Title 58—RECREATION PENNSYLVANIA GAMING CONTROL BOARD [ 58 PA. CODE CH. 577 ] Three Dice Football; Temporary Regulations [42 Pa.B. 4697]
[Saturday, July 28, 2012]The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (Board), under its general authority in 4 Pa.C.S. § 13A03(b) (relating to temporary table game regulations) and the specific authority in 4 Pa.C.S. § 13A02(1) and (2) (relating to regulatory authority), adds Chapter 577 (relating to Three Dice Football) to read as set forth in Annex A.
Purpose of the Temporary Rulemaking
This temporary rulemaking adds Three Dice Football to the complement of games that are authorized for play in this Commonwealth.
Explanation of Chapter 577
Section 577.1 (relating to definitions) contains the definitions for terms used in Three Dice Football. Section 577.2 (relating to Three Dice Football table; physical characteristics) contains the requirements for Three Dice Football tables and other equipment used in the play of the game.
Section 577.3 (relating to wagers) specifies which wagers are authorized for use at the game and when those wagers are to be placed. Sections 577.4 and 577.5 (relating to dice; physical characteristics, retention and selection; and throw of the dice; invalid roll of the dice) address the type of dice used in the game, the proper throwing of the dice and the instances in which a stickperson may declare a throw invalid.
Section 577.6 (relating to rules of the game; settlement of wagers) addresses how the game is to be played and the proper settling of winning and losing wagers. Section 577.7 (relating to continuation of Quarterback; selection of new Quarterback) addresses the instances in which a new shooter of the dice is to be selected or retained for the next round of play. Section 577.8 (relating to payout odds) addresses the payout odds for permissible wagers and § 577.9 (relating to minimum staffing and surveillance requirements) specifies the camera coverage and staffing levels required for certificate holders that elect to offer the new table game.
Affected Parties
This temporary rulemaking will allow certificate holders additional options on how to conduct table games at licensed facilities.
Fiscal Impact
Commonwealth. The Board does not expect that this temporary rulemaking will have fiscal impact on the Board or any other Commonwealth agency. Internal control procedures submitted by certificate holders regarding table games Rules Submissions will be reviewed by existing Board staff.
Political subdivisions. This temporary rulemaking will not have direct fiscal impact on political subdivisions in this Commonwealth. Eventually, host municipalities and counties will benefit from the local share funding that is mandated by the act of January 7, 2010 (P. L. 1, No. 1).
Private sector. This temporary rulemaking will give certificate holders some additional flexibility as to how they conduct table games. It is anticipated that this temporary rulemaking will have an impact only on certificate holders, which are not small businesses.
General public. This temporary rulemaking will not have direct fiscal impact on the general public.
Paperwork Requirements
If a certificate holder elects to offer new games for play at a licensed facility, the certificate holder will be required to submit an updated Rules Submission reflecting the changes.
Effective Date
This temporary rulemaking will become effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Public Comments
While this temporary rulemaking will be effective upon publication, the Board is seeking comments from the public and affected parties as to how these temporary regulations might be improved. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments, suggestions or objections regarding this temporary rulemaking within 30 days after the date of publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin to Susan A. Yocum, Assistant Chief Counsel, Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, P. O. Box 69060, Harrisburg, PA 17106-9060, Attention: Public Comment on Regulation #125-163.
Contact Person
The contact person for questions about this temporary rulemaking is Susan A. Yocum, Assistant Chief Counsel, (717) 346-8300.
Regulatory Review
Under 4 Pa.C.S. § 13A03(b), the Board's authority to adopt temporary regulations governing the rules of new table games does not expire. Additionally, temporary regulations adopted by the Board are not subject to sections 201—205 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P. L. 769, No. 240) (45 P. S. §§ 1201—1208), known as the Commonwealth Documents Law (CDL), the Regulatory Review Act (71 P. S. §§ 745.1—745.12) and sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the Commonwealth Attorneys Act (71 P. S. §§ 732-204(b) and 732-301(10)). These temporary regulations expire 2 years after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
The Board finds that:
(1) Under 4 Pa.C.S. § 13A03(b), the temporary regulations are exempt from the Regulatory Review Act, sections 201—205 of the CDL and sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the Commonwealth Attorneys Act.
(2) The adoption of the temporary regulations is necessary and appropriate for the administration and enforcement of 4 Pa.C.S. Part II (relating to gaming).
The Board, acting under 4 Pa.C.S. Part II, orders that:
(1) The regulations of the Board, 58 Pa. Code, are amended by adding §§ 577.1—577.9 to read as set forth in Annex A.
(2) The temporary regulations are effective July 28, 2012.
(3) The temporary regulations will be posted on the Board's web site and published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
(4) The temporary regulations are subject to amendment as deemed necessary by the Board.
(5) The Chairperson of the Board shall certify this order and Annex A and deposit them with the Legislative Reference Bureau as required by law.
ChairpersonFiscal Note: 125-163. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.
577.1. Definitions. 577.2. Three Dice Football table; physical characteristics. 577.3. Wagers. 577.4. Dice; physical characteristics, retention and selection. 577.5. Throw of the dice; invalid roll of the dice. 577.6. Rules of the game; settlement of wagers. 577.7. Continuation of Quarterback; selection of new Quarterback. 577.8. Payout odds. 577.9. Minimum staffing and surveillance requirements. § 577.1. Definitions.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Defensive Die—The red die thrown by the Quarterback.
Down—Each time the Quarterback throws the dice with a corresponding outcome occurring on the field.
Extra point roll—An additional throw that occurs after a touchdown or Trips TD is scored.
Offensive Dice—Two green dice thrown by the Quarterback.
Penalty—When the total of the Offensive Dice is less than the value of the Defensive Die. A turnover is not a penalty.
Quarterback—The player responsible for throwing the dice.
Stickperson—An employee of the certificate holder whose primary function is to control the selection and use of the dice at a Three Dice Football table.
Touchdown—When, through downs, the 0 yard line is passed by the Quarterback resulting in the end of the game.
Triple—On an extra point roll when all three dice show the same number.
Trips TD—When all three dice show the same number resulting in an instant end of the game.
Turnover—When the Defensive Die is a 6 and the Offensive Dice have a total of 2 or 3 resulting in an instant end of the game.
§ 577.2. Three Dice Football table; physical characteristics.
(a) Three Dice Football shall be played on an oblong table with rounded corners, high walled sides and wagering locations for a maximum of 16 players.
(b) The layout for a Three Dice Football table shall be submitted to the Bureau of Gaming Operations and approved in accordance with § 601a.10(a) (relating to approval of table game layouts, signage and equipment) and contain, at a minimum:
(1) The name or logo of the certificate holder.
(2) Specific areas designated for the placement of wagers authorized under § 577.3(b) and (d) (relating to wagers).
(3) Inscriptions that advise patrons of the payout odds for all permissible wagers offered by the certificate holder. If the payout odds are not inscribed on the layout, a sign identifying the payout odds for all permissible wagers shall be posted at each Three Dice Football table.
(4) A football field containing two end zones, two 10 yard lines and two 20 yard lines. Each yard, from 1 through 23, shall also be labeled in the center of the football field.
(5) An area designated for the following:
(i) 1st Down.
(ii) 2nd Down.
(iii) 3rd Down.
(iv) 1st & Goal.
(v) 2nd & Goal.
(vi) 3rd & Goal.
(vii) Extra Point.
(6) An area designated for the game length, labeled 1 through 6.
(c) Each Three Dice Football table must have a drop box and tip box attached to the table in locations approved by the Bureau of Casino Compliance in accordance with § 601a.10(g).
§ 577.3. Wagers.
(a) Wagers shall be made by placing value chips, plaques or other Board-approved wagering instruments on the appropriate areas of the layout. Verbal wagers accompanied by cash may not be accepted.
(b) The following full game wagers are authorized in Three Dice Football:
(1) A Touchdown Wager which shall win if a touchdown or Trips TD is scored.
(2) A Defense Wager which shall win if a touchdown or Trips TD is not scored.
(3) An Extra Point Wager which shall win if a touchdown or Trips TD is made and on the extra point roll either:
(i) One or more of the three dice shows a 1.
(ii) Any triple, other than three 1s, is rolled.
(4) A Quick Strike TD Wager which shall win if a touchdown or Trips TD is scored in 4 downs or fewer.
(5) A Game Changer Wager which shall win if a Trips TD or a turnover occurs.
(6) The following Game Length Wagers which shall win if the game lasts exactly:
(i) One play.
(ii) Two plays.
(iii) Three plays.
(iv) Four plays.
(v) Five plays.
(vi) Six plays.
(c) The full game wagers authorized in subsection (b) shall be placed prior to the start of each new game and may not be increased or withdrawn after the first throw of the dice.
(d) The following single play wagers are authorized in Three Dice Football:
(1) A Trips TD Wager which shall win if a Trips TD is scored.
(2) A Penalty Wager which shall win if a penalty or turnover occurs.
(3) A Turnover Wager which shall win if a turnover occurs. A turnover on downs does not qualify.
(4) A Cover Three Wager which shall win if a Trips TD is scored or a penalty or turnover occurs.
(5) A No Gain Wager which shall win if zero yards are gained or if a penalty or turnover occurs.
(6) A Big Play Wager which shall win if 7 yards or more are gained or if a Trips TD is scored.
(7) An Over Four Yards Wager which shall win if 5 yards or more are gained or if a Trips TD is scored.
(8) An Under Four Yards Wager which shall win if 3 yards or less are gained or if a penalty or turnover occurs. A Trips TD does not qualify.
(e) The single play wagers authorized in subsection (d) may be placed at any time during the game prior to the Quarterback's throw of the dice. Single play wagers shall be settled after each throw of the dice.
§ 577.4. Dice; physical characteristics, retention and selection.
(a) Dice used in Three Dice Football must comply with the requirements of § 603a.12 (relating to dice; physical characteristics) except a set of four green and two red dice must be present at the table during gaming. Control of the dice at the table is the responsibility of the stickperson. The stickperson shall retain all dice, except those in active play, in a dice cup at the table.
(b) At the commencement of play, the stickperson shall offer the set of dice to the player immediately to the left of the stickperson. If that player rejects the dice, the stickperson shall offer the dice to each of the other players in turn clockwise around the table until one of the players accepts the dice.
(c) The first player to accept the dice when offered shall become the Quarterback who selects and retains two of the green dice and one red die offered. The remaining dice of the set shall be returned to the dice cup which shall be placed immediately in front of the stickperson.
(d) A set of dice used at a Three Dice Football table shall be changed at least once every 24 hours. A new set of dice shall be used when a Three Dice Football table is reopened for gaming, if a die goes off the table during play and is lost or if the dice show signs of tampering or alteration or are otherwise marked, chipped, scratched or no longer suitable for play.
§ 577.5. Throw of the dice; invalid roll of the dice.
(a) After selecting the Offensive and Defensive Dice, the Quarterback shall throw the three selected dice so that they leave the Quarterback's hand simultaneously and in a manner which causes the dice to strike the end of the table farthest from the Quarterback.
(b) A roll of the dice shall be invalid if any of the dice go off the table or if one die comes to rest on top of the other.
(c) The stickperson shall have the authority to invalidate a roll of the dice by calling ''no roll'' for any of the following reasons:
(1) The dice do not leave the Quarterback's hand simultaneously.
(2) Any of the dice fail to strike the end of the table farthest from the Quarterback.
(3) Any of the dice come to rest on the chips constituting the bank of chips located in front of the stickperson.
(4) Any of the dice come to rest in the dice cup in front of the stickperson or on one of the rails surrounding the table.
(5) The use of a cheating, crooked or fixed device or technique in the roll of the dice.
(6) The stickperson considers the throw to be improper.
(d) A throw of the dice which results in the dice coming into contact with any chips or plaques on the table, other than the bank of chips located in front of the stickperson, is not a cause for a call of ''no roll.''
(e) When the dice come to rest from a valid throw, the stickperson shall at once call out the numbers on the uppermost or skyward sides of the three dice. Only one face on each die shall be considered uppermost or skyward.
(f) In the event any of the dice do not land flat on the table (for example, one edge of the die is resting cocked on a stack of chips), the side directly opposite the side that is resting on the chips or other object shall be considered uppermost or skyward. If more than one side of a die is resting on a stack of chips or other object, the roll shall be void and the dice shall be rethrown.
(g) In the event of a dispute as to which face is uppermost, the stickperson has discretion to determine which face is uppermost or to order the throw be void and the dice be rethrown.
(h) After calling the throw, the stickperson shall collect the dice and bring them to the center of the table. All wagers decided by that throw shall then be settled. The stickperson shall then pass the dice to the Quarterback for the next throw. When collecting the dice and passing them to the Quarterback, the stickperson shall use a stick designed for that purpose.
§ 577.6. Rules of the game; settlement of wagers.
(a) Immediately prior to the commencement of each round of play, the dealer shall place the Down Puck on the area of the table layout designated for the 1st Down. The Yard Marker shall be placed on the football field in the 20 yard line circle. The Game Length Puck shall be placed on the area of the table layout designated for Play 1.
(b) Prior to the first throw of the dice, each player shall place a wager authorized under § 577.3(b) or (d) (relating to wagers). Prior to each subsequent roll of the dice, a player may place any single play wager authorized under § 577.3(d).
(c) Each roll of the dice shall determine the result of each down as follows:
(1) If the total of the Offensive Dice is greater than the value of the Defensive Die, a gain of yards has occurred. The dealer shall subtract the value of the Defensive Die from the total of the Offensive Dice and move the Yard Marker down the field toward the end zone the total number of yards earned during that down. For example, if the total of the Offensive Dice is 10 and the value of the Defensive Die is 2, the dealer shall move the Yard Marker toward the end zone 8 yards from its previous position on the field. The dealer shall then place the Down Puck on the next down and the Game Length Puck to the next play.
(2) If the total of the Offensive Dice is less than the value of the Defensive Die, a penalty has occurred which shall result in the loss of only 1 yard and the loss of the current down. The dealer shall move the Yard Marker back 1 yard from its previous position on the field, place the Down Puck on the next down and the Game Length Puck to the next play.
(3) If the total of the Offensive Dice is equal to the value of the Defensive Die, a gain or penalty has not occurred. The dealer shall place the Down Puck on the next down and the Game Length Puck to the next play.
(4) If the Quarterback rolls a turnover, the dealer shall announce the turnover and end the game.
(5) If the Quarterback rolls a Trips TD, the dealer shall move the Yard Marker to the end zone and end the game.
(d) After each down, the dealer shall settle all single play wagers placed in accordance with § 577.3(d). The value of the dice determines the outcome of single play wagers, not the actual yards moved on the field. The dealer shall then announce the number of downs and the distance to the end zone.
(e) The Quarterback shall have three downs to either score a touchdown, Trips TD or earn a 1st & Goal. A 1st & Goal is earned by reaching the 10 yard line. If after three downs:
(1) The Quarterback has not scored a touchdown, Trips TD or earned a 1st & Goal, the game ends.
(2) The Quarterback has earned a 1st & Goal, the Quarterback has three more downs to score a touchdown or a Trips TD.
(f) If the Quarterback:
(1) Scores a touchdown or a Trips TD, the dealer shall first collect all Defense Wagers then settle all single play wagers, placed in accordance with § 577.3(d), and all full game wagers, placed in accordance with § 577.3(b), with the exception of the Touchdown and Extra Point Wagers. If any player at the table has placed an Extra Point Wager, the Quarterback shall then throw an extra point roll. The dealer shall then pay out winning Touchdown Wagers and settle the Extra Point Wagers.
(2) Does not score a touchdown or a Trips TD, the dealer shall first collect all Touchdown and Extra Point Wagers and pay out winning Defense Wagers. The dealer shall then settle all single play wagers, placed in accord-ance with § 577.3(d), and the remaining full game wagers placed in accordance with § 577.3(b).
(g) All winning wagers shall be paid in accordance with § 577.8 (relating to payout odds).
§ 577.7. Continuation of Quarterback; selection of new Quarterback.
(a) If a game ends in a touchdown or Trips TD, the Quarterback shall retain the dice. If the game ends with defense winning, the stickperson shall offer the dice to the player to the immediate left of the previous Quarterback. If the player does not accept the dice, the stickperson shall offer the dice to each of the other players in turn clockwise around the table.
(b) The first player to accept the dice when offered shall become the new Quarterback who shall select and retain two of the green dice and one of the red die offered. The remaining dice of the set shall be returned to the dice cup which shall be placed immediately in front of the stickperson.
§ 577.8. Payout odds.
(a) The certificate holder shall pay out winning full game wagers in accordance with the following odds:
Wager Paytable Touchdown Wager 1 to 1 Defense Wager 4 to 5 Extra Point Wager with: A 1 appearing on one of the dice 1 to 1 A 1 appearing on two of the dice 10 to 1 A triple of 1s 50 to 1 Any triple other than 1s 10 to 1 Quick Strike TD Wager on: Play One 8 to 1 Play Two 5 to 1 Play Three 3 to 1 Play Four 1 to 1 Game Change Wager 5 to 1 Game Length Wager lasting: One play 22 to 1 Two plays 22 to 1 Three plays 6 to 5 Four plays 5 to 1 Five plays 3 to 1 Six plays 6 to 1 (b) The certificate holder shall pay out winning single play wagers in accordance with the following odds:
Wager Paytable Trips TD Wager 30 to 1 Penalty Wager 9 to 1 Turnover Wager 60 to 1 Cover Three Wager 7 to 1 No Gain Wager 5 to 1 Big Play Wager 4 to 1 Over 4 Yards Wager 1 to 1 Over 4 Yards Wager with Trips TD 7 to 1 Under 4 Yards Wager 1 to 1 § 577.9. Minimum staffing and surveillance requirements.
(a) The surveillance system must include at least two stationary cameras for each Three Dice Football table. One camera must cover each end of the table.
(b) Certificate holders shall maintain three dealers for each Three Dice Football table, one of whom shall act as the stickperson.
(c) A floorperson may not supervise more than two Three Dice Football tables or one Three Dice Football table and one table of any other banking table game excluding Baccarat, Midibaccarat, Craps, Mini-Craps and Pai Gow.
[Pa.B. Doc. No. 12-1409. Filed for public inspection July 27, 2012, 9:00 a.m.]