1151 Availability of technical guidance  

  • Availability of Technical Guidance

    [27 Pa.B. 3575]

    Governor's Office List

       Once a year on the first Saturday in August, the Governor's Office publishes a list of the non-regulatory guidance documents of all State agencies in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The next publication of this list will be in the August 2, 1997, Pennsylvania Bulletin.

    DEP's Technical Guidance Document Inventory

       DEP publishes a list of its technical guidance documents in its Technical Guidance Document Inventory twice a year. DEP will place the June 1997 edition of the Inventory on DEP's World Wide Web site soon. DEP's Web address is http://www.dep.state.pa.us. To go to the location of the Inventory once on the DEP home page, persons should choose the Public Participation Center/Technical Guidance Document/Inventory.

       Bound paper copies of the June 1997 Inventory will become available in July for those who do not have access to the Web site. DEP automatically mails a paper copy of the June 1997 Inventory to persons who received a bound paper copy of the December 1996 Inventory. Persons who wish to add their address to the mailing list should call Nina Huizinga at (717) 783-8727.

    DEP's Technical Guidance Documents on the World Wide Web

       DEP's Web address is http://www.dep.state.pa.us. To go to the location of DEP's Technical Guidance Documents once on the DEP home page, persons should choose the Public Participation Center. The Center contains several links to DEP's Technical Guidance Documents. Persons should look under the heading ''Proposals Open to Comment'' for the link to ''Draft Technical Guidance.'' Persons should look under the heading ''Proposals Recently Finalized'' for the link to ''Technical Guidance.'' Persons should look under the heading ''Technical Guidance'' for one link to the ''Basic Inventory'' and a second link to ''Final Guidance.'' The final documents menu will list DEP's bureaus. Persons should click on the name of the bureau to get to the list of the documents from that bureau that are currently on the Web. Then, to get to see a document, persons should click on the ID number of the document. DEP will be adding its revised documents to the Web throughout 1997.

    Help Protect the Environment: Use the Web and Save Trees

       DEP encourages members of the public who read these announcements in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and DEP's UPDATE and who have access to the World Wide Web to avoid the needless duplication of paper copies of DEP's technical guidance documents. Persons can download those DEP documents which are posted on DEP's Web site onto their computers and read them electronically. This method saves both paper and money.

    Ordering Paper Copies of DEP Technical Guidance

       Although DEP promotes the use of electronic copies of its technical guidance rather than paper copies, there are still reasons for DEP to continue to provide members of the public with paper copies: 1) It may be more convenient to use some documents in a paper form, 2) Not everyone has access to the World Wide Web and 3) Not all DEP documents are on DEP's Web site yet. Persons can order an unbound paper copy of the latest Inventory or an unbound paper copy of any of the final documents listed on the Inventory by calling DEP at (717) 783-8727.

       In addition, bound copies of some of DEP's documents are available as DEP publications. Persons should check with the appropriate bureau for more information about the availability of a particular document as a publication.

    Changes to Technical Guidance Documents

       Between publication of its Inventory, DEP announces changes to its technical guidance documents in its weekly newsletter, the UPDATE and the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Here is the current list of recently finalized documents, draft documents and notices of intended changes to technical guidance.

       Persons who have any questions or comments about a particular document should call the contact person whose name and phone number is listed with each document. Persons who have questions or comments about the Inventory, the documents on the World Wide Web, the availability of paper copies from the printer or the technical guidance document process in general should call Nina Huizinga at (717) 783-8727.

    Final Technical Guidance

       DEP ID: 700-5600-001 Title: Guidance for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency Site Visits Description: DEP will provide, upon request, multi-media pollution prevention, energy efficiency site visits to encourage pollution prevention, energy efficiency best management practices within DEP and the regulated community. Page Length: 6 pages Location: Volume 1, Tab 20 Contact: Robert Zaccano at (717) 657-4121.

    Draft Technical Guidance

       DEP ID: 150-2302-001 Title: Critical Elements for Certification of Drinking Water Laboratories for Chemistry Background: As part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, DEP must maintain a laboratory certification program. This document is a necessary part of the certification program. A revision is needed based on EPA's revision of their Certification Manual. Deadline for Submittal of Comments: August 22, 1997 Contact: P. Ted Lyter at (717) 783-7050.

       DEP ID: 150-2302-002 Title: Critical Elements for Certification of Drinking Water Laboratories for Microbiology Background: As part of the Safe Drinking Water Act, DEP must maintain a laboratory certification program. This document is a necessary part of the certification program. A revision is needed based on EPA's revision of their Certification Manual. Deadline for Submittal of Comments: August 22, 1997 Contact: P. Ted Lyter at (717) 783-7050.

       DEP ID: 563-2000-208 BMR PGM: II:02:08 Title: Right of Entry Background: This guidance establishes criteria for review of right of entry requirements for surface mining activities. This guidance includes the proposed amendments to 25 Pa. Code, Chapter 86. Final rulemaking is scheduled for January 1998. Although this guidance cannot be put into effect until the final rulemaking for Chapter 86 is effective, the program seeks comments on the current draft. Deadline for Submittal of Comments: August 27, 1997 Contact: Thomas L. Whitcomb at (717) 787-6834.

    JAMES M. SEIF,   

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1151. Filed for public inspection July 18, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]

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