1386 Program Year 2001 modification #1 to the Strategic State Workforce Investment Plan for Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Workforce Investment Systems) and Wagner-Peyser Act; public comment notice  


    Program Year 2001 Modification #1 to the Strategic State Workforce Investment Plan for Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Workforce Investment Systems) and Wagner-Peyser Act; Public Comment Notice

    [31 Pa.B. 4131]

       The Department of Labor and Industry invites comment on Program Year (PY) 2001 Modification #1 to the Strategic State Workforce Investment Plan for Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Workforce Investment Systems) (WIA) and Wagner-Peyser Act.

       For a state to be eligible to receive an allotment under section 127 or 132 of the WIA, or to receive financial assistance under the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 U.S.C.A. § 49 et seq.), the Governor of the state must submit to the United States Secretary of Labor a single state plan that outlines a 5-year strategy for the Statewide workforce investment system of the state that meets the requirements of sections 111 and 112 of the WIA. A state may submit modifications to a state plan in accordance with the requirements of sections 111 and 112 of the WIA as necessary during the 5-year period covered by the plan. This notice is in accordance with 20 CFR 661.230(d), which indicates that a modification to the State Plan is subject to the same public review and comment requirements that apply to the development of the original State Plan.

       The following is a brief summary of changes made to the Strategic State Workforce Investment Plan for Title I of the WIA and Wagner-Peyser Act for PY 2001 Modification #1. Primarily, changes were made to update the Plan to be in compliance with the requirements of the WIA statute and final regulations and related requirements; and to make the Plan consistent with the developments subsequent to the modification that was approved by United States Department of Labor in December 1999. Changes include addition of PY 2000 and 2001 allocation formulas, revisions in Commonwealth policies and program performance negotiation results and current standards/levels.

       A summary of major changes to the State Plan is available from Planning Coordination Services, Bureau of Workforce Investment, 12th Floor, Labor and Industry Building, Seventh and Forster Streets, Harrisburg, PA, 17121, (717) 787-3354. Mention seeking a copy of the detailed summary of changes to the modification to the Commonwealth's Title I/Wagner-Peyser State Plan.

       Any interested party wishing to comment on the State Plan modification must do so in writing by the close of business on August 28, 2001. Comments should be sent to John C. Vogel, Director, Bureau of Workforce Investment, 12th Floor, Labor and Industry Building, Seventh and Forster Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17121.

       Comments received during this period will be considered and necessary revisions will be made to the modification.


    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 01-1386. Filed for public inspection July 27, 2001, 9:00 a.m.]

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