1147 Community revitalization program  



    [12 PA. CODE CH. 123]

    Community Revitalization Program

       The Department of Community and Economic Development (Department) has adopted a statement of policy regarding the Community Revitalization Program to read as set forth in Annex A. This program provides grants for community revitalization and improvement projects under Act 4A of 1997.

       In compliance with Act 4A of 1997, requiring publication of program guidelines, schedules and application procedures in the Pennsylvania Bulletin for the community revitalization and assistance appropriation, the Department announces the availability of funds and the following guidelines containing the schedules and application procedures for the Community Revitalization Program for the 1997-98 Fiscal Year.

    Fiscal Impact

       Appropriation of $35 million provided in Act 4A of 1997.

    Paperwork Requirements

       The guidelines will require completion of the Department's Single Application for Assistance Form by prospective applicants.

    Effective Date

       The guidelines shall take effect upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.


       Fiscal Note: 4-64. No fiscal impact; (8) recommends adoption.

       (Editor's Note:  The regulations of the Department are amended by adding a statement of policy at 12 Pa. Code §§ 123.1--123.8 to read as set forth in Annex A.)

    Annex A






    123.4.CRP requirements and instructions.
    123.5.Application submission and approval procedure.
    123.7.Limitations and penalties.
    123.8.Contact information.

    § 123.1.  Introduction.

       (a)  The CRP provides grants for community revitalization and improvement projects throughout this Commonwealth. CRP funds may be used for projects that are in Act 4A of 1997. Eligible projects are defined in § 123.3(b) (relating to eligibility).

       (b)  Assistance from the CRP is in the form of grants from the Commonwealth to eligible applicants for projects which, in the judgment of the Department, comply with Act 4A of 1997, are in accordance with the program guidelines in this chapter and meet all Department Single Application for Assistance criteria.

       (c)  The 1997 CRP expenditures will be charged to the State fiscal year July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998.

    § 123.2.  Definitions.

       The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

       CRP--The Community Revitalization Program.

    § 123.3.  Eligibility.

       (a)  Eligible applicants.  The following applicants are eligible:

       (1)  General purpose units of local government such as counties, cities, boroughs, townships and home rule municipalities.

       (2)  Municipal and redevelopment authorities and agencies.

       (3)  Industrial development authorities and agencies.

       (4)  Nonprofit corporations incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth.

       (5)  Community organizations engaged in activities consistent with the program guidelines as determined by the Department.

       (b)  Eligible projects.  CRP funds may be used for community revitalization and improvement projects that are consistent with Act 4A of 1997. These provisions include projects which:

       (1)  Improve the stability of the community.

       (2)  Promote economic development.

       (3)  Improve existing and develop new civic, cultural, recreational, industrial and other facilities.

       (4)  Assist in business retention, expansion, stimulation and attraction.

       (5)  Promote the creation of jobs and employment opportunities.

       (6)  Enhance the health, welfare and quality of life of Pennsylvania citizens.

    § 123.4.  CRP requirements and instructions.

       The following requirements apply to CRP:

       (1)  Project applications shall be submitted using the new Department's Single Application for Assistance.

       (2)  The Department reserves the right to request additional information regarding proposed use of funds, to verify non-Department funding sources, to require explanation or revision of the project's budget, and to require clarification of the project's narrative.

       (3)  An applicant shall follow the detailed instructions for completing the new Department Single Application for Assistance when applying for the CRP.

    § 123.5.  Application submission and approval procedure.

       (a)  Applications will be accepted anytime throughout the fiscal year. Applications should be submitted to the following address:

          Department of Community and
       Economic Development
    Customer Service Center
    4th Floor, Forum Building
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

       (b)  CRP grant awards will be made in three rounds during the fiscal year. The Department will grant approximately 40% of the program appropriation in the first round, approximately 40% in the second round and approximately 20% during the third round. These percentages are targets. The Department will make every effort to allocate program funds in accordance with these targets.

       (1)  The first round consideration will include all applications received between July 1 and September 30, 1997.

       (2)  The second round will include applications received between October 1 and December 31, 1997, and applications not approved in the first round.

       (3)  The third round will include applications received between January 1 and March 31, 1998, and applications not approved in the first and second rounds.

       (c)  Any CRP funds remaining after the third round may be awarded by the Department up to the end of the fiscal year.

       (d)  Information as to the status of grant applications may be obtained at anytime by contacting:

          DCED Customer Service Center
    (717) 787-3405

    § 123.6.  Procedures.

       (a)  CRP grant awards will be made by award letter. After the award letter has been mailed, the applicant will receive a contract document that shall be executed by the grantee and the Department on behalf of the Commonwealth.

       (b)  The applicant shall maintain full and accurate records with respect to the project. The Department will have free access to the records including invoices of material and other relative data and records as well as the right to inspect all project work. The applicant shall furnish upon request of the Department data, reports, contracts, documents and other information relevant to the project.

       (c)  Approved grants in the amount of $25,000 or more require the grantee to provide an audit of the grant by a certified public accountant, prepared at the expense of the grantee, in compliance with State law.

       (d)  Approved grants under $25,000 require the grantee to submit a detailed financial statement, and a close out report of the use of State funds consistent with the contract. An audit is recommended, although not required.

       (e)  Funds will be disbursed according to the provisions in the contract between the applicant and the Department.

    § 123.7.  Limitations and penalties.

       (a)  This section identifies program limitations or penalties, or both, that may result from the misuse of the grant funds.

       (b)  An applicant may not make or authorize any substantial change in an approved project without first obtaining consent of the Department in writing.

       (c)  If the full amount of the grant is not required for the project, the unused portion of the grant shall be returned to the Department.

    § 123.8.  Contact information.

       (a)  Program inquiries should be directed to:

          The Community Revitalization Program
    Strategic Planning and Operations
    311 Forum Building
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
    (717) 720-7352 or 7353

       (b)  Applications should be submitted to the following address:

          Department of Community and Economic Development
    Customer Service Center
    4th Floor, Forum Building
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

    [Pa.B. Doc. No. 97-1147. Filed for public inspection July 18, 1997, 9:00 a.m.]