny 41,169 274,802 18
    ORIS CODE 55196
    UNIT ID 1
    Allegheny Energy Units 1 & 2
    COUNTY Allegheny 44,948 300,025 20
    ORIS CODE 55196
    UNIT ID 2
    Allegheny Energy Units 3, 4 & 5
    COUNTY Allegheny 259,129 1,729,688 114
    ORIS CODE 55710
    UNIT ID 3
    Allegheny Energy Units 3, 4 & 5
    COUNTY Allegheny 218,786 1,460,397 97
    ORIS CODE 55710
    UNIT ID 4
    Allegheny Energy Units 8 & 9
    COUNTY Fayette 51,683 344,987 23
    ORIS CODE 55377
    UNIT ID 8
    Allegheny Energy Units 8 & 9
    COUNTY Fayette 50,110 334,487 22
    ORIS CODE 55377
    UNIT ID 9
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 14,763 98,543 7
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 1
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 20,002 133,513 9
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 2
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 26,170 174,685 12
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 3
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 30,270 202,052 13
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 4
    Armstrong Power Station
    COUNTY Armstrong 881,379 6,962,890 461
    ORIS CODE 3178
    UNIT ID 1
    Armstrong Power Station
    COUNTY Armstrong 953,675 7,534,036 499
    ORIS CODE 3178
    UNIT ID 2
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 470,506 3,140,627 208
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 1
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 466,565 3,114,322 206
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 2
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 352,774 2,354,769 156
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 3
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 529,901 3,537,091 234
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 5
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 508,463 3,393,990 225
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 6
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 544,022 3,631,349 240
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 7
    Bruce Mansfield
    COUNTY Beaver 6,697,711 52,911,917 3502
    ORIS CODE 6094
    UNIT ID 1
    Bruce Mansfield
    COUNTY Beaver 5,847,854 46,198,047 3057
    ORIS CODE 6094
    UNIT ID 2
    Bruce Mansfield
    COUNTY Beaver 7,167,640 56,624,356 3747
    ORIS CODE 6094
    UNIT ID 3
    Brunner Island
    COUNTY York 2,446,721 19,329,096 1279
    ORIS CODE 3140
    UNIT ID 1
    Brunner Island
    COUNTY York 2,987,740 23,603,146 1562
    ORIS CODE 3140
    UNIT ID 2
    Brunner Island
    COUNTY York 5,589,248 44,155,059 2922
    ORIS CODE 3140
    UNIT ID 3
    Brunot Island Power Station
    COUNTY Allegheny 2,116 14,124 1
    ORIS CODE 3096
    UNIT ID 2A
    Brunot Island Power Station
    COUNTY Allegheny 2,902 19,371 1
    ORIS CODE 3096
    UNIT ID 2B
    Brunot Island Power Station
    COUNTY Allegheny 2,594 17,315 1
    ORIS CODE 3096
    UNIT ID 3
    Cambria Cogen
    COUNTY Cambria 0 4,724,626 5,905,783 391
    ORIS CODE 10641
    UNIT ID 1
    Cambria Cogen
    COUNTY Cambria 0 4,624,237 5,780,296 383
    ORIS CODE 10641
    UNIT ID 2
    Chambersburg Units 12 & 13
    COUNTY Franklin 48,297 322,384 21
    ORIS CODE 55654
    UNIT ID 12
    Chambersburg Units 12 & 13
    COUNTY Franklin 56,589 377,732 25
    ORIS CODE 55654
    UNIT ID 13
    COUNTY Allegheny 1,954,013 15,436,702 1022
    ORIS CODE 8226
    UNIT ID 1
    Colver Power Project
    COUNTY Cambria 1,012,604 7,999,572 529
    ORIS CODE 10143
    COUNTY Indiana 6,985,785 55,187,702 3652
    ORIS CODE 3118
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Indiana 5,980,173 47,243,367 3126
    ORIS CODE 3118
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Chester 498,386 3,937,249 261
    ORIS CODE 3159
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Chester 149,040 994,842 66
    ORIS CODE 3159
    UNIT ID 2
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,611 10,753 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 11
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,771 11,821 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 12
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 2,026 13,524 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 21
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,655 11,047 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 22
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 2,354 15,713 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 31
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 2,275 15,186 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 32
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 2,058 13,737 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 41
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,962 13,096 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 42
    Duke Energy Fayette, II LLC
    COUNTY Fayette 1,042,702 6,960,036 461
    ORIS CODE 55516
    Duke Energy Fayette, II LLC
    COUNTY Fayette 1,024,045 6,835,500 452
    ORIS CODE 55516
    Ebensburg Power Company
    COUNTY Cambria 0 4,807,321 6,009,151 398
    ORIS CODE 10603
    UNIT ID 31
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 993,263 7,846,778 519
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 1
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 1,126,625 8,900,338 589
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 2
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 138,591 925,095 61
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 3
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 125,646 838,687 56
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 4
    COUNTY Washington 36,346 287,132 19
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Washington 121,718 961,573 64
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Washington 99,833 788,681 52
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY Washington 385,050 3,041,893 201
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 4
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP
    COUNTY Delaware 1,010,945 3,547 3,454,788 229
    ORIS CODE 55801
    UNIT ID 1
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP
    COUNTY Delaware 975,630 98,832 3,453,364 229
    ORIS CODE 55801
    UNIT ID 2
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP
    COUNTY Delaware 955,241 261,010 3,586,500 237
    ORIS CODE 55801
    UNIT ID 3
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 1,609,466 10,743,186 711
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 1A
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 1,669,200 11,141,910 737
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 1B
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 1,184,516 7,906,644 523
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 2A
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 1,187,691 7,927,837 525
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 2B
    Fairless Hills Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 167,304 1,116,754 74
    ORIS CODE 7701
    Fairless Hills Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 62,195 415,152 27
    ORIS CODE 7701
    G F Weaton
    COUNTY Beaver 262,310 2,072,249 137
    ORIS CODE 50130
    UNIT ID 34
    G F Weaton
    COUNTY Beaver 255,540 2,018,766 134
    ORIS CODE 50130
    UNIT ID 35
    Gilberton Power Company
    COUNTY Schuylkill 0 2,911,333 3,512,706 232
    ORIS CODE 10113
    UNIT ID 31
    Gilberton Power Company
    COUNTY Schuylkill 0 2,720,428 3,282,366 217
    ORIS CODE 10113
    UNIT ID 32
    Grays Ferry Cogen Partnership
    COUNTY Philadelphia 699,347 2,765,252 5,843,437 387
    ORIS CODE 54785
    UNIT ID 2
    Grays Ferry Cogen Partnership
    COUNTY Philadelphia 0 1,627,980 2,034,975 135
    ORIS CODE 54785
    UNIT ID 25
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 4,253 28,389 2
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 4,256 28,409 2
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 7,633 50,950 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 7,650 51,064 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,859 45,784 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,848 45,710 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 7,208 48,113 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 7,187 47,973 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 7,470 49,862 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 7,470 49,862 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Hatfield's Ferry Power Station
    COUNTY Greene 3,308,953 26,140,725 1730
    ORIS CODE 3179
    UNIT ID 1
    Hatfield's Ferry Power Station
    COUNTY Greene 3,194,648 25,237,718 1670
    ORIS CODE 3179
    UNIT ID 2
    Hatfield's Ferry Power Station
    COUNTY Greene 3,221,294 25,448,221 1684
    ORIS CODE 3179
    UNIT ID 3
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 936 6,248 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 1,133 7,563 1
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 1,119 7,469 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 992 6,622 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Homer City
    COUNTY Indiana 3,947,943 31,188,751 2064
    ORIS CODE 3122
    UNIT ID 1
    Homer City
    COUNTY Indiana 4,117,311 32,526,758 2153
    ORIS CODE 3122
    UNIT ID 2
    Homer City
    COUNTY Indiana 3,736,885 29,521,389 1954
    ORIS CODE 3122
    UNIT ID 3
    Hunlock Creek Energy Center
    COUNTY Luzerne 115,854 915,247 61
    ORIS CODE 3176
    UNIT ID 6
    Hunlock Unit 4
    COUNTY Luzerne 9,654 64,443 4
    ORIS CODE 56397
    UNIT ID 4
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle
    COUNTY Adams 751,319 5,015,052 332
    ORIS CODE 55976
    UNIT ID CT101
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle
    COUNTY Adams 804,064 5,367,129 355
    ORIS CODE 55976
    UNIT ID CT201
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle
    COUNTY Adams 718,201 4,793,992 317
    ORIS CODE 55976
    UNIT ID CT301
    COUNTY Armstrong 7,357,668 58,125,577 3847
    ORIS CODE 3136
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Armstrong 7,216,624 57,011,330 3773
    ORIS CODE 3136
    UNIT ID 2
    Liberty Electric Power Plant
    COUNTY Delaware 1,608,518 10,736,858 711
    ORIS CODE 55231
    UNIT ID 1
    Liberty Electric Power Plant
    COUNTY Delaware 1,645,866 10,986,156 727
    ORIS CODE 55231
    UNIT ID 2
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy
    COUNTY Northampton 1,470,992 9,818,870 650
    ORIS CODE 55667
    UNIT ID CT01
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy
    COUNTY Northampton 1,465,291 9,780,820 647
    ORIS CODE 55667
    UNIT ID CT02
    Martins Creek
    COUNTY Northampton 520,536 3,474,578 230
    ORIS CODE 3148
    UNIT ID 3
    Martins Creek
    COUNTY Northampton 398,369 2,659,113 176
    ORIS CODE 3148
    UNIT ID 4
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 2,876 19,197 1
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 1
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 0 0 0
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 2
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 2,876 19,195 1
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 3
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 1,050,032 8,295,250 549
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 33
    COUNTY Montour 5,748,794 45,415,473 3006
    ORIS CODE 3149
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Montour 4,497,963 35,533,908 2352
    ORIS CODE 3149
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Cumberland 2,548 17,008 1
    ORIS CODE 3111
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY Cumberland 2,925 19,524 1
    ORIS CODE 3111
    UNIT ID 32
    Mt. Carmel Cogeneration
    COUNTY Northumberland 0 3,730,226 4,662,783 309
    ORIS CODE 10343
    UNIT ID SG-101
    New Castle
    COUNTY Lawrence 221,494 1,749,799 116
    ORIS CODE 3138
    UNIT ID 3
    New Castle
    COUNTY Lawrence 252,876 1,997,722 132
    ORIS CODE 3138
    UNIT ID 4
    New Castle
    COUNTY Lawrence 316,091 2,497,122 165
    ORIS CODE 3138
    UNIT ID 5
    North East Cogeneration Plant
    COUNTY Erie 1,258 662 5,121 0
    ORIS CODE 54571
    UNIT ID 1
    North East Cogeneration Plant
    COUNTY Erie 1,813 896 7,308 0
    ORIS CODE 54571
    UNIT ID 2
    Northampton Generating Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 874,267 6,906,709 457
    ORIS CODE 50888
    Northeastern Power Company
    COUNTY Schuylkill 490,007 3,871,055 256
    ORIS CODE 50039
    UNIT ID 31
    Ontelaunee Energy Center
    COUNTY Berks 1,167,836 7,795,305 516
    ORIS CODE 55193
    Ontelaunee Energy Center
    COUNTY Berks 1,120,481 7,479,211 495
    ORIS CODE 55193
    PEI Power Corporation
    COUNTY Lackawanna 31,368 209,381 14
    ORIS CODE 50279
    UNIT ID 2
    Panther Creek Energy Facility
    COUNTY Carbon 372,610 2,943,619 195
    ORIS CODE 50776
    UNIT ID 1
    Panther Creek Energy Facility
    COUNTY Carbon 390,936 3,088,394 204
    ORIS CODE 50776
    UNIT ID 2
    Piney Creek Power Plant
    COUNTY Clarion 288,000 2,275,200 151
    ORIS CODE 54144
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY Northampton 755,730 5,970,271 395
    ORIS CODE 3113
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Northampton 1,056,182 8,343,836 552
    ORIS CODE 3113
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Northampton 3,287 21,943 1
    ORIS CODE 3113
    UNIT ID 5
    COUNTY Philadelphia 1,958 13,070 1
    ORIS CODE 3168
    UNIT ID 91
    COUNTY Philadelphia 2,400 16,020 1
    ORIS CODE 3168
    UNIT ID 92
    COUNTY Philadelphia 18,637 124,402 8
    ORIS CODE 3169
    UNIT ID 1
    Scrubgrass Generating Plant
    COUNTY Venango 404,373 3,194,547 211
    ORIS CODE 50974
    UNIT ID 1
    Scrubgrass Generating Plant
    COUNTY Venango 396,401 3,131,568 207
    ORIS CODE 50974
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Indiana 2,253,692 17,804,167 1178
    ORIS CODE 3130
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Indiana 2,008,823 15,869,702 1050
    ORIS CODE 3130
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Clearfield 535,841 4,233,144 280
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Clearfield 522,428 4,127,181 273
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Clearfield 823,912 6,508,905 431
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY Clearfield 8,368,719 66,112,880 4375
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 4
    St. Nicholas Cogeneration Project
    COUNTY Schuylkill 763,658 6,032,898 399
    ORIS CODE 54634
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Snyder 266,740 2,107,248 139
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 1A
    COUNTY Snyder 261,471 2,065,621 137
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 1B
    COUNTY Snyder 276,622 2,185,311 145
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 2A
    COUNTY Snyder 0 0 0
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 2B
    COUNTY Snyder 477,267 3,770,405 250
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY Snyder 595,931 4,707,852 312
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 4
    COUNTY Berks 275,088 2,173,195 144
    ORIS CODE 3115
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Berks 253,030 1,998,937 132
    ORIS CODE 3115
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Berks 280,612 2,216,835 147
    ORIS CODE 3115
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY York 1,611 10,753 1
    ORIS CODE 3116
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY York 1,315 8,778 1
    ORIS CODE 3116
    UNIT ID 32
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia- Schuylkill
    COUNTY Philadelphia 7,032 8,790 1
    ORIS CODE 50607
    UNIT ID 23
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia- Schuylkill
    COUNTY Philadelphia 2,299 2,874 0
    ORIS CODE 50607
    UNIT ID 24
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia- Schuylkill
    COUNTY Philadelphia 30,004 37,505 2
    ORIS CODE 50607
    UNIT ID 26
    WPS Westwood Generation, LLC
    COUNTY Schuylkill 209,623 1,656,019 110
    ORIS CODE 50611
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY Warren 000
    ORIS CODE 3132
    UNIT ID 5
    COUNTY Schuylkill 0 3,358,645 4,052,415 268
    ORIS CODE 50879
    Total 81,429

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]

    Table 3: Final Pennsylvania 2016 Annual CAIR NOx Ozone Season Allowance Allocation Table
    FACILITY DETAILS GROSS LOAD (Megawatt Hours) STEAM LOAD (Thousand Lbs of Steam) Useful Thermal Energy (mmBTU) Total Heat energy of steam produced by heat recovery steam generator (mmBTU) 2010
    Heat Input (mmBTU)
    Calculated 2016
    CAIR NOx Ozone
    Season Allowance
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 1,525,334 1,906,668118
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 32
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 1,710,418 2,138,023132
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 33
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver 0 1,624,078 2,030,098 125
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 34
    AES Beaver Valley LLC
    COUNTY Beaver0816,051 1,020,064 63
    ORIS CODE 10676
    UNIT ID 35
    AES Ironwood
    COUNTY Lebanon 963,3496,430,351397
    ORIS CODE 55337
    UNIT ID 1
    AES Ironwood
    COUNTY Lebanon 942,3156,289,953388
    ORIS CODE 55337
    UNIT ID 2
    Allegheny Energy Units 1 & 2
    COUNTY Allegheny 32,417216,38213
    ORIS CODE 55196
    UNIT ID 1
    Allegheny Energy Units 1 & 2
    COUNTY Allegheny 33,105220,978 14
    ORIS CODE 55196
    UNIT ID 2
    Allegheny Energy Units 3, 4 & 5
    COUNTY Allegheny 166,5221,111,537 69
    ORIS CODE 55710
    UNIT ID 3
    Allegheny Energy Units 3, 4 & 5
    COUNTY Allegheny 152,1641,015,696 63
    ORIS CODE 55710
    UNIT ID 4
    Allegheny Energy Units 8 & 9
    COUNTY Fayette 32,041213,87613
    ORIS CODE 55377
    UNIT ID 8
    Allegheny Energy Units 8 & 9
    COUNTY Fayette 31,204208,286 13
    ORIS CODE 55377
    UNIT ID 9
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong6,14741,0313
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 1
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 10,61370,842 4
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 2
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 14,54597,088 6
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 3
    Armstrong Energy Ltd Partnership, LLLP
    COUNTY Armstrong 17,054113,835 7
    ORIS CODE 55347
    UNIT ID 4
    Armstrong Power Station
    COUNTY Armstrong 398,2173,145,914 194
    ORIS CODE 3178
    UNIT ID 1
    Armstrong Power Station
    COUNTY Armstrong 403,3773,186,677 197
    ORIS CODE 3178
    UNIT ID 2
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 308,822 2,061,389127
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 1
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 312,349 2,084,926 129
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 2
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 289,853 1,934,772 119
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 3
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 317,505 2,119,347 131
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 5
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 319,072 2,129,808 131
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 6
    Bethlehem Power Plant
    COUNTY Northampton320,673 2,140,494 132
    ORIS CODE 55690
    UNIT ID 7
    Bruce Mansfield
    COUNTY Beaver 2,735,823 21,613,002 1,333
    ORIS CODE 6094
    UNIT ID 1
    Bruce Mansfield
    COUNTY Beaver 2,539,490 20,061,971 1,238
    ORIS CODE 6094
    UNIT ID 2
    Bruce Mansfield
    COUNTY Beaver 2,970,548 23,467,329 1,448
    ORIS CODE 6094
    UNIT ID 3
    Brunner Island
    COUNTY York 970,070 7,663,553 473
    ORIS CODE 3140
    UNIT ID 1
    Brunner Island
    COUNTY York 1,209,943 9,558,550 590
    ORIS CODE 3140
    UNIT ID 2
    Brunner Island
    COUNTY York 2,346,330 18,536,007 1,144
    ORIS CODE 3140
    UNIT ID 3
    Brunot Island Power Station
    COUNTY Allegheny 2,11614,124 1
    ORIS CODE 3096
    UNIT ID 2A
    Brunot Island Power Station
    COUNTY Allegheny 2,902 19,3711
    ORIS CODE 3096
    UNIT ID 2B
    Brunot Island Power Station
    COUNTY Allegheny2,594 17,315 1
    ORIS CODE 3096
    UNIT ID 3
    Cambria Cogen
    COUNTY Cambria 0 2,082,5072,603,134 161
    ORIS CODE 10641
    UNIT ID 1
    Cambria Cogen
    COUNTY Cambria 0 2,155,5732,694,466 166
    ORIS CODE 10641
    UNIT ID 2
    Chambersburg Units 12 & 13
    COUNTY Franklin 36,403 242,990 15
    ORIS CODE 55654
    UNIT ID 12
    Chambersburg Units 12 & 13
    COUNTY Franklin 37,126247,818 15
    ORIS CODE 55654
    UNIT ID 13
    COUNTY Allegheny 911,134 7,197,958 444
    ORIS CODE 8226
    UNIT ID 1
    Colver Power Project
    COUNTY Cambria 441,4983,487,834 215
    ORIS CODE 10143
    COUNTY Indiana 5,372,820 42,445,278 2,619
    ORIS CODE 3118
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Indiana 2,607,353 20,598,089 1,271
    ORIS CODE 3118
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Chester 277,924 2,195,600 135
    ORIS CODE 3159
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Chester 140,687 939,086 58
    ORIS CODE 3159
    UNIT ID 2
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,574 10,506 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 11
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,736 11,588 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 12
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks2,00413,377 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 21
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks1,586 10,587 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 22
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 2,115 14,118 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 31
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 2,055 13,717 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 32
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,846 12,322 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 41
    Croydon Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 1,928 12,869 1
    ORIS CODE 8012
    UNIT ID 42
    Duke Energy Fayette, II LLC
    COUNTY Fayette 442,2662,952,126 182
    ORIS CODE 55516
    Duke Energy Fayette, II LLC
    COUNTY Fayette 446,565 2,980,821 184
    ORIS CODE 55516
    Ebensburg Power Company
    COUNTY Cambria 0 2,015,9242,519,905 155
    ORIS CODE 10603
    UNIT ID 31
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 516,629 4,081,369252
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 1
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 636,635 5,029,417 310
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 2
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware138,095 921,784 57
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 3
    Eddystone Generating Station
    COUNTY Delaware 125,646 838,687 52
    ORIS CODE 3161
    UNIT ID 4
    COUNTY Washington16,716132,0528
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Washington 70,086 553,679 34
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Washington 68,416 540,486 33
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY Washington193,532 1,528,900 94
    ORIS CODE 3098
    UNIT ID 4
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP
    COUNTY Delaware 421,428 1062.9 1,439,661 89
    ORIS CODE 55801
    UNIT ID 1
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP
    COUNTY Delaware 464,044 36559.4 1,629,482 101
    ORIS CODE 55801
    UNIT ID 2
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP
    COUNTY Delaware 432,894 6518.1 1,485,615 92
    ORIS CODE 55801
    UNIT ID 3
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 642,649 4,289,682 265
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 1A
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks711,544 4,749,556293
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 1B
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 550,616 3,675,362 227
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 2A
    Fairless Energy, LLC
    COUNTY Bucks 541,1743,612,336 223
    ORIS CODE 55298
    UNIT ID 2B
    Fairless Hills Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 82,260 549,086 34
    ORIS CODE 7701
    Fairless Hills Generating Station
    COUNTY Bucks 11,473 76,582 5
    ORIS CODE 7701
    G F Weaton
    COUNTY Beaver 108,050 853,595 53
    ORIS CODE 50130
    UNIT ID 34
    G F Weaton
    COUNTY Beaver 90,170 712,343 44
    ORIS CODE 50130
    UNIT ID 35
    Gilberton Power Company
    COUNTY Schuylkill 0 1208199.23 1,457,768 90
    ORIS CODE 10113
    UNIT ID 31
    Gilberton Power Company
    COUNTY Schuylkill 0 1090237.751,315,440 81
    ORIS CODE 10113
    UNIT ID 32
    Grays Ferry Cogen Partnership
    COUNTY Philadelphia 290,048771068 1,953,768 121
    ORIS CODE 54785
    UNIT ID 2
    Grays Ferry Cogen Partnership
    COUNTY Philadelphia 0 572,392715,490 44
    ORIS CODE 54785
    UNIT ID 25
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 3,694 24,657 2
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 3,687 24,611 2
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,680 44,589 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,697 44,702 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 5,817 38,828 2
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 5,806 38,755 2
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,170 41,185 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,149 41,045 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,466 43,161 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Handsome Lake Energy
    COUNTY Venango 6,466 43,161 3
    ORIS CODE 55233
    Hatfield's Ferry Power Station
    COUNTY Greene 1,247,319 9,853,821 608
    ORIS CODE 3179
    UNIT ID 1
    Hatfield's Ferry Power Station
    COUNTY Greene 1,405,118 11,100,432 685
    ORIS CODE 3179
    UNIT ID 2
    Hatfield's Ferry Power Station
    COUNTY Greene 1,464,277 11,567,790 714
    ORIS CODE 3179
    UNIT ID 3
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 8575,720 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 963 6,428 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 1,0026,688 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Hazleton Generation
    COUNTY Luzerne 7344,899 0
    ORIS CODE 10870
    Homer City
    COUNTY Indiana 1,486,322 11,741,947 724
    ORIS CODE 3122
    UNIT ID 1
    Homer City
    COUNTY Indiana 1,580,572 12,486,516 770
    ORIS CODE 3122
    UNIT ID 2
    Homer City
    COUNTY Indiana 1,808,060 14,283,671 881
    ORIS CODE 3122
    UNIT ID 3
    Hunlock Creek Energy Center
    COUNTY Luzerne 16,690 131,851 8
    ORIS CODE 3176
    UNIT ID 6
    Hunlock Unit 4
    COUNTY Luzerne 7,551 50,404 3
    ORIS CODE 56397
    UNIT ID 4
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle
    COUNTY Adams 437,255 2,918,678 180
    ORIS CODE 55976
    UNIT ID CT101
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle
    COUNTY Adams 452,823 3,022,595 186
    ORIS CODE 55976
    UNIT ID CT201
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle
    COUNTY Adams 461,027 3,077,352 190
    ORIS CODE 55976
    UNIT ID CT301
    COUNTY Armstrong 3,255,81125,720,907 1,587
    ORIS CODE 3136
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Armstrong 3,100,28224,492,228 1,511
    ORIS CODE 3136
    UNIT ID 2
    Liberty Electric Power Plant
    COUNTY Delaware 726,883 4,851,944 299
    ORIS CODE 55231
    UNIT ID 1
    Liberty Electric Power Plant
    COUNTY Delaware 754,820 5,038,424 311
    ORIS CODE 55231
    UNIT ID 2
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy
    COUNTY Northampton 814,6485,437,776335
    ORIS CODE 55667
    UNIT ID CT01
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy
    COUNTY Northampton 796,8135,318,725 328
    ORIS CODE 55667
    UNIT ID CT02
    Martins Creek
    COUNTY Northampton 445,1892,971,637 183
    ORIS CODE 3148
    UNIT ID 3
    Martins Creek
    COUNTY Northampton 359,3392,398,588 148
    ORIS CODE 3148
    UNIT ID 4
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 2,876 19,197 1
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 1
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 0 0 0
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 2
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 2,876 19,195 1
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 3
    Mitchell Power Station
    COUNTY Washington 562,799 4,446,109 274
    ORIS CODE 3181
    UNIT ID 33
    COUNTY Montour 2,450,495 19,358,911 1,194
    ORIS CODE 3149
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Montour 1,433,402 11,323,876 699
    ORIS CODE 3149
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Cumberland 2,286 15,259 1
    ORIS CODE 3111
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY Cumberland 2,559 17,081 1
    ORIS CODE 3111
    UNIT ID 32
    Mt. Carmel Cogeneration
    COUNTY Northumberland 0 1,556,0331,945,041 120
    ORIS CODE 10343
    UNIT ID SG-101
    New Castle
    COUNTY Lawrence 123,539 975,954 60
    ORIS CODE 3138
    UNIT ID 3
    New Castle
    COUNTY Lawrence 131,052 1,035,313 64
    ORIS CODE 3138
    UNIT ID 4
    New Castle
    COUNTY Lawrence 169,005 1,335,141 82
    ORIS CODE 3138
    UNIT ID 5
    North East Cogeneration Plant
    COUNTY Erie 548 346 2,303 0
    ORIS CODE 54571
    UNIT ID 1
    North East Cogeneration Plant
    COUNTY Erie 810 511 3,403 0
    ORIS CODE 54571
    UNIT ID 2
    Northampton Generating Plant
    COUNTY Northampton 372,6342,943,809 182
    ORIS CODE 50888
    Northeastern Power Company
    COUNTY Schuylkill 210,166 1,660,311 102
    ORIS CODE 50039
    UNIT ID 31
    Ontelaunee Energy Center
    COUNTY Berks 478,663 3,195,076 197
    ORIS CODE 55193
    Ontelaunee Energy Center
    COUNTY Berks 497,957 3,323,863 205
    ORIS CODE 55193
    PEI Power Corporation
    COUNTY Lackawanna 22,855 152,557 9
    ORIS CODE 50279
    UNIT ID 2
    Panther Creek Energy Facility
    COUNTY Carbon 157,815 1,246,739 77
    ORIS CODE 50776
    UNIT ID 1
    Panther Creek Energy Facility
    COUNTY Carbon 169,901 1,342,218 83
    ORIS CODE 50776
    UNIT ID 2
    Piney Creek Power Plant
    COUNTY Clarion 103,570 818,200 50
    ORIS CODE 54144
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY Northampton 410,0613,239,486 200
    ORIS CODE 3113
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Northampton 454,4163,589,886 221
    ORIS CODE 3113
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Northampton 3,288 21,946 1
    ORIS CODE 3113
    UNIT ID 5
    COUNTY Philadelphia 1,889 12,609 1
    ORIS CODE 3168
    UNIT ID 91
    COUNTY Philadelphia 2,314 15,446 1
    ORIS CODE 3168
    UNIT ID 92
    COUNTY Philadelphia 18,637 124,402 8
    ORIS CODE 3169
    UNIT ID 1
    Scrubgrass Generating Plant
    COUNTY Venango 158,845 1,254,876 77
    ORIS CODE 50974
    UNIT ID 1
    Scrubgrass Generating Plant
    COUNTY Venango 158,935 1,255,587 77
    ORIS CODE 50974
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Indiana 1,022,086 8,074,479 498
    ORIS CODE 3130
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Indiana 967,384 7,642,334 471
    ORIS CODE 3130
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Clearfield 233,979 1,848,434 114
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Clearfield 254,401 2,009,768 124
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Clearfield 342,721 2,707,496 167
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY Clearfield 4,244,325 33,530,168 2,069
    ORIS CODE 3131
    UNIT ID 4
    St. Nicholas Cogeneration Project
    COUNTY Schuylkill 321,896 2,542,978 157
    ORIS CODE 54634
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Snyder 123,564 976,152 60
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 1A
    COUNTY Snyder 119,932 947,464 58
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 1B
    COUNTY Snyder 123,809 978,087 60
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 2A
    COUNTY Snyder 0 00
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 2B
    COUNTY Snyder 194,317 1,535,10495
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY Snyder 334,150 2,639,789 163
    ORIS CODE 3152
    UNIT ID 4
    COUNTY Berks 136,050 1,074,795 66
    ORIS CODE 3115
    UNIT ID 1
    COUNTY Berks 136,617 1,079,274 67
    ORIS CODE 3115
    UNIT ID 2
    COUNTY Berks 152,427 1,204,173 74
    ORIS CODE 3115
    UNIT ID 3
    COUNTY York 1,611 10,753 1
    ORIS CODE 3116
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY York 1,3158,778 1
    ORIS CODE 3116
    UNIT ID 32
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia - Schuylkill
    COUNTY Philadelphia 0 0 0
    ORIS CODE 50607
    UNIT ID 23
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia - Schuylkill
    COUNTY Philadelphia 0 0 0
    ORIS CODE 50607
    UNIT ID 24
    Veolia Energy Philadelphia - Schuylkill
    COUNTY Philadelphia 0 1,537 1,922 0
    ORIS CODE 50607
    UNIT ID 26
    WPS Westwood Generation, LLC
    COUNTY Schuylkill 115,397 911,638 56
    ORIS CODE 50611
    UNIT ID 31
    COUNTY Warren 0 0 0
    ORIS CODE 3132
    UNIT ID 5
    Wheelabrator - Frackville
    COUNTY Schuylkill 0 1449018.4 1,748,331108
    ORIS CODE 50879
    Total 35,121

    [Continued on next Web Page]

    [Continued from previous Web Page]

    Table 4: Final Additional Vintage 2010 CAIR NOx Allowance Allocations
    CAIR NOx Allowance Allocation
    2012 Reallocation of vintage 2010 Allocations due to 198 extra set-aside Allocations Additional 2010 vintage CAIR
    NOx Allowance Allocation
    AES Beaver Valley LLC 10676 34 293 294 1
    AES Ironwood 55337 2 200 201 1
    Armstrong Power Station 3178 1 783 785 2
    Armstrong Power Station 3178 2 798 800 2
    Bruce Mansfield 6094 1 4,641 4,651 10
    Bruce Mansfield 6094 2 4,664 4,673 9
    Bruce Mansfield 6094 3 4,848 4,858 10
    Brunner Island 3140 1 1,752 1,756 4
    Brunner Island 3140 2 1,946 1,950 4
    Brunner Island 3140 3 4,057 4,065 8
    Brunot Island Power Station 3096 3 2 3 1
    Cambria Cogen 10641 1 380 381 1
    Cambria Cogen 10641 2 368 369 1
    Cheswick 8226 1 2,358 2,363 5
    Colver Power Project 10143 AAB01 662 664 2
    Conemaugh 3118 1 5,197 5,207 10
    Conemaugh 3118 2 4,557 4,566 9
    Cromby 3159 1 548 549 1
    Cromby 3159 2 153 154 1
    Ebensburg Power Company 10603 31 536 537 1
    Eddystone Generating Station 3161 1 989 991 2
    Eddystone Generating Station 3161 2 1,148 1,150 2
    Eddystone Generating Station 3161 4 185 186 1
    Elrama 3098 2 370 371 1
    Elrama 3098 4 564 565 1
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 1A 262 263 1
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 2A 249 250 1
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 2B 266 267 1
    Fayette Energy Facility 55516 CTG1 84 85 1
    Gilberton Power Company 10113 31 366 367 1
    Grays Ferry Cogen Partnership 54785 25 200 201 1
    Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3179 1 2,629 2,634 5
    Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3179 2 1,352 1,355 3
    Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3179 3 2,291 2,296 5
    Homer City 3122 1 3,280 3,287 7
    Homer City 3122 2 3,541 3,548 7
    Homer City 3122 3 3,181 3,187 6
    Keystone 3136 1 4,813 4,823 10
    Keystone 3136 2 4,391 4,400 9
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy 55667 CT01 190 191 1
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy 55667 CT02 185 186 1
    Martins Creek 3148 1 395 396 1
    Martins Creek 3148 3 740 741 1
    Martins Creek 3148 4 496 497 1
    Mitchell Power Station 3181 33 1,098 1,100 2
    Montour 3149 1 3,764 3,772 8
    Montour 3149 2 3,545 3,552 7
    New Castle 3138 3 340 341 1
    New Castle 3138 4 292 293 1
    New Castle 3138 5 506 507 1
    Northampton Generating Plant 50888 NGC01 641 643 2
    Northeastern Power Company 50039 31 345 346 1
    Ontelaunee Energy Center 55193 CT1 254 255 1
    Ontelaunee Energy Center 55193 CT2 254 255 1
    Panther Creek Energy Facility 50776 1 263 264 1
    Panther Creek Energy Facility 50776 2 261 262 1
    Portland 3113 1 613 614 1
    Portland 3113 2 919 921 2
    Scrubgrass Generating Plant 50974 1 272 273 1
    Seward 3130 1 361 362 1
    Seward 3130 2 519 520 1
    Shawville 3131 1 507 508 1
    Shawville 3131 2 532 533 1
    Shawville 3131 3 770 772 2
    Shawville 3131 4 584 585 1
    St. Nicholas Cogeneration Project 54634 1 720 722 2
    Sunbury 3152 1B 123 124 1
    Sunbury 3152 3 278 279 1
    Titus 3115 1 286 287 1
    Titus 3115 2 272 273 1
    WPS Westwood Generation, LLC 50611 31 167 168 1
    Total 198

    Table 5: Final Additional CAIR NOx Annual and Ozone Season Allocations
    FACILITY NAME ORIS CODE UNIT ID 2011 Annual 2013 Annual 2013 Ozone 2014 Annual 2015 Annual 2015 Ozone
    AES Beaver Valley LLC 10676 32 0 0 0 0 1 0
    AES Beaver Valley LLC 10676 34 0 0 1 0 1 0
    AES Beaver Valley LLC 10676 35 0 0 1 0 0 0
    AES Ironwood 55337 2 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Armstrong Power Station 3178 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Bethlehem Power Plant 55690 5 0 1 0 0 0 0
    Bethlehem Power Plant 55690 6 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Bruce Mansfield 6094 1 0 2 2 4 2 1
    Bruce Mansfield 6094 2 0 3 1 5 3 1
    Bruce Mansfield 6094 3 0 2 1 5 2 0
    Brunner Island 3140 1 0 0 0 2 1 0
    Brunner Island 3140 2 0 1 0 2 1 0
    Brunner Island 3140 3 0 3 1 3 2 0
    Cambria Cogen 10641 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
    Cambria Cogen 10641 2 0 1 0 0 1 0
    Cheswick 8226 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
    Conemaugh 3118 1 0 2 1 4 3 1
    Conemaugh 3118 2 0 2 1 5 3 0
    Cromby 3159 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Ebensburg Power Company 10603 31 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Eddystone Generating Station 3161 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Eddystone Generating Station 3161 2 0 0 0 1 1 1
    Elrama 3098 4 0 1 0 0 0 0
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP 55801 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
    FPL Energy Marcus Hook, LP 55801 3 0 0 0 1 1 1
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 1A 0 0 0 0 1 0
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 1B 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 2A 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Fairless Energy, LLC 55298 2B 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Fayette Energy Facility 55516 CTG1 0 0 0 1 0 1
    Gilberton Power Company 10113 32 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Grays Ferry Cogen Partnership 54785 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
    Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3179 1 0 1 0 3 1 0
    Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3179 2 0 1 1 3 1 0
    Hatfields Ferry Power Station 3179 3 0 1 1 3 1 0
    Homer City 3122 1 0 1 1 3 1 0
    Homer City 3122 2 0 1 1 3 2 0
    Homer City 3122 3 1 2 0 3 2 1
    Hunterstown Combined Cycle 55976 CT301 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Keystone 3136 1 0 2 2 5 2 1
    Keystone 3136 2 0 2 2 5 3 1
    Liberty Electric Power Plant 55231 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy 55667 CT01 0 0 0 1 1 1
    Lower Mount Bethel Energy 55667 CT02 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Mitchell Power Station 3181 33 0 1 0 1 1 0
    Montour 3149 1 0 2 0 3 3 0
    Montour 3149 2 0 2 1 4 2 0
    New Castle 3138 5 0 1 0 0 0 0
    Northampton Generating Plant 50888 NGC01 0 1 0 1 1 0
    Ontelaunee Energy Center 55193 CT1 0 1 0 1 1 0
    Ontelaunee Energy Center 55193 CT2 0 0 0 0 0 1
    Panther Creek Energy Facility 50776 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
    Panther Creek Energy Facility 50776 2 0 0 0 0 1 1
    Piney Creek Power Plant 54144 31 0 0 1 1 1 0
    Portland 3113 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
    Portland 3113 2 0 0 0 1 1 0
    Scrubgrass Generating Plant 50974 2 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Seward 3130 1 0 1 0 2 1 0
    Seward 3130 2 0 1 0 1 1 0
    Shawville 3131 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Shawville 3131 2 0 1 0 1 0 0
    Shawville 3131 3 0 0 0 1 1 0
    Shawville 3131 4 0 0 1 1 0 0
    St. Nicholas Cogeneration Project 54634 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
    Sunbury 3152 1A 0 1 0 0 0 0
    Sunbury 3152 1B 0 0 1 0 0 0
    Sunbury 3152 3 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Sunbury 3152 4 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Titus 3115 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
    WPS Westwood Generation, LLC 50611 31 0 0 0 1 0 0
    Total Allocations 1 50 23 100 55* 16

    * Total reallocated is 27 more than the amount given back by Trigen due to a discovered under-allocation for the 2015 annual NOx allocation.

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-1423. Filed for public inspection July 27, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]

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