1300 Distribution of reports of behavioral health evaluations; family court administrative order no. 2013-01
Title 249—PHILADELPHIA RULES PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Distribution of Reports of Behavioral Health Evaluations; Family Court Administrative Order No. 2013-01 [43 Pa.B. 4064]
[Saturday, July 20, 2013]Order And Now, this 15th day of May, 2013, considering the objectives and purposes of the Juvenile Act and recognizing the risk of disruption of courtroom operation when confronted by a shifting protocol concerning the management of attorneys of record and Guardians ad litem in delinquent and dependency matters attorneys upon recommendation and approval of the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania Administrative Governing Board, subject to the limitations set forth, and in accordance with the directive entered by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court April 11, 1986, at No. 55 Judicial Administration Docket No. 1, Eastern District defining the duties of administrative judges and the authority provided by Pa.R.J.C.P. Nos. 121, and 1121 for good cause shown:
It Is Hereby Ordered and Decreed that:
1. In delinquency matters, the report of a behavioral health evaluation shall be maintained by the Court. A copy of the report shall be furnished to each of the following:
• Assigned Judge;
• Juvenile Probation Department;
• Defense counsel of record;
• Office of the Philadelphia District Attorney;
• Philadelphia Mental Health Care Corporation;
• Community Behavioral Health
2. In dependency matters, the report of a behavioral health evaluation shall be maintained by the Court. A copy of the report shall be furnished to each of the following:
• Assigned Judge;
• City of Philadelphia Law Department;
• Assigned child advocate/Guardian ad litem;
• Parents; caregivers' attorney(s) of record;
• Philadelphia Mental Health Care Corporation;
• Community Behavioral Health
3. In crossover cases involving delinquency and dependency determinations, the report of a behavioral health evaluation shall be maintained by the Court. A copy of the report shall be furnished to each of the following:
• Assigned Judge;
• Juvenile Probation Department;
• Defense counsel of record;
• Office of the Philadelphia District Attorney;
• City of Philadelphia Law Department;
• Assigned child advocate/Guardian ad litem;
• Parents; caregivers' attorney(s) of record;
• Philadelphia Mental Health Care Corporation;
• Community Behavioral Health;
4. In the event that one of the above recipients requires additional copies of any report, that party shall direct a written request to the assigned Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Family Division state the reason why the additional copy is needed. Recipients shall not request copies from other recipients, and recipients shall not produce copies to other recipients.
5. Recipients may only copy reports for ease of communication and review within their respective organizations/offices. All copies shall be maintained securely and shall not be published or distributed outside of the recipient's organization/office.
As required by Pa.R.J.C.P. 121 and 1121, this Order has been submitted to the Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee for review and written notification has been received from the Committee certifying that the terms set forth in this order are not inconsistent with any general rule of the Supreme Court. This Order shall be filed with the Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts in a docket maintained for Orders issued by the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, as required by Pa.R.J.C.P. 121(H) and 1121(H). Two certified copies of this Order and a copy on a CD-RPM shall be distributed to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. A copy of the written notification, received from the Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee, providing that the local rule is not inconsistent with the Pennsylvania Rules of Juvenile Court Procedure shall also be forwarded to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. This Order will become effective thirty days after publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. As required by Pa.R.J.C.P. 121(G) and 1121(G), one certified copy of this Order shall be filed with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts and will also be published on the Unified Judicial System's web site at http://ujsportal.pacourts.us/localrules/ruleselection.aspx and posted on the First Judicial District's website at http://courts.phila.gov. Copies shall be published in The Legal Intelligencer and will be submitted to American Lawyer Media, Jenkins Memorial Law Library, and the Law Library for the First Judicial District.
By the Court
Administrative Judge
Family Court Division[Pa.B. Doc. No. 13-1300. Filed for public inspection July 19, 2013, 9:00 a.m.]