1465 Decisions on requests for exceptions to health care facility regulations  

  • Decisions on Requests for Exceptions to Health Care Facility Regulations

    [33 Pa.B. 3686]

       Under 28 Pa. Code § 51.33 (relating to requests for exceptions), effective June 6, 1998, the Department of Health (Department) has published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin all requests by entities licensed under the Health Care Facilities Act (35 P. S. §§ 448.101--448.904b), for exceptions to regulations contained in 28 Pa. Code Part IV, Subparts B--G.

       Section 51.33(d) provides that the Department will publish notice of all approved exceptions on a periodic basis. The Department has determined that it will publish notice of all exceptions, both approved and denied. The following list contains the decisions made on exception requests published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin from April 1, 2003, through June 30, 2003. Future publications of decisions on exception requests will appear on a quarterly basis.

       Requests for additional information on the exception requests and the Department's decision should be made to the relevant division of the Department. Inquiries regarding hospitals and ambulatory surgical facilities should be addressed to the Division of Acute and Ambulatory Care, Sandra Knoble, Director, P. O. Box 90, Harrisburg, PA 17108. Inquiries regarding long-term care facilities should be addressed to the Division of Nursing Care Facilities, William Bordner, Acting Director, P. O. Box 90, Harrisburg, PA 17108. Persons requiring special assistance for speech and/or hearing impairment should call V/TT (717) 783-6514 or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Services at (800) 654-5984 [TT].

    Exception Requests--Hospitals

    Facility NameRegulation Relating to Req. Published Decision
    Hazleton St. Joseph    Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 51.3(c) notification 4/26/03 granted
    Wyoming Valley Health    Care System 28 Pa. Code § 51.23 PET scanning services 4/26/03granted
    Frankford Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 51.23PET scanning services4/26/03granted
    Mercy Jeannette Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 51.23 PET scanning services6/21/03 granted
    Geisinger Wyoming Valley    Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 51.23PET scanning 4/26/03 granted
    Temple University Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 51.23 PET scanning services 6/21/02 granted
    Pottsville Hospital and    Warne Clinic 28 Pa. Code § 107.2 medical staff membership 4/26/03 granted
    Montgomery Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.2medical staff membership 4/26/03granted
    Select Specialty Hospital    Philadelphia 28 Pa. Code § 107.2 medical staff membership 5/17/03 granted
    Tyler Memorial Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.2 medical staff membership (podiatrists) 6/21/03 granted
    Westmoreland Regional    Hospital and Frick    Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.2 medical staff membership 6/21/03 granted
    Altoona Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.26(b)(2) tissue committee 5/17/03granted
    Doylestown Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.32 meetings and attendance5/17/03granted
    Carlisle Regional Medical    Center 28 Pa. Code § 107.61 written orders 4/26/03 granted in part
    Community Hospital of    Lancaster 28 Pa. Code § 107.61 written orders 4/26/03 granted in part
    Lancaster Regional Medical    Center 28 Pa. Code § 107.61 written orders4/26/03 granted in part
    Mercy Hospital of    Pittsburgh 28 Pa. Code § 107.61 written orders6/21/03 granted in part
    Mercy Providence Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.61 written orders 6/21/03 granted in part
    Healthsouth Rehabilitation    Hospital for Special    Services 28 Pa. Code § 107.61 written orders 6/21/03 granted in part
    Highlands Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.62 oral orders 4/26/03 granted
    St. Joseph Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 107.62oral orders for physicians assistants 11/16/02granted
    Mercy Jeannette Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.62 oral orders 6/21/03granted
    Doylestown Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.62 oral orders 5/17/03 denied
    Mercy Hospital of    Pittsburgh 28 Pa. Code § 107.62 oral orders 6/21/03 granted in part
    Mercy Providence Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.62 oral orders 6/21/03 granted in part
    Healthsouth Rehabilitation    Hospital for Sepcial    Services 28 Pa. Code § 107.62 oral orders 6/21/03 granted in part
    Memorial Hospital    Towanda 28 Pa. Code § 107.62(b) oral orders 5/17/03 granted in part
    Allegheny General Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 107.64 administration of drugs 12/14/02 granted
    Medical Center of Beaver 28 Pa. Code § 138.14(c) diagnostic cardiac catheterization services 12/28/02 granted for 1 year
    Holy Redeemer Health    System 28 Pa. Code § 138.15 high risk cardiac catheterizations 3/16/02 denied
    Jeanes Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 138.15 high risk cardiac catheterization 3/16/02 denied
    Magee Women's Hospital of    UPMC H. S. 28 Pa. Code § 139.13 equipment and supplies--NICU 24 hours 7/5/03 granted
    Community Medical Center    Healthcare 28 Pa. Code § 143.4 medical appraisal of podiatric patients 6/21/03 denied
    Community Medical Center    Healthcare 28 Pa. Code § 143.7 medical orders and patient records 6/21/03 denied
    St. Clair Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--7.3.A8--
    handwashing stations
    4/26/03 granted
    Pinnacle Health @    Harrisburg Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--7.2.B10-- examination rooms, 7.9.D7--ED examination room 4/26/03 granted
    Pinnacle Health--
       Fredricksen Outpatient
    28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--7.33-- hyperbaric suite, 9.2.H1.a--minimum public corridor width 3/29/03 not needed
    Memorial Hospital--York 28 Pa. Code §  153.1 minimum standards--9.9.A1-- procedure room minimum clear area 3/29/03 denied
    The Washington Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--10.15.A5--
    handwashing stations
    5/17/03 granted
    Indiana Regional Medical    Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--10.15.A2-- min. patient room areas, 10.15.A5--handwashing stations, 10.15.B8-- minimum exam/treatment room area, 10.24.A13--patient toilet grab bars 5/31/03 granted
    Indiana Regional Medical    Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--10.24.A9 window sills 5/31/03 not needed
    Highlands Hospital 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--7.31.D Table 7.2--ventilation requirements 5/31/03 granted
    Williamsport Hospital and    Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--Table 7.5 medical gasses 2/15/03 granted
    Mercy Hospital Pittsburgh 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--7.3.A3-- patient space, 7.3.A6--patient room window, 7.3.A8--handwashing stations 4/26/03 not necessary
    Meadville Medical Center 28 Pa. Code § 153.1 minimum standards--7.4.A11-- housekeeping/environmental services 6/21/03 granted

    Exception Requests--Ambulatory Surgical Facilities

    Facility NameRegulation Relating to Req. Published Decision
    Main Line Spine Physical    Medicine and Rehabilitation 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 minimum standards--9.30.B-- elevators 5/17/03 granted
    Reproductive Science    Institute 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 minimum standards--9.5.E1-- flush-type devices 5/17/03 granted
    The Washington Hospital    Neighbor Health 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 minimum standards--9.5.F2.d--size of OR, 9.5.F3.c--size of recovery station, 9.5.F4--step-down recovery area, 9.5.F5.j--medication administration, 9.5.H1.c--patient toilet rooms 4/26/03 granted
    Evangelical Ambulatory    Surgical Center 28 Pa. Code § 571.1 minimum standards--9.5.F5.f-- anesthesia storage/workroom 4/26/03 denied

    Exception Requests--Nursing Care Facilities

    Facility NameRegulation Relating to Req. Published Decision
    Jameson Hospital    Transitional Care    Unit--South 28 Pa. Code § 201.17 location 3/29/03 granted
    Mary Evans Extended Care    Center 28 Pa. Code § 201.17 location 3/29/03 granted
    Evangelical Subacute Care    Unit 28 Pa. Code § 201.17 location 4/26/03 not required
    Church of the Brethren    Home 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 4/19/03 granted
    Mary J. Drexler Home 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 4/1/03 granted
    Mahoning Valley Nursing    and Rehab Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building granted
    Mary Evans Extended Care    Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 4/26/03 denied
    Covenant at South Hills 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 5/3/03 granted
    Quincy United Methodist    Home 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 5/10/03 granted
    Lutheran Nursing and    Rehabilitation Center at    Sprenkle Drive 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 6/7/03 granted
    Valley Crest Nursing Home 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 6/21/03 granted
    Trinity Living Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 6/21/03 denied
    Mulberry Square 28 Pa. Code § 205.6(a) function of building 6/28/03 granted
    Green Ridge Nursing Home 28 Pa. Code § 205.26(e) laundry 5/31/03 denied
    Mountain City Nursing    and Rehabilitation    Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.27 lounge and recreation rooms 3/29/03 denied
    Evangelical Subacute Care    Unit 28 Pa. Code § 205.32 janitor closet 5/10/03 granted
    Hamilton Arms Center 28 Pa. Code § 205.38 toilet facilities 4/26/03 granted
    Jeanette District Memorial    Hospital Skilled Nursing    Center 28 Pa. Code § 211.12(b) nursing services 6/21/03 temporary approval
    Nipple Convalescent Home 28 Pa. Code § 211.12(f)(1) nursing services 5/10/03 temporary approval

    CALVIN B. JOHNSON, M.D., M.P.H.,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-1465. Filed for public inspection July 25, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]

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