DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Design Professional Selections [30 Pa.B. 3693] The Selections Committee for the Department of General Services will meet to consider selections of Design Professionals for the following projects:
Project No. DGS 181-12--Rehabilitation of the Morrisville Flood Protection Project, Borough of Morrisville, Bucks County, PA. Construction Cost: $1,000,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, repairing and/or replacing a concrete toe wall, drainage structures and riprap along the levee; repairing the levee slope; restoring the profile of the levee crest and reseeding with low maintenance cover.
Project No. DGS 403-62--Renovation of Dining Area, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Cheyney, Delaware County, PA. Construction Cost: $585,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, window and masonry repairs, ADA improvements, interior reconfiguration, electrical/mechanical/plumbing upgrades and roof repairs to Ada Georges Dining Hall.
Project No. DGS 403-67--Renovation of Building for Hospitality Center, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Cheyney, Delaware County, PA. Construction Cost: $270,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, window and masonry repairs, ADA improvements, interior reconfiguration, electrical/mechanical/plumbing upgrades and roof repairs to Melrose Center.
Project No. DGS 411-58--Addition to and Renovation of McComsey Hall, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, Millersville, Lancaster County, PA. Construction Cost: $6,381,000. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, plumbing/mechanical/electrical/and structural systems replacement/refurbishment. Provide a 36,000 sq. ft. expansion to house assembly areas, research space, faculty offices and provide space for expanded courses in Business Administration, Social Work and Anthropology. The Department will assign a Construction Manager to provide limited preconstruction services including scheduling and cost estimating for the project.
Project No. DGS 412-48--Upgrade Steam Plant Boiler No. 4, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, Cumberland County, PA. Construction Cost: $454,167. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, modification of Boiler No. 4 converting it to burn natural gas, however, continue to burn coal using existing stoker or new stoker installed at a later date. Boiler should be capable of producing 25,000 pounds per hour of steam on a continuous basis using either gas or coal.
Project No. DGS 574-26 Phase 1--Housing/Utilities, Addition of Two New Cell Blocks for Close Security, Expansion of Infirmary, Outside Warehouse, Electrical and Boiler Upgrades, State Correctional Institution, Muncy, Lycoming County, PA. Construction Cost: $12 million. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, renovation of central boilers and associated equipment; upgrade primary/secondary electrical system, upgrade of storm water system and construction of one Level 4 (L4) housing unit. The Department will assign a Construction Manager to provide limited preconstruction services including scheduling and cost estimating for the project.
Project No. DGS 1103-62 Phase 1--Overall Design and Academic Spaces, Communications, Art and Technology Building, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford Campus, Bradford, McKean County, PA. Construction Cost of the entire project: $10,051,000. The scope for Phase 1 includes, but is not limited to, overall design of the Communications, Arts and Technology Building of approximately 58,000 G.S.F. The building will house classrooms, studios, faculty offices, rehearsal space, 500 seat theater with auxiliary spaces, parking facilities, roadway modifications and exterior lighting. Phase 1, with a construction allocation of $3,471,000 will include academic/public spaces, communications, art, music and site amenities, as the budget allows. The Department will assign a Construction Manager to provide limited preconstruction services including scheduling and cost estimating for the project.
Requirements and Information Note--Project Program
A Project Program, prepared by the Using Agency, is available for the following projects: DGS 181-12, DGS 403-62, DGS 403-67, DGS 411-58, DGS 412-48, DGS 574-26 Phase 1 and DGS 1103-62 Phase 1. Project Programs are available on the Internet by clicking on the project number in the advertisement which can be accessed through the Public Works section on the Department of General Services' Home Page at Copies of Project Programs may be obtained upon request to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th & Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125, (717) 783-8468, or e-mail by addressing a request to:
Instructions for Filing Application
Professionals will not be considered by the Committee until all of the following requirements are met.
(a) Signed Form 150-ASP must be filed with the Department of General Services. The signature on Form 150-ASP must be an original signature. Consultants listed on the requesting professional firm's application, Form 150-ASP shall be deemed to be designated Key Consultants. Form 150-ASP, Application For Specific Project, may be obtained upon request to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, PA 17125, (717) 783-8468. The Form 150-ASP can be downloaded from the Professional Selections Web Site of the Department of General Services' Internet Home Page at In addition, the Form 150-ASP can be obtained by e-mail by addressing a request to
(b) The requesting professional firm shall obtain from each consultant listed in Question 9, page 4 of the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-ASP) a signed letter of certification on the consultant's letterhead, attesting to the firm's consent to participate in the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-ASP) for the specific project. Signed letters of certification from consultants are required and constitute a part of the requesting professional firm's application (Form 150-ASP) for the specific project. The signature on the letter of certification must be an original signature.
(c) The requesting professional firm must submit six copies of Form 150-ASP, Application for Specific Project, for each project herein advertised in which the firm is interested and qualified to perform. At least one of the six copies submitted must contain all original signatures. For architectural projects and, when appropriate, for engineering projects, the Professional shall supply photographs showing a maximum of two different views of each of the three relevant projects described in Question 12, Pages 7 through 9 of the application (Form 150-ASP). The requesting professional firm or joint venture firm must be the Professional of Record for the projects described in Question 12, Pages 7 through 9 of the application (Form 150-ASP). It is not acceptable to list work performed by Key Consultants. The identification and appropriate supportive information concerning each photograph shall include the name, project title, location, and the name of the Professional of Record. Color photo copies are acceptable, however, renderings and brochures will not be accepted in lieu of photographs. The photographs shall be attached to each copy of the application, (Form 150-ASP). The pages of each copy of Form 150-ASP must be stapled with photographs and consultant's letters of certification followed by the resume(s) of Key Personnel (listed in Question 10 and/or 11 on Pages 5 and/or 6) included as the last section of the application. Do not bind the application (Form 150-ASP) in any way to any other documentation. Do not bind the application (Form 150-ASP) in a binder of any type.
(d) A complete project submission, which consists of documents described previously in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), must be received on or before the close of business (5 p.m.) Friday, August 11, 2000, and addressed to the Selections Committee, Department of General Services, Room 104, 18th and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17125. Fax applications are not acceptable.
Project submissions must be made on the Form 150-ASP. Applications submitted on any other form are unacceptable and will not be considered by the Committee.
(e) The Selections Committee may at its discretion establish interviews with any or all of the Professionals who have requested consideration for appointment as designer for the above projects. If an interview is required, the Professional will be notified by the Committee as to the date, time and location.
(f) Additional information, in writing, may be requested by the Committee as required.
Additional Services--Indoor Air Quality Assessment Program and Hazardous Materials
The Professional firm selected to design a project to perform and administer, when required by the Department as Additional Services, an Indoor Air Quality Assessment Program during Building or Renovation Commissioning and the sampling, testing, inspection and monitoring for removal of any asbestos, other hazardous waste or contaminants encountered during project design or construction, unless otherwise stated in the Scope.
The Selections Committee encourages responses from small firms, minority firms, women-owned firms and firms who have not previously performed State work, and will consider joint ventures, which will enable them to participate in this program.
All applications submitted are subject to review by the Selections Committee. The Selections Committee disclaims any liability whatsoever as to its review of the applications submitted and in formulating its recommendations for selection. All recommendations for selection made by the Committee shall be final under the act of May 15, 1998 (P. L. 358, No. 57).
Secretary[Pa.B. Doc. No. 00-1250. Filed for public inspection July 21, 2000, 9:00 a.m.]