Title 67--TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION [67 PA. CODE CH. 177] Implementation of Exhaust Emissions Standards [33 Pa.B. 3608] The Department of Transportation (Department), Bureau of Motor Vehicles, under the authority of 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 4103, 4531, 4701, 4706, 4707, 4710, 6103 and 9104, published a final-form rulemaking at 33 Pa.B. 2479 (May 24, 2003) that added provisions to 67 Pa. Code Chapter 177, Appendix A (relating to acceleration simulation mode: Pennsylvania procedures, standards, equipment specifications and quality control requirements) to incorporate alternative final exhaust emission standards recently developed by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. The regulation provides that upon notice by the Department in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, the exhaust emission standards used for Acceleration Simulation Mode (ASM) tests performed using dynamometers will be in accordance with the tables included in the regulation. See 67 Pa. Code Chapter 177, Appendix A § 1(a)(2)(ii) (relating to ASM exhaust emission standards and calculations).
Effective immediately, the Department is beginning implementation of the exhaust emission standards in the tables in 67 Pa. Code Chapter 177, Appendix A § 1(a)(2)(ii). Emission inspection stations with ASM test equipment not in compliance with the regulation after August 31, 2003, will be unable to perform the ASM test and complete an emission inspection.
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 03-1442. Filed for public inspection July 25, 2003, 9:00 a.m.]