1290 Documents filed but not published  


    Documents Filed But Not Published

    [32 Pa.B. 3574]

       The Legislative Reference Bureau (Bureau) accepted the following documents during the preceding calendar month for filing without publication under 1 Pa. Code § 3.13(b) (relating to contents of Bulletin). The Bureau will continue to publish on a monthly basis either a summary table identifying the documents accepted during the preceding calendar month under this subsection or a statement that no documents have been received. For questions concerning or copies of documents filed, but not published, call (717) 783-1530.

    Executive Board

       Resolution #CB-02-150, Dated June 17, 2002. This resolution authorizes the side letter of understanding with AFSCME that implements compensation provisions for the period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2004, for employees compensated on the Corrections Supervisory Pay Schedule (Schedule K). The side letter encompasses approximately 188 first-level supervisory employees who supervise H1 bargaining unit employees in the Department of Corrections. The approximate annual costs of salary and wage increases are $375,000 including the cost of salary sensitive benefits.

    Governor's Office

       Management Directive No. 205.25--Disability-Related Employment Policy, Amended June 19, 2002.

       Management Directive No. 230.15--Continental United States High Cost Subsistence Allowances, Amended June 6, 2002.

       Management Directive No. 410.10--Guidelines for Investigating and Resolving Internal Discrimination Complaints, Amended June 19, 2002.

       Management Directive No. 505.30--Prohibition of Sexual Harassment in Commonwealth Work Settings, Amended June 19, 2002.

       Management Directive No. 580.34--Removal of Eligibles for Certification or Appointment in the Classified Service, Amended May 20, 2002.

       Management Directive No. 580.37--Promotion by Appointment of Unclassified Service Employees into the Classified Service, Dated May 22, 2002.

       Management Directive No. 620.1--Coal Sampling and Reporting, Revision No. 2, Dated May 28, 2002.

       Administrative Circular No. 02-13--Implementation of Imagine PA in the Department of General Services' Commodity Distribution Center, Dated June 7, 2002.

       Administrative Circular No. 02-14--Automotive Fleet Preventive Maintenance Schedule, Dated June 18, 2002.

       Administrative Circular No. 02-15--Refueling of Commonwealth Automotive Fleet Vehicles, Dated June 18, 2002.

       Administrative Circular No. 02-16--State Employees Purchasing Vehicle at the Commonwealth Auction, Dated June 18, 2002.

       Administrative Circular No. 02-17--Workers' Compensation Rates, Dated June 20, 2002.

    Pennsylvania Bulletin

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 02-1290. Filed for public inspection July 19, 2002, 9:00 a.m.]

Document Information